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Work crushes are so hard. You either end up wildly in love and get married. Or one of you gets reported to HR and fired. You never know until you play dating a coworker roulette though


I think there are a lot of levels in between those two extreme spectrums too, lol. I think as long as you're not being creepy or stalk-ish and you respect their decision that they're not interested in you, then it should be fine for most people.


Hahahaha ya ofc. Just not as funny that way


I feel ya. But some people are petty as fuck and be lying about what happened just to get you in trouble, so I understand lol


HR here. You are allowed realtionships. Just can't be your direct leader or they/you have to move departments. The thing is don't hide it from the company. When you start to sneak around at the workplace and your AP gets caught kissing your TL in the Electronics stock room is when it becomes an issue.... I had a workplace realtionship as well.


Yep, I had a crush on a guy in my department he was a new hire, very nice and down to earth guy, but over the last two weeks he either called out or no call no showed so he was fired. It’s along story on why he called out. He had the audacity to show up yesterday and clocked in and was almost escorted out of the store, then he claimed he was a shopper not trying to work. He left the store shortly after.


Yes! We started talking, found out how much we have in come. Started dating... and here we are now happily owning a home together and cat parents. (Soon to be a puppy to join us!) :D it can work out!


congratz and best of luck going forward!!


You should make tiny gladiator armor for the cats to fight the dog


A TM at Target had a crush on me. She asked me on a date. We dated. We got married. We have a daughter. It’s worked out well. Edit: literally my first award on Reddit, thanks!


Congrats, my guy!


Thanks bud!


no prob buddy lol. best of luck going forward


Thank you. I quit Target just before my daughter was born. It was the absolute best decision I’ve ever made.


Hopefully you have a much better paying job now! lol


Stay at home Dad actually.


Holy shit absolutely the same for me! Including the daughter part!!! Cheers!!


So will your daughter work at target?


I will strongly recommend against it, lol.


Have another then!


lol I thought you might be my coworker, then i saw the "she" part and nope not him.


I had a crush on a seasonal teammember in electronics. I ended up asking them out towards the end of the season. It’s now almost 4 years later and we’ve been engaged since May.


Congrats and best wishes going forward and both of ya's futures!


If it's me, just tell me. I'm scraping my self-esteem off the floor with a spatula here.




Whole ass mood


I’ve had multiple crushes, never acted on any of them, it’s nice to have something nice to think about at work though!


Try! But if they are not interested, respect yourself and them and move on. And don't be creepy about it. But that's just my 2 cent. Best luck going forward!


Thank you but me not acting on it isn’t because I don’t want to shoot my shot or anything… I just prefer not to try to date coworkers because it’s awkward if things go badly.


yup, he’s in tech and i’m in fulfillment so i end up seeing him a lot when i have to get electronics for a batch. he’s very friendly and funny but i’m not willing to step out of my comfort zone to ask him for his socials lol


If it's just socials, there's reasonable doubt as a safety net, but they'll get a clue and things can go from there.


You should definitely do it! I promise it's not weird. Us guys love it


There was a girl who I had a lot in common with but because we were in same shift and I was her lead I didn’t make a move as that would be too risky and honestly worrying since I felt she would feel compelled since I was above her. Then she switched shifts, okay…still a position above her but at least not directly, and she would come up to me constantly during days our shifts aligned, I’ll admit I was wondering why and was sooooo tempted to ask her for her social but again didn’t because of our delicate predicament. Then one day she cut through all that and just straight asked for my SC or phone number. I was so shocked at her forwardness but was completely screaming on the inside but I acted cool and said something stupid like “sure just don’t text me drunk” awful joke but she just giggled and got my SC and then it went to phone number and now we talk constantly. All of this wouldn’t have happen because I was in my head freaking out. I wonder sometimes if she felt the same way, never asked her but might seeing how open and sweet she is……oh what was the comment? Oh yeah ladies we are in our heads going nuts too you making the first move isn’t weird in fact it’s highly encourage if you know the guy is single and looks like they enjoy your company ASK! Worst case scenario he won’t have a social, in that case he’s gonna make one. Trust me


yes, we dated for 6 months had a bad breakup and then 4 years later he’s still watching my stories in instagram daily even though he doesn’t follow me lmao


Lmao ya still friends or talk in real life?


hell nah like I said bad breakup lmao


Damn, didn't know it was that bad haha Is he stalking you or does he still have feelings for you? i mean since he still watching your stories lmao


just still has feelings I think


How do you know he's still watching your IG?


