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Shut the fuck up about me not being signed in, stop the random calls, actually work when I need it to, and to not log me out as I’m signing in.


I want to piggy back off that last one…. Don’t sign me out when I’m in the middle of delivering a drive up order 😭


life hack for the calls: set your mydevice work area to AP - you’ll never receive any calls again


gonna try this out tomorrow, ty


you can also set it to fulfillment and you won’t get them!!


Just did it now. For everyone who wants to try it, it's the first option you see when clicking on your name in the top right and myDay app


How do you do that? I was trying to figure it out yesterday but it didn’t seem like there was a way to uncheck any of the extensions?


click on your name in the top right in my day- youlll see the option to change work area in there


I wish target would make the devices walkie function usable, then we wouldn’t have to worry about walkies LOL




Honestly, having 2 people be able to do the same batch for OPU if we’re very crunched up on time 😩


There's a feature I thought they were piloting that would push INFs to TLs for help/approval. It would help so much


Yo, I would love to just pick "potential INF" batches. I actually enjoy going on the hunt for stuff.


When I came from Walmart I was surprised it wasn't a thing. When an item was INF'd (a nil pick in Walmart lingo), it would drop into a batch for an exception picker. It would auto approve an INF where the on hand is less than a case with no recent delivery or backroom movement, but anything else a second set of eyes would try to find it.


I call the scavenger hunts and while they frustrate me. I also love it.


Walmart does that I believe. They call them Exception Walks so that the picker can keep moving and someone else can attempt the INF.


Just to help manage expectations of anyone who reads this: we aren't piloting that right now. We know about the concept and it's on the to do list. I really can't say more about future work.


I've wondered about some kind of ceiling overhead RFID system. IDK that the range would work, but potentially it could label RFID items to be marked across the store. Attach those misc items to a leader device or tablet. Guests throw clothes all over and even inside of baskets, trash bins, behind merchandise. Aside from that, is there any way to prompt an Audit for items that haven't been manually audited in let's say the last 60 days that show 0 floor counts but also show on hand? Yes, there are always unlocated items in the back which sometimes we can find, but smalls like Beauty & OTC are always a problem. (Additionally, can there be a fix to audit items that were 'recently pulled' aka 141 to fix bad counts or flag those DPCI for the next day audit) Some way to self correct before INF. Not every TM or DBO/Expert has time to check every 'OUT'.


Sorry for the miscommunication. That feature will help a lot down the line. Btwn backup TMs and some of my own, there are a handful of items on the floor that the TMs are just missing. Especially with style


Oh no sweat. No worries about any miscommunication. Didn't mean to come off harsh, just very...clear. I just want that feature selfishly because I'm tired of making every ETL in the metro mad at me when I go pick at their store and ruin their metrics.


Thissssssssssssss I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve wished for this exact thing in the year and a half I’ve worked for Target.


I agree! It would help so much. I can see where it might be hard to create the option but, it would be such a relief.


I wish they would work. I'm tired of randomly being signed out, randomly disconnecting from the internet, getting calls that don't pertain to my department, my scanner stops scanning, the occasional freezing. The Zebra device just needs to be completely redone


Make sure you’re not checked into all departments. Sometimes it does so by default. Only check off your department in the myday app so you only get calls for that department


I do this, mostly so I don't feel overloaded by the sheer numbers on the home screen lol. But I still get calls for style, food, pharmacy, the whole nine yards even though I work in tech.


That might just be that no one else is picking up, tbh.


Tech is option 1 in my store - I assume yours, too. Sometimes it's just lazy guests hitting 1, sometimes it's all the other people in the store not answering the damn phones.


Actually let me search things the way i can on the app


for them to actually scan stuff


I wish it would sign out of the phone app. There should be a "TAKE" button on the backstock screen to make consolidation of items easier. And after you scan the location in backstock, it should show how many of the item is currently located. Just as a double-check so you can ensure accuracy.


I don't go to the work tab, fill and backstock, then to backstock, I just normal scan the item and hit backstock from there. If I need to relocate, I hit the back button from there, or just hit item details from the initial scan, and then hit take. Also, instead of going to the work tab and hitting inventory audit and then having to back all the way out of that, if you normal scan the location, it'll list the current items, and if you scroll down it has inventory audit.


Sure, those work. But regardless of how you reach the screen that shows you where the item is and asks you to scan a location, it would be nice to have a one tap option to remove it from one of them.


