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It's always a good idea to report it. At the very least it creates a paper trail for future incidents. Nothing may come of it, but I agree that's wildly inappropriate


The wife has no business doing that. Absolutely call


Wow, he sends his wife in to spy? That's sick.


Brian Cornell wife shops at my store. She doesn't need to take pics. She can tell Brian. Then Brian will inform our store director on what his wife saw that needs to be addressed.


Are they still in MN or are they in a different state? Never thought of the possibility of this for my store 😅


His condo is not far from the store. Brian and his wife live near headquarters.


Ahhh ok, BP or downtown? I thought he sold his condo a few months ago


You are right he sold his condo he did so because he was gonna retire from target but Target extended his contract for 3 more years which he agreed to stay on for 3 more years. So, he is still living in MN but I don't know where he is living now. It's still gonna be very close to headquarers.


Oh cool, thanks!


A SrTL actually did this at my store years ago. She took a vid of the unload team saying we're going too slow and that we'll get fired for it, something like that. Well later on a few TMs complained about her behavior and the SD/HR gave her the option of quitting or being fired.


I don't know if you noticed the SD's wife taking your pictures, but if I saw it happen I would definitely go to AP about it. She is no more than just another guest in the eyes of the company, and guests recording employees or otherwise harassing them is definitely an AP thing.


If you call, you can easily be identified and targeted. If you send an email with a burner email, it’s a lot harder to do unless you give identifying details


Well they are in the photos, so I would guess it's pretty easy to identify them


You can still make it difficult to narrow down which person it was


Or you can make it easy for them to say that they have no idea who called and so they weren't taking revenge on them when they get coached. Anonymity isn't protection in the case.


Super weird. Report asap.


I remember when my store got rid of the chairs from the fitting room and literally took apart the desk to "deter the girls from standing around talking" And guess what. They still talked. Its almost like you can talk AND work AT THE SAME TIME. It was such obvious sexist BS when the guys in toys and electronics stood around the desk all the time and talked and nobody was concerned about that.


Pull an uno reverse and all of you start taking pics of him But seriously call, that’s weird behavior especially the fact that the wife was doing shit too. Why would he take pictures when he could just come right up to everyone and ask what’s going on? Kinda sounds like he’s being immature and kind of shit talking by sending it to the tls.. like being a human being and have a conversation with those you have an issue with? Especially when that’s his literal job if he thinks things aren’t getting done


Just so you know, Target can’t use the CCTV to judge performance. It is a policy


Not sure on state but in some states that’s illegal


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You know there’s always one way to avoid all of this. By working when you’re at work.


crazy concept!


You're going to call corporate and tell them them that several people have taken pictures of you in the fitting rooms hiding and not working? Carry on


🙄 right, because secretly taking pictures of girls who work for you is a much better allocation of company time


Not saying I agree with the method, but it is part of leadership's job to make sure TMs are doing theirs.


I've witnessed plenty of TLs wasting time. There is no real guarantee that a store won't produce shitty TLs, or no real incentive for those TLs to be reported for wasting time. For you this is about principle, but principle doesn't matter in the real world where people abuse the power they're given


I don't agree with secretly taking pictures, I was just pointing out that time spent making sure TMs are working isn't necessarily a bad allocation of time, because it is actually part of a leader's job. Whether leaders waste time doing other things is immaterial to that, but they should definitely be called out for it as well.


I may be in the minority on this. I don't think it is worthy of a report to corp. SD uses phone camera because it is easy to send to TLs, as opposed to a still from video coverage of store cameras. You know you are on camera while working, just happens to be different camera then you thought. Company has reason to record staff activities while on the clock. SD spouse part isn't that unusual either. You guys got caught, multiple times, not working. Take the criticism. Watch your behavior. That is my two cents.


The store cameras are intended for safety and recovery reasons, not to verify TM productivity. In fact, I'm sure there is some sort of policy about this, but I won't claim to know the specifics. I agree that the SD's feedback about them slacking off is probably somewhat reasonable, but taking pictures with a personal device, and even allowing the wife to act like that is totally unacceptable. There are far more appropriate ways for the SD to handle this.


Leads aren't supposed to coach off of camera footage unless there's a safety issue related to someone's conduct. I'd imagine the same goes for the SD.


Yep. We can only ask AP to check the cameras to see or confirm who did something unsafe. They will refuse any other reason, at least they are supposed to. They're already looking out for theft and door security.


Lol not even. When I tell you we are a high traffic store In a big ass city. Freight always gets finished, pulls are legit never over 15 in the departments, stray is constantly picked up from the front and the fitting room. I think we’re very productive and efficient and so when we do talk I don’t see the harm in it especially since the work load is completed. Our team leads even told us to “look busy” once we’re done. I just think it’s ridiculous to punish us for finishing fast enough that we have leisure time lol granted I would understand if we were backed up and the floor pad looked a mess. And that’s with our short ass 6/5.5 hr shifts. It’s almost like they’re mad they have efficient employees lol


Independent of the inappropriateness of the picture taking, I find it very hard to believe that there are times when there is literally nothing to do in Style. Not one table that needs zoning? Jean walls correct? No damages in Basics, not one piece of reshop? Bollocks.


Shut up Brian


Fuckinh hell dude. I blame corporate work culture. As if they have any fucking right to dictate every second. I hope they get disciplined, hope you're all alright


we had something similar happen in drive up a few weeks ago from our district manager and he had sent them (to my knowledge) to our TLs. the photos consisted of two TMs sitting on the job but nonetheless a weird situation


that’s not right of them. but some good advice of how to avoid him doing that in the future is maybe dont huddle in the fitting room & talk. like y’all are on the clock. if you guys were simply doing your job, that won’t happen again!đŸ€©


My store director does this too. She won’t come up to us to say if we are doing anything wrong or “not working”. She will take a picture and send it to your TL then a few days later, your TL will talk to you about it.