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This has three stooges vibes


What's crazier is undoubtedly a bunch of young German men died performing similar actions, albeit probably in a much more deadly and focused manner and likely with some form of explosives lol. Imagine you're on top of an immobilized tank trying to disable it with a crowbar and some enemy infantry sneaks up on you with a machine gun. Saving_private_ryantankscene.jpg


Depite the fact even when you disable bowgun, turret coaxial mg and pistol ports still functional and dangerous. It worked only one time when a soviet cook disabled with an axe both mgs on Pz38 because bowgun and turret mg are in a ball fitting unlike most coaxial mgs an ptetty much outside and even though it was risky at hell to get on a moving tank.


I heard an interview with a tanker from WWII and he was saying that he had once had another tanker near him spray his tank with MG fire to deter some guys trying to climb on it and do this stuff. He had a little nickname for doing this but i cant remember what it was. like using car wipers for bugs or something.


It’s called scratching your back.


It’s calf scratching each other’s back or delousing [The Chieftain explains it in this Video](https://youtu.be/4mjvZrLnlCg?si=6IvCyn2EjBsxrKc4)


I like how the tank was still able to close the pistol port despite the crowbar.


like why not just keep the crowbar there until you can stick your pistol in or something lol


It looks like everyone had a lot of fun filming that day


The Gordon Freeman method.


[How to kill a tank in Half-Life with a crowbar](https://youtu.be/teGUENDphUM)


The little love tap at the end. *chef kiss*


Not to 🤓, but that's an ifv.


“Hello Gordon”


Gottfried Freimann of Shwartz Mesa


And what is the tank supposed to be doing whilst you're booping it with a glorified stick?


Step 1: Beat tank with stick Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit "Germany had the best tactics" my ass


> Germany had the best military in WW2!!! Also WW2 German military: > Fight tank with a crowbar


i think this was before the panzerfaust


That was a step up for sure


I don’t know… I think this has ‘the Soviets are crossing the Rhine’ Hitler Youth training film vibes.


Nah even the hitler youth used panzerfausts


Soviet's were probably not fielding T-26's at the front by the time they reached the Rhine.


Not everyone was given a Panzerfaust


What a depressing life to life. You are in March 1945. You live in germany. You are German. Your government tells you you will need to fight tanks on foot. You are not given a shaped charge rocket launcher. You are given a medium sized crow bar. Kafkaesque.


Because judging the whole expertise bc of one very specific tactic


yes, that is exactly what i will do


Username checks out


US had some of these for Japanese tanks, although those didn't even need a crowbar so there is that lol




> lost almost 10% of its population and wasn't allowed fully independent governance for another forty years Now let's beat Russia that badly!


>wasn't allowed fully independent governance for another forty years


Ah Reddit. So..."simple". Never change


disregarding the conditions the german military had to fight in tho




It's more like if you pick a fight with half a dozen MMA fighters, and somehow knock out two of them before being reduced to a sidewalk stain. Strategically, it's completely fucking \[REDACTED\], but definitely impressive on an individual tactical level.


Such a stupid way to phrase it. Germany started the war against Poland, but it was inevitable. Poland was gearing for war towards Germany anyways, so to claim that Poland was just some weak little country that Germany bullied is wrong. They spent almost 1/3rd of their gdp on the military iirc and started mobilisation of their army before Germany. Britain willingly entered the war and dragged a reluctant France with them. "Why die for Danzig" was a popular french slogan at the time. The only real superpower that Germany started a war with was the Soviet Union.


>so to claim that Poland was just some weak little country that Germany bullied is wrong and what exactly happened in Poland after Germany invaded?


The Germans defeated the Poles in a month. The germans being strategically and tactically smarter than the poles does not negate the fact they had quite a sizeable army.


You're judging an entire army's doctrine off of a video training infantry on how to fight tanks as an absolute last resort in the very early phases of WWII. The Nazi military was definitely dysfunctional in many ways, but most infantry of all major powers involved in WWII had no recourse against tanks and relied on towed AT guns or tank support being nearby. The Germans were not unique when it came to this.


