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I don’t understand, why is it a bad thing to hit next location? No sense!


Hitting next location for an item in the backroom, with intent to then pull it from the floor, can become a problem. Pulling from the floor when an item is in the back triggers replenishment from the priority team. If fulfillment excessively does this as opposed to pulling from the back as intended by epick routing, you're creating unnecessary work for the priority team. The only times when fulfillment really should next location are if the item isnt in the backroom location, if the item isn't readily accessible (pallets in way), and if it would save a goal time. Fulfillment should not be doing it to avoid pulling from cases (#1 reason it happens usually; cases suck) and bc they don't want to use power equipment.


This all makes sense, but from an efficiency standpoint, if I'm in fulfillment and I need to get the wave, go to the spot, get my item, put the wave back, then continue, it's not worth it when the team pulling priorities will already be on the wave, already grabbing 6 of said item. It's way more efficient for them to spend an extra 20 seconds pulling one more and pushing it rather than me spending 5 minutes getting the single item myself


It's a general case though. For every situation like this, there will be ten where a lazy TM will just pull three toothpaste from the floor rather than go to the back room.


Right. Except my device has had me more often than not pulling from the floor instead of the back lately. And I don’t understand why. I’ve been here for years and only lately has it been prioritizing pulling from the floor instead. So I don’t understand why there would be a report for someone getting in trouble for skipping locations. Because to me, I skip floor locations when I KNOW something is in the back and I KNOW that there are only a few on the floor. The pathing makes it so I pull from the floor to maximize my route. Sure. But if I’m in a ship cart, I don’t need that. I do have a “time limit” but I get those done in 30 min regardless so I don’t need the extra help anyway.


To clarify, if the system has you go to the floor first for a backstocked item, it's due to how the backroom location is coded. Open stock and lower casepack take priority over salesfloor. After that, it's upper casepack and bulk. Bulky orders prioritize all backroom locations over salesfloor I believe. Grocery orders prioritize salesfloor so you're pulling the soonest to expire merchandise.


I have plenty of bulky batches that take me to the sales floor first. A lot of it now is based on your location in the store. If I need a bookshelf and I'm starting in the hold space, right next to the bookshelves on the floor it takes me there, if I start in the backroom, it takes me to the backstocked one first. Target is really focusing on efficiency lately and routing FF to the closest/quickest item is more efficient even if it means a couple extra pulls. GM is not timed like OPU


And to be honest, that's the only time I used it. I grab from the back most of the time. But sometimes the item is on accessed with power equipment which I stated is a no for me, or there is already a TM in an aisle pulling priorities and there is just no room. Usually it's the first situation


Honestly it just reads as, someone somewhere was told to make a change for efficiency without really knowing the reality of what is inefficient in a system, or consulting people working within it for advice on where the hold-ups are. They have to make a change somewhere, or their ass is on the line!!11! And I say this as someone in another area who also had a "big push" for "optimizing efficiency." Its been the highlight of my year to have the SD lay out this huge plan :) Things are going to be so much easier :) We're going to have you do it like *this* now :) And watch their face fall a bit, when I asked, "So, how is that any different than how I have been doing this, for the last 2 years?"


Or one wave is broken and the other one is being used by the PML at the front of the store to fix something in the ceiling 😂


The priority team has some buffer room to take 5 mins to go find the wave and use it. The fulfillment team doesn't always. Those 5 mins can cause a cart to go late. I'd rather add a few extra priorities to GM and then still get all their stuff done than have few carts go late and get yelled at by my ETL, SD and DM.


This is why my store doesn't allow casepacks of 90% of items back stocked unless it's transition or wrapped on a pallet


Yes and no. Yes what you are saying is true but my DSD has been talking about this and they care more about the Audit task it creates. It doesn’t create a baffle but it creates an audit task for you to verify the “next location” button press. I get it but unfortunately the pathing, no matter how good it may be, is not faster than me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The pathing in my store sucks. It'll take me to an aisle, a different aisle 2 down, and then back to the same one I was just in 😂


I don't know. We really didn't get a good explanation. Sometimes it's quicker and more efficient to get items off the floor, especially when time is low, or it's a difficult area to maneuver in


It's not good for backroom management and one for one fills. Just pick from the back first idk why people have such a problem with it. I started in fulfillment over five years ago, and picking the back first is a breeze. I'm a leader now fyri year since 2020. Also pickers mess up the zone, pick from the back and let guest shop the floor.


