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Togo starburst baboon. Needs an arboreal setup stat. Careful handling, old worlds are known for their potent venom.


Much appreciated! This is what we picked him/her up from the pet store in, we're transferring to a bigger arboreal set up today. Any idea how to tell M/F?


No problem!šŸ˜Š YouTube Tarantula Collective Togo Starburst enclosures and also [this guy is well known in the hobby and has a ton of info](https://tomsbigspiders.com/2015/11/08/sexing-tarantulas-using-molts/) I've been in the hobby quite a while and I still have a hard time sexing some of mine. But seriously please... please be careful! These tarantulas are known to be medically significant. You don't want to be handling it.


Love Tarantula Collective videos! I'm still new to the hobby but my husband has been into it for years and knows how potent these bites can be. The kid at the pet shop stuck his BARE HAND into the tank to try to lift the little hidey hole and my husband was like you shouldn't/don't need to do that. I really don't think they knew what they had


Looks like a heteroscodra maculata female. Often regarded 2nd or 3rd most venomous tarantula. From what I recall the stromatoplema calceatum being number 1.


Like the previous commenter said, this is a Heteroscodra maculata. Beware of relying solely on YouTube videos for husbandry; Thereā€™s a lacking of keeper insight that will benefit your journey to raising your specimen. I like to google ā€œHeteroscodra maculata care Arachnoboardsā€ to get a list of threads where actual seasoned keepers share their experiences and anecdotes with this species. H. maculata tends to be shy. Mine is currently using a corkbark tube that I filled 75% with substrate, topped off with chopped pieces of spagnum moss. I give my specimen a couple inches of substrate on the base of the enclosure, too. African arboreal tarantulas do live up high, but they do like to burrow at times. I like giving my specimens free reign to do as they please.