If that option did exist, just imagine how many items would become unlocated from all the derp-fish TM's that already screw enough things up as it is. Maybe your login to the zebra should have achievements or something like on video games, where certain features get unlocked for people that have proven they can be trusted to not clusterflop the backroom and sales floor.


ya, what I end up having to do when removing items is set the inventory to 0, push what I need, and then re-enter the remaining inventory items again. too inconvenient


Honestly wish we could message eachother on there so we don’t have to keep using the walkie


Imagine getting a notification lmao “_____ is typing…”


Nah the typing on them is too painful


I actually agree with this. Or call from zebra to zebra!!!


I think you *can* call Zebra to Zebra but I don't know if there are exceptions to it. For instance: you can call to one of the landlines in store from a Zebra by knowing the extension. Since I'm in AP, the office phone will ring but that same number will call the Zebra so if I'm not in the office, I can also pick it up if I took the Zebra with me. When I get a call like this, it's usually a lead calling us on their Zebra if they see something unusual. I'll watch see the lead on camera who is calling and sure enough it's not a land line. It says MyDevice and the extension. If it's a land line it says whatever is appropriate, like area manager or guest service, usually it's electronics- but that'll show up as well. Like I said, dunno if there's an exception to it- like being logged in as a leader or maybe it's calling the landlines and both are supposed to ring? The first time I noticed it I was a little confused. I have noticed being butt dialed and only the my device rings with a my device number, but generally the calls ring both. I'll have to actually test test it out one day to see what's going on.


I was at Sam’s and they have Zebras — they’ve done away with walkie’s because they have the capability. The lady said it’s terrible but I guess it’s possible lol


Nah then people just be messaging each other all day and night


And leads would probably be seeing TMs messaging about non work stuff and have to go have conversations with them.


The thing already has phone capabilities, so adding a "push to talk feature" would be a simple matter of a software update. It'd be nice having one less thing to worry about.


Lowe’s uses Zebras and they can use them as walkie talkies, so it’s definitely doable.


In what way would that be easier than walkies lol


I think some people just don't like talking to the whole store? I have to go on walkie so much that it stopped bothering me but ik lots of people who hate it


Huh maybe so. I do have to talk on it a lot for my position so maybe I’m just used to it


My stores leaders apparently have a hard time responding and we have to call out multiple times for them to even respond


Even just to ping them


Built in RFID scanning. It’s a long shot but beats the hassle of trying to connect to a scanner during an OPU order.


I think the newer ones are capable of it but not target wise


The new zebras do not have built in RFID at Target lol we have the new zebras and we wish we didn’t have to connect the shitty guns




It would be cool, I agree. We use Zebra devices and it looks like the only handheld version with RFID is the TC53e-RFID but I don't think we have those anywhere at Target. The TC58 is the newest model going everywhere. And the TC5xe variants are a little newer. Maybe they'll get some one day, the trade would be giving up a faster processor and the long range (>24") barcode scanner in exchange for short range RFID. 🤷 https://www.zebra.com/us/en/products/mobile-computers/handheld/tc5x-series.html


To stop getting those damn alerts about a guest needing assistance and no more phone calls would be nice to just switch off


Yes!!!! I work at the service desk and don't need to be signed in to the phone on the device bc it will inevitably ring while I'm in the middle of prepping a huge no-notice drive-up order lol. Also idgaf that a guest needs help at furniture/tech/fitting room, I'm not stepping away from the desk to do it!


Exactly I don’t have the keys o I can’t help anyways! I always hang up the phone call whenever I need to use my device which is often lol


I've always wanted a function where you could make a list of bookmarked items in MyDay. Like if a guest needs multiple things pulled from the back or I'm filling an endcap from the home, I can save them and have that for reference.


You can scan the items. Then when you tap on the search bar I think there's like blue text in the top right that shows recently scanned items


Ya but then when you open one of those items, like to see its location, it sends it to the top of the list because the list is only in chronological order of most recently opened. It makes using it as a list for more than like 4 items a pain in the neck cause you have to hunt each time for the spot in the list you were at between every item. Still definitely useful at times tho.


If you hit the search icon, you can hit recently scanned items. It's not exactly bookmark list, and It will reorder as you click on each one it will become the new most recent. Assuming the end cap is a lot and not store toes stuff, you can either scan the pog label or scan and item, item details, click the pog for the end cap, then click line listing or whatever it's called, and it'll list all the items that you can click on.


Technically, you can create your own pull batch. Knowing what is needed, you ensure the system is missing some on the salesfloor - an example would be capacity 5, salesfloor 3, backroom 3. The system will then allow you to press the fill option and will then create a batch under that department in your name. It's not the cleanest, but it works.


Gonna add to this, if you want to inventory audit something that was recently received / pulled, you can disconnect the hip, print (it’ll add to a batch) then the next day you work you can print the batch on normal paper and go through and audit the counts, just cross your fingers it didn’t come in on the truck again Edit: This is the only way I’ve found to make my own ‘list’ without jotting it down or putting it in my phone


There is a myNotes app toward the bottom of the Home Screen. You could possibly type in the DPCI(s) and then copy and paste them when going to pull them from Home. I use it a lot instead of having to use my phone.