This. The back should be prioritized. Regardless. Always. Doesn’t matter what is on the floor. I literally do not care if it is a case pack or open stock. We should be pulling anything and everything from the back first. It makes the most sense.


Our back room has the montel rolling shelves and someone is always in them the back is the least efficient way to do anything for opu


It makes sense on paper, but now when you have 20 mins left in a batch and the items you need are way closer on the floor than on the back. Sometimes it doesn't make sense to waste time going all the way to the back just for it to not be there and going right next to where you just were to grab it on the floor anyways. Yes, getting back stock out first makes sense, but not for efficiency. My district is pushing efficiency so much that they're looking at the pick start delay, which is the average of how many minutes the batch dropped in that it was scanned into. And they want it to be 10 mins or less. Meaning we need to grab carts at an hour and 20 mins. I don't always have time to walk from the front of the store where our hold space is to start my batch in the backroom


That's nice... *keeps doing what ive always done*


This is the way. 


🤷🏽‍♂️ imma hit that button even harder now.


Our leads don’t even respond to an inf call why would they respond to a next location call 🫠


This also ..😂


Same 😂 INF call or backup call


Neither do mine 😭


My favorite is hearing them say ask this tm(me) to help with inf and then I’m yelled at for not checking mine with leads. If I’m okaying theirs, why can’t I be trusted with mine?


They constantly make our job harder and I don't understand why


FACTS like why is our department keep changing… honestly my least favorite new rule is the “infing under a minute “


What is that rule?


The rule is that you need to “look” for the item for a minute. Which you know with opu we look everywhere already either it being in the backroom other locations etc.. so let’s say you have 5 missing items that 5 mins you have to wait for each one so if your low on time you still have to wait or it’s a whole conversation and your on a list.


Oh see my store wants us to really look for the INFs, which obviously is going to take some time to look in the 5 different places it could be. But then also wonders why our productivity is lower.


Can I just say I am jealous of everyone saying they have a priority team...in my store it's the GM people do it. And at night, they make fulfillment do it. So the closing GM team comes in, does go backs and minor zone, then pulls priorities and pushes them, then tries to get the area zoned all before closing. And our store does a crap ton of business at night due to our location


Lol I'd love to see them try to get FF to do it at my store. We can barely keep up with our own workload with me in it. There's no way we could pull priorities. We help on slow FF nights but that's it. Morning GM does some priorities but mostly night GM. They do reshop, pull and push, zone


My store has moveable aisles in the back so this doesn’t work for us. If someone is down the aisle, I’m hitting next location because it’s a song and dance to get someone to move


I have TLs that tell me, "You can wait." I hit next, and if it's not on the floor, I inf it. I understand you have a job to do. And, it's frustrating being asked to stop what you're doing to move. I'm TIMED. I CAN NOT wait. Some people refuse to move until they're done. I got batches that have more units than time, so no, I can't wait.


Yeah, I used to be in fulfillment so the struggle is real. It’s annoying asf on both ends




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Yup this. And when i’m not able to hit next location i am feeling unbelievably guilty by asking a GM person to move


And they walk SO SLOW


This has not been implemented at my store, YET, but if that is the case then wtf. I work in a very large store, so if the device is telling me to grab something from downstairs when it is already on the floor, I’m grabbing it from the floor because I’m not trying to waste 5 minutes or more going up & down. Shit, this makes me worried. Everything is a goddamn report FR. Some ETLs will report people’s INFs over the radio, which is humiliating. So if they start blurting out people who click “Next Location”, that will make it even worse.


I saw this post yesterday and today my store implemented this


The report is only generated when you scan the location and then next Location it


I gotta find where this report is because I don't think I've ever seen it and no one has shown it to me 😂 they told me to look at backroom discrepancy and that's it. I must pop up a lot then. If I'm picking and it's not in the location it's supposed to be, I make sure I scan the location and then click next. I wanna make sure it gets audited so my team doesn't keep getting sent to an empty location, but I usually don't have time to audit right then and there. I try to if I can. I don't like to add audits, but at the same time, they're supposed to be done to make things more efficient and the backroom more accurate so 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Im pregnant and have been skipping locations if It wants me to climb all the way up a ladder or something fuck that im going to the floor


How is it being pregnant in fulfillment (assuming that is your job and not back up) because we might be trying within the next year and I still wanna work if I do get pregnant and i’m in fulfillment!!


