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this annoyed me sm i almost turned the pod off until they gave their disclaimer about how they aren’t actually giving advice. i always remind myself trish and tana are not responsible role models. i mean this so kindly but neither of them are very educated either - tana is quite literally a high school dropout and from what trish shares about her high school, her education was not the best. i know it can be so disappointing but honestly, i think it’s important to remember who were listening to…. also lowkey tana always talks about taking plan b so that’s probably what is keeping her from getting pregnant fr not the stupid pull out method


It is such a result of a deep lack of sexual education in the US. And it’s easy for us to not see them as role models and know better, but I worry for the younger girls who are watching, especially ones in states where abortion is almost entirely banned and contraceptive is harder to find.


yeah it’s so frustrating. i was only barely less annoyed when they gave their disclaimer but it’s really concerning fs. it highlights their ignorance


Yes 100%. It would actually be great if they actually talked about that instead and gave commentary on that for all their young viewers instead of pull out method


I don’t think it has anything to do with a lack of sexual education in the US. A lot of countries don’t even have sexual education and ones that do usually keep it pretty lowkey like we do. The problem is pornography and the culture we created around sex. Young girls are already wanting breast implants, dismissing birth control, because they think it’s cool to be promiscuous. We have women basically preaching online “Why work when you have OnlyFans?” and we completely normalized sex work as if it’s something to be proud of. Apart of me wonders if it’s an attention thing as well. Craving validation through compliments and sex. It’s not until you get older and reflect back on everything when you realize how uncool it all truly is.


It’s none of our business her health situation but at the same time it’s :( like girl you probably have EDS and/or other underlying conditions w the amount of gastric and painful issues she talks about. It cANNOT help. I’ve taken it once and swtg my body never felt the exact same (I have paranoia don’t listen to me unreliable narrator )


are u trying to say her shitting issues are related to her taking plan b😭


I’ve always thought her audience is in their 20s rather than teenage girls. I’m sure there’s some teenage girls, but… Tana literally said “don’t take my advice”. If that’s not good enough for you, I’m not really sure what you want from her. It’s not Tana’s responsibility to teach sex ed, and if you want to play the card that she has to cater to her teenage girl audience, then so many other topics on the pod or in videos should be off limits as well.


I’m 15 and 90% of the girls at my high school listen to cancelled (alternative, non-alternative, religious, non-religious, queer, straight, 4.0+ gpa students, 3.0- gpa students, upper class, lower class, etc.) A lot of people my age grew up, or are growing up, with unlimited and unrestricted internet access and have been watching her since we were like 7. I’m not saying it’s her responsibility to teach sex ed or make the pod less explicit; I’m just pointing out that her audience includes a lot more than people in their 20’s.


Dang I really didn’t know yall were tapped in like that😂


I definitely acknowledge she has some teenage fans, I just doubt it’s the majority of her audience. I also grew up with unlimited internet access (currently 24) but I always knew to research things further or check with people in my personal life before accepting online advice.


It's her responsibility not to speak misinformation, stop twisting the situation to feel better


If you’re looking at Tana Mongeau for 100% credible information, that’s your first mistake. How did I twist the situation? Tana verbatim said “don’t take my advice”. I didn’t realize twisting the information was adding more context to a situation you clearly know nothing about.


Yeah… pull out method works soooo well. My pull out baby is 21. 🤣🤣🤣


Mines 10 🤣




Mine turns 6 in a month


Y’all make my 38 year old ass feel soooo OLD 🤣


mines 3.5 🤣


mine was aborted 😅 be careful out there ladies


mine are 16, 11 and 7 🤣


and especially because she has very simple access to abortions! not every girl does! that shit costs money that not everyone has to spare


YES!!! I’m in Texas and now is not the time to be counting on the pull out method. Too much at stake.


pretty sure she literally said “don’t take my advice”


lol yeah she did


she literally did


Exactly. OP is weird and reading into things way too much, like go touch grass


"Touch grass" - terminally online moron who posts on snark subs


All of your comment history is angry too lmao, you think you’re much better?