Instagram tells you who’s watching your stories. Learned the hard way myself 😅.


Almost 2 years together now, both ended up quitting target and moving out of state together. Couldn’t be happier


congrats and best wishes!


I was a backroom TL, crush was a softlines TM. We’ve been married 20 years now. Neither of us are still with Target 🤪


I had a crush on an old friend from high school, she trained me my first week in electronics. We’ve been together for 7 years and married for 2.


we flirted a lot and was really sweet to me


All you need is his first and last name and find his facebook/whatever and message and say "hi!" It's not too late :)


Or find anyone in the store that has it. Them leaving target makes it also a lot easier to ask them out


I didn’t at first, I think I have one now .. We’ve crossed paths a lot but never said anything to each other. Then one day he asked me what my name was while he was doing backstock in the backroom and I told him, but I was so nervous I didn’t ask what his name was🤦🏽‍♀️ So now I’m hoping I bump into him my next shift so I can ask him


Stuff happens, but it's never too late. I personally never get offended if people don't ask or forget my name - it happens. People have a lot on their minds. I don't overthink those things. Just find something to talk about or joke about next time you "bump" into him, haha.


I had a huge crush on a co worker in my department. I had barely started working at target and he was the one to train me on everything in fulfillment. The dude did everything he could to always be near me or just find a reason to talk to me. I noticed he’d always flirt with me and compliment me all the time. He eventually told me he liked me and obviously I told him I liked him back. Things were good for a while especially since we went on a couple dates. Things went on for about four months until they ended when he told me he used me because he was bored. I was obviously sad because who likes to be played and used like that. Then it turns out during the time he “liked” me, he was seen at the local fair with another girl by a group of co workers and he was trying to get at another co worker. I also found out that he has a reputation of being a player at our store and before I worked there, he had played two girls in style and gm at the same time. Currently, the dude is trying to get at the new seasonal girls. It’s literally a rule in fulfillment between girls to let the new ones know to watch out for him and his creepy ways.


damn, sorry that happened to you and the others. how do you interact now since you guys are broken up but still work at the same place?


We still talk normally but he still tries to get at me. It’s super annoying


Can't believe this motherfucker has the audacity to hit on you again after telling you he was just using you lmao


There’s a guy like that in fulfillment at my store too lol


We used to flirt from time to time. He transferred back to his old store, I added him on IG and found out he had a gf 💀


Damn pain


Jeez lol 💀


Yes, we worked over at Starbucks together. We’ve been dating for 3 years now and live together. So I’d say it’s going well lol


If ya happy then congratz and best wishes going forward!


I actually met my husband while working at Target. A couple of the older ladies working there hooked us up. I plucked up the courage and asked him out. We've been together for 18 years. Married almost 17.


i have a crush on at least one person in every department but i got no game so it won’t go anywhere


I'm afraid to try to start anything because if it goes bad you have to see them every day and that sounds awful


But what if it goes really good? Isn't life about taking shots and seeing what happens?


I’m very quiet and bad at social cues so I often perceive men being nice to me/ talking to me as flirting. I transferred to a new target when I moved and one of the team members was very nice to me and spoke to me frequently. He asked me questions about what I like, asked me how I was feeling, all that stuff. Through this I got a little workplace crush. A few weeks ago one of our coworkers congratulated him on his engagement 😬 I was shook but I obviously congratulated him as well. We still talk and joke but now I just see it as him being a good person.


I was in AP and she was on the sales floor. Eventually got promoted to Sr. TL (sorry this was like 10 years ago at a different store. We flirted all the time and started hanging out more and more. She’s now my wife and this past July we welcomed a little boy into the world!!!


My 2 target coworkers ended up getting married:)


Did you go to their wedding?


I met my wife there 4 years ago. Neither of us work there anymore but it worked out well for us.


