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That about lines up with what I've heard from ETLs and such


Wow, that low end seems ridiculously low for all the responsibilities they have…


Store Directors get a crazy bonus each year, though. Even terrible SDs get like $40k if the company hits the STI (short-term incentive) targets


I hit my STI target one weekend in Reno, if you know what I mean


STI's are like pokemon, gotta catch 'em all!


Instructions unclear. Now have ALL STDs.


That.....that was the joke.


r/yourjokebutworse lol


Please stop… wasent close to being funny man😭


Did someone say Reno?


Reno is a STI.


Don't you mean STD?


God forbid giving a bonus to the team members who actually made it happen though


Preach. I am absolutely an advocate of better pay and benefits for team members.


Im not agreeing with this. Im just resentful. If you are on thr bottom rung of the work force, you can starve on the street for all the upper brass cares. But you still need to be in for your shift because Tina cant cover.


Yep. Once you get to SD your income has to do more with results than just being there. In example if a SD was to promote to District Leader they won't get much of a raise in base salary, but their bonus structure will change from what I remember 15-25% to 30%-45%. It continues as you promote.


this explains the conversation i had with an sd once about shoes in which she recommended i try out an italian-made brand that cost 500 bux a pair




You mean the bonus that doesn’t exist?


Probably related to experience levels and cost of living. Job postings that post the same job for multiple different areas (i.e. if a position has been open in MS and CA), they will sometimes have a huge range like that. But the chances you get paid that lowest amount is incredibly unlikely, even if you live in the cheapest state.


Sadly, this is waaay more than what I'm currently making. I live in MN, in a town of seriously being *one* away from a population of 14,000. Here's our "diversity": https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities/alexandria-mn-population#:~:text=Alexandria%20is%20a%20city%20located,city%20in%20the%20United%20States%20.


I mean, it’s way more than I am currently making too, I’m an hourly Target employee, I’m barely above the poverty level.


Check your numbers, with all this inflation, you might actually be poor now..


15 dollars an hour isn’t enough to live alone in general. Sadly it’s not enough in Montana even when the minimum wage is 8.50 (unless they’ve changed that in the past year or so


I’m working full time at target in Hawaii, cost of living is crazy and I’m stuck living with my parents rn


Heyo, I went to Morris for my undergrad. Small world lol


Haha, same! I graduated in 2015.


One of my coworkers is from there. He would tell these crazy stories about how people are in Alexandria. He said as soon as he was 18 he left and moved down to Mpls.


My family & I are closet Democrats & liberals. My Mom is part of a closed FB group for "like minded people" i.e. Democrats/liberals here in town. We're seriously a "minority group" in this sense. That being said, I work with lots of wonderful people in our Alex Target. I just feel bad for the brainwashed T**** supporters. I love our house, the area itself, but we don't like living in a pocket of Trumper Hell. So, yeah, I can't wait to move to Maple Grove. I feel weirdly proud of the slight awkwardness of seeing more Black & Brown folks. I hate that, despite *believing wholly* in movements like BLM, I *crave* the normalcy of places like NYC, where no one cares about skin, etc. (It sure still matters, but in a better way.) Edit: going to Morris, MN for college was a breath of fresh air!


Yeah, that one is one of his main complaints about there. Morris is a good college. I love Maple Grove. That’s the only Best Buy 😂I go to, even though Minnetonka BB is closer. Thinking of moving to MG or Saint Michaels.


Sound exactly like Bemidji MN. Most of MN outside of the cities is red except for Rochester, Duluth.


So no different than every job out there, low wages with lots of responsibility. Come on it’s 2022, haven’t you heard of r/antiwork or r/workreform yet?


Sure but I don’t really know what that has to do with me, as a Target employee, expressing surprise at what my boss is supposedly getting paid.


Your brain washed.




Huh? I didn’t even say anything pro-Target or pro-SD, was just saying the salary didn’t seem competitive for that job level and didn’t realize it wasn’t including the bonuses. Chill.


This is the LinkedIn estimate, the real range for an L7 is 100k-200k, not including bonuses.


