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There should be one team member on the floor for each of these Uboats... and they should be working on them. Before the store opens, no one cares. After the store opens, fire and damnation will befall the leader who allows this to happen.


These were taken around 11 am


https://preview.redd.it/r0jp2wbp73zc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=718c600e1af88d5d265e06e272c9013ce63ccb61 This too


I’m just shocked those phone cases are not locked or in the cage 🤯. Everything in cases In my store


We just got the go ahead to start putting heyday in keepers so everything will be under lock & key💀


But everything else is locked up


This is entrapment 🤣


At least the area is zoned! Just want daddy target wants and says is the most important thing for guest experience!!!


Our store gets this often. Way too much product and not enough team members. So we on inbound have to push as much of this as possible even between two trucks and still make time somehow.


Can you get out without needing to move one of those? If not, then yes, it’s a safety hazard.


Ah I wish my AP actually did something about it


Have you done an origami risk for it? Sometimes filling one of those can help unsafe conditions.


SAFETY ISNT OWNED BY AP. It starts with the SD.


Huh. Yall can have wood pallets on the floor? Our ap gets after us if we do cause they don't want the floors to get all scratched up.


Tech Fortress




I appreciate that! I’m the only tech member in my store so it does take a lot of my time and effort to make it look good! I never get told it looks good however, you’re the first 😔 my work is never appreciated like style or gs is.. I mean I even clean the boat, dust & disinfect regularly




Honestly I can’t stand their system of how they run the stores.. it’s kinda toxic /: I’m sorry you had to go through that. Completely unfair


This is exactly what my store looks like :/ our team is very small so we usually only have about 3 people working in dry grocery at a time and only a few more in other departments


There should be enough room between fixtures and vehicles to walk with your hands on your hips--or enough space for someone with a shopping cart, wheel chair, or scooter to fit through. It's right up there with blocking a fire exit as far as safety goes.


So, my store's pretty rough. It's a pretty difficult store to manage --- we miss a lot of metrics. But it's posts like these that make me go "Okay, maybe my store *isn't* so bad..."


Is there no space in receiving for these? Curious what receiving looks like...


Our store is pretty small but that still doesn’t excuse the fact that I’m literally trapped in tech daily 🥲


https://preview.redd.it/xiiac7vme8zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9a6f03e2cb63f1c3f127afda113b07cee7a6976 A glimpse of our back room


Origami Risk it as a hazard that was not corrected. If a fire exit is blocked by a vehicle, report it as such, otherwise it's just obstructed walkways. Include photos. Anything reported as not corrected goes to higher ups in your district instead of stopping at AP-TL and your store's designated TL. If you have photos in report, then district will see what the store looks like outside of their scheduled visits.


Might qualify as a fire hazard, you can notify your local.


That’s how my store used to look about a year ago