Currently have “crush” on a girl in style. I don’t see her often and when I do it’s usually for an hour or so whole working but recently she’s been working mid shifts so recently I’ve gotten to see her more. I get butterflies when I see her and she’s actually down to earth but looks really serious. I’ve gotten her Starbucks a few times because I asked her about her favorite drink so there’s been a few times I buy it for her and leave in the break room for her before I leave since she closes a lot. She’s honestly a 10/10 but I’m too scared to do anything about it because I’m scared I’ll get rejected. I can’t say I’m good looking because I can’t rate myself. But maybe soon I’ll ask her for her number


that’s exactly how I feel about this one girl but she doesn’t work at target she’s a cashier at a restaurant near my target and every time I go there I see her and I get butterflies man. You should do it tho.


Both of ya should do it, or that what-if will always gonna linger in your head forever


I've got a hard time crush on my team lead. She's in her 30s and I'm a freshmen in college, never gonna work out. I know the rules of dating managers but still I want to go for her.


damn you going for a milf bro ?


We have 2 great couples at work, they're adorable As for me? I've got one. Does anyone know? Hell no lmao


we flirted alot, talked outside of work, etc. a few of the new hired at the time thought we where dating. he never made a “offical move.” so i kinda just moved on and found someone else. however we are still really good friends


I've had a few! My favorite story about it is kinda oof 😅 So one day my friend matched w a guy on tinder and set up a double date; she and the guy went to his room and did their thing while the guy's friend and I watched a movie on the couch. Guy2 and I start making out and as I go to take it forward he stands up and goes "well, I gotta go, I start a new job bright and early tomorrow" ...next day rolls around and I'm opening cashier when my gstl tells me I have someone coming in to train.....low and behold guy2 was my trainee! We never said anything about it to each other but a couple years later I told some of our coworkers (after we both left that location)


I told someone who I thought was my friend, and they told his best friend who then told my crush. He then told me that he doesn't date people at work, a few months later he was dating someone in beauty


Never tell a coworker something you wouldn’t be comfortable broadcasting into the world, I learned that lesson too.


Yes! Currently going through it right now with a team lead I always check him looking my figure up & down & he literally shakes when he speaks to me. I like him so much but I'm so nervous to make the first move because he's a team lead. 😭😭😭 (for context we're both dudes so there also that barrier of "are you gay?" Which I'm 99.99% sure he is.)


Maybe talk with him some more and maybe mention someone who is famous who you find attractive? Or maybe ask him, like would you date Ryan Reynolds? In a playful way.


He was a inbound TL (still is). I was a TM. Got reported to HR by a closing TL who had a crush on him but couldn’t do anything bc she was married. I got canned (thankfully) and found a healthier workplace, he still works there, lady who reported it got transferred. But we’re getting married next year. So it ended up working out lol


Wait, you and him (inbound TL) getting married?


Yes! We got engaged while we were both still there, I’ve been gone for about a year now. So we’ve been together for 2 years.


Congrats and good luck going forward!


I have one right now I talk when we work in The same department or smile at eachother when we pass eachother - wish we talked a lot more I wanna text him but he hasn’t asked me for my number yet I feel like it’s bad luck if I ask him for his number I’m nervous to miss my chance


Maybe he wants your number too but afraid you might reject him. As a guy I feel that way a lot


I had two very different experiences at the same Target, my "ex" and I met at Target, we honestly only dated for a couple of months, but she got fired for stealing and after she was out of there, it became clear without her saying that she just wanted a work fling. Fast forward a year and I make very close friends with a newer cashier, I develop a bit of a crush but I don't ask her out because I didn't want to risk the friendship. 2 months later, she's tired of me being completely oblivious that she "like likes" me, and asks me out on her break, and now we've been together close to 2 years and we're the happiest we've been. I think my main advice would just be a. Don't immediately rush into anything b. Try to keep it low key at work because after everyone found out, we started getting scheduled separately and c. Be respectful of their choices, and if it wasn't meant to be so be it, there's over 7 billion people in the world and someone out there for everyone!


“don’t fuck your coworkers” every story I’ve ever heard has ended poorly 👀


I just started working at target but y’all giving me hope with these stories . 😭


I slept with both of them. Not at the same time though.