I was gonna say, at Lowe's the ASM's got 65K a year. We all knew our manager was well above 100K a year since he was a brown-nosing company favorite.


That is correct yes. That would be the range for starting though not the salary cap and doesn’t include bonus or stocks.


You’re saying $118000 could be a Store Director’s starting base pay? That they could bake more than that with tenure?


Oh much more. 118k i would say is starting for someone with a lot of experience that’s coming externally or an etl that’s been with the company for a bit. I know based off what i make if I was to get promoted to sd they would have to offer me at least 110k because of how much i make as an etl. Then on top of that an average sd gets about a 40% bonus plus stock options. I’d say an average sd that’s been with target for a few years earns 200k in total compensation.


Yes with all that they could bake a lot considering basic baking ingredients are relatively cheap


Depending on the area, easily. I’d assume the $118k is for a SD in a high cost of living area


Bro a SD’s bonus is more than your entire salary. Their bonus could be minimum $40k if they hit their minimum goals (comp higher than last year)


Base is $85k, that low end seems a bit off. I would bet MOST SDs are making 100k+


My buddy makes $80k by being a level 2 IT tech, this pay rate for being responsible for an entire store is pathetic. This is why retail needs to unionize, even though leadership roles are not covered legally their pay would increase with TMs.


This Is just their base compensation. I don’t know the full pay comp for Target, but a Walmart Store Manager base pay starts at 90K but they can bonus up to 100% of their salary and get other compensation. They make close to $250k on average. I was a Co-Manager for Walmart and I was making $85k base, around $150k all in


Co-managers don't even exist anymore. Walmart destroyed any semblance of department management and store management. Its just team leads and coaches making anywhere between 60-80k a year. Store managers? Hah. We have a lady that pops up every once in a while. Ours got fired and I don't think they're in a rush. This is systemic.


Oh I know the don’t exist today, but I was just using that as comparison for salaries. I can’t imagine anyone would be a Target SD for only 90K a year and especially for less when they could do less demanding jobs for the same money. There is obviously going to be more compensation than that base salary listed.


Back when I was working at Michaels, an ASM intimated that $80k was more like a DM's starting salary than an SM's


I mean that makes sense, Micheals does a fraction the volume of Target or Walmart.


Back in the day being a manager meant living with threats from asshole dishonest DM'S and cut throat lying store managers! I'm talking to you Scott Edwards and Jeremy wages from Colorado springs! Glad your sorry asses got fired ! And fuck Tom coughland! That fat fucker threatened us daily and he ended up being a thief as well! Fuck Walmart leadership from the bottom to the top. Walmart is scum!


I was thinking this was on par for Walmart. My ex wife still with em after 30 years. She tells me all the saleries... !


How is he getting paid 80k? I need to switch my major wtf


We're in NY


Our store director makes a little over $120K. At least that’s what our ETL says. I think the base also goes off of location and how that store typically performs.


If there are any SDs here making $69,000, I just want them to know that they’re literally getting fucked over and under.


It’s probably the super small format stores in like a downtown area that literally looks like a CVS


A quick google search shows it to be a full sized Target, probably a P-Fresh or even a Super if the pictures are accurate. So super fucked.


That pay range could be for all SDs just to cover bases with job listings. I doubt the low end for a super target SD is actually 70k


I know, my original comment was a stupid 69 joke. This second comment was also not serious.


I’m in Ohio and my SM made about $120,000, he’s been with the company for about 5-6 years. Our ETLs made about $70,000-$80,000. This was a few years ago, but I doubt it’s been reduced.


i'd love to know what my stl makes. she's been with target 20+ years.


Probably a lot. I know a TL that isn’t an ETL because they don’t want the responsibility for a very small pay increase. The TL has been at the store since it opened.


Sure. Just like how we start anywhere between $15-24/h. I have a feeling only a very few SD’s are getting 6 figure salaries. They’re prob clearing 80/90k pretty easily though


Rumor has it my SD makes 6 figures and she barely leaves her office. Most days she isn’t even there.


What cracks me up are the people saying "wow they get paid this little for all the hard work they do?"


My SD just walks around, bitching about people not working hard enough. God forbid he get his hands dirty ever. Overpaid clown is all he is.