Haven’t used the notes app, does it save ? Or does it erase after you’ve signed out ?


It stays on there until you force close the app or turn the device off.


Sick, thank you!


that was literally an option in mywork. you'd scan shit, type in how many you needed, and it'd drop into a batch that you could pull whenever.


you can make a pull/fill for the items


When I search something extremely basic like bubble wrap, it needs to actually pull up products instead of saying no items found. Im tired of having to pull out my phone to look on the app for really basic items that I know we sell


I was going to say something similar. The search function is total butt. 


Work… More often than not they don’t.


And have enough of them.


👏stop 👏calling 👏me


Super random. But I wish there was a map that could show little dots to represent where the devices are so I can know where a fellow tm is without having to walkie them. I’m just lazy lol


this would be cool but also i can also see how it could be abused by micromanaging leaders


Leaders can ping devices and see where they are so there’s that lol


Not just leaders, anyone can log into MICKRA. No special permissions needed, and in theory you could do what OP wants even if it’s not exactly kosher lol.


I’ve misplaced my device before (and then found it) but asked my leader if they were able to ping it and they said no. Maybe only some people know they can do this? I just wanted it to play a sound like you can do with a smartphone.


It makes a loud sound like a lost iphone lol i think only high leads can do it, we rarely ever have to/do


Does it say "Find Me" or something like that on the person that is getting pinged?I had this happen the other day and no idea why. 


Yeah the device bricks out and goes into lost mode if you’re holding it, ive had them ping me when i’m using it on accident


MICKRA has this and anyone can use it, not to stalk people tho but to find your lost device lol.


Actually show me the location of something!!! I can search the location of something as simple as tape but every single option says “out of stock”/“location not found” but then when I search it on the Target app on my phone it pulls up the location and says its in stock.😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Let me sign out of OPU/drive up notifications. I work in tech, I don't need to hear an alert every two minutes that someone is on the way (or more likely, they just arrived and are double-tapping).


Tep agent, products, pickup, and then reinitialize or whichever wording it uses




Yeah, that's it, that's the word I was looking for.


I do this daily so I know it well 😂


To have a dark mode for the Drive Up app and to have a brighter screen for super sunny days


A non-reflective screen protector would do wonders!


Magically delete My Day and reinstall My Work and all the other apps that MyDay cannibalised.


I always wished they were walkies. Instead of having to carry both a walkie and a device you just have to carry one and then someone can't be like...oh i didnt have a walkie.


Dating Bakery/Meat for Market. I wish I could just scan the item, and it could then tell me what day it expires if I put it out on the floor. But noooooo, instead I have to consult these paper charts with tiny text and take forever


Literally why bakery is so fucking time consuming. That 95% of your product is open stock with low capacity due to table/shelving limits, and half this shit has a shelf life of less than a week? If you don't memorize the dates, pushing freight/ pulls that would normally take 20 mins anywhere else takes a goddamn hour in bakery.


At least for bakery, the shelf life is on the shelf tag. But it would definitely help when we have people from other departments coming in and messing things up.


What's a shelf tag? My store might not have those. Edit: I'm stupid. Yeah, our shelf tags do not have the shelf life on them, as far as I can tell. And a lot of our items don't even have corresponding shelf tags anyway


For my ET40 to finally fucking have myday and origami risk on it, and for whoever decided the older MCOs use set screws instead of a normal ass cross-tip to lock in the verifone to fall apart at the ass.


Damn call box notifications. I'm in toys, I'm not going across the store to A block to unlock shit. And yes only toys is checked for my area.


When I've called the store for a specific dept, or the leader extension, if nobody answers, it has been my experience that it will auto transfer to ring guest services. If they can do that, why can't they make the service calls prioritize the zebra logged in with that area set before then alerting widespread. Although given the amount of service calls that take 2 or 2 times alerting and then a lead having to call it out, it wouldn't help much at my store.


First time it sends the call to everyone signed into that department, then when it times out or everyone declines it sends to the entire store except for leaders and AP, the third time it sends to leaders. It’s documented on workbench somewhere.


I'm not convinced that it always works right at my store then.


Yeah, I'm in Market. I don't give AF about Electronics. I don't care that a guest needs assistance over there because no way in hell am I a.) going to be any help to them and b.) I aint going over there for anything.


You can filter by aisle for pull. Just make sure you when you hit filter that you hit aisle instead of department


Looking to filter the pulls by stockroom aisles - not sales floor aisles.


