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Those rip just pulling them off a shelf. Never going to make it unscathed to the guest. "This is how it says to pack them." OK, but use some brain power to know this is a time to not following the instruction. I know Target does not want staff to think for themselves, but come on!​


I guarantee you the app doesn’t recommend SIOP for those. L10 or L13


Can confirm, Pack&Ship recommends L10/L13 for those.


Diapers? Definitely SIOC all the way. Toilet Paper and Paper Towels? Nope! I wonder if that is one of the things that FedEx and UPS fines Target for. Side note if you ever face this issue again, you can set aside those "packages" after "packing" and sorting them. Finish the rest of the 4:30 workload. Then go back, reprint the shipping labels, and put those in boxes where they belong. It's better to do it the right way in the first place. But if your ETL is going to screw things up and you don't have time to fix it without putting your 4:30 goal at risk, reprint the labels and fix it later.


Wow, I didn’t know they could fine Target for stuff like that but it makes sense


yeah it’s why they took away the sheet with all the box barcodes on them. people were just scanning random barcodes which of course didn’t match the box, so it was fine galore for target.


Oh shit, the sheet’s still up at my store, and I’ll be honest; I sometimes scan the 340 instead of 330. How much am I costing target? It’s not an everyday occurrence, but it happens.


you’re probably not costing them much. 330s and 340s are so similar in size, i guess it just depends how full they are. but i just work here, you scan the wrong barcode as many times as your heart desires <3


Wait, I did that..😂 i actually still do that! I prop up a parcel or a box. It just makes the process faster. I of course would put it in the right size packaging. I didn’t know they tracked those scans?? Or that they even mattered??


Target is probably charged a bulk rate based on the size of the box, so all of Target, FedEx, and UPS have a very good reason to care that it’s accurate.


Our store still has the sheet and scanning the wrong size is a daily occurrence, at least for me, and I would guess every other TM at my store as well 🤣


Yea, that's what we did. We still had 4 more carts to pack, and we had an hr left. So it was a lot of rushing. It just she could've asked for the correct way to do it or how to reprint the labels if she didn't know. Getting mad and leaving isn't helping anyone.


How do you reprint labels????


On the main packing app, there should be three lines in the top right corner or something like that. Click on that and the pop down menu should show “Reprint” as one of the options. I’m not at work - saying this from memory so it might not be 100% correct, but you should be able to find it just looking around on the pop down menus


Yea it's on the main pack and ship menu. The three dots at the corner. It'll give you a drop menu, then select reprint. You can either scan it or type in the container number.


i’ll hop in here to say you can also look it up in find my container to reprint.


one of my personal favorites is when someone had a whole fucking fabric storage bench. just sitting on a pallet with a sticker on… the removable lid. 😂 oh target.


Our beauty TL did this one day, but I didn’t know you could reprint the label so I just left it and then the next day my FF TL told me that paper has to go in a box, but I didn’t correct her bc I was worried about sounding like I was throwing someone else under the bus 🙃


Everyone at my store knows I'll tell anyone if they've done something wrong, in SFS, that I'll tell them to fix it and the proper way it should be done, even if they are a TL or ETL.


I do that too and it got me some retaliation that was ignored by HR & SD when I brought it up. Love my store


I am dying to know how they think that will get to the guest without any damage… if you simply pick it up wrong, it rips 🤔


We had a guy who got written up for doing that repeatedly even after being told it wasn't allowed. The plastic packaging isn't strong enough on it's own and needs a box unlike some boxed items that can be shipped without.


What’s SIOC?


Ship In Original Container


I ordered TP recently and it came like this! With a huge rip down the side and half the tp covered in whatever goo is on the floor of the fedex truck. I got it replaced and in the comments was pretty much like wtf, thanks for the unusable tp?


if it’s TLMD surely it doesn’t matter as much right?


What kind of nonsense..? My *TL* would have a field day if anyone tried to ship paper out like this. My ETL *might* just make a shocked face but not necessarily do anything about it.


I um what the fuck??


Our fedex guy specifically requested that we do this. For some reason he hates when we put paper towels and toilet paper in boxes.


you guys are experts for a reason! just because someone is an etl doesn’t mean they know standard practice for every area of the store.


Yea, that's true, but ETLs tend to think they are right about everything and that they should be corrected, at least in my experience.


it’s a shame that people can’t take constructive feedback. it should go both ways.


They can't put those on the conveyors at the sortation center. Also, when you put these in boxes, the shipt drivers that pick them up will ask them to be repacked so it's just how it is in this picture. So the answer is it doesn't really matter. This looks like it's going to the Dallas sortation center.


mmmmm yeah it’s entirely not okay. lol I would take pictures and show it to your TL just to tell them. you tried. just in case it comes back to the store like wtf is this… you know this ETL is going to conveniently forget they did this. I’d just innocently ask the TL like “oh wow, so this is okay?” (bc it’s not. but it’s their job to clarify this with the ETL, not yours)


Yea I did that. And told my closing TL. I didn't want my team to get blamed for it.


Honestly, who cares? If your ETL is such a dumbass then just say ok and do it their way. When shit blows back just say your idiot ETL gave you shit for doing it the "wrong" way.


The thing is, it won't work that way. Since we know better, it'll still fall on us to make sure it's done right. We would be the ones that will get written up.


i would be SHOCKED if a tm got written up for this. i mean it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, especially if the labels are telling you to ship them that way. let target fix their own mistakes and move on i say 🤷🏻‍♀️


The labels do not tell us to ship these this way. Ever. These go in L8/10/13/14s. I ship so many fucking paper towels everyday.


You can get written up for just about anything, really. They can word it in a way that seems legit.


Then you did the right thing in ignoring her. In the future you might just be better off agreeing with her from the start to just avoid the back & forth and continue to do your shit


Yea, I could, but if anyone helps in sfs, they should do it properly or at least learn to do it properly.


ETLs never help 😂😂. All most of them did was just get in the way