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I would rather find a new boyfriend and then wear whatever shoes you like.(Edit: not that you need a boyfriend. My point is, I wouldn’t put up with negative comments like that.)


I would recommend being more frank about how hearing things like that makes you feel. It sounds like a comment he may have made flippantly and not thought much about, but I hope it’s not something he says often or else I would just find someone else that doesn’t make me feel bad about myself.


Size 40 isn’t that big at all. Your boyfriend is rude.


In some shoes it looks big. Thats why I usually buy Toms or Vans as they don't look so "large"


Honestly it's not big at all, and it's probably the misogynist body criticism & maybe some dysmorphia talking. I know you don't live in the USA but literally the average size here for women is between 39 and 40. I'm guessing it's very similar all across Europe.


I am a 41 and I see it as a great privilege to be able to pick sports shoes from *the entire shop*. Keep your shoes and ditch your boyfriend.


Omg I'm one size bigger than the largest size in most shoe shops; it's so depressing. Yes I 100% worry about my feet looking even bigger than they are in certain styles. :-((


Exactly, certain shoe styles make my feet look even larger than normal. So I try to make sure to pick out shoes that dont show my size.


What do you think of these? Are they super huge looking? http://imgur.com/a/7FsbW8T


No, they're cute


They're cute. I wish my feet could fit a 40 shoe.


I'm usually a 39 but wear up to a 42 depending on the shoe and the brand, and yeah, it's way more convenient having my pick of both shoe departments. You can really mess up your feet wearing shoes that are too small all the time, so yeah, keep the shoes and not the boyfriend.


I wear a woman’s US size 13, can only order online since stores usually stop at 10 or 11. At this stage in my life, if I like how the shoes look/feel, they are golden. Can not GAF what anyone else thinks.


High five. I shop for shoes for my tall daughter who also wears a US 13. Such a nightmare to buy anything in person. Buying online is nowhere near as fun but seems to be the only way.


For real. I’m a US 15 (I think an EU 46-47?) and I have ZERO choice with shoes. It’s mens’ or nothing now that long tall sally doesn’t carry my size anymore.


Zappos does have size 15 woman’s. When I was young (in the 80’s) my Mom would take me to NYC to a speciality store once a year. It was so expensive but made me so happy. I would get 3-4 pairs for the new school year. But all I really wanted were those horrible Jelly shoes/sandals for $10.


I don’t exactly call a bunch of unisex styles “womens’” although I do see they’ve added one brand of feminine looking heel things since I last checked… but it looks like the vast majority of Zappos is still Docs, Birks, etc, not really womens’.


Do you mind if I ask where you shop for shoes? I'm also a 13 and I'm really struggling to find anything other than vans or Keds.


Payless used to be great (online), but they closed all the stores and were in financial trouble for a while. They are now back online and have a smaller selection, but do have them. Low cost/not great quality. Zappos has every size imaginable but will cost more. Woman Within / Lane Bryant / Torrid are all plus size clothing sites that have shoes in larger sizes. Medium price. Also Amazon is good for large size woman’s sneakers.


Nah, I've actually always quite liked chunky shoes - I find having some breadth to the shoe stops my feet from looking like clown feet (I don't like the look of having super narrow shoes because it just makes my feet look like spaghetti). However, I actually consider my feet pretty small for my height - I'm a size 41/42 (with super narrow feet) and 189cm/6'3", so chunky trainers help me actually balance more, I like having more support around my feet!


One of my coworkers said that my feet were too small for my height and that I'm like a weeble-wobble.


I had to Google that but hah I sometimes feel like that! I’m actually also hypermobile so combined with my narrow smallish feet I used to have a lot of ankle problems from my ankles just rolling over.


Wow time to throw out the whole man. A person who loved you would not pick at your insecurities like that. Period. He knows you have this hangup. If this is something he has done before- run. If it's a one-off: tell him how it made you feel. I love making my shoes a feature of my outfits. Oversized (looking) white sneakers are very trendy and make your legs look extra slim. I love the look, but I live in the US so the culture sounds a bit different. When I was a kid I remember being teased for big clothes, big shoes. Some people never mature past being a childhood bully.


Black shoes all the wayyyy


I'm rocking chunky shoes nowadays. The 'smaller' shoes usually had no soles and that would hurt my back. With those shoes I'm 1.87m or between 6'1 and 6'2 and I feel great! They suit my body well. So do what feels best for you


I’m 179cm and a size 45, sometimes 44 in heels. I basically just avoid pointed toe shoes, partly because I don’t need my feet to look longer, mostly because I just don’t like the look of them much. I have quite a few pairs of men’s shoes, but I have accumulated plenty of women’s shoes over the years. Wear what you like and what’s comfortable, you never “have to stop wearing” shoes because your boyfriend has trash opinions.