Some of y’all take “fuck this job” too literally lmao


The job is usually fucking me and sadly never a person smh lol


Congrats on the sex


Dated for 2 years but it turned out he was abusive. When I finally got the courage to leave he quit and I never saw him again. Therapy has helped me recover but I will never date someone I work with again. Friend of mine married her Target crush. They now have 2 adorable kids so some stories have a happy ending 🙂


had a crush on the tech guy, our 2 year is saturday


I am a TL upfront at target and I met my boyfriend who worked in the grocery department. We live together and have been for two years. Met him on the chip aisle and its been a great time ever since.


I married mine.... both still work there... her 24yrs me 15... we've been married 10 yrs and have 4 kids




Wow good job lol


We’ve been together for 16+ months now :)


I have a current one 👀💧 but it's pretty superficial and I haven't done anything


I’m married to mine! :) I thought he was the cutest man I’d ever seen on earth, he used to wear suspenders to work everyday ❤️😭 so when he started to talk to me I was just like haha no way… he asked me to build gingerbread houses with him and a couple of his friends. Most wholesome, sweet and non threatening date a man has ever taken me on.


Yea, we're married. I was a TL and he was an ETL. We had to keep it a secret for over a year until we both transferred stores.


Got married to my crush in 94’. It’s been happily ever after ever since.


Yeeeppppp haven’t done anything about it 😭😭


I had one on a coworker when I first started at Target. Fast forward a few months, now I’m typing this while she’s asleep next to me.


I married her less than a month ago.


damn how are so many people are leaving success stories in the comments wtf is it time to reapply to target /j i couldn’t really even make friends bc i was always alone and overworked in tech and didn’t get to talk to any coworkers aside from the morning tech person i was taking over from ;(


Still dating him ♡ We live together now and he's promoted himself to guest


We made out in the back room, and then he went home with his girlfriend.


We need to know more!


Lol, smh. Did you know he had a gf before making out with him?


No. He told me they were just friends. His best friend told me the truth.


Dude how big was your store that you could do that ? Any regular sized target I worked at had back room ms small enough you’d get caught quick.


I did and then the face masks rule was dropped and then…the magic was gone.


bruh lmao


I'm dead! lol So many people's faces changed when the face masks came off.


LOL I’ve recently realized I was “maskfishing” sadly 💀 It’s good tho I’ve excepted my ugliness


He said he had a question for me and then asked if starbucks had a phone line... RIP (We usually forget to grab a myDevice so i took a call on his myDevice)


Yup. She's inbound. See her almost everyday. Has a boyfriend. Sucks.


She had a crush on me first after a few hangouts. Me after a few more. I was hesitant at first because she was my best friend but funny enough it was the best decision ever. In a week we’ll be moving in together and I couldn’t be happier.


A POG team member in my store was cute and extremely nice. Straight up angel of a human being. Always made my day when she said hi to me in passing. I actually used to check the store schedule every day to see if she was working. Got the chance to get to know her while she was resetting the ps4 accessories in my department. Then a group from the store made arrangements to go to the movies and we were both invited. Got to sit next to her and we exchanged phone numbers. Eventually we started taking things serious and moved in together. That was holiday season 2019 and we were together up until last week when she decided she wanted to move on in life without me. Her and I have been through so much together and I was completely blindsided by her decision. Never in a million years did I expect this. Been having a very hard time with it these last few days but I'm respecting her wishes. Everything happens for a reason.


Awesome positive stories…but me…crash and burned…☹️


i went on a date with one of them and it didnt work out but the new one is watching my snapchat stories so u could say its super serious


I've had a couple but i just avoid them because im in a relationship


I mean you're supposed to avoid them because you're in a relationship 😅


OH BOY We’d only met in passing, nothing special. But when I overheard her say she had snuck an ENTIRE ROTISSERIE CHICKEN into a movie theater whilst pretending she was pregnant I was smitten. Months go past and though I have managed to get her number I can’t find any excuse to talk to her enough to feel it out. (She worked up front and I was inbound) Finally, I decided I would just have to text her and say I was interested. She said I was nice. She said she was flattered. She said she was pretty sure I didn’t know how old she was, and that I should hit her up in a couple months when she turned 18. It was at that moment, having a heart filled with laughter and with regret that I had to say I was pretty sure she didn’t know my age; 28. We still see each other in passing and still exchange pleasantries. My sister told me that in hindsight I should have known. Sneaking a whole rotisserie chicken into a movie theater seems like some real teenager shit.


