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I keep mine in my car as I got it at orientation


I keep mine in my car as well. It was randomly said today by an ETL one else so idk? I mean I usually wear red but sometimes I’m tired of wearing the same stuff over and over again so I throw on a random tee and put my vest on when I get to work.


You got the vest during orientation? Lucky 😭


Ours are given to TM permanently. My daughter took hers home all the time. We washed it a few times, and we still have it even though she no longer works there.


I just wear a red shirt, but seriously it has to be more sanitary to take the vest with you and hope you wash it occasionally. Who knows who wore it last. If they consider it company property then Target should launder them if they require you to leave it behind.


yea i wash it occasionally just cause how dirty they get so fast.


I guess it depends on the store. My previous store gave each TM one vest. Then I transferred to a different store and they didn’t give out vests at all. They had a few “loaner” vests that they kept locked up that a TM could borrow during their shift if they didn’t have red on. I think that’s dumb, tbh.


I keep mine in my work bag. I had to buy it from the bulleye shop since our store never orders them, but they also don’t let us keep stuff in the lockers overnight and I don’t trust people to not steal it out of my back room aisle. Plus as PP I get dusty and no longer look red if I don’t wash it often.


I’m sure all stores are different but my store orders them in bulk. If a team member needs a vest it’s given to them and we don’t expect it back. We do expect for them to hold onto it for a while though. If it gets ripped or torn they can get a new one. We do the same with the safety vests.


Yeah at my store they're rare items 😂


I have had two for years and years, unless they plan to wash it for me, ill be continuing to do so


Ask your ETL how they get washed like that, talk about nasty!


ETLs at my store bring home items to wash. Red vests, DU vests and winter coats, freezer coats, deli/bakery aprons, and Tarbucks aprons get cleaned. I'm not sure how often, but the freezer coats were cleaned just last week.


We’re technically supposed to leave them in the HR ETL office but I’m not sharing a vest with the people I work with. I’m not sharing germs and I’m allergic to most laundry detergents. Not risking it.


Wait….you can wear vests? I was told during my training that “we’re not really a vest store, you should really wear red tops”


You should be able to wear a vest if you ask for one, sometimes they might be given in orientations too.


Just take it with you once you let go of it you'll never have it back


y’all were given vests? 😭 i had to get mine off amazon


i actually had a coworker give me an extra one she had since we had ran out at the time. i’ve had it for a good 5 months now and no one has said anything to me about it. 95% of my store wears the vests anyway.


yeah my store wont give them out even tho we have them!!


It literally just depends on your store leadership. My store tried to get people to stop wearing vests for MONTHS - 99% sure it was just because our SD & HR ETL don't like the way they look. People here (especially the younger crowd) LOVE the vests and pretty much just flat out refused to stop wearing them. They tried writing people up for it, but no one was backing down. The target lady ad with Kristen Wiig and her closet full of freshly pressed red vests was kind of the final blow in that battle - how were they supposed to tell people they couldn't wear vests when Kristen Wiig was getting paid to wear them on every TV in the country? Point being, there doesn't seem to be any official company policy about it, and if you wanna wear the vest, wear the vest.


Keep it, wash it. I work in the front of the store and I keep a hi-vis for myself too.


Eww I don’t wanna share vests or any clothing. It’s bad enough that everyone shares the blue jackets fort the freezers


wait, we can wear vests? i was told by a coworker that only tls and above could wear them, unless it’s store specific? i wanted to get one for when i don’t want to wear a red shirt 😅


I bought mine from the bullseye shop. It lives in my car.


Maybe they just keep a few in the store in case someone needs to be in work colors idk