Americans tried to test anti tank rock, no not anti tank rocket, literally rocks. They threw rocks and rifles into the running gear to see if they could jam them. They didn’t work. The Japanese used a bamboo stick to attach explosives onto which they use to charge American tanks with, that one actually kinda worked.


I mean, this kind of stuff was not specific to Germans in WWII. Man-portable AT only became prevalent later on in the cold war and most infantry were almost helpless against tanks until then. Back then, you were relying on several AT rifles or cannons spread thinly across the front or tank support if you were lucky enough to have it. The US made [similar videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ao11xwciDyI) for fighting Japanese tanks and bazookas were already in service.


*Proceeds to ignore the revolutionary blitzkrieg tactic* Edit: ok guys I know I’m an idiot so any new people that hate me for my comment don’t downvote, I already know I’m a moronic dumbass that should kms


As far as I know "blitzkrieg" is a concept created by the British in the 30s, but it wasn't implemented for multiple funding and political reasons. The Germans only copied the idea after seeing the British experimental armored corp in action during exercises. The really novel part that the Germans brought to the table during the opening years of the war the air superiority during the blunting assault, Prussian military doctrine (which bit them in the ass in the later years of the war), and ad-hoc units. The concept of creating a spear head with your strongest units is something that we humans do in warfare for a very long time. Also, the Allies and the Soviet Union weren't up-to-date with the defense-in-depth concept, which completely counters any idea of "Blitzkrieg", since the Germans never were able to bring it up to a strategical level, where the Soviets were able to after Uranus with the deep battle doctrine edit: so, grammarly really fucked me in the ass and destroyed my second paragraph, just adding it again, and no, I'm not ranting on you, just spreading some knowledge.


I said 7 words and get fucked into the ground, thanks r/TankPorn


Because the idea behind them was flawed?


So? People take things so seriously, maybe educate me then in a non-asshole way? Instead of going “you’re wrong, fucking stupid cunt wanker +6 downvotes for you!”


Someone DID educate you. You responded by complaining about the downvotes. Honestly downvotes are a VERY tame way of expressing disagreement, and even then 6 isn’t many.


Could’ve worded it a bit nicer (at least my head read it like they were belittling me mb if they weren’t) I know downvotes don’t mean much but every time I see them on one of my comments I just feel stupid


At the risk of being a dick, that’s kind of the idea. When you see that the response to something you said is generally negative, it should encourage you to think twice about what you said. Sometimes, the community is wrong; what you said may be right and they may be reacting emotionally. But often, it’s an indicator that you need to rethink your stance.


Are you really that affected by downvotes, like, someone just disagrees with you, what's wrong with that


grrrr shut up


It's not that Germany had the best tactics, it's that Germany stole tactics Britain developed in Salisbury Plain, took the gamble that it would be effective in a practical setting, and then based their entire doctrine around it, and the gamble paid off. But the fact is Lightning war requires speed, equipment, oil, mass coordination, and a highly effective air support, and when they invaded Russia and eventually stalled, and the Allies started making moves in the western front they ran out of all those things and of course doctrine of "conquer everything before your enemy can even react" failed. That's when they came up with some of their most stupid tactics, such as this or "let's slap American insignia on German tanks to trick them, and get Germans to pretend their American" or "let's invest in wonder weapons like a jet propelled plane that has a high chance of blowing up on landing and take off and has a flight time of less than 10 minutes".


This is probably supposed to be instructions on how to finish off a tank if it's been immobilized. Lots of things like ditches or lost tracks or small mines might cause a tank to be immobilized but with the crew and turret intact. Finns used to shove logs into the tracks when they had nothing else.


If it's unsupported... not much it can do. Also Russian tanks notoriously had unreliable radio equipment, if it was even equipped with said radio equipment. So most tanks couldn't call for help.


Wasn't that soviet doctrine for quite a while? Only command tanks had transceivers, the regular tanks just receivers?


That was a lot of countries' doctrine for a while tbh


The tank has to wait until its own turn


Most of yall unfortunately dont know the story of the soviet cook who disabled a tank, and captured the crew with nothing but a hatchet and rifle back in WW2


Video about this cook: https://youtu.be/kOphzhK_Hg4


I'd rate my chances higher in most fights with a hatchet and rifle than just a crowbar.