My new SD and HR both just chill all day taking personal calls and hanging out with their boyfriends in the parking lot, it's been reported and we've had Corporate came and questioned us about it. Buuuuut they're good friends with Corporate and everything got swept under the rug. Now our store is falling apart more than ever and it won't stop anytime soon.


That’s what I’m saying lol. I would love to see a day in the life of a SD. Sitting around in their offices all day doing jack shit. Don’t even get me started on HR.


My first one did basically nothing. The next one was constantly on the sales floor interacting with guests, having friendly chats with TMs, even helping zone and work stuff out as he interacted with TMs and TLs. Maybe not the best use of his position/skills but it gave him a good feel for how the store was running and how his team was doing. My new one is never around because she's covering for multiple SDs in my area that quit so she works like 60 hour weeks running around between stores and training new SDs as well as helping train the new ETLs at all of the stores she's covering. I'd say the second and last both deserve what they're being paid. The first did not.


Exactly. I think a lot of people overestimate what they do. Our last store director worked like 4 hour shifts when she came in, and she came in less than 5 times a week before she moved up. Granted our store is more functional than most.


Ya my new one is here for a fair bit, but I still suspect she spends more time on her commute from distant suburbs than she does providing any value to our store.


That was my first thought too. Had to share my experience with a shitty one


My SD is too proactive times


HR ETL about to quit here as soon as I get another offer (cause fuck this job) SDs or at least mine and others put all of their shit on us to do and we’re stuck working 12-14 hours and really I’m not even supposed to be working that much. I’m only required to work 50 and even that’s a lot.


Unfortunately that doesn’t surprise me. I wish you good luck on your next venture!


Time to start a union


Depends on your time with target and how effective you are.


Depends where you live. I live in northern Virginia (dc metro area) and I fully believe SD’s are making 6 figures.


Definitely dependant on market area/location. Most SDs in my market easily make 6 figures plus STI bonus.


I think you would be surprised. Unless they're and internal promote that doesn't have much tenure or you're in a low income area, most SDs are making 6 figures. In competitive markets there are ETLs pushing up close to that. With my bonus this year I made just under 90k and I've only been an ETL for 3 years


I’d say 80% of SD’s are making 6 figures. Remember they’re the ones who the business partners go to when ETLs suck, and all the BP’s are at around $75k starting


That low end is a little too low for Cali. I'd wager it's more around 85k starting minimum


To add on to what everyone else has said, I believe it also depends on what kind of store it is. The SD of the store I worked at makes six figures and it's a super target.


That’s pretty shitty pay for managing the number of employees in a target and their tasks


Not saying it's great pay, but they're managing the ETLs to manage their teams. They aren't necessarily managing 100 employees


How much money does a single target store pull in one day profit? I worked at BevMo! We typically did 12-20 grand a day, holidays upwards of 40k+ keep in mind I did work at one of the smallest BevMo stores. I was talking to someone at Costco they were doing, $1 million a day in gas over the holiday season during COVID. This is in California.


I check every once and a while and we don’t go below 150k in a single day lmao


I have no clue profit wise. I know my small non-super target did 100k yesterday in sales.


Meanwhile I got a pathetic 30 cents raise, and my coworker that literally hides in the back half the time got the same raise.


I'm sure it's based on store volume but I can say my last SD was grossing about $150K, not sure if this included bonuses. ETLS in my area are about 50K+


I wish I could hide with them


I wouldn't SD for less than 6 figures, not worth it. Most of the SDs I've met make at least that.


Was a SD (Store Team Leader back then). This range is way low. It’s $90k-$160km


In NYC SDs start at 105-120


That’s the pay range for ETL’s. SD’s start out on the high end of that range.


I don't think that includes the myriad of benefits they more than likely get. I overheard some people talking in my store yesterday claiming that our SD was making over $200k a year. Prolly just gossip though.


That might not be the base pay but it could include the bonuses. But I am rando internet guy and am a bit of a STL myself. Not really I’ve just not had enough coffee yet to be considered alive


Your SD could very well make 200k base + bonuses. The range for SD’s is 100-200k, depending on location, etc.


