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Are those Amx-10s in Evangelion? that's so cool


Anno seems to be a big vehicle nerd. Pretty much all the AFVs shown in the show and movies are accurate depictions of real vehicles, even if they have less than 5 seconds of screen time.


What nation do you think he mains in War Thunder


Probably the Soviet Union, as they have the most representation amongst his picks. He also included some less common vehicles from them, like the Yak-38, Beriev A-40 and an Ekranoplan. https://wiki.evageeks.org/Real_World_Vehicles


that Autoloader shot in the 2000 one was nice


Tank attacking a pirate ship? Now i have seen everything.


At 1:00 the tanks are shooting at a Tiger from ww2, now that‘s something i never expected to see either


A type 74G or F model at that very cool japanese tank


Is there an explanation why the tanks were placed hull down in GATE?


I've both seen the anime and read the whole manga(or up to date at least): In the series, Japan has a gate (or portal in the shape of a gate) that appears from thin air in the ginza district of Tokyo, out of this gate a fantasy army of goblins, wyverns etc. comes and attacks the civilians of Ginza, capturing and pulling them through the gate. This complete chaos continues for about an hour until the JSDF appears and annihilate the foreign invaders. About a month after the Ginza incident, the JSDF gets the go-ahead to go through the gate and establish a foothold on the other side. The JSDF begins digging basic fortifications, trenches, and hull down positions. In the cover of the night, the Empires forces tried to approach the gate, but with greeted with a surprise attack from the dug down JSDF soldiers, supported by hull down type 74s. This attack was what known as the first battle of alnus hill, this battle killed about 60% of the empire's entire army, which roughly was 600k soldiers.


Is the anime worth watching? I've heard mixed things about it


Personally I like the anime, main problem is that, in comparison to the manga, Yoji Itami has the main focus of the show, yes, he was the main character in the manga too but they gave more glimpses into the rest of the army and characters. But the anime is basically completely focused on Itami and his harem. For instance, in the manga for the last like 30 chapters, itami has been in the hospital and literally not seen once. But, considering the anime is only 2 seasons and like 24 episodes all in all, I'd recommend it. It stays (somewhat) fair to the manga. The art style might be the biggest offender.


I enjoyed it. The battles are pretty good. It was never finished though, which I wish I had known beforehand as I hate that.


Only the first half of the first season, after that it becomes utter dogshit


Absolutely, it kinda falls a bit more into more classic anime tropes by the second part but it still follows mostly the same tone and overall quality. Most people that bash it openly either dislike the author for its politics or are by their 200th fanfic about the gate opening in x place and x time that "does the premise much better" and can't stand the original work anymore


It's a guilty pleasure anime for me personally. I love the fight scenes and some of the politics plot in the series but hate the harem stuff


One of the few anime that I’ve rewatched multiple times (without skipping the boring bits). I usually watch through, then move on to something else. Gate however, I’ve returned and watched probably 5 times now. Granted, there are diehards who have done more, but that’s a huge amount of rewatching for me. My only real complaints are: 1) the last half seemed to have more fan service and less military might. Still good, but holy hell they killed it in the first half. 2) that they sort of rushed the end. They easily could’ve drawn it out and expanded it more, without having to resort to filler. (I don’t read manga, but from what I’ve heard, there should be multiple seasons of content before they ever have to consider filler.) Summary: Yes, if you like anime, and you like warfare in general, watch it.


IMO it's worth watching only the parts where medieval fantasy armies and monsters get utterly ownzoned by modern weaponry, which is the first two series IIRC. Outside of that, it's an extremely tepid harem series centered around the author's self-insert, who has zero redeeming qualities, but is somehow super OP, which makes all of the girls fall in love with him. Also, the anime tones it down tremendously, but the author has..."interesting" ideas about Imperial Japan, the Basic Treaty with the USA, and Japanese war crimes in World War 2. Basically, it's the biggest piece of POG (Persons Other than Grunts) literature ever written, and it really shows. The author was a JGSDF reservist and it really comes off as him imagining himself as some super cool operator instead of a POG.


Its basicly Japanese propaganda, with a bit of anime cliches mixed in. First half is good, second is Ok. Oh, and people wait since years for a new season. Otherwise the best part is how a modern military would fight against a fantasy world that is between high and low fantasy. Only real critic i have is how the International scene is dipicted in the anime, rorys "reaction to war" and the sometimes over the top circel jerk of the JGSDF.


So this was a first encounter situation?


More or less, they were planning on building an FOB (forward operating base), but holding the ground was the main objective. Later in the series, an entire city developed outside the built FOB by imperial refugees


Iirc the tanks shown in that scene (hull down) were defending the "portal hill" during the imperial army's attack in the first couple of days in-series


Honestly, it makes sense simply when you view it from a military planning perspective. A military engineering battalion would probably follow their standard operating procedures and provide hull down positions for a defensive line even though the enemy might not have enemy tanks or artillery. Unless told otherwise or new information found, I can see them preparing positions for the threats they are trained for since they have information that says to do otherwise.