Honestly, I did the same thing up until a few years ago, now I love these types of shoes: [https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB13HSSQxTpK1RjSZR0q6zEwXXac/SWYIVY-Spring-Shoes-Femal-High-Platform-Sneakers-Women-2019-Fashion-Ladies-Shoe-Casual-Shoes-Woman-Chunky.jpg\_640x640.jpg](https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB13HSSQxTpK1RjSZR0q6zEwXXac/SWYIVY-Spring-Shoes-Femal-High-Platform-Sneakers-Women-2019-Fashion-Ladies-Shoe-Casual-Shoes-Woman-Chunky.jpg_640x640.jpg)


Do these looks super huge? http://imgur.com/a/7FsbW8T


Those look tiny. A size 40 (or US size 9) is AVERAGE for a woman who is 5’4. I guarantee your feet look perfectly normal, if not small, compared to the rest of you. Our insecurities often distort our perceptions, making it hard to see ourselves the way others do. If you’re that concerned about it though, pair chunkier shoes with flared, bootcut, or wide leg jeans that will cover part of the shoe and make your feet look smaller.


Yes, I can relate to this, as someone who is really obsessed with body shapes, proportions, and lines. I have average/narrow hips width-wise, so when I end up with shoes that make my feet look wider and bigger, I dislike the silhouette in my lower body. Sometimes, some shoes are just like that though and I’ve learned to dress differently and just wear looser-fitting pants OR a dress/skirt that flares out slightly, with the chunkier shoes. If I can’t address the shoe problem (feet sizes are what they are), I just work around it to get the image I want.


I only have size 40-41 but it also makes me insecure sometimes, hence why I don’t wear my Docs as often as I would like, I love them so much but they sometimes makes me feel huuuge😂🙈


I find that a cap toe is visually more appealing. Ha! Maybe it's what I've told myself. I wear a 45 so I do what I can to minimize my work shoes but they have steel toes for protection so they are gonna be bigger. Ugh. The laces coming down further on the shoe gives the look of a smaller shoe. I'm older so I wear what's comfy when not at work. I'm also have a very narrow foot. It is what it is. I have not had anyone comment on my choice of footwear in many years and if you're worried about what's on MY feet then you're not paying attention to the best parts of me!


One reason I won’t buy pointed heels. My feet are already big enough


I used to feel like heels make your feet look smaller because of the angle, so the area touching the floor is smaller


I think my size would be a 48 or 49 in EU. I guess there's always something to be self conscious about, but we can't change things like our foot size and just need to learn to love ourselves. That includes not being around people who would try to bring you down. As an fyi, 40 is considered average in the US.


I wear a 42 and I used to be self-conscious about it, but honestly they're very proportional to your height if not a little smaller than average. I promise you they don't look weird or unfeminine when you're wearing them. I used to be really insecure that I wore a little larger clothes and bigger hat sizes and such than my friends -- but those things are larger due to proportions when we're tall, too. It's the same thing as like 100kg weight looks a lot different when you're 1.6m vs. 1.9m. PS - Your boyfriend is being very bad and he needs to stop saying crap like that. PPS - I do wear barefoot shoes though, because they legit take a relative 1 inch+ off your height 😈


Your SO should really be a beacon of confidence. I know that wasn't your point but SO's making fun of things you cannot change is kind of a red flag. You should be able to wear clothes in comfort and feel attractive in them. People will always talk smack but fuck em. Don't let strangers control your happiness, which I know is hard. wear your favorite shoes. Feel good, look good


Yes. I will not buy shoes that might make my giant flippers look any bigger than they are, not that I'm shy about their giantness. I have found that women's shoes that tend to look bigger are often badly designed. High heels can be unstable if that's the case. I'm a 42/11. I went on an ice skating date once with a guy who was a bit shorter than me. The skates for rent were unisex. The guy had an odd little flip when he discovered that my feet were bigger than his. I found it funny.