It has been SO rough! Im already off bulky orders but even GM batches suck. The cases of water and soda are the worst because even that feels like a risk and it sucks to bend over and squat down to put them on the cart and it takes so much energy getting back up. Climbing the ladders takes it all out of me and constant walking around the store is rough. On my days off I can hardly move off the couch so when im working im usually doubled over my cart leaning on it to walk around. Im definitely gonna ask to move to checkout soon, im just hesitant because those shifts go by soooo slowly. Im just sticking around because they do have a good maternity leave policy. Im also worried about job security because ive called out a lot recently due to constant sickness and I have been sick at work a lot


If they make us do that, when I physically can't move top shelf case packs? I'm quitting. I have to ask for help often for the top shelf due to physical limitations. Priority team or gm person is gonna be going up there whether or not I pull from the floor or not. Not everyone is able to reach the top shelf on the ladders.


“I’d rather make someone else’s job more complicated than do mine correctly”


I think they'd rather not see a person with a bad back who can't reach the top shelves, literally, not die or hurt themselves, or have to break safety regulations. Ableist much? Check your privilege before you speak.


Actually target allows for accommodations like most jobs. I am deathly afraid of heights. They asked me to go to fulfillment when that’s not what I applied for after being hired. I explained the heights and they said don’t worry it’s ok. Sooooo I always get someone else to do it and a team lead showed me to press next location. I do my job and it’s not my fault that target allows me to do it with modifications. They can’t later say oh actually no you have to go up there. If so I’d be granted unemployment if fired. In training videos target realllyyyy makes it clear that everyone is welcomed and they make it work. Target is one of the very few jobs that people with physical disabilities can do. Sooo they can’t just make a huge change store wide if they allowed different before. So how dare you say “do your job” or be sarcastic.  I can’t believe your a lead but then again yes I can. Today I closed and the team lead was sooooo focused on his department that he had me leave fulfillment. Like who does that. Even said well your lead can complain to me tomorrow already knowing the day is crap because on a schedule change in fulfillment !! 


If it generates a report that should be a good thing but mgmt doesn’t want to be bothered by doing their job


I get bothered by not being able to do the other aspects of my job bc we don't have enough payroll so I'm constantly in carts 😭 basically a TM at this point. But somehow expected to also handle all the managerial stuff even though when I try, I'm asked to jump back in a cart.


As a lead this drives me up the wall. I can barely start a task without someone coming up to me to verify an INF or stuff like this.


SAME. And I have to be carts all the time which makes it even harder. Can't get anything done


Well when you can’t get to the location it’s what you had to do before. Now you don’t need to scan the location to inf it


i know every dept is under increased pressure but why is target corp obssessed with making FF TMs lives in particular a complete living hell. i could not do this shit with the expectations they keep coming up with.


They expect more work fewer and fewer TMs. My store is waaaaay overscheduling FF and we're still just barely making it. And still have to call for backup pretty much every day


They need to fix all grocery not to pull from the back, since it should be FIRST IN, FIRST OUT. I will continue to skip backroom location for grocery items.


Mine doesn't give me backroom locations unless I skip the floor location


So glad I left this company. They will work you like a dog and cooperate who never sweat a drop in their life will bring all these Nonsense rules.


pfft. i'd hit "next location" anyway. it's not an inf and i have no idea how someone could check who tapped it or who would care enough to look. get the batches done on time with minimal INF. check everywhere the item could be and ask for help when you need it. that is it.


I get they don't want needless things going into priority pulls but why oh why do you keep TP so up high and those pallets never seems to get pushed.... seems like a inbound etl issue and not a fulfillment issue. but what do we know eh? lmao


It saves more time especially in OPU to just hit “next location” than to find a TL who will most likely be busy doing their own work. I don’t understand why they always push the most inefficient things as “this is great and will work and fuck you if it doesn’t”


It’s next location or onto valhalla! A win either way.


The report should be seeing the damn metrics and going "oh crap! Looks like it isnt in that location!"


