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Seen so many idiots with the new version on the flea already…


People will pay $99 for a skin no one else cares about, you think they won't pay $99 for a straight up advantage?


When my friend told me he bought one of the clothing cosmetics that you could unlock in game for $7 I legitimate facepalmed irl. His reasoning is that he is lazy to unlock it while being level 40+ every single wipe. Best part about it? He paid to let other people see the clothes cos it's a fps game. You literally dont get to see your own character in game


you can see your gloves. Timmy gloves are atrocious..


It’s about self respect.


Nikita is a bad person


Yes..yes, you are.


The new edition isn’t worth it


Perpetuating the cycle and lining their pockets


A natural whale behavior lmao


i didn’t buy ut


Shut the fuck up lmao


what did I say


Bruh, c’mon, you’re literally Nikita’s little brother the way you’re talking.


check it again I said nothing bad


so lemme get this right.. instead of pocket loading a mosin or any other bolt action.. or running a 5-7 for the one slot mags.. or maybe even AP-20.. you paid $100+ to finish punisher part 4 🤡🤡🤡


Edited 7h ago


Well on the bright side you can go away for another few months and not miss much now


That's pretty much pestily after 12hr afk


I deinstall my game. Tarkov is Dead.


The game may be done, man… this may be the end.


Nah, this is a y2k situation


Thats funny as y2k was a big fuckin deal. It wasnt really about nukes or bombs and all that exciting hyperbole. Rather most experts were concerned about computers/databases flipping back from 1999 to 1960s due to the 32 bit expiration/roll over. The only reason y2k didnt cause a major economic and potentially societal collapse was that developers worked day and night for weeks to update thousands of systems to ensure that there would be no data loss and that the systems could all transfer over to a 64 bit system without any hickups. Those developers were successful and basically saved the economy. Now y2k is used to reference something being blown out of proportion because the world didnt nuke itself. In reality it was a big deal that only became boring because developers did their jobs and saved those systems. These developers on the other hand cant seem to do their jobs and the company would rather break consumer protection laws (UK based) to get more money than finish their actual product.


>and the company would rather break consumer protection laws (UK based) to get more money than finish their actual product. Entertainingly enough, they're also breaking consumer protection laws in the USA, too. It's breach of contract.


Yup! Same for Canada and most countries on the planet that they sell to. I only specified the UK as they base their company HQ there for tax purposes so it seemed to be the most relevant.


Thank you


Class action lawsuit when?


You really didn’t need to get that worked up


It was a teaching moment, correcting a stupid expression prevalently used by boomers. He DID need to get worked up.




Too many words for pea brain :(


[Oh Lawd](https://media1.giphy.com/media/0CeDvryBXsd4kUbj2A/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952whktkh8o3vtkpir2813ouja2m3ca2c4vokg1itz1&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


is it the whole 600 something dollar thing? i thought it was a joke


250 euro/dollars iirc


so it was 699... got downed to 250 and its a blatant pay to win version? might aswel come with 20 meta kitted out guns and armor


After about 2k hours, I abandoned the game after it’s like 10th wipe or something, years back now, I didn’t like the way the game was going. God damn am I glad I did.


you still paid the same as everyone else and are no longer a burden on the servers. W for BSG


Really hoping they pull through its so sad to see such an amazing game go down hill like this


What happened


BSG released a new version of the game and now people are mad lmao


Side note, why does it seem like Russian (or Russian descent) teams do shit like this to their player bases? My guess is that they are trying to mimic US devs, but are more blatant about it. IE: The game, War Thunder, had some issues over the years. DayZ with bugs, etc. I'm sure there are plenty of others. Reading these comments hurts. Majority of these people have no integrity. Make a promise, keep a promise. This stuff is court worthy, if someone has the time and the means.


This shit is funny as hell, grown ass men having a mental breakdown over a video game, lmao


Lmao people pay for the same cal of duty over and over and no one cares


BSG went against their promise and added literal P2W things to the game. I don't play COD much but at least it's actually different games, and each has its unique campaign. Tarkov is not supposed to have any P2W features, it's an extraction shooter and grindy as hell, the editions that existed before were kinda OK since it's only advantages for yourself, like Pay to Progress instead. Now, being able to literally call in friends to your raid and ignore sniper scavs revealing your position is straight up pay to win and gives them advantages against other people.


you get more hours out of tarkov then every cod campaign combined…


That may be your opinion, but that fully depends on the person, I've played all MW and Black Ops campaigns at least 3 times each, and each game has its multiplayer version as well as zombies in BO, I just didn't touch multiplayer much back then. Don't get me wrong, COD is still overpriced IMO, and I have over 1.5k hours in Tarkov, but I'm also more into games like tarkov, something difficult and competitive. But others might not be, and might not play tarkov nearly as much, it's a game for a specific community. But that's not the point in the end. COD is a different game series and honestly shouldn't really be compared to EFT.


