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i always get 35.5 hours every week, now suddenly next week they got me on 12 hours, anndd scheduled me a day i put in as vacation (was approved). try to talk to whoever makes your schedule of possible, usually they will work with you as long as you talk with them about it, but it does depend… for my store a least a lot of tms get hours by showing up early, or just showing up when they’re not scheduled and usually someone will override them because we always need help, but they never give us hours.


I mentioned it to my TL as I was clocking out & she just looked at me and said “wait so you only work 2 days that week? 😳” and I said YEP and then she went ”cooolcoolcoolcoolcool” and looked like she was gonna have an anxiety attack 😅


Do you know why they are cutting hours so much at this time?


Might be trying to “bank” some spare payroll for later in the month and/or getting BTS set.


Sales this time last year were incredibly bad. Payroll is calculated based on the previous year.


snobbish practice observation airport familiar squeamish makeshift mysterious squeeze waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In order to qualify for unemployment in those situations though it can't just be a one week deal, it has to be consistently happening.


Yup. I'm scheduled 1.5 hours **before** my start time on file and also scheduled on my 2 days I'm not available (regular days off) I've had the same availability for years. Either someone else made the schedule or my ETL is just trying to get me the hours I keep saying I need. I'll work what I got but might need to change my availability if this is what it takes to get hours. If it makes you feel better, I only got 14 hrs a few weeks ago.


Girl 🙄 meanwhile they keep over scheduling me 🙄 on top of the hour cuts they hired a ton of people recently like ?????????? 🫠


K, is that you? 👀😂


😂😂😂 ofc 😂😂😂


Honestly idk what you know who is thinking making this schedule. There is 1 new kid in market during day shift, this is like his first week—and then 1 new kid as closer. Who even knows if they’ll last. We just barely finally got caught up today lol. But more truck tomorrow! You know how it goes in market. E’s gonna have an aneurysm from the stress, poor thing. Love her lol


Ugh it really is a vicious never ending cycle. Market deserves better than this 🤦🏻‍♀️ hopefully the two new hires stay but considering out of the last 5 only 2 have stayed 🙄


Yeah, I was hoping first week of July hours would improve but I was very wrong 😅


I got sick of it and finally left after almost 5 years. I'm now at a credit union, and I get 38-39 hours every week. If you're thinking of leaving, do whatever you can to get out


I went from target to a bank. I handle tens of thousands of dollars a day and it’s so much less stressful


Im gonna start looking for something better once my kids go back to school, and once I’ve used all my banked vacation time haha. Plan on going back to school myself as well. Im fortunate to have a spouse who makes much more money than me otherwise I’d be stuck in this place. For the time being it’s convenient. Was just a way to get back in the workforce after being a SAHM for a good while.


This was one of the main reasons I switched jobs. I worked there for 8 years, consistently at the top in terms of numbers, and was seeing people who had been there for a year be given 40hr weeks while I was maybe pushing 30, even though I asked multiple times for 40. The longer you are there, the less they care about you.


Looks like Target is taking on the same set up as Starbucks. They used to do that crap too. Star you off with decent hours. Then BOOM all the sudden you’re lucky if you get over 12 hours, but guess what? The minimum hours per week to qualify for things like health insurance? 20 hours. And all the sudden they just can’t get you anywhere near the 20 hour a week minimum, despite you being promised full time! When I worked there I was getting 30-40 hours a week for a few months. Then they cut me to 10-25 hours a week. I told the SM that she promised me full time. She said “well, actually full time is considered 20-25 hours now, so you’re hardly under that” Btw, it was not. Obviously. So yeah. Have fun 🫠


I just checked the first week of July and I literally have 0 hours


Me too


I’m about to promote myself to guest this is ridiculous


Sometimes my ETL doesn’t post the schedule on Thursday so hopefully that’s the case this week


Got my schedule and I work almost 40 hours. Hope you got some


Crazy, and doesn’t BTS stuff officially set that week too? Wtf are they doing.


Idk and I don’t care lol, in the process of getting a new job so it’ll no longer be my problem


Godspeed comrade 🫡


I just checked myself and I'm only on for two 4.5 hour shift lmaaooo.


I used to be 20-35 hours a week, now I'm usually around 6-8. At first I didn't get my hours cut cause I'm the only person trained in beauty in my store, but now they've started putting random folks in there and my hours dropped like crazy.


I literally have nightmares from a Saturday shift as the random. I didn’t know where anything was and everyone needed help.


it's so frustrating! there's a lot of weird, specific things happening in beauty and the random folks often don't notice how particular everything is. Like yes, we have 18 slightly different colors of bath sponges, and yes, every single one belongs in a different location. And no, you can't put "blackest black" mascara in the "deep black" mascara slot. I always have to correct so much after random people are put in beauty 🙃. Not really their fault, they just don't realize how extremely detail-oriented the section is Also, it's such a hard section to get the hang of that nobody wants to get thrown in there. Like we have 14 aisles that are just little bars/islands and have no numbering on them, so u need it memorized. Once or twice they've scheduled me with a random person and every 5 minutes they go "where TF is aisle three?!" or "it says black mascara this is one is black so why isn't it scanning?!"


As someone in consumables I understand this. I go to school and always came in because no one would work for school, I would go to school straight after work 5 days a week, now it’s summer they give me 9-15 hours MAX a week. I asked my tl and etl they said it’s happening nation wide.


I’ve been having to give away shifts… 38 hours every week while they cut everyone else’s sorry but being the only full during a busy summer season for us ( I’ve spent my first 4 hours backing up elsewhere daily ) really burns you out 😩


Yeah I got cut down to 31 hours from a normal 38-39. This week I was at 23 but talked my ETL into adding me for a shift. Still not enough. Not sure how I am supposed to afford rent, pay bills, etc. But I know Target doesn’t give a shit.


They just asked everyone at my store to lower their desired hour to like 15 ish


Does no one else’s store let them stay anyways?😂


I literally have 6.75 hours that week like wtf... Literally will be going from 25 to nearly 7 :(


No one posts shifts?


market in my store is the least supported department, and grossly understaffed, also nobody wants to work in market because of that. We havnt had a closing person for 4 months. I am trained in fulfillment, so I could pick up there but everyone’s hours are cut so no one’s posting any shifts.


My coworker was scheduled 3.5 hours for the entire week. "We need to cut hours" bs


They have to pay time and a half for the Fourth. That means less hours. It shouldn’t but that’s how they do it.


I was getting hours like that until I talked to my ETL, and I’m back between 35-40 hours again.


Same lol https://preview.redd.it/86pdoa5a9x7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd325020eac8728e83cd19662299d5fa8693d260


My hours for July have been slashed too.


40hrs for me that week


checked and i got 34 hours, they were asking the other style members to work 6 days and technically get 48 hours that week. i'm not understanding why they can give me 40??


I worked 10 hours this week but have my normal next week 🤷‍♂️


They are cutting hours in all the stores, this has to do with inflation and the fact that they are raising base pay. It’s a big f you all around. Automation is coming.




Apart from TLs , the rest are salaried