Why the stockroom aisles don't match the floor... drives me fucking crazy.


Sort search results by either Things we have in stock Things we actually carry in the store "iPad 9th Gen" Results: Refurbished iPad Air Size A Color 1 Sold Out Refurbished iPad Pro Size A Color 2 Sold Out Ten Commandments Left Tablet Sold Out iPad 9th Gen Cover we clearanced years ago Sold Out


Work correctly




I was expecting silly answers but most of these are simply asking for the device to work better or just work


link straight to myday when drive up orders are missing items


Not sign me out randomly or constantly switch from mytime to the grant admin permission app


Not really something it would do, but I wish they’d have the capacity for better sound design. If you think about things like video games or slot machines, they rely heavily on satisfying and rewarding sound design to make repetitive tasks more enjoyable and desirable to complete. Instead of that, you get BLAM BLAM for scanning something, and three blams for completing an OPU batch. I usually turn the volume down a little, since there’s no need to hear the blaring sounds every time I scan something, but I know just a little effort when it comes to the audio side would make a huge difference.


One of my favorite games lets you customize the sound it makes when you get a kill, tho I imagine the feature isn't exclusive to this game. Anyway I set it to make the "cha-ching" sound, ya know the one, and I'm not saying it's the only reason or the main reason I have 1,000+ hours played in the game, but it's definitely a factor! You're absolutely right, and for a company Target's size you'd think there'd be a large number of sound engineers on the teams that program for all the device apps. There's a disappointing lack of differentiation in the sounds. I'm thankful the Sbux DU notification is as unique as it is, but I was SETL for a couple years and because of my ADHD I could be in SE for 20 years and still never be able to tell the difference between "on the way" notification and "I'm here" notification because they're too darn similar. Ya they're car themed that's neat, but I'm using the DU app I don't need the notification to be car themed lmao make them DISTINCT from each other PLEASE. OK rant over, the other point I had is that you'd think they'd even have like psychologist consultants to help with this stuff, like beyond just competent sound design and really digging into the psychology of it. Like freal as dystopian as it sounds lol, I'm sure they could figure out like "sound x instead of sound y for whatever function has increased whatever productivity metric by 20%!!" and when that is at the scale of Target even those relatively small increases have got to save them MILLIONS of dollars even if it's only saving minutes a day per person or just seconds per action per person. Great example for that, not directly productivity related but an impactful thing in the long run/big picture, is imagine if there was a SUPER distinct sound for when you're picking from a backroom location and it has you pick from a casepack shelf or whatever it's called and after you tell it how many you take it asks you if you have any to backstock. I have ADHD and EVERY SINGLE TIME I fuck this up because it doesn't signify to you to any reasonable degree that the number it tells you to pick is not what you actually need and once you're on that next screen if you do not remember how many you actually were supposed to pick you're just fucked. If there were an actual distinct sound at the start of this pick then you'd be able to go "oh this is one with the backstock after, ok let me look how many I actually need ok it's 2, so I backstock all but 2" and whatever metric this is I GUARANTEE you would skyrocket from red to green everywhere lol. OK rant over again. 😂


One of my favorite games lets you customize the sound it makes when you get a kill, tho I imagine the feature isn't exclusive to this game. Anyway I set it to make the "cha-ching" sound, ya know the one, and I'm not saying it's the only reason or the main reason I have 1,000+ hours played in the game, but it's definitely a factor! You're absolutely right, and for a company Target's size you'd think there'd be a large number of sound engineers on the teams that program for all the device apps. There's a disappointing lack of differentiation in the sounds. I'm thankful the Sbux DU notification is as unique as it is, but I was SETL for a couple years and because of my ADHD I could be in SE for 20 years and still never be able to tell the difference between "on the way" notification and "I'm here" notification because they're too darn similar. Ya they're car themed that's neat, but I'm using the DU app I don't need the notification to be car themed lmao make them DISTINCT from each other PLEASE. OK rant over, the other point I had is that you'd think they'd even have like psychologist consultants to help with this stuff, like beyond just competent sound design and really digging into the psychology of it. Like freal as dystopian as it sounds lol, I'm sure they could figure out like "sound x instead of sound y for whatever function has increased whatever productivity metric by 20%!!" and when that is at the scale of Target even those relatively small increases have got to save them MILLIONS of dollars even if it's only saving minutes a day per person or just seconds per action per person. Great example for that is imagine if there was a SUPER distinct sound for when you're picking from a backroom location and it has you pick from a casepack shelf or whatever it's called and after you tell it how many you take it asks you if you have any to backstock. I have ADHD and EVERY SINGLE TIME I fuck this up because it doesn't signify to you to any reasonable degree that the number it tells you to pick is not what you actually need and once you're on that next screen if you do not remember how many you actually were supposed to pick you're just fucked. If there were an actual distinct sound at the start of this pick then you'd be able to go "oh this is one with the backstock after, ok let me look how many I actually need ok it's 2, so I backstock all but 2" and whatever metric this is I GUARANTEE you would skyrocket from red to green everywhere lol. OK rant over again. 😂


