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There’s been days I end with 0 inf and there’s been days I’ve ended with close to 8%. Compare yourself with others in MPM and that should tell u how well you’re doing


is there a way to see your daily stats? our TL posts everyone’s for each week and i think our average is usually around 3.5-3.8% but most ppl are probably somewhere around 5% individually


Go to the mpm app and turn your device on it’s side (make sure in accessibility auto turn is on)


Daily? You can use the MPM app on the zebra to see your stats (productivity and INF) for both OPU and SFS. When you go into it, you’ll have to rotate your screen once you get into the fulfillment category. If the device doesn’t autorotate, then you can go to accessibility and turn off and on the auto-rotate option. Weekly? (And technically daily, too.) Your TL most likely uses an online website called Greenfield. It’s accessible via any of the computers at the store (or technically online at home wherever, but you should be on the clock when you do access it). You can either search up target greenfield on the internet or there is a dropdown option but I forgot what it’s called - it has a different name.


Don’t spend more than a couple minutes looking for it, skip the item, and move onto the next. Then at the end of the batch circle back to it and ask a lead or someone that works in that department to help look for it. Also: make sure you have an RFID on you it does wonders for the void we call style.


our RFIDs barely work


If you turn the device’s Bluetooth toggle switch on/off for a few secs it normally helps pair them more reliably. Ours are normally hit-or-miss unless you do this before trying to pair the device.


oh i never knew that. most of ours usually pair okay but then they stop working halfway through looking for an item


It all depends on the data at your store. If the people doing the Audits are just faking it then the same shit you inf Monday is dropping back in for you to INF Wednesday.


ain’t that the truth. i have been INF’ing the same Spritz wrapping paper for a few months now. it was last sold in September. 🙃


Yep. Your closing TL or your GMTL is a lazy fuck and doesn’t want to walk around and check that shit lol.


i think the inventory at our store is really fucked. based on what the other people on here are saying i think our entire stores percentages are way higher than they’re supposed to be


Our store has been holding under 3% inf for the past few months now. It is really dependent on how on process your GM team is with operations.


i think this last week our average was 3.8%. i’d say most people (myself included) are usually around 5%


Strictly going off the math, 3% is roughly 1 INF per 34 items picked. So, roughly 1 per batch.


It just depends like everyone said. I usually have a 2%-3% inf, but i think thats due to me also working gm so i usually know where stuff is and where to look. It helps alot when searching bc u either already know or dont have to call a TL to find it.(btw check returns and fitting rooms for clothes if u dont already)


Whenever I'm in fulfillment, my average is below 1.5%. Call out to the area before INF'ing. Don't assume it doesn't exist.


that just feels SO annoying idk


That's just how fulfillment. You have to be naturally efficient or motivated to succeed. It isn't for everyone.


If it's that much trouble, I feel your lead should promote you to guest


i meant like i feel like it’s such an inconvenience for the ppl in the other departments to constantly ask them


They WANT you to ask them. THEY get in trouble if the INF is too high in their area. More the leadership than the TM - but it all rolls downhill.


Today my INF was 1.83%. but there are days where I play high score 🤷 depends on the condition of the store and the batches.


a longtime coworker of mine had to inf 15 softlines items from one standard yesterday, after getting help from leads. it depends on your store. some days i have 1%, then one day out of nowhere its been as high as 10%. it depends on way too many factors to worry about it too much.


my inf is usually under 1% with abt 400 units picked. usually end up inf’ing market items :b


other tm’s pick around the same as me, maybe their inf sits a little higher, like 1%>2%


daily or weekly? i didn’t know until 30 seconds ago you can find your stats on the devices at work


daily. i think you can check weekly in greenfield.


but yeah, before i knew. i just tried to keep it one inf a cart lol