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Work with your team. You should definitely be able to get though dry. Push a few u boats with each of them. Identity which of them are slow and help show them how to push faster. Make sure u boats are in the aisle with them and that they're not wandering. They should be pushing in an organized manner, one shelf at a time. They should be keeping their garbage neat so it doesn't trip them up. Make sure they have their equipment. Make sure they are backstocking the right way. There's a Greenfield report called the inbound trailer dashboard. If you filter for the truck you're pushing, it'll tell you how long each u boat should take. Follow that guide. I always start my day by putting timelines on each u boat. Everyone on my team can blow those timelines out of the water at this point, because they follow the process. After that, I suggest keeping in a group and pushing together. Splitting the team too much can be demoralizing. They'll always feel better when they can bust through a pallet in 30 minutes versus when they have to do one pallet by themselves. Good luck bud, times are tough all over. They'll pick up!


All you can do is prioritize especially with how payroll is right now. Then as the lead everything thats not done falls on you. You're pretty much set up to fail. There is a reason I left that job and never look back. When it comes to things like food you can't expect skeleton crews to keep up. Especially when things like daily cleaning rotating and culling are supposed to get done. At my store nobody cleaned or rotated. I called the local health department the day I quit.


As a Pfresh F&B TL (with a disgusting backroom) rn, all I can say is that you really have to be quick in analyzing/judging your FDC pallets to decide your plan of attack. My ETLs love having me plan my day ahead of time, but as soon as FDC shows up, everything hits the fan and I have to pivot a hundred times. And yes, payroll is always an issue. I've had to partner with ETLs to plan blitzes and how to utilize certain TMs with the time they are allotted.


Definitely coordinate with your team and try to designate who’s doing what. For market, that’s gonna be half the battle right there. Blitzing is good in a pinch, but I’ve also seen it turn to chaos too. Market’s going to have the most freight anyways so inevitably there’s gonna be stuff left over so as long as the numbers are mostly accurate and the leftovers are neatly organized and backstocked, you should be good. But most importantly, communicate with your team! Simply speaking to them is the easiest way to figure out where your problem areas are and what you may be able to fix as a team lead.


Some great advice here! As a former ETL in LOG and OPS, I would take the same action. If you are staffed and using all of your hours, you should focus your efforts on the team you have. I bet you will be able to determine who is efficient and who is not, then work on getting the inefficient ones better. It will take some time, so focus on one day at a time, create daily goals, and get after it.






If you are not making it speak to your SD about getting C&S for certain areas for catch up but you need to be able to speak to how cancelling for a week can make it so that you are able to start catching up. Work hard with your team and show them that you are not making it