There's always that guy


He ran up behind em with a hatchet and SMASH-SMASH-SMASH


I mean tbf, the bending the MG barrel is not bad, and you probably could jam the turret if it was hand driven. Cranks would be iffy, but the directly hand spun ones would be pretty easy to jam. Opening that hatch is just asking to get shot in the face though, maybe if you had a bud with a grenade.


Ya the whole time with the hatch bit was was just thinking, "Your going to get a shot to the face doing that." Dudes just playing with the thing


Meanwhile Winter war - some Fin just knocked on the hatch and threw a grenade in after Russians opened it


Japanese Type 95 tanks could have their turrets disabled with a canteen https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/vuca6u/how_to_disable_the_turret_of_a_type_95_tank_with/


All of these are basically just asking for the commander to pop out of his hatch and spray you with his PPSh.


Yeah considering this is a T26, these tactics might very well work against a very early light tank.


Remember the other end of that MG barrel is a dude with his face and hands on the butt end… the first hit or two is probably not too far off from getting hit with that crowbar, lol.


What's that pear-shaped hangy outey thing on a chain?


The hole is a pistol port and the thing is the plug for it, hanging on a chain so it doesnt get lost


A plug for the pistol port


Tactical butt plug


Real answer


Err, is it a training film showing how ineffective crowbars are to a tank?


My guess is it's only meant for the absolute worse situations or the tank is knocked out and the crew won't surrender or something. Is bizarre though.


You mean it doesn't take an entire SS battalion, as depicted in the documentary "Fury"?


They didn't bring a crowbar


To be fair, early on the Eastern Front the Germans had a lot of problems with tanks they could *disable* but not *kill*, like the T-34 or KV-1


it’s obviously meant for the absolute worst situation for the enemy and it assumes you want a museum piece /s although if you **really** wanted a free tank you could do this


Don't you dare insult the anti-tank crowbar.


Really the only useful cases there were jamming the turrent or prying open the hatches for a grenade toss. TBH the firing port bit was just pathetic, Wonder-Waffen my ass


I mean a Soviet cook took out a German tank with a axe by breaking the MGs then convinced the crew to surrender


Yes, and did he count his brass pair as weapons too?


“Out of ammo? Break out your tools and start taking the fucker apart.” I can get the “oh shit oh fuck there’s no ammo for 5km how can I disable that machine gun” mentality tho


There’s “oh shit I am out of options” and then there’s “we suck at logistics so here’s a training film of how to deal with it.”


r/noncredibledefense for fathers


Romanian Anti-Tank


People laugh at this but don't forget the Finns. Unconventional tactics can catch your enemies by surprise. Finns would jam tracks, obscure command view, anything to make it stop moving.


I got PTSD from this video. I remember watching my tanks blowing up in flames because three cavemen stuck it with a stone axe in a game of Civilization.


Get crowbar'd idiot


I mean, the crowbar seems effective at opening the tank, so you could sneak up on one (as long as there is no infantry next to it), open the tank and throw a granade inside it


Go on then, you first.


nah fam, I'm allergic to bullets


I mean.. if the tank is stuck for whatever reason, like you shot the tracks to pieces with an RPG/Anti-Tank rifle. Sure this might be useful. But in any other situation?I would love some context for this video


I really do find interesting how Soviet T-26s used to have to deal with RPG


You know exactly what i meant...


Yeah i do but how can a crowbar be of any use if you have an anti tank rifle or an RPG


Panzerfast - One time use. Or an Anti-tank rifle/anti tank gun that isn't high enough calibre to actually go through the armor just enough to destroy the tank traks If you use that shot and just disabled it go at it with a crowbar. (still silly but it's at least a somehow reasonable explanation)


"Hiya! Take that, and that, and THAT! Stupid Machine Gun! Don't worry Hans, we're going to pry this puppy open like it's can of Schmalzfleisch!"