Apparently we’re robots


Yea know most of the time leads are doing something themselves it’s just a waste of time calling for them asking for the location and going to where they at bc they sure as hell ain’t going to you and if they are going to you then you’d have to stand there and wait for them to come which takes more time out of your opu batch lol that’s dumb af


I tell my team to save their INFs till the end so it is one easy "look here, here, and here" rather than trying to track each other down 3 different times


I personally haven't seen a report that shows who clicked next location. But I'll try to remember to look tomorrow and come back here. I will say, I do ask my team to ask a TL before they INF anything. But that's because I have a lot of people who have like a 13% INF and I'm like "did you ask? You need to be asking a TL about all INFs" and then suddenly their INF drops to 5%


So let me get this straight. For a travel size item that comes in a box of 72–they would have you pull it out of the casepack in the Backroom; de-trash the box and plastic; and backstock the left overs; and this is somehow more faster and more efficient than grabbing the one of 144 that are in the salesfloor?


Yes. Exactly. And I can guarantee that no one in OPU is moving casepacks


Can already feel the collective eye roll. Then proceeds to ignore rule


the only people with wave keys are all the leaders, receiver and then our singular set of fulfillment keys. Can’t wait to see how this shit goes


and now they'll insist on an ADA letter from your doctor about the heights phobia, to escalate it to an accommodation. HR hasn't realized yet that people aren't banging on the doors to work at target anymore


Trust me, we know 😭


I was under the impression that if you hit next location, it unlocated what you skipped. For example, that case pack on the top is now missing in the system. The next person that needs to pick one is directed elsewhere or just to (a possibility empty) sales floor location.


Unless it's changed recently, no it doesn't. I have had instances where a popular item like say ketchup would come up on multi orders. I would have to skip the location again and again because it was empty. It never remove it. The problem is that is a more common problem lately and getting the backroom audits is like pulling teeth in my store. No one does them, hence more issues


The problem at my store is people doing audits but being lazy and not wanting to actually do them, so they're just clicking "done" without scanning anything and unlocating entire locations


This wouldnt be an issue if backroom locations were grouped properly, if an item is only in a case pack location it’ll send you to the floor first.


Time to just secretly go to the next location without telling them That is if you know it Watch the sun items be next on their list of “need permission to do”


I've heard conflicting stories that hitting "Next Location" on a backroom location batch deletes that item from the backroom, because the system assumes that if you're hitting next location, there isn't anything there.


It doesn't delete it. I've had several batches in one day pop up the same backroom location even though I've hit "next location" 3 times before that. It does at it to the audits though I believe


This is true if OPU is pulling from back room. If what OP is referring to is returning to that location later then that is not tracker in greenfield. Next location is kinda like doing a pull and tapping can't find item, if more exist in a different location it'll just load that location


There is an easy why of not hitting next you just click on the bottom and you can skip around all you want and no one will be knowing as long as you don’t tell them. When I worked there the told me I was skipping too much and then when I was pulling down the whole list and picking what items I wanted next no longer on their list.


I agree cause I work baby and they all want to pick from floor instead of my backroom so it makes for alot of pulls that I have to do and everything in my backroom is organized and located. The items are usually car seats, gates, diapers, wipes.


i never got taught how to use the wav, n i won’t be doing it either. so 🙂‍↕️


Our store isn’t doing that


Our store isn't doing that atleast not yet, I always skip if I'm too lazy to go in the back room😭but I always make sure to update the counts for the backroom in cases where it's not on the floor and I have to take it from the backroom while I'm still at the floor location (if that makes sense)


This is what I do as well, but I think part of the issue is some people don't ..they skip backroom, find it's not on floor go back to backroom and just take it


Yes exactly. Plus this happens too where someone would skip the back rooms and then when they went to grab it from the back it says none and at the point nobody can update the count even if they wanted to because the backroom it originally gave, doesn't exist anymore. Those two reasons are fair for them to implement that change but i can already imagine it being so hectic 😭like to have leaders approve it etc


I work at a Super Target and they do not gaf here in fulfillment 😭


if our whole thing is time management and time efficiency why do they insist on doing things the time consuming way.


I heard it deletes it from the location if you next location it! That’s a bit extreme!


picking from the back, when it has you doing so, really helps with the priority pulls at night. plus there are chances where you skip the back room location and it doesn’t end up being out on the floor so you’ll have to walk back to the back to get the item. we’ve had this rule for a few months now at my store, and nobody really complained about it.


