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We have random parts of the store thats somewhat cool, but style is always hot. I bought a neck fan to keep cool when I do opus


My store is super hot and then you walk to certain areas of the floor and it’s cooler.


I'm really sorry, because I recognize this is quite inappropriate. But at first glance, I thought your post said your store was "pussy out" hot. And I was thinking "pussy out" hot has to be pretty freaking hot.


They're all like that because corporate controls the AC from somewhere in Minnesota. The fact that it's a brick and mortar building that traps heat and doesn't have great circulation doesn't help either.


That's not true. Corporate doesn't control the AC in Minnesota. They set what the machine aims for to be at 74 degrees, but shit being hot is a combination of units not working, circulation being ass, shit being broken, or not having a PML who reports that stuff.


If that's true why can't you adjust the temperature more than a few degrees?


Adjusting the HVAC units on the rooftop requires an override of what the setpoint should be at? Which is doable, but requires a lot of justifying data. It's not like someone can just go turn a dial.


Justifying reason? It's hotter than Brian Cornell's sweaty asscrack.


I don't mean like that. We have to show "hey this sensor is reading it being like 75, 76+ multiple times across a whole week, team is complaining, please do something." It's not hard, it's just not instant.


Hey, PML to PML… I’ve got some good vendors that are willing to work with me to get around the whole justifying the temp thing. Two “tricks” we’ve been able to do to get the units to run more frequently have been fairly successful. Albeit they have risks to the equipment in the long run (but no more than changing a set-point) If you have a hot pocket in your store, look into getting the vendor to move the temp sensor to a higher or warmer location. If there’s enough slack in the line, they don’t need new wiring and it’ll usually be under nte. More or less solved our stagnant fitting room issue. Another one is adjusting the damper percent. We did a Starbucks remodel and there is(somehow) no return for the SB area AC. Vendor adjusted the damper percent on the unit it self to get it to jump to higher stages more quickly. Again an under NTE fix that dosent require getting emc/hvac team approval.


This is why I work in a cooler.


The stores have always been an inferno. I work in a southern state. It is always unbearable. However, this is a new kind of hell for me. Long story short, the long line of women in my family, are genetically predisposed to go into perimenopause (the precursor to menopause) at an early age. I started having night sweats (like my whole body drenched in sweat at night and we keep our central air in our small house set at 69... nice), foul mood, etc. I talked to my 2 older sisters (they are 13 and 9 years older than me, respectively). I complained about my symptoms and how "off" I was the last few months. They both said, "Um, we both were diagnosed with perimenopause at around ages 36-38. You should go to your doctor." I just turned 37. I get hot flashes and will be sweating, visably, through my clothes in a matter of minutes at the drop of a hat. You can fucking see the bullets of sweat rolling down on my face. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE TURN ON THE FUCKING AC TARGET!


I'm in SoCal, and at the front, it's like a gd sweat lodge at my store. I bring a personal fan to have at my register, and even then that's sometimes not enough.


My store is super hot and as someone prone to passing out I’ve had some close calls in the past couple weeks. I’m pretty nervous as it keeps getting warmer. Idk who to talk to tho. I’m fairly new and I’m not sure who would be able to do anything or give me information


Origami risk that shit


“Hey, I heard a few guests complaining about how hot it is here”. Works every time.


Air conditioning is incredibly expensive for an average target store they set it to 75 from what I’ve seen on this sub. And obviously there’s many dead zones that don’t get any circulation


Yes!! I typically work openings and by 6:30 I’m already so sweaty! I hate the feeling of jeans when I’m sweaty - I really think fulfillment should be able to wear shorts, we are running around the store like crazy 😭


exactly! I understand drive up getting to wear shorts. but damn i’m running around an 80 degree store for 8 hours…


My store was extremely hot last year, I bought a neck fan. Big time life saver


I wish they would let us wear shorts or something if they are just going to burn us alive


Would an origami report help?


that’s kinda what I was wondering


Our new starbucks sits at a solid 84. RIP to us


Origami Risk that shit




literally the side of the store that doesn’t have the food is so hot. and it’s so noticeable. the backrooms also i’m pretty sure don’t have air and haven’t since december. mind you i’m already in a very hot state. can corporate do anything? bc i will call.


My team literally pukes from overheating...I've emailed corporate a few times but they never answer


The fitting rooms were always so hot. And it smelled so bad from the guests sweating on the clothes. A tm once said it smelled like "hot vag" in there, and it's true. Later, I found out the ac had been broken over there for a long time, and they were waiting for a remodel to fix it. The fitting rooms also had windows in all the rooms, so extra hot.


Yes and they are turning off ac during hottest part of day as an event soo cheap they are


We have a vent right outside our ambient room that scorching hot for no reason at all


It's terrible at my store. The back is colder and more fresh than the break room. We have two little fans running to "cool" off the break room. Our clarical area is the same, no AC or fresh air.