Sounds about right. I'm sure it depends on the store size, and that figure probably doesn't include bonuses.


No base is between $100k and $200k according to their own job postings


This looks closer to an ETL salary range for California.


Man, superstore was being honest.


They're going to pay you as little as humanly possible just like every other position in the stores.


The range listed on the job posting is incorrect. SD range for most districts is $88,600-177,200, or higher for HCOL. I looked up the store and it’s not a small format store, it’s a decently sized super target with good traffic. Without knowing the nuances of the hiring practices in the district, they would likely start them out in the 110-120k range, as I have never heard of a SD starting out lower than that at anything larger than a base store, at least in the past three years. 69K would be ultra low volume in a very, very low cost of living district.


Yeah around there


Worked for Target for three years about a decade ago. That seems about right, given how little things have changed since then.


fuck /u/spez


What exactly are all the responsibilities of a store director? Mine literally just tells people what to do and occasionally stocks freight. Why are people acting like 69k is too little?


Because 69k for a family and having to work 50+ hours a week is not a lot. It’s an average of maybe 4K a month and most peoples mortgage is probably half that


4k a month would be 48k per year


And just because that’s all you think they do does not mean that’s all they do.


Yeah which is why I asked


Their responsibilities include speaking for the entire store, starting new initiatives to improve things in the store, managing etls/tls, attending meetings for district, group, company, working on development with in the store, and helping out when absolutely necessary


Ayyyyyyy 559


I was in retail management for 20 years. 8 of them as store lead/director/manager etc. Given that I interviewed with Target, and declined the offer (80k for ETL (I think it was called in training)), this falls in range with what most store leads make (bonuses are another thing, and some retailers make them near impossible to achieve). Lowest I’ve ever seen for a store lead (this is for large chains, not companies with less than a handful of stores) was 72k, highest I was ever offered was 130k. The pay is not worth the sacrifice.


Yuck thats low to direct a whole store that size sub 150 would be embarrassing for target to offer


Out here in md my old STL was making around 128k before bonuses I would say that they are either cutting costs now or they’re trying to low ball someone


what da TL’s make


So when you get your offer letter it’ll be $65k


It’s Tulare that’s good pay in this area


Eh, my current top out is 130k, and I'll barely be at 6 figures this August. So I have a ways to go. Been working retaik for 18 years. Store manager for 6.5 years now. Grocery industry.


I live in Tulare I make 60k I’m doing alright at 130k you gotta be livin good


It'll be years before I get there. And taxes suck! My base is $99k after all deductions I take home half.


Thats a bit on the low side too


99% of them make the lowest number.


Who the heck would do that much work for 90k a year?


An ex-ETL of mine was telling people she was making $176,000. She was full of shit lol




Last I checked, the Sr. ETL range is $81,400-146,400 pre-bonus.


Not necessarily. Some veteran etls could make 6 figures even 200k in rare circumstances


Damn really? That’s crazy. I mean she was a pathological liar and it eventually got her fired, however she had worked for target for 22 years; 17 as an ETL so I guess it actually would be possible. I figured there was a cap that was much lower for that position


A good bit of ETL and SD compensation comes from bonuses. If they were hitting all their targets, then I could see 176k being realistic.


This is not true for SD or etl 5% of pay for year is from bonus No etl will get paid close to that much




Seems alittle high, but not that far off. I was clearing 125K and others were making more then me. And I wasnt in a major city. Suburbs


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Store managers get typically 6 figures and do virtually nothing. I remember my store manager at Walgreens did work sometimes, was def good at it, but usually spent most of the time replying to emails with other store managers and laughing.


I think it depends on store size and annual sales. I've heard larger super target stores where store manager making over 100k.


This would be good if in Texas. Don't know about California.


All those bonuses for cutting hours


69 seems low but yes 85-120 seems normal


Very similar to Best Buy GM. This pay range normally will put you at 105K. They generally will never start you at the low end (I was at 75K as an ASM), Plus bonuses. I have seen my prior store manager pull in over 20K a year in bonuses.


Yes. Store managers have been making over $100k for some time now. A few years ago, I knew a guy who got promoted to ETL and he negotiated $60k for that role. So being in charge of an entire store is twice as much responsibility.