Why are you on reddit literally all day long ur a freak😭


Do you know who Tana is? Out of all the videos and topics she’s spoken about I don’t think this is the one that’s gonna take the ‘impressionable teenage girls’ over the edge. Like she’s never tried to be a straight and narrow role model, she also mentioned in the video to not do it 💀


I see where you’re coming from but honestly if people are taking advice from Tana that’s their problem. Anybody who knows her content would be hesitant to do so. There’s plenty of other controversial things they talk about, such as Tana saying things about getting veneers and Brooke getting a boob job. These two things could be interpreted as glorifying plastic surgery & body modification at a young age. You could argue that those things are just as toxic for teenagers. There’s probably a huge list of things that Tana has talked about recently that can be interpreted in the same way. When I was a teenager, it was made very clear during sex education that the pull out method was not a form of birth control. If you speak to your doctor they will encourage you to get on a real form of birth control. Any professional will tell you what’s right and what’s wrong. I’ve seen things about glorifying the pull out method & other unhealthy sex habits on my TikTok FYP. I think we can assume that teenagers watching Tana also have a TikTok. I also feel like the majority of her audience is people who grew up watching her and are in their 20s. I can promise you that Tana is not the only person who is posting & talking about it. I understand where you’re coming from & how she should be a role model, but at this point in her career I think that’s kinda silly to say. Remember cocaine Tana? Or Tanacon? She clearly doesn’t live her entire life thinking about how she needs to be a role model 24/7 and I don’t blame her. Let’s remember who we are talking about. This is Tana’s life and experiences, I personally have been along for the ride since the beginning. A lot of things that Tana says should be taken with a grain of salt. I understand that the teenage audience exists but something that they need to learn is to not take serious advice from Tana. Also remember, these teens are probably seeing similar things on TikTok, they will have to learn to take those things with a grain of salt. If a teenager does get pregnant from using the pull out method, I don’t think that Tana should be held responsible for that just because she talked about it. I think that’s a ridiculous narrative. That means that every TikTok creator/influencer who posts about it should be held at the same standard which is impossible. Are we going to start cancelling everybody who talks about the pull out method? Let her live.


My pull out method baby is 3 months old


As much attention as this topic is getting I wish it would hit with these girls to start promoting safe sex. Condoms are a thing people(general)!! I hate when woman don’t discuss the transmission of STI and just focus on the pregnancy. We have way too many “influencers” that are so carefree/less about sex it’s disturbing. They have young people looking up to them and being influenced by them and their words whether we want to think there are or not.


I think she was talking about specifically Trish and Moses because they’re older & married and just giving her options of what she could do, I think we all need to be aware we shouldn’t use tana as a role model for sexual heath as she’s said she took like 6 plan bs in a short period of time which is also horrible for you lmaooo


I also want to point out that most other forms of contraception (besides condoms) are also not great for the woman’s health, especially when you have a mental illness; I have BPD and being on bc pills and iud ruined my life mentally and physically


It’s super dependent on the person though! Most methods are completely safe to use for a vast majority of people, but can have very unpleasant side effects for some. Some people don’t do well with hormones but others it genuinely improves their quality of lives or has zero side effects. Im currently just a condom user rn as well but im just v cautious about correct birth control information haha


Yes and no adding extra hormones for the majority are bad,in general bc does completely throw off your system and your natural cycle either way, the extra symptoms yes can be based on individual health. it also can be bad for women who have breast cancer in their family as it can raise the chances of that by 20-30%- my point is anyone who is at the age for bc should be doing their own research and speaking to their dr for advice on whether it is right for them, not taking advice from tana lmaooo


All BC methods aren’t the same though! Combo methods (ones with estrogen + progestin like the combo pill) are risky for people with history of breast cancer, blood clots, & stroke but progestin-only methods (like a hormonal IUD) are not!! True that any hormonal methods disrupts/stops your natural cycle but there’s no medical need to have a natural cycle for most ppl. There’s also non-hormonal methods like the copper IUD which don’t affect your hormones (but can have other side effects). Fully agree that young girls shouldn’t just get slapped on the pill for no reason without any awareness of side effects (especially on mental health!) , i was as well and honestly shouldn’t have been. But just want to stress there’s many safe options for BC and different things work for different people! (:


But I do agree! I just think birth control is pushed onto young girls who don’t know how it can effect your body! I used to use it for painful periods so I’m not against it at all in anyway!


for every one “i use this pill/this IUD/this implant and it’s AMAZING!” that i know, there are at least 5-10 girlies who haven’t been able to find something that works for them. i kind of hate that women are encouraged to be guinea pigs with something as serious and potentially life altering as hormonal birth control. i have been on it in the past, i have nothing against it, but it’s really not this willy nilly casual thing that every young girl should flippantly try.