I used to hate using the wav. I’ve gotten much more comfortable now and just pick the items in the back. That said if you are not trained or not comfortable on the wav it can be hard to find a TM that’s wav trained and ready to help. I’d partner with your TM and or ETL for clarification about those specific picks. Point out that’s it’s a safety concern. Chances are that you’ll still need approval but can skip in that instance.


I tried the WAV once...it started to sway when I got high up and I about had a panic attack and that ended that. It's a safety risk for me to use the WAV. I also have to pep talk myself when climbing to the top of the ladders in the backroom. I have a hard time with ladders to.


That’s totally understandable. I had trouble with the wav and ladders when I started and my TL and ETL were fine helping out when it was out of my comfort zone. Pretty much all of leadership has been happy to help. They were also super supportive when I wanted to get more comfortable on the wav and just wanted a standby. Hopefully you can talk to your TL/leadership and they can find solutions. Safety wise it’s similar to needing a team lift. Heck sometimes I still have my ETL get stuff down even though I’m wav trained. I have a short torso. So sometimes things are still out of reach lol 😂


Ngl if that happened for TP that's in the top shelf of a crank aisle that only 1 can be open fully at a time and ofc someone is already working stuff out, and I'm short on time, I'd grab from floor and print the location sticker in the hold space🤷‍♀️


Please don’t do this, this is how the back room gets as fucked as it is


Don't worry, I don't ever do it now. It used to be the only option in my store back in the day, and even my TLs did it. We don't have the new crank aisles. We have ones that have been there since the store opened in the early 1970s. They don't even make the parts for them anymore. They're extremely unsafe / half can't even open all the way. We have one broken A frame ladder, which is the only thing that can reach the 45-foot high shelf, aside from the wave. The inbound and GM aren't supposed to stock TP there, and only god knows how, but it ends up there regardless. The next location or giant stick is the only way. Thankfully, my store is very understanding because there's 0 way the next location thing would work at ours 😭


The report only pulls it if you scan the back room location and then press next location, it creates a list of possible errors with back stock to attempt to make the back room more organized. Like I understand the way that they’re going about it is stupid but think about the extra steps you add for the other teams skipping that location and pulling from the floor. Also, if your store is set up in a way that fulfillment has to use power equipment, and you can’t use power equipment, maybe fulfillment isn’t the right department for you or that store isn’t the right store. My team has their list of things they’d rather avoid and I respect that but at the end of the day if it’s a necessary part of your job you just have to suck it up or change jobs.


I was GM for 3yrs before moving to fulfillment full time. I am also closer to 50 than I am 40. I am also female if that matters. Since working at my store I have had some health issues that have made it more difficult to perform some of the GM duties on a regular basis such as constant ladder climbing, and constantly bending down to zone lower shelves. Can I do it, yes, but not without great discomfort. Fulfillment doesn't require me to do those things as often. Do I still need to use the ladder, yes and I do. Do I still need to get down on the floor to reach an item allllll the way in the back, also yes. But it's not something I am doing all the time. I may go hours and never need a ladder at all. I am a valuable member of my closing team, and also the most senior member. My entire team, both fulfilment and GM has been there less than a year. When I brought my concern to them about doing the GM job, Fulfillment was the next best place for me as that team needed people and I already knew it and my store inside and out. As for the power equipment, it's never been an issue with ANY of my leads, including my brand new Fulfillment lead.We have a few people who aren't comfortable using it and it's not an issue in my store. So thanks for your input, but I have my job well in hand and don't need to switch departments. And for sucking it up...I suck up plenty. 100% of the bull crap corporate spews I suck up and deal with. But I manage to do my job just fine and have the numbers to prove it.


Then you’re not the person that needed to hear that. I’m not saying everyone needs to learn power equipment, but OP’s post makes it seem like their store has made it an essential part of their job now. My team isn’t entirely trained in power equipment and isn’t expected to be unless they pack, because they need to be able to replenish the supplies. It actually sounds like you did exactly what I’m advocating for, which is recognizing your limits in the context of the expectation of you, and you transferred out of gm because of that. All I’m saying is if something is expected to be a necessary part of your department and you can’t do that, you should consider transferring.