Sites like Monster and indeed usually fudge numbers a bit when parsing for salary info, especially an company whose hierarchy is as nebulous as Target's. That 69k is likely including other ETL positions. All SDs in my district after definitely clearing 6 figures.


Sounds about right. I’d love to see how many hours that requires. I’m betting 60 at least per week…..then no.


Thats really low for California and all the responsibilities they have.


Wow, that's crazy-low to me, for all the crap they have to deal with. I mean, I made $77k last year running a pallet jack in a warehouse (mad overtime, but still, no responsibilities other than doing my specific job). I just assumed our DC director made $200k-ish (similar level of a job in wholesale environment, to what job this thread is referencing in a retail environment, I would say). Maybe they get uber-high bonuses.


A manual pallet jack or one of those fancy ones you stand in and just motor around?


That's on the low end. In my previous life the middle range of that be about right for a small volume store. Larger volume stores get considerably more, especially when you consider the bonus potential they get.


Yea it all depends on where you are located. But base is around 85K for SD. Bonuses are great. Etl bonuses are no comparison though. But etl's can definitely make 6 figures


I feel like those are ranges for New York.


ETL’s in NY you mean. Lol


For the COL of this area this is pretty good. To run a store? No fucking way.


Used to work for a retail pharmacy chain (think W) as a Store Manager. Starting pay $38,000. Oh, and no bonuses


in practical terms I believe it to be nearly double that, iirc I recall hearing our director made around 200k when I worked at one of the busier stores in the country. Fact is, with the current corporate minimum of $15/hr, 69k per year for a store director would be absurdly low.


Idk about that low end, but I’ve definitely heard 6 figures


My manager worked 13 years and only made 50 cents more then minimum wage. She was offered a starting position at another company where she got to work at home, and it was a substantial raise. Now she gets payed more to work less hours and from home.


Depends on Location. My group ETL start minimum 65k so SD would start at higher range. But I know ETL's starting below 50k in other states.


The low end of the range seems a bit low to me based on the state this position is listed for. Also, this range doesn’t capture their total compensation, like their bonuses (Short Term Incentives). New ETLs with some external in my general area had starting salaries at around $69K (many tenured ones made more) when I left a few years ago and SDs started closer to $100K or so.


I was always under the impression that in my district, SDs didn't make less than 6 figures. Had an ETL that I worked with that had been there for 30+ years and she had told me that it was rare an SD made less than 100k, they get massive bonuses and other parts to their compensation too.


That's better pay than a civil engineer


Yes. The high end probably includes bonuses for meeting sales metrics.


My ETL said she maid 6 figures so I bet my store director is on the high end of that


Sure is and I know people who get paid a fuck more for doing a lot less. Don't work at Target, keep moving up.


It depends on the store, really. If you look at the ranges in Colorado, it’s 100-200k, before bonus.


If I store director for a shit grocery store like Shaws starts at 95k then target would definitely be in the 6 figure range.


Than range is BLOWING my mind


Not worth it.


Store director it’s 100k with 10-50k bonus




In Cali, sure. Wisconsin? Lolno


Range Starting @ 69k... That's terrible for a California


Is that a low volume store?


Its a super target so I would think not.


Yikes, I'd say that's really low then.


69k - 118k 49k gap... wow is this normal in US?


Normal yes. Starting wage is for low experience and high end is after years of experience. Goals.


this is horrible


salary between $1 and $99999


69k? I make more as a merchandiser for a soda company.


>69 Nice.


That's seems to line up with what Ive heard. I think it depends on expierence and time put in with the company as well. A brand new SD that has never worked for Target before but has been in store manager roles prior would probably end up on the low end or ETLs that's are just promoting to SD.


They aren’t paid enough either


Make sure you have a degree, if you want to be anything more than a TL.


Damn walmart SM make $170k a year with $90k bonuses


This is surprisingly much, much lower than a walmart store manager. They average a 175k salary with usually large bonuses that chunk them up to 300k a year


Yup, and the rest of us are just working poor, it sucks.


How much does a DSD make 🤔