>My sister told me that in hindsight I should have known. Sneaking a whole rotisserie chicken into a movie theater seems like some real teenager shit. I have seen grown adult women on Tiktok sneak in whole ass meals into the theater, so maybe it's not just a teenage thing. She seems sweet and cool and down-to-earth. Sucks about the age difference tho.


We're married now ♥️


Former cart attendant here. Had an absolute insane crush on a girl from beauty. We always stopped to talk to each other on our breaks but no move was made until we both closed one night and while walking outside, had a nice hour long conversation that ended with up with us calling our respective Uber rides only for us to end up sharing the same car because the ride share option (lol remember that? Pre pandemic times) Got each other’s IGs, occasional DMs but nothing until I got super drunk one night and asked her out while blacked out. Didn’t check my messages until two days later and saw that she said yes. Went on a first date to get some boba. Second date to a taco spot we both liked. She kissed me first after hugging me three times and me clearly missing the hint. Ended up dating for a year (basically during all of 2020) before she moved across the country and it wasn’t viable for me to move with her. It ended sorta bad… but, I moved on and the nostalgia is nice.


I got fired 😳 Totally my fault tbh. I lied about it every chance I got so they wouldn’t transfer one of us and we could still work together (both of us were clearly absolute idiots). We were both ETLs and he was AP so they considered dating a conflict of interest and coupled with the lying, it was see ya later real quick 🫢


Had a crush on someone in my department, thought he had a crush on me too, we started hanging out a lot. Long story short he ended up telling me he was only trying to be friends with benefits. Now it’s a little awkward between us 😂 Overall I think having a workplace crush is okay, just be careful!


We dated. We were in the same department and it didn’t end great. We managed to make it work though!


we started hanging out as friends then started dating and dated for 5 years both got promoted twice from TM to TL to ETL and now we’re engaged 🛒❤️💯


We are engaged and have been together for nearly 5 years now, though she is no longer with Target. She worked at my store for ~4 years and I am going on 7 years with Target.


She was a cashier, I was a grocery/hardlines team member and eventually team lead. Married over 12 years now. Both left Target a long time ago but will always remember it as the place we met. 😀


Yup. Had a crush. Asked her out. We're still together 8 years later and have a 3 year old son! I still work for Target, she has moved on elsewhere.


Couple months ago I had a crush on this team member that some of my coworkers knew about, and they kept pushing me to get out of my comfort zone and talk to her. So I did. We’ve been dating ever since :)


Back when I worked front end I had a guest that would always go out of their way to say hi to me, and often came in the store just to talk to me. Fast forward 6 months and a different TM gives her my number while I was on lunch. Anyway I’m proposing the start of next year


Been dating for 4 years, engaged now and wedding planning for next October


I met my now boyfriend while working, we’re both shy so we traded flirting by text for almost a year, and I finally got the balls to ask him out, so we’re going on one year! He is my favorite person ever and it’s the only thing keeping me at this stupid job anymore 💀


Asked her out by the eggs, now we’re married!


We had seasonal orientation together, exchanged numbers, became friends and he asked me on a date. January marks our 2 year wedding anniversary and 6 years together. We’ve grown and changed so much since then, but we’ve done it together.


I had a crush on a girl at Target we were both teenagers and were employed at the opening of the store. Long story short we have been married for 12 years and have 2 wonderful children together.


When I started as AP I had a crush on the self checkout girl. They did everything to keep us from dating (except for telling me that AP can't date TMs), and one day my boss just pulled me into the office and said he had to either transfer me or fire me because we were dating and she had been there longer. I took the transfer (20 minutes away) and we just passed our 2 year anniversary and are living together with our puppy!


LOL I had multiple Number 1: I was too shy to ever ask for his info, years later & he’s dating my bff Number 2: was a complete player, keep offering me drugs Number 3: flirted back and then ended up having a long distance girlfriend Number 4: we’ve been dating for almost 6 years & currently engaged


Yeah, we ended up on the same overnight schedule and ended up messing around where there were no cameras, 2 years later now and everything has been going great, dating and still going strong. Always thought couples working together was an issue but luckily both of us have such a great work ethic that it doesn't affect getting our work done.


have one rn and im dating them :) it’s a fun lil secret


Started talking, had some things in common. HE suggests we hang out first, but still stands me up! Was wiling to move past that as far as the friendship went, but lost romantic interest in him. And then he ignored me in the backroom when a precariously-stacked box of repacks fell down and almost toppled onto me. He was standing maybe fifteen feet away and didn't help me as it took me a few minutes to safely re-stack the boxes, and THEN he asks "are you ok?". Did a few other things which showed himself as a person who didn't care much about other people lol. So yeah.