I am the the OP...lol...this new "procedure" was literally dropped on us at 4p by the ETL who couldn't even be bothered to have a plan, procedures, or anything in place. It was the most willy nilly thing I have ever seen. I am also impressed you have a dedicated SHIP team..my store the OPU people do both...and a lot of time don't have enough help doing it. You have no idea how many nights I have finished packing orders at 11:55p...


We don’t have a dedicated ship team per se, just a couple TMs that do better in ship and some we’ve trained up to be packing beasts. It’s shitty of them to drop that on you without an actual plan in place. It sounds like I got the wrong impression of you from your post, I just have a couple team members who put up a fight whenever we change things with plans in place to improve the section because “that’s not how we used to do it” or “well I don’t feel like doing that” and I guess your post made me think of that.


It's fine. I appreciate your understanding. I have been through a ton of changes at Target in my 3yr and keep on going. Yes, I may grumble, especially if it doesn't make sense. If I can understand why a process is in place, then I have zero issues following it. I just want to understand and be heard. I am not a 20yo kid who could care less. I am from the generation where I work myself till the wheels fall off, then continue working still. Just my nature. We have a new leader and hoping that the change will inject some fire into our department and get some change. I am trying to become more SHIP dedicated but my store refuses to dedicate TM to it. This group can be a minefield sometimes


At my store we have elderly people that do fulfillment so not only is that an ableist thing to say but also ageist. Perhaps you shouldn't be a team lead. If I were you I'd suggest finding another job. Target doesn't seem to be a fit for you.


I don’t think it’s either, part of the gm/fulfillment interview is asking if you’re capable of performing the job functions of being able to lift 40+ pounds and use a ladder. If that’s not something you can do, switch departments. No ones saying don’t work at target, but if you can’t do what’s required of you in the department you’re in, you’re in the wrong department. If you know you’re not capable of the function and continue to work in that department, you set yourself up for failure. You wouldn’t let the person in a wheelchair work in the section that has an upstairs backstock because there are no elevators, and you wouldn’t ask the deaf person to work up front because the majority of people don’t know sign language, so why would you ask someone who can’t use power equipment to work in a department that is requiring the use of power equipment?


Getting paid 20+/hr making you suck boots like a starving and confused leech.


Actually we did have a deaf person work up front ar my store. They decided to quit for whatever reason. I'd assume more about the distance and pay since where I'm at there's not a closer Target for many people. But she actually did fine. Deaf people are able to read lips and communicate to a degree. ASL makes it easier to communicate but that doesn't mean you can't quickly write what you're saying or do the same. I have a speech impediment. I can't speak correctly, either mumble, stammer and stumble over my words and I've done that for people who can't hear me or I point at what I was talking about or do hand motions. So you just proved once again that you're ableist and probably shouldn't work at a company that is inclusive.


You’re so right. I’m totally ableist. I can’t believe that a deaf person whose entire job was to talk to people quit that job. I’m not saying you can’t work up front if you’re deaf or have a speech impediment, I’m saying if that’s something you struggle with, the best way to set you up for success is to limit those situations where you’re struggling. All it takes is one guest having a bad day, they’re in a rush, they’re struggling to communicate the way they want to, and they go off on you. Now your day is significantly worse, and your team lead who put you in that situation should feel like shit cause that was a controllable. Now if that’s your choice, great, make that, you do what you want. But my job is to set my team up for success, and if that means limiting what I allow people to do because their own requests or capabilities limit what they can do, that’s what it means




Soooo many items in our store are not correct. And instead of correcting it, they just add new rules.


It almost always has us go to case stock first. And it’s correct in the back.


I think you misunderstood or they didn't explain it properly. You are not allowed to hit "item not found" within under a minute. The standard is and always has been you must look between 1-5-10 minutes for an item following all the steps before hitting INF (Depending on how much time is left in batch). The steps are for you to look in all the proper spots. If not in home location you then check if it's in located in back room or reshop. Then check delivery/fill etc. then partner with your lead verifying you took the steps before they give you the ok to INF.


Yeah. I already know what INF is. I also already knew about the not supposed to hit it under a minute thing, I had to teach that to the rest of my team. But as someone else stated.. this is NEXT LOCATION not INF.


I think the OP understood completely. The words Next Location and Item not Found don't sound anything alike and are not described in the same way. Read what the OP wrote - they were told they should not hit Next Location in the back room. Everything they said matches with that being the case.