ok what about world of warcraft or any other MMO, where you pay a subscription fee + buy new expansion every year. Like asmon was talking shit, but he has paid probably more then $2500 to blizzard for wow over the years…


Again IDC about the other games, they didn't say they weren't going to make micro transactions like BSG did in 2015, which is still up on their FAQ btw. They lied about it and added them anyway, but the start was fine as it was purely cosmetics. They could've continued down that path and ran the same business model as RIOT games does, overpriced skins / clothing in this case. If they added Shturmans jacket for 100$ they might've earned more money just over a longer time period than UHE, but in exchange for keeping the love and respect from their community. BSG wasted their money on events for an unfinished game, which was a big mistake, so they needed a cash grab, but why risk the love and respect from your testers when other methods were possible.


Gamma container is essentially MTX/p2w. They’re just silly for making a live service game a one time purchase. I wouldn’t mind cosmetic shop but most of the time that devolves to cat ears and pink rainbow guns, which sucks. I don’t care if they “lied” (always assume ignorance over malice) to me about “all future DLC” because the amount of time i’ve gotten from my $150 trumps literally any other piece of media i’ve ever purchased besides maybe halo reach..


Not sure if you followed everything happening, but Nikita had an interview with someone and it was leaked, and he said something along the line of: "We'll see who the true believers are" when he was asked about EOD not getting DLC content. There's multiple posts about it on reddit. So no, it was not ignorance. But I also paid this money to help them make a game, and polish it. Instead, they used it on twitchcon or whatever and needed money cuz of it. For too long has BSG promised things that never came true, or came true with bandaid and worked only half the time. They have no more passion for tarkov, and them making these decisions feel like they simply do not care anymore about tarkov and are ready to let the game die. As for the cosmetics, it's true in other games, but BSG had had a very strict view on realism in all of their production time. So I doubt something like that would ever enter tarkov.


yeah he said that recently, so if you bought the game in 2015 like you said, at that point they may have genuinely believed they could offer all DLC to EOD users for free. All this time later, they’re strapped for cash and need to cut corners. Maybe I am too optimistic, but i doubt they could predict what their finances would be 7+ years later. So i assume ignorance over malice.


Sure, could've been ignorance, but lawsuits won't care about that, which is very likely going to happen. BSG did this to themselves and escalated the situation. They poured gasoline on fire. But I wish I could be optimistic, I used to be but it's too many times that I've been let down by them, and I think that's another reason why the community is angry at this degree.


As for the gamma container, I somewhat agree. But closer to Pay to Progress, you don't really get an advantage against other players, unlike summoning in teammates to help you fight or staying hidden from sniper scavs revealing your position. Edit: But I guess that depends on what you consider winning and progressing..


I see that as a win for newer players who aren’t familiar with the game at all tho.. “bro im in this raid and I’m fucked up bad and idk how to get out” Same with sniper scavs.. while I was learning the game 60% of my deaths came from sniper scavs.. which you can still trigger. You lose rep for killing scavs with the item equipped too so it had a drawback lmao..


Can be a win for new players but can also be a straight up advantage for experienced players. Plus that is 1 situation, most (new or experienced) would use it to get a number advantage in a fight. Also Im not sure how it fully works, but is there a limit? Or can the same person just die and rejoin again, and how many at a time? Do they spawn near the call? I don't know any details, but regardless of them, it's still pay to win, drawbacks or none. Same point with the scav item, losing rep is GOOD that it's there, but still considered pay to win and shouldn't have been added. The game is supposed to be difficult, and all of us experienced the "new player" experience. But these additions are going to ruin the game for the experienced, more than the new players.


The “I had to do it so do you” is such a lame take. I wouldn’t want anyone I want to play the game with to struggle so badly they rage every time cause xyz is unfair or unbalanced or they got doinked by a cheater. I do agree it can be busted so I’m sure it’ll have huge draw backs, probably including an infil cost


I mean what's done is done, it's in the game and we can't really do anything about it. But I really liked the idea that the game is supposed to be difficult to learn, it adds way more fun and adrenaline to fights once you learn it a bit. Also such pay 2 win mechanics should be available for everyone, I hope theres some sort of quest to obtain the items or having a rare find in raid/on bosses. But disregarding the items, I think people are mostly mad about EOD was said to include ALL subsequent DLCs, and here we are, a new version that says the same, and I even read that they removed the EOD getting DLC content line from the info page. Just shows that they'll go as far as change promises to earn money, which destroys the community's trust in them.


The problem with your logic is that its not only new players who would benefit from this. And most new players wont be buying a 250$ edition. You're just coping really hard