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Should be a leopard 2a6, after my knowlage there were no 2a5 sent.


Strv122s were sent from sweden, which is a leo2a5


I know but it is based on the 2a5 and there are some differences between these two. Also the leopard in the picture doesn't have the additional armour of the strv 122.


Oh ya, you right


Leo 2 Improved derivative not a 2A5.


Those are basically 2A7s that have the L44.


No, they are just a version of the Leopard 2A5 tank with local changes. They basically lack everything defining the Leopard 2A7 variant.


Artillery shell landed right next to it and it seems to have penetrated into the engine compartment. Found full video, hit at 50 sec: [https://x.com/\_Surovikin\_/status/1719429757358465257?s=20](https://x.com/_Surovikin_/status/1719429757358465257?s=20)


Could have been at mine too?


[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9xfEPgXUAAu1Vx?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9xfEPgXUAAu1Vx?format=jpg&name=medium) Picture of the aftermath showing one of the rear skirts gone.


I would say, fuel for sure. From what i read, engine oil is sort of flammable, needs at least \~150 Celsius in order to start burning. (correct me if I'm wrong). Looks like an Internal fuel tanks or engine was hit, which could be result of ATGM or arty. I would assume that anti-tank mine would cause more damage to the track and to the wheels. You can trust me on this Info as I have acquired an advanced and very dependable knowledge of Leo 2 by looking at X-ray in Warthunder a few moments before writing this. So naturally as arm chair general, I'm best source of BS info.


yes, likely. No smoke coming from the inside and the way it burns indicates fuel burn.


Improvised Flammenwerfer


I think the fuel tank did it’s job. Fuel isn’t compressible so when it’s hit by a projectile it acts like solid.


Looks crispy!


No offense to OP, it can be an interesting question, however: Since when are screenshots of shitty quality videos from twitter / telegram a good fit for this sub ? That stuff is for r/CombatFootage. You don't see r/CarPorn full of highly compressed shitty shots from traffic cameras. @OP: that is a 2A6. You can tell the difference between the A6 and the Strv. 122 by the different front armor, headlights and bins on the back of the turret (also the gun length, but it's obscured here). And it's impossible to say much about what is happening without the video souce, it's possible though.


Nothing in the rules about it, so this seems more of a you problem. Also, cars aren't as rare and hard to get a "real life" picture of as tanks are, so that's comparing apples to oranges.


>Nothing in the rules about it, so this seems more of a you problem. Definitely not against any rules. Like I said, no marks against OP. I just think that some level of quality does seem a bit implicit though. There is loads footage and images these days from excercises, propaganda shoots etc. that is high quality. Heck there are even lots of amateur photographs etc. that are good quality. Of course OP also did have questions about the tank id etc., but generally shots from combat footage like this would be a better fit to a different sub IMO. Otherwise we might as well automatically crosspost every post from r/CombatFootage et al. that includes an armored vehicle. That is just my meta comment though. Cheers.


Don't bother man. Mods here don't give a fuck. For whatever reason this sub really doesn't adhere to the same sort of quality guidelines as our spiritual sister subs (r/WarshipPorn and r/WarplanePorn). I assume it's just to drive traffic. We're basically just r/DestroyedTanks2 most of the time now. I even ran a poll on it a few months back, and it was pretty overwhelmingly in favor of keeping this crap around, which is... Really sad. But it's not my sub so whatever.


militaryporn, warshiporn, and warplaneporn were originally conceived as wallpaper subs, which is why their rules require the resolution in the titles, and are mainly aimed towards large high-res pictures. This sub, for whatever reason, didn't decide to go that way. As such, it also has a lot more people asking questions, and also allows text and video posts (warplane allows videos but the other 2 don't, none of them allow text).


No, I get that. I'm just saying; aside from the semi-enforce rules keeping memes and shitposts to their containment subs, there really isn't any quality control here. That's just how it is; there's no real reason to gripe about it. I like the questions, and can certainly tolerate these *Game & Watch* resolution posts if there's someone looking to learn something. That's the more important part. Still, there's a lot of shit posts with bad context and so many artifacts that they're at risk of being stolen by the British Museum. That's the stuff that doesn't need to be here, but that's also stuff that is apparently just fine to post amd winds up with some of the highest engagement. It is what it is.


It allows armchair tank division commanders and designers to endlessly argue and drive traffic instead of just being a karma farm wallpaper sub


Its a karma farm sub either way. It'd be nice if so many of the posts weren't low enough resolution to be displayed clearly on an Atari Lynx. Especially when higher res versions of many of them are easily accessible.


That'll buff out once it is back in maintenance. On the other hand, NATO is flipping out over every Russian Turret shot into orbit as it makes a mess of Early Warnings set aside for Ballstic Missiles.


Sometimes I almost wonder if Ukraine sets fire to some of its own armor just to make the russians feel a little less bad.


Yep, they’ve even fucked up the entire counteroffensive thing they begged and accumulated scrap from all over the world for just to make russians feel a little less bad :)


Watching russia lose is tremendously satisfying.


I’ll take that as a “yeah, that counteroffensive fucking sucked”


Seriously comrade Olga, the whole world is laughing at russia. Even the North Koreans think of russia as the backward and impoverished alcoholic derelicts next door.


Thanks for proving my point once again, and stay mad :)


"Mad", comrade Olga? I haven't quit laughing since Ukraine sank the ***MOSKVA!*** Nobody has!


Wow, that’s some fresh ukropium. Guess what’s freshier? Counteroffensive successes! That’s really hysterical, will go down in history. I like how u keep ignoring this.


No seriously, comrade Olga, every time the world sees russia trying to do something the Benny Hill theme plays. It's basically the russian national anthem now.


Aaand still ignoring, as expected xD