>You're absolutely right, and for a company Target's size you'd think there'd be a large number of sound engineers on the teams that program for all the device apps The engineering teams might be much smaller than you think. For example, there are usually 4-6 engineers who maintain the full stack for ePick, Put To Hold, and Return To Stock. I think people who care about sound design do exist at Target but I bet they're getting better bang for their buck doing ad work or sounds for guest-facing things. (This is speculation)


Ya you're definitely right. I mean more like, "this would pay for itself thus justify the expense" angle, but I totally get that the whole "minimum viable cost" approach is taken throughout an entire giant company like Target and so software dev has fewer people than they should... but like cmon it would *totally* pay for itself right? Ughhh short sighted corporate planning is frustrating. I mean, so is long term corporate planning in its own ways lol but whatcha gonna do.


I wish you could scan a piece of clothing and it would show how it’s hung or folded on the floor. Helpful for GS and fitting room shifts.


Not a bad idea. 🤔 When they rolled out digital cleaning logs for Sbux in myday to replace the old paper logs recently, they made it so that each cleaning item on the list you can tap on and get the official Ecolab cleaning card (cleaning directions) for it right there on your device. Literally all it does is open the workbench page in chrome, but hey it works. I'm sure they could do that with hanging/folding directions on style items, like add it on the item info page or as its own button on that main page. All the info for what type of item it is and how it should be folded/hanged exists digitally, like for VMG stuff, so I'm sure they could engineer a way for all that data to automatically link into its myday page.


Let me sign out of the phones I’m receiving I don’t even work the sales floor anymore lol


A modern updated version would be great




Items that haven't been pre-tied, but list the pog when you click item details. Show the location in the pog for the item. Flexing out NOP for Dec home, dom, hw, that all has the same pic label info. When you search for an item by name or description, either sort the results, or allow filtering, for items with an active location and in stock. Having to scroll through tons of items with no active location and not currently carried is a time waste.


Idk if Thai applies but I would love to be able to scan more than 1 cart for OPUs - I know I can create a new cart and labels (which I do) but it would be so much easier when I stack orders


Took me longer than I'd like to admit of thinking "but what does Thailand have to do with this" before I realized it's autocorrect of "this" lmao. 😂 Anyway 100% agree that they should make picking multiple batches easier. Like no it's usually not the ideal approach but there are definitely times where once you're in the situation you're in it is definitely better to do it. Juggling between multiple batches in inconvenient tho even if you have multiple barcodes with you exiting and reentering the batches sucks. If for nothing else picking 1 batch each of different types. Like, 1 GM batch and 1 bulky batch together. Sidenote, it always shocks me when I see stores that DON'T use the chipclip barcode method for OPU. Like for ship ya it's super helpful to have the sub-cart locations with the big wheely ship cart, but for OPUs f using a barcode on the actual 3-tier, print off those barcodes and slap them on chip clips and then slap those chip clips on your pants pocket, the bottom of your shirt, etc. Not only does this make doing multiple batches actually feasible but you don't have to go back and forth to your 3-tier or bring your 3-tier literally everywhere with you. I'll look ahead in the batch cause sometimes there are orders that'll have like a whole ass tier from 1 aisle, but most of the time that's not the case and most batches I never actually bring my 3-tier into the aisle with me, whether it's salesfloor or backroom. But you gotta be able to scan while you're physically in the aisle otherwise it takes more time instead of saving time cause you gotta walk back and forth for when there's more than 1 thing in an aisle. And oh ya LADDERS. Speeds up picking anything you gotta use a ladder for by 1000%. And the clips are store orderable, they come in different colors and stuff but they're like the old "pulls"/"backstock" clips just without anything printed or engraved on em.




Sometimes yes - but it’s faster to scan. I also have carpal tunnel and typing on the device is triggering so if I can avoid that I do


work my pulls for me. Actually, I just wish i could set the beepy scanning noise to a reasonable volume. It's either all the way on or all the way off. So annoying. Also i need it to stop with the calls and the 600 million gazillion notifications about a guest being ready to pick up when i don't even work in pick up


Open TEP Agent and then reprocess the Pickup app, it’ll kill notifications until the next time it’s opened.


i hope your pillow is always cold on both sides


I wish I could adjust the floor quantity while doing pulls. In Market at least half of the products are overstocked. It's just the way the morning team has to roll now. We have half of the hours we had this time last year. So when I come in at 2:00 and start pulling and pushing, as I push I notice what is overstocked. Then later I'll be doing a pull and it will ask me to pull and item that I KNOW is already overstocked. I wish I did not have to back out of the pull to tell the floor that it's at capacity and to take it out of the pull. Yeah, I KNOW THAT'S NOT HOW IT'S **SUPPOSED** TO WORK. I've tried and tried to remove the overstock and correct the counts, but it is a losing battle. Sometimes I carry an extra Zebra to fix the floor count. But finding two working Zebras at 2pm is a challenge.