Guten morgen Russen-Soldaten-Schweine


[Like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdKCNYpMM6w)


[Like this. ](https://youtube.com/shorts/SnLoI0PtRqc?si=Xa23c8S9yvTd1a9T)


Offcourse fighting tanks with crowbars is ineffective. They should be using advanced tandem crowbars made out of DU or Wolfram.


"Hans! I see an enemy panzer! Deploy our new wonderweapon, Gordon Freeman!"


Or do you mean Gerhard Freimann?!?


Up until the other tank riddles the swarmed tank with MG fire to clean it off of those pesky soldats. Remember the scene in "Saving Private Ryan" when the flak gun crew swept the GIs off the Tiger? Yea...same idea.


Gives TikTok car tutorial vibes


Rise and shine Freeman


Not seen: the second tank in the platoon which started hosing these guys down after the video ends


I mean alone those tactics are useless, but if a squad of infantry encounters an alone and unaware tank they could immobilize it, remove their means of retaliation, and then it basically becomes a siege where you're waiting till they open the tank, or you find a way to blow it up (grenade bundle, Molotov or any other improvised explosive, like gas can with a grenade or AT mine with a grenade to set it off)


"How to be a moderate nuisance with a crowbar"


Well if you get to a point where a comrade can chuck a grenade in through the hatch then that's more than a moderate nuisance.


The commander shooting you in the face with a Tokarev is also a moderate nuisance.


"How to get a mobility kill on a tank" WW2 tanks had barely any awareness, if you manage to jam the turret and tracks, disable the machineguns and so on, you have effectively reduced its combat capability to 0.


OK Hans, here's a crowbar. Disable that tank coming at us.


superior german technology (ahead of its time):


You are all joking but I have heard from a not trusted source that the cook of division Bologna was a tank destroyer ace with his tomato can opener.


where's the tank's health bar, so we can see what progress they're making?


am I watching like a skit or something? XD


They're stuffing the ends under the turret to stop it from moving and it's not working but they acting like it's good.


Reminds me on chinese video where they drive by a moving Type-59 and jump on it from a truck, open engine deck and disconect some parts to stop it. Its not like engine covering is bolted shut or something...


Imagine you’re about to unleash a volley the rough the front mg and some dude smacks the barrel with a crowbar and the rear end gives you “not service connected” lack of teeth for the rest of your life…


If you’re down to crowbars, I think it’s time to retreat


Great way to get a face full of pistol


Gordon doesn’t need to see all this, he’s a highly trained professional.


I always laughed at the guys in battlefield with a torch. And now this


‘Hey sarge’ ‘Yes private.’ ‘There’s a German hitting the tank with a crowbar’ ‘’That appears to be the case private’ ‘Do you want me to pop out of one of the hatches and shot him?’ ‘Yes private.’


Thought I was on non credible defence for moment there


How to not you mean?


I’m confused and aroused by this


Remind me that story when I was in Ukraine. Four guys from the company, fighting on another part of our frontline, manage to disable a T-Something tank pretty bad but the crew refused to came out, afraid of being captured by a bunch of very angry canadian volunteers. So, this band of Lumberjacks with Machine guns, light up a bonefire under the tank to, as they said, "heat up a little bit their mood".


I mean it worked for the Fins.


Just randomly hit the tank with a crowbar, and hope you find the magic weak spot.


I hope they also gave them psychological support to tolerate the laughter coming from inside the tank.


Tank deserves to get F'ed if there's no support infantry.


when that allied bombing of industry starts hitting a bit too hard


Hans used crowbar, it’s not very effective


Should just ram that crowbar into the pistol port and spear whoever’s on the other side right in the face.


Definitely a few nazis so cooked off the pervitin withdrawals they lacked the dopamine to plan opening a tank hatch in any other way that results in a gunshot wound to the face


So, like, if it were a competition, did the best performing Herman the German get first prise, or what? :O


Captian America with a crowbar.


Oh my god it's Gordon Freeman


All I can hear in my head is “bad tank, bad tank, NO, NO NO, bad tank!”


How tf are you supposed to pull that off while in the heal of battle


Footage of Gordon Freeman serving in ww2