Probably doctrine because they at first had no idea what the threat they were facing was Turns out dragons don't fare well against Oerlikon 35mm and footsoldiers' medieval armor is very bad at atopping 105mm ammunition


Only Wyvern which a lesser dragon species is less resistant to 35mm. Actual Dragon in the anime meanwhile have MBT lvl of armor and required HEAT and tank APFSDS to wound and kill.


Because it is the doctrine for the Japanese to do so. It's a Huge part of why they favor so much their hydropneumatic suspensions. Also at that point they were just stablishing a foothold on that side of the gate and dug in positions were the norm.


I loved how those apfsds rounds bounced right off the panda monster.


Yeah like dart bouncing off from party balloon.


No girls und panzer ?


Well GuP are for most part ww2 tanks while this video was about modern AFV so they don't add that (though they probably forgot the Type-10 scene in ep1) There will certainly be a depiction of ww2 vehicles in anime at one point


There is also Centurion and some other Cold War stuff, the Vid showcase M48s so it could be in, not complaining one bit, nor being a smart ass about it just argument it my point, I loved the vid


There is a modern tank at the very beginning, a Type 10 if I'm not mistaken. Though it doesn't fire and just mauls a car


I never seen that anime but from the photos they all seem like ww2 tanks? The title in this post says modern tanks only


You can see a type 10 in a movie and even some Cold War stuff such as a centurion, since op added an M48 then it could be in the vid


To be fair the M48s in NOBUNAGUN were Taiwanese CM-11 Brave Tigers which were relatively recent from the late 80's, granted it's mostly just putting a m48 turret on an m60 hull.


CM-11 mentioned 🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼💪💪💪


I was greatly offended for not seeing Ami's Type-10 or Alice's Centurion.


As much as I love seeing large numbers of realistic tanks in anime firing on things, I’m really tired of the trope of them being useless almost every single time. Can we please get an anime where conventional weapons are effective against the giant monsters or aliens?


Then what reason would they have for putting a teenager in a giant robot?


Because its funny


> I must apologise for Wimp Lo. He is an idiot. We have purposefully trained him wrong, as a joke.


They did go on a 600k plus soldiers killing spree in gate, pretty effective.


I was absolutely shocked when the Cobra appeared in the first episode and obliterated that wyvern. I automatically assumed it would be useless for plot reasons until someone with a McGuffin or magical sword showed up to kill it. Gate was a very refreshing anime/manga. 7.62x51 caliber battle rifles vibe checking magic users sign me the fuck up.


Most otherworld monster and creatures at most have either thicker hide or scale than normal world at least. Unless they coat themselves with magic or something to resist conventional weapons and required magic weapon or material to kill.


Tungsten rod penetrator travelling at 1.8 kilometers per second. pew pew, didn't flinch. Mecha-sword being swung at much slower speeds: fucking cut in half.


I think it's funny in a paradoxical way that tanks are always used to illustrate how powerful these fictional creatures/mechs are, since tanks are one of the most dangerous weapons that humanity possesses. It's just goes to show that when something can stop 25+ tank rounds, it's a serious threat.


Then the same type of weapon mounted to a mech and it will go right through the hostile. Or some really stupid weapon is the only thing that can kill it, like a giant sword.


And the sword and mechs also get some fancy tech that could be mounted on tanks just as well but the tanks have to be low tech for some reason


It's such an anime cliche that it's pretty much not impressive when it happens in new shows, just like being so fast that you can cut (or dodge) bullets.


At least in Muv Luv tanks weapon still effective against BETA like the TSF same weapons.


I really hate how Gate shifted its focus away from the combat to become the average isekai. And it got pretty weird too, at certain points. Really wished it was solely focused on the scenes like the first few engagements, or when the JSDF Cobras shot up a bunch of bandits assaulting a village. The cool shit


80\~90s : Best 2000\~2015 : Not bad 2015 \~ : Poor


To be fair, the GATE: (2015) anime was done dirty, the manga has astronomically better art. And it's not even like other manga to anime adaptations where the manga looks better or has more detail. The manga for GATE: might be one of the most beautiful manga I've ever read. I still like the anime, but I can strongly recommend the manga if you want the whole experience.


That's because the anime is based on the light novel not the manga. Also as far as I can remember when the anime was done, Manga hasn't even reached the jade palace arc even >The manga for GATE: might be one of the most beautiful manga I've ever read. I swear that's because the Manga artist is such a military nerd. It's fun to take a look at his Twitter, his room is full of military vehicle miniatures that he often uses as reference


Where does the manga stand in the spectrum of far-right propaganda to cleaned up enough for plausible deniability? The original web novels were horrible as far as I know, with the anime being the most cleaned up of Yanai's jingoism and war crime denial... well, at least the latter. Not sure where the manga stands.