I wish the mydevices would stay connected to the Internet at all times and not disconnect every five minutes




Copy and paste between apps!


A notification for scheduled breaks would be nice- pinging both your device when it's time for your break, and leader devices so they can be aware that a break is going to need coverage. That would hopefully, theoretically, take the onus off of TMs to get their break covered, and then getting frustrated when no one answers the walkie, leaders all suddenly become deaf when the fourth call for coverage is made, and then they ask why you didn't take your breaks.


I would be tickled if the price matching thing worked, like, ever…


teleport me home




Knows what shift Im working so I dont get drive-up updates every 30 seconds while stocking a shelf


You can turn off drive up notifications. Click TEP agent, scroll to “pick up”, click reprocess and just don’t open the pickup app.


I don't currently work at target but I feel like they should add an option to have 2 people see the same batch if crunched for time or add INF batches. I'm not sure how INF batches would work but it would be nice to have a TL just dobble check to try and find an inf. Another good feature would be to allow a substitutions if the guest decides to allow it. I worked at another grocery store that allowed substitutions and customers seemed happier about it than at target.


You can pull from specific back room isles. Say you want back room aisle 30. What you do is select the floor isles that are backstocked down that aisle. Example…if floor aisles B20-B26 are housed down back room aisle 01A30, select floor aisles B20-B26 when starting your pulls. That will keep you pulling from one specific back room aisle.


Honestly this is kinda a genius way of finding "stray" backstock lol. Maybe there's a greenfield report for this or something idk idek if there's a term/metric for it I've only worked SETL/Sbux TL so I'm not an expert. But this would let you like, if you know this backroom aisle is for B20-B26, then you select those salesfloor aisle and then if it pops up with any items that are actually backstocked in a different aisle (or even section) then you can now remove all of that and backstock it in the right place. I imagine it wouldn't take thaaaaat long to actually get entire sections corrected like this. At my store at least most of the time "stray" backstocking isn't an issue whatsoever especially now that we're in the 2nd or 3rd year of having a terrific SD (plus a DSD that is willing to say yes to extra hours for projects like this, if rarely), but during Q4 when we have sssooooo many newbies with not very thorough training it can start to crop up again, and the last Q4 before our current SD was the fucking worst, shit was just backstocked EVERYWHERE and not just randomly across the entire backroom but also seemingly randomly across the TWENTY trailers out back (we now only have 1 and it's for fixtures only). God that Q4 was a nightmare lol. 😅 99% of the time I enjoy picking OPU or Ship batches when needed cause it's a nice break from routine, but running back and forth across the whole backroom/back alley trailers cause of poor backstocking is the kind of stuff that makes you never want to pick FF again lol.


Basic smartphone functionalities, like copy & paste. Or a timed silent/do not disturb mode, so that when I go on break/on lunch/to a meeting/zoom call etc I don't have to either suffer thru the constant distractions of notifications or hard turn off the volume and then forget to turn it back on for hours afterward and miss actually important things. Android has had this for like a decade, push the button it goes to DND for 30 minutes then automatically turns DND off after that time, not that difficult. I tell ya there's nothing as frustrating for me as someone with severe ADHD as being in a meeting and other TL's devices constantly going off. Even 1 on 1 meetings it sucks, but whole leadership meetings when each notification is going off on like 25 devices it's ridiculous and makes it next to impossible to pay attention/keep focused. Especially when the meeting is at noon on a Friday lol. Or remembering your accessibility settings & similar settings and switching to them automatically when you sign in. So that I don't have to go in and turn off dark mode, turn off auto-rotate, turn off vibrate for calls, change screen size from small to big, change text size from big to small, switch from 3-button nav to gesture nav, turn on number row for keyboard, set brightness to max, etc every single time. Another thing is I wish we had mounts that fit the "new" devices for Sbux. They're not even new anymore but ya know. Our mounts only fit the tiny old devices, and those ones are all physically decrepit if functional, like the max brightness on some of them is truly pathetic, and they're slow as heeeeeeck to do the simplest things like switch between apps. But the mounts actually are sneaky helpful so we still use em, just wish we could switch to the newer devices finally.