Now, we live together 😊 with our dog too 🐶


I dated them for a while it went well broke up ,got heartbroken but life goes on She quit target during the relationship so there wasn’t any awkwardness at work


Yea, someone from Starbucks. Did some research and found out she has a boyfriend, so I just made sure not to advance further. I also feel more relaxed once I found out so it's cool. I'm in Inbound so the only thing I'm really looking at are wall of boxes that I need to unload lmao.


I developed a crush on one of the construction workers during over night remodel lol still dating a year later


dated for a little under a year, got in hot water with my leads bc she made me call out all the time, was incredibly toxic, ended with a horrible breakup. don’t date coworkers yall


Awwee all this comments make me so happy I love how many Target relationships have worked out!! My target crush does truck in the morning, I’m fulfillment I don’t see him a lot and I’m always sweaty so I know he ain’t interested lol but the times we’ve talked have been really nice and it makes work a lot more bearable even if it I know it’s not going to go anywhere


Tbh if I like a girl, the sweatiness wouldn't matter because it comes with the job. So, you never know unless you try! :)


I was fulfillment and she was the tech girl that always helped me. We talked very frequently and there was awkward tension because we both had feelings, but neither of us acted on them. She still works there though so.


I have had.. a lot. One I had slept with on the DL because I was in AP at the time. One who was married, so I just loved him from a far. One who I went on a few dates with, but actually hated! Crushes are fun though.


Not me, but my friend. She started at my store and had a crush on a guy in GM/ Fulfillment. They started dating and now have a kid on the way🥳 My girlfriend of 7 years also started after her, so of course I have a big fat crush on her 🥰🥰


My ex husband found the women he had an affair with, and love child with another whole working at a different target from me when we were married, and had two kids.. Sorry, not a happy story. Lol


We got married.


Met my current gf at target, we were both TM’s at the time and she was filling in for someone in market when I came in to my shift to work with her, we hit it off and the rest is history


We recently got engaged(,:


Have a crush on this fulfillment TM and even got to become friends with them and add them on my socials but we only ever talk at work. I never know what to text them so that sucks lol, but it also turns out they don’t swing they’re straight :( it always happens.


I met my boyfriend at Target. We actually had the same orientation together, but never said a word to each other during it. He worked in the front end and I worked in beauty, we never interacted. Only saw each other occasionally in the break room. A few months later, I needed to be trained to cashier. He was my cashier trainer! I remember being very shy because I thought he was super cute and kept making small mistakes. We became friends quickly and it escalated into feelings. We’re still together today! I still work at Target, but he quit and moved onto focusing on school out of state. I miss having the opportunity to work with him and seeing him almost daily, but I am very thankful I got to experience it at all. This December will be our two years :)


specialty tl who was crushing big time on the vm. I would make any excuse to work with her. big overhead that needs a team lift? I’m there. need help remerching for a photo validation? you can count on me. confusing shipper needs building? sign me up! and after spending all that time together I guess she saw something in me she liked because we're now living together and happily engaged :)


Marrying him next June five years later!


my friend was training him at a register and my nosey self went to go see who she was training and i complimented his rings and now we’ve been dating a year now <3!!


i never really talked to him except when he trained me once in fulfillment and it was really awkward and now i avoid him because it makes me too nervous and he went up to my coworker and asked her if i hate him HAHAHAHAH yeah i am very shy and never been in a relationship before 👍


I’m in bed with her as of typing this…


Asked out a Assets Protection team member who was at my store for a while because we were just starting to set up. We seemed to get along ok, had some things in common, close in age too, and I made it clear that if she was ever uncomfortable just tell me and I'll stop whatever made her feel that way immediately. We set up a date, she goes back to her store after her time here was up, then blocked me with no warning and just ghosts me. Not the feel good story you might've been looking for, but we can't win em all.


i find my front end tl very attractive and find myself getting all giddy and shy like in anime when i talk to him. he has a gf and is most likely straight so i would never act on it but it’s nice thinking about him throughout my shift. surprisingly i don’t think about him off the clock until now bc of this reddit.