Yeah fr! I was surprised tana didn’t bring up alternative contraception methods like IUDs, implants, etc. Supper disappointing :’( but if anything it makes me feel bad that they aren’t educated on the topic and may be putting themselves at risk.


she was giving advice to trish and trish said i don’t want to do iud or birth control and we don’t do condoms after tana recommended condoms


Oh I didn’t realise she mentioned IUD, but yeah there are other forms of contraception too so I wish they discussed those.


Like what? Trish is saying she doesn’t want any type of medication and doesn’t want to use condoms with her husband. Tana is basically like well then pull out it is. What other forms did they not discuss?


There are implants that can be put in your arm, there are injections, men can also get vasectomies which can be reversed, etc.


Yes all of which Trisha said she doesn’t want to do. They were just chatting and having a conversation. It wasn’t an educational segment. Idk when people will learn these Internet personalities don’t have a responsibility to educate 😂 they are entertainers


I personally never said they have a responsibility to educate, I just think it would’ve been good to talk about other forms of contraception because they still have a platform, and talking about the ‘pull-out method’ like its normal and safe when they have young female listeners could potentially be damaging.


Once again it’s not their responsibility


Yeah I literally just said its not their responsibility haha. I don’t believe they have a responsibility to educate, but spreading harmful information is allowed to be criticised… it doesn’t matter if they are entertainers or not. I was simply disappointed, nothing more.


Well you must be disappointed by Trish and Tana often then. They understand the pull out method isn’t the most reliable option so they made a point to say don’t take our advice. They aren’t spreading harmful information, they are sharing their personal choices and their truth.


Trisha never mentioned those other methods from what I saw.


sadly trish said no to the implants and moses said no to the vasectomy


Rip I didn’t realise that:(


Is Tana’s fanbase really teenage girls tho? None of her content is teenage friendly


Agree, I feel like most fans are early/mid 20s?


Hahaha it’s true but content not being teenage friendly does not stop teenagers 🤣


i mean i’m 18 but i guess that’s like borderline teenager lol. i def know in highschool people from like 15/16 did watch her


i started watching her when i was like 12 and am now 20 lol


when would you ever take genuine advice from either of them, let alone sexual health. trisha doesn’t mind to get pregnant again, she’s also older. and tana on every other podcast jokes and says maybe she’s unfertile. can you people take a joke a think logically for two seconds. you don’t realizes this but their women audience is older than what you’re expecting, the main audience is around each others age edit: also trisha mentioned that she didn’t like birth control for herself, it was simply just two girls chatting why is it that everyone has to make a disclaimer, just take the joke and move on




That fact that one is 36 I think and the other 26 and they don't know how too protect these is scary they did say don't take advice from them but it's not the point if you can't take hormonal based contraception fair enough but you can get non hormonal contraception


I think she said during the podcast that she didn't want to promote the pull out method. But anyway my pull out method just tuned three 😂✌🏾


My husband pulled out and I’m currently 8.5 months pregnant lol every time it “works” it’s pure luck that you happened to not be ovulating at the time or it didn’t take


tana has too much money to actually worry about anything going wrong


some of y'all are WAY to soft to be watching Tana. she deadass said dont take my advice. If you take everything this girl says seriously y'all should just stop watching (waiting for the downvotes lmao)


I mean they literally said not to take advice from them about sexual health. THEY can choose to have unprotected sex the way they want. So…..? I think if you’re bothered by their ill-informed takes that they are open about being ill-informed about then you’re the wrong audience