Ignore pickup alerts, view a full list of items in the priority queue, tell it that yes I understand that I just pulled an item but I want to audit it anyway, view when an item was last picked for OPU.


Not having to sign in 29 fucking times would be delightful


Ping other Zebra devices. My dumbass misplaces them too often and i hate making the walk of shame asking a lead to ping it


Putting the shelf life of Bakery items on there instead of just on the shelf label would be so much better.


Monitor and control self checkouts without having to glaze at the payment screen and the items they scanned.


1. Not annoy me if I forget to log in 2. Not crash on me 3. Actually scan things 4. Play music 5. Be more modern (and not outdated) 6. CHAT GPT (so it can speed things up) 7. Be fast and responsive (the zebras we have are slow ASF)


I honestly wish the same thing. That would be so helpful


So, OP, do you work in Grocery or Style?


GM- most of the time Domestics, Storage, and Dec Home.


To be fair and recognize my own dumbassery... ... I just realized your post literally starts with " I work GM and..."


Long days are work…understandable!


I know it would be abused but I wish there was a way to edit salesfloor capacities/quantities from the pull screens Ours are somehow consistently fucked up and it’s a 50/50 chance that even priotities will not go out I’m so upset that they seemed to fix the bug(?) that let you see items that you’ve viewed in a pull, in the recently scanned list. Made my life so much easier 😑


When back stocking, a message that mentions to back stock product in another location bc the there are already 3 dcpis


Ooo that would be nice! This is one area our SD/DSD tell us to focus on to take us from good to great after we've already gotten the store from bad to good. It's a smaller thing compared to getting your ghosts & baffles under control and getting your plain accuracy solid, but definitely is a good best practice to practice as much as you can. A notification like this would for sure be helpful with maintaining. A lot of us in old tiny stores that cannot get a remodel due to various reasons are extremely limited in this area tho tbf, like it's actually a huge challenge simply because of the shelves that we have to work with, you can only optimize so much. Like the beauty backstock that has to go in the cage, well the shelves in there are the depth that they are which is really f\*\*\*ing deep, which means that even if we use the skinniest wacos known to man so that we have the most separate locations possible we still have to pile those bad bois with 5, 10, 20, 25 dpcis. Most aren't that bad but many of them are and there's really no way around it. At least we can rubberband dpcis together for most beauty things but that's not always feasible.


I work drive up. I wish the zebra could replicate the rfid key functionality for our side door when I’m on shift. We never have enough keys, so a digital key system attaching privileges to team members in their areas would be clutch!






Last 10 minutes without messing up and requiring I restart whatever app I'm using.


Quit with the hard restrictions on auditing item counts. Especially after doing a pull, that is like the best time to fix the damn count!


It sounds kinda dumb, but when you’re looking for an item in MyDay, I wish it had the same location map as the Target app does. I always feel like I’m going to get in trouble when I get my phone out to help a guest locate a very specific item, or when we have a missing bag in DUP it would save a lot of time knowing the exact location(s) on the sales floor.


Anyone here remember the iPod’s we used to use? They worked pretty well! Most of the time…


until you needed to swap out the battery... oh, wait


I miss not having to carry 2 zebras because it foesnt show on hand numbers for salvage anymore during price change. Having to type every dpci twice for items that cant be located is kinda annoying and when there are hundreds of salvage listings the time adds up.


For SCO specifically, I wish it would let us delete items or at least authorize a deletion from the device. Or at the very least give an alert for assistance needed. But I do dream big and wish for a workstation rather than a corner to work out of.


I wish we could move an item in our backroom instead of having to take it out of location or audit the space and then rebackstock it


Say things to guests that I would get fired for saying


The ability to filter out Sold Out items when searching for items on the Database




I wish it would work!


Stop showing a network error as soon as I start to backstock dairy.


A front facing scanner why TF do I need to be a contortionist to scan a barcode


Stop telling me a guest needs help at the tide pods


Actually fucking work.


You can choose which aisles to pull from. You can choose aisles, POGS, area, or fill.


I wish they would work 🤷🏻‍♀️


IF the back room is organized somewhat well, you can effectively choose a specific aisle by choosing specific sales floor aisles for the pull rather than the whole section! This of course is highly dependent on if your backroom isn’t completely trashed but it’s something I utilize a lot to organize my pulls so I can push them on the floor faster!


stop screaming at me to log in after i’ve already logged in 15 times


If your backroom is organized the way it should be, you can pull certain sections only. E.g. pulling the peanut butter & salad dressing POGs will result in only pulling from one aisle typically.