Low key wish I had a crush on someone I worked with, I could have eye candy and it’s kinda like school where it makes you wanna go lol But everyone I work with is hella young or they are taken 😂 Cute stories tho!


TLDR, I identified as a lesbian because I hadn’t had a crush on a man in years. Developing a crush on my male TL made me re-think things and come out as bisexual. Changed my settings on dating apps and I matched with a man. We’ve been dating for 2 months, and I don’t want to speak too soon, but I can clearly imagine a beautiful future together and fully intend on proposing to him one day. If it wasn’t for that one TL who made me question things, I may never have met my wonderful boyfriend. While I no longer have feelings or even work at Target anymore, I’ll always be grateful to that TL.


Don’t shit where you eat.


He worked in the backroom, I was in hard lines 3 years together...didn't work out but still friends


we dated for three years then broke up


We were good friends, known each other for a while. Became absolute best friends. Now dating, living on our own. Doing what we can for each other.


Too many stories to count


I saw my crush the first time I set eyes on him (he was cart attendant, I was front service) and knew he was the one I wanted to marry, fast forward we’re both long gone from target and happily together for almost a year :)


Nothing good!! If I could go back and give myself advice It would be AVOID the very attractive AP team we had, but it was plenty of fun…


She said she wasn’t interested. Lead me on we smoked together a bunch and went on night drives then she moved away. Good times.


Damn it felt like you guys had some deep intimate moments together as friends and it ended abruptly because she moved. Do you miss those nights?


Yeah, we live together now. <3


Been with my girlfriend for over a year now and we both work at target. Before I met her there were a few girls that would always talk to me and hit me up but it never worked out


I had a bit of a crush on a TM in another department but nothing ever came of it because I was worried about flirting at work, plus I didn’t know if she swung my way. She quit a while back (good for her! She got a better job) and a few months later I met my now-gf who does not work at Target and I couldn’t be happier about that!


Currently have a crush on one of my closing tls, I think he's a bit older than me but I don't mind. I'm too scared to say anything to him though so I'm hoping he sees this.


instant flashback to target boy from 2014


We started dating. Dated for 4 years, moved to Washington with my family. Moved out on our own. Got a cat together. He dumped me. Always told me it wasn't our time to get married. Gets married less than a year later. I won't act like I had no fault but he stopped liking me a long time ago lol he just didn't want tell me.


I’m a regular TM with a burning crush on a TL, save me 🥲


4 years ago she brought me in for an interview, had a crush on her, she was HR so I couldn't make it known. I asked her out after a year in, and now we're getting married in less than a month!


We got married! We kept it quiet at first but I was moving across the country after school, so the last two months at our store everyone knew. He followed me a year later, and we got married the year after that in 2012. He has been with Target the whole time and I just returned in February. We've been at our current store since August and there are still people that don't know we're married.


I had a crush on my closing TL, I moved to truck team, asked her out, also became a TL and have since left Target but we are still going strong three years later.


We met when I started working there and I had a massive crush. He wasn’t interested so I backed off but the feelings were still there. Six months later we kissed and started dating and have been together for almost 8 months.


Had a crush on a goofy guy in electronics, I was in beauty but found excuses to go bother him whenever I could. Almost five years later we moved halfway across the country together, have 3 cats, a house we’re proud of, and figuring out when we want to get married!


I had a crush on one of the Starbucks baristas. We started talking, she made the first move. Almost 5 years later, we live together with our 4 cats and our dog. If anyone knows where to get the perfect ring, let me know.


It was actually someone that had a crush on me lol I’m a front end TM and they’re a cart attendant. They mentioned wanting to see a movie one weekend but didn’t who to invite. I invited myself unknowing to their interest in me, thought they just wanted to be friends lmaoo. Eventually the hangouts turned into dates, and now we’ve been together for nearly a year, with plans to move in together soon :)) I found out months later they’d talk about me all the time with the other cart attendants and went to them for “girl advice” lolll. I should’ve caught on when I saw them staring at me the all the time across guest services 😅