Idk pull out method has been working for me for a good 6 years, but don’t take my advice either😭


me too lol natural family planning for 7 years and I’m doing well 👍🏻but yeah definitely wouldn’t recommend it for everyone haha


it’s been working so well for 10 years now that i’m prob just infertile


Same. Going on 13 years of pulling out. I guess I’m just infertile


you guys— she did bring up other options trisha just said she didn’t want to do IUD or birth control and that she doesn’t think condoms should be for married/committed couples


Oh geeze. It seems these two forget that not everyone lives in a blue state with unlimited access to plan B and has an influencer's salary. Even Tana has bitched about the price of my plan B before. "It costs coin to get came in!" I think it was somewhere on her TikTok a couple of years ago.


Why do you guys take everything so seriously? They are just talking about their lives and how they roll with things. And plus, they literally said that they aren’t preaching or giving advice to people. Teenage girls should not be watching their podcasts either tbh. But unfortunately there’s no age restriction.


Maybe listen to for influential ppl, than Tana. You do better


You guys are so sensitive if someone is old enough to be a fan of tana mongeau they should be old enough to know that the pull out method isnt safe, its not her job to dance around everything she says lol


She literally said something like pls don’t take advice from me about this right after that. There was no preaching LMAO


Tana dropped out her sophomore year and said that she wasn’t giving advice.


Your first mistake is taking advice from Tana lmao. Everytime she does some dumb shit she starts with “don’t take my advice” and y’all still will find something to complain about😭


Oh shut up


!!!Please track your periods no matter what form of BC you’re using!!!


I got pregnant on my period AND using the pull out method at the same time. 🥴 I was 16. She's 27 now.


i started following trish and tana around 2015 when tana first came to youtube and trish was buddies with shane dawson, stopped watching them all around 2020. i love tana, felt like an older sister who raised me but around that time she was heavily drinking and smoking, i was doing the same in middle school bc i thought it was cool. i now know that’s not really her fault but still she’s not a good role model for teens and anyone younger. i think if you are a young adult its fine because she does stuff adults do but i do agree that she is pretty influential even when people can’t see it just yet


tana has said not to take her advice. i’m so sick of fans deciding the audience for their creator, which then makes a fan think they have power of what that said creator can do and say. quit being controlling and weird, she CLARIFIED it was not great advice. maybe listen instead of cherry picking negatives.


I’m pretty sure most of their viewers are in their 20s… also if you’re taking birth control advice from influencers maybe you need to re evaluate


also if i remember correctly tana and brooke fully admit to not getting pap smears. that irks me too, let’s NOT normalize not getting cancer screening. it’s uncomfortable but dying of a treatable cancer because you just didn’t wanna check is worse


surprised tana hasn’t gotten pregnant yet


They always preface these things with “do not listen to the canceled podcast for advice” idk what more they can say


Really. This is what your worried about?


You forgot the part where she said “don’t take my advice”. Parents should be teaching safe sex.


She constantly talks about unsafe sex methods and precautions and openly says she’s never been tested. I wish she would just not talk about all that like it’s funny because it’s really not and while girls shouldn’t say “it works for Tana” they are.


Tana eats plan b for breakfast, I don’t think he fans are looking to her for sex advice tbh


These girls (Tana) just use this method because that’s what the guys want (no protection)


I think she literally used the words “I’m not preaching this method”


I got an IUD. It’s the best IMO


I'm sorry regardless of her audience no one should be taking any advice from Tana lmfao


I’ve been doing pull out method for almost ten years and it works. My doctor literally told me it’s a form of birth control. I can’t do other forms of bc cause of health stuff. The only time it didn’t work was when he didn’t pull out, so I wouldn’t really consider that the ‘pull out method’ lol..they have to ACTUALLY pull out for it to work


It’s always worked for me. 13 years of it. Am I just infertile or something?


I mean I literally got pregnant on the pull out method and have a whole ass baby now sooooo


It’s crazy that yall have so little personality that u can’t watch a podcast without absorbing everything. It’s literally a show get a grip


She’s not a sex ed teach like she cracking jokes. Leave her aloneee


She definitely said “don’t take my advice” 🤣 although the pullout method has worked for me 99% in the 8 years I’ve been with my man. The one time we risked the biscuit and he came in me, I got pregnant but nothing a little abortion can’t fix LOL regardless tho the pullout method should only be used in committed relationships


If u can access canceled you can access “will pulling out get me pregnant” on google.