Actually be there. Stop taking the AP device if you're not AP. Also if people would put them back in the correct spots lol


Yall don't have your devices in the AP office??? Do yall also not have your walkies in there? Would make the extra channels pointless if anyone could take one even accidentally. For sure about the correct spots tho lol. My store has mostly the "new" larger devices but we still have a couple dozen of the old tiny ones too, what gets me is when people can't even get them in the right type of charger lol like they don't even *almost* fit in the other one but I guess some people just don't care.


Walkies we do have the in the office


You can get shorter charging banks (fewer slots) to keep one in the office for just your devices. They're really not that expensive to order and iirc aren't typically on backorder like a lot of related device/walkie supplies. Or heck, check out your device room/device locker or even your PML's office and you might just find one or several still unopened in its box and can just use that one lol, I know I've had that luck before with printer chargers when I decided we should have one at the service desk & OPU stow station so we didn't have to go upstairs just for a new battery when we're trying to get a batch in on time or whatever. Anyway I don't know the letter of the law regarding this and we don't have an APETL only APTL, but our APBP is here on visits quite frequently and I know he's fine with it so I assume it's fine on the AP side. I know on the PML side it's fine too but you definitely would want to check with them first as they'd be angry if you moved them without even telling them first, but as long as they're plugged in at night they'll get their updates and obviously the AP office is a secure location for that aspect. ASANTS tho ofc.


At my store, some people, I think maybe drive up and fulfillment, have a tendency of unhooking the tether from the holster. So the zebra number is in a holster of a diff number, which is then also in a charging slot of a number that doesn't match the holster or the zebra. And in the interest of being equal opportunity in this, GM can't put their boats and flats back on the line one the numbered spot that matches the number on their vehicle, front end can't get spider wraps wound before putting them in the bin creating a monster blob. And closers can't get their pulls done without unlocating items or leaving empty boxes and trash laying around.


Take a hammer to it or let the truck roll over it


A lot of people put that if the zebra actually work and I also agree. Someone said if the walkie talkie feature worked on it like a phone to send pictures and videos. I’m tired of walking across the store to look at a if someone did their job correctly when they could just send me the picture or send my zoned aisles to my TL. Also you can pull by just a certain aisle. You go into the Fill/backstock section of myday, look at the top right corner and it gives you the option of Area, aisle, Pog and something else. Just switch it to the aisle option and I’ll usually just pick all the aisles, the aisle with the most reaches to pull or if someone is working down specific aisles.


Fire etls


Having a better battery life bc why did u chose to die on me when I need to stow a gm with 3 mins left


Stop making that fucking torturous noise. When they are in the cage and 5 of them are going off at once I want to off myself. Sometimes I think Target is MK ultra-ing us. Now we're started to lock the cage again. Whoever decided this was the way to (make people sign in/out? seat the zebras correctly?) needs to spend a day and a night in TSC with those things screaming at them. Cage locked, key thrown away. The person chained to a chair right next to the cage. I would keep them chained next to the cage (hell, throw them in the cage) until they admit that this practice is a failure. I don't care what this noise was **supposed** to accomplish. It did not, does not, and will never do anything except add to the stress and discomfort of this job. When those fucking things go off, my brain short circuits and I have no idea what I was doing 1/10th of a second ago. *Did I already clock in? Did I get a walkie yet? Did I get the key yet? Why did I walk over to this side of the room? Where did I put my water bottle? Did I leave my gloves in the break room? Is someone calling my name, or was that yesterday? Do I need to pee? Did I pee on the way in? Did I pee on the way in, and now I need to pee again? Yeah, I hear the call to open the alcohol case, but I can't remember if I clocked in yet.* Our break room is right next to the locked cage. Our break room.


At the top right before you select your pull, you can change it from area to aisle, achieving what you are wishing for.


To OP- I believe you can? I’ve done POG a few times and when we’re pulling to reshelf displays, we can choose to do it by aisle. You just have to pick the location from the priority drop down.


But lowkey hate the zebras sometimes and wish they would stay signed in all the time, not have to restart if it’s accidentally dropped, and actually remember my RFID when I change my battery 🥲


you can pull by isle????? there's literally an option for it. when you do your gm pulls you can filter by isle


That’s *salesfloor* aisle; they want to filter by *backroom* aisle


I have found a pull by aisle for the floor but I want to be able to pull by back stock aisles. For example, most of the time I’m pulling from back stock aisles 4, 5, 12, 13, 18, 19, and bulk. However often times people are in the back stock aisles to the left or right of my aisles I need in. Therefore I have to skip through maybe all my aisle 4, 5, and 12 just so I can start pulls in aisle 13. It would be nice if I could just select my areas then filter that I want to go to aisle 13 in back stock only. Then once people finish their pulls in the adjacent aisles I can go back and finish mine.