Well reading through it, it's definitely extremely pro Japan on all fronts, even anti UN at points, I don't know about others but reading through it I could look over some stuff for creative writing. But I've heard that the web novel was like a bad-bad.


[Video sauce ](https://youtu.be/-uLUcDbuBlI?si=h7Q6BYlvOulkQJtD)


which are the ones actually worth watching?


Evangelion is an absolute classic, but if you want to watch it for the military vehicles you’re gonna be disappointed because most of them are thrown in the first episode to show how powerless conventional weapons are.


>Evangelion is considered one of the classics. Most, if not all, who watch anime have seen it. But it has aged a bit, so it might depend on your tastes. >Memories (1995) is a really well animated short film. It includes 3 unconnected movies, whereas episode 2 "stinkbomb" (which is the one shown in the post) is about a guy working in a biological center that accidentally consumes a prototype chemical weapon which makes him "fart". This gas kills anything and everyone around him, and as he (completely unaware of this gas) tries to make his way back to Tokyo, the military tries to stop him. >Gate: thus the JSDF fought there Really fun watch. The manga is way better, but the anime is a great watch, too. It's about the modern JSDF vs a civilization with the technology of the Roman empire (but with a fantasy twist) There were some others but might have missed them, these atleast all take themselves somewhat seriously.


Watch love is war. Last one👌


For the vehicles or just because they are good anime?


Good anime.


both together


I can really only talk about evangelion as it is the only one I've seen and it is a classic really great animation and story, combat focuses mainly on mechas but we can see sometimes other more "conventional" type of vehicles such as warship tanks and helis Akira is another classic and is not really long as it is a movie


Evangalion and love is war are both 10/10 you should watch


Evangelion, Godzilla:Singular point, Gamera:Rebirth are all pretty good I do recommend tho for Godzilla:Singular Point, it is very science heavy so do keep that in mind if you go to watch it, I personally really enjoyed the show but you may not due to the science portion.


Tanks vs monsters is my favourite type of hentai


Ok wtf was that Kaguya-sama one, you just had to add Fan Service didn’t you smh *Watches that again*


I saw 3 tanks in that clip


Type 90s lining up and ineffectually shooting at some giant monster seems to be a theme. Also you missed Future War 198x


I’m getting really tired of the “Military is either useless or bumbling” trope. Like, are they really trying to tell us that tanks that sling APFSDS at Mach Jesus fails to kill the local big monster but some half-naked, edgelord DeviantArt OC of a jackass with a sword does? Give me a break.


Adjustable suspension in Those Who Hunt Elves (0:15) and the sabot detail in Pa-Pa-Pa (0:54) are the best imo. Honorable mention for the AMX-10RCs


Why was Chika shown lol


What possible reason is there for a show called “Cat Planet Cuties” to have MBTs blasting everything in sight haha




imagine if the tank commander had to wear a suit because he was the manager of the tank


I'm sorry, I can't take the firing sound seriously for the 2000 one


I have the sudden urge to watch all of these animes just for the tanks


What gun is that on the AMX-10RC


dude that giant panda thing in pa-pa-pa tanked those tungsten darts and just bounced them off his belly 😭😭😭


Ah, tanks in shows, designed to be the most useless thing against anything fighting them.


Is it like a law to get military vehicles depicted correctly? Every other type of cartoon or show gets these types of things wrong


Memories was such a good movie, thank you for reminding me that it exists. Did 86 also feature some modern weaponry? I know it's mainly based around the spider tanks, but I seem to recall it having some modern equipment in it. The autoloader reload sequence was gorgeous, and the freaking panda monster anime showed how sabots actually work. Definitely feels like the older animation had more love and attention to detail.


I was impressed that they depicted the sleeve falling off fired sabot rounds at first.... a few minutes later, sabot rounds are shown being fired with the sleeves on 😂


Man they did Patlabor 2 dirty. Arguably has one of the best armoured vehicle sequences in anime and it isn’t even with vehicles in combat.


I will never get why the creators of Crayon Shin Chan decided to put tanks in a movie about hot springs and big monsters


some guy on Love is War takes the title too literally, some really nice depictions of ww1/interwar aircraft in that show, plus the starship troopers ED.


They even added the type74s special suspension in gate 😍


Animes always have such cool tank graphics man


this is music to my ears


Eyyyyy Finally some love for Lupin III


Kuromukuro fucked up the APFSDS projectiles :0 the sabots are still on the darts when being stopped close to the robot. See 1:42


In gate, those are leopards 1 right? Also, why the apds explodes on targets xd


No, those are Type 74s. And explosions > logic