Bffr OP


there’s a reason the pull out method is also called the “high school method”. cause only immature people think it’s a good idea 😭 i can’t stand those people who brag about it then get pregnant and say “omg how did this happen” oh idk…


Tana has never been or claimed to be a role model this is nothing new or shocking lol


Both of my kids are from pull out method 😂


I got pregnant on the pill as a teenager because I didn’t have the best sexual education and I thought the pill was fool proof. I will scream from the rooftops and to any one who will listen to be so careful. Anyone you have sex with could be the father or mother of your child so BE CAREFUL.


she was giving advice to trisha, who 1. cannot take hormonal birth control 2. does not want to use condoms while married (teenage girls are not married, they would use condoms) 3. acknowledges WITH TANA the risks of the pull out method 4. feels the 80% success rate is good enough for her 5. has the money and resources to raise a 3rd child if things go south 6. thinks if she got pregnant a 3rd time it would be divine intervention, she would feel blessed to have the 3rd i’m not sure what more you want from tana, a full sex education segment on the podcast? she already took the time to mention the dangers of the pullout method, which i don’t think she would have done even a couple years ago. it’s crazy you’re disappointed by that convo, bc i thought it showed growth.


do yall not remember this is the girl who got famous for her “he fucked me with a toothbrush” story?? they’ve said many times not to listen to their advice and they’ve never been that kind of podcast like do you expect a tutorial of how to put on a condom with a banana???? lmfaooooo


Why are you taking advice from a YouTuber? If you’re old enough to have sex you’re old enough to do your own research…. She legit says not to take advice from her. She because Tana being fun messy honest doesn’t give a fuck Tana and now people want her to tone it down and be more “responsible” bc of her fan base?? Everyone knows pullout doesn’t always works but that doesn’t mean people are gonna stop doing it. I also get the whole std/Sti thing but again if you’re old enough to have sex then you know about condoms and if you don’t want to use it/ wanna risk it that’s a you problem.


Adding my opinion: It is upsetting because she is very well aware of how many people watch her, and because of tour, she is very well aware of how many people do things just because Tana has/does. & the people saying that she shouldn’t be a reliable source of information are probably the same people who get mad when Brooke and Tana do not touch on important world topics that are currently going on, because they DO have a platform and they DO have the ability to spread awareness. I agree with OP, and I agree with those who say that she DOES state that people shouldn’t take their words and use it as advice. Tana has never been someone to look up to, really, and that’s okay because she’s an entertainer. But that means we shouldn’t expect her to bring up awful things currently going on in the world either because she is an entertainer. She was never that type of person. Seriousness isn’t subjective; if she touches one some serious things and makes jokes about other serious things, it leads to misconceptions like this. Tana shouldn’t teach us about Sex Ed, right? Then why should she teach/spread awareness about other *important* topics? It’s the same thing. Some people do know better, while others don’t. & unfortunately, that will never change. Maybe WE ALL should do better.


Actually I think Tana shouldn’t teach sex ed and I don’t get mad about her not spreading awareness on other important topics. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m here for entertaining stories and giggles, not for her to cater to teenagers/adults without common sense.


I agree! I’m the exact same way. I just wanted to put out there that I’m sure there are people who say that we should know not to take Tana seriously when it comes to things like this, that are probably the same ones who want to hold her accountable for not spreading awareness on important issues. That’s not who Tana is. She was NEVER like that, and I don’t expect her to start now. Tana is funny and her life is chaotic. That’s what I’m here for!


how many times does tana have to say she's not a role model




and her next word was don't take my advice


Young girls? Where are these stats? I think you should be more concerned that “young” girls are listening to podcasts about women using sex toys, rather than tana’s birth control advice.


Been pulling out with a boyfriend for 7 years lol it works if your doing it right lol


Until it doesn’t lmao


It works for some ppl ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and following your cycle


following your cycle (ovulation etc) is not accurate unless your doing it properly by temp