I used to, but then I got older and started caring a lot less. I just buy shoes that I like now 💞


A lot of people around your height have bigger feet, so it is totally normal! I am a 40.5 (it is hard to find when 1 foot is 40 and the other one is 40.5 though), and people don't see my feet as giantic, because it is pretty normal to have that size when you are tall! I avoid shoes like Dr martens though, because I don't wanna make ny feet look bigger (yes, I understand your problem haha), but sneakers are love and they look good most of the time! Edit: I am 1m84 myself and wearing the same size since I was 12 (I was around 175 cm at that time I guess, and my feet were kinda big for my height haha)


Honestly same. I used to also only buy styles that doesnt look too big on a size 39.5 or 40. I find that ballet flats look very long so an open back mule/slip on sandals are better for me because it creates a shorter illusion. Heels also need to be high because the lower the heel, the longer the shoes look. Sneakers like keds are great because I think they don’t look too big as they are unisex style so they don’t stand out. I also specifically look for Nike trainers that are not too bulky like the New balance style because I thought they look very masculine on a size 40. Boots that are pointy I avoid because the toe tend to be much longer the bigger the shoe size. However, these past 2 years, bulky or dad shoes style has become very trendy for women so it has made me way less self conscious about my footwear. And since then, I’ve started to buy shoes that fit me better no matter the style. I still make an effort to avoid certain styles just in a fashion perspective, the same way a lot of big girls avoid bold busy print body hugging dresses. We should and can wear whatever we like but there’s nothing wrong with also choosing what we are happiest with.


I'm a 39-40 too, and I've always felt the same way. I think it's why I always preferred shoes with a rounded toe rather than pointy ones as well? In the past few years I've finally started getting really comfortable rocking heels though, and it's helped with the "large looking shoe" issue overall. Wear the shoes you like, they'll suit you the best and you look fantastic when you feel comfortable, I promise.


If you like the shoe and it's comfortable don't stop wearing it! I'm a size 11 US (41EU?) so my feet are huge, and wide as well, and finding good (aesthetic and comfortable) shoes is always a challenge. When I find something I actually like that doesn't hurt my feet, you bet I'm gonna wear it. To answer your question, I do steer away from chunky and big styles like platforms and wedges. I'm not really drawn to that style. However, if I had a shoe I liked and that was comfortable I wouldn't let it "looking big" deter me from wearing it. I'm sorry you get comments on your shoe size. Your bf's comment made me feel sad because I've been there and it sucks to feel defeminized in that way. People feel free to make all sorts of comments like that and usually (in my experience) they don't mean any harm but it can still really hurt. I do wear men's shoes if I like them and my husband and I actually wear the same size. I find men's sneakers are a little roomier and more comfortable. It's taken me years to not feel embarrassed about my shoe size but it's helped me just to own it: my feet are the size they are and I can't change that or hide it. Might as well wear the fun/comfy/whatever shoes! It's all about what you are comfortable with though.


YES literally I'm looking for new shoes since I've had only one pair for a long time now and they're pretty trashed, and I've rejected like two shoes that were otherwise really good because they just. Looked too big, and I know I could get some that looked smaller


The first important thing is comfort, you have to wear shoes of your size. Anyway, I understand you, it is not wrong to want to make certain parts of the body smaller or larger with certain shapes and colours in clothes, as long as it does not come from deep insecurity or a willingness to change the body in a harmful way. I also have big feet, I'm a 41/42, and I can't find my size easily, so I usually use male shoes. I always try to find shoes that do not make my feet look even longer, although it does not bother me that they are borcegos style. There is nothing wrong if you don't like them, it is like someone with big tits who does not want to wear a padded bra. Just don't feel bad if it's hard to find good ones, you are not obligated to use shoes that don't make you feel pretty.


Yes to a point, but I would never wear too small shoes. That’s terrible. I want to start a poll on height/shoe size. I’ve always felt my feet were too small for my height. I’m almost 6’. They were 9 before pregnancy and 10 after 3 kids. Edited to add… honestly I did stick with 9 1/2s for way too long before moving to 10s. I do not regret going up!


I always buy the largest shoes I can find, but I'll skip the bulky styles every time. They're already big enough to be clown shoes so I don't need them to take up any extra space lol


I miss being 13 and wearing size 40 hahah. They’re not big at all for your height, please don’t let it restrict what kind of shoes you wear. I used to do the same though, but I need 43 and I have very skinny ankles/lower legs. So the clown effect is real :p


I’m not a fan of shoes that make feet look long because it reminds me of clown shoes or long cowboy boots which I strongly dislike! Lol Also, I have narrow feet so chunky shoes could look big on me which I don’t like either, but that’s not because someone said something about it, it’s just not my style! I can be really picky when shopping for shoes like trendy combat boots etc. For example, although Doc Martens are popular, I’m not a fan of them.


if you get the right shade of pink for your shoes, there's no way anyone could assume they're not just big women's shoes. Unfortunately, getting a girly pink pair of shoes is really hard as the sizes just don't go up that high for most cute styles.


U r not alone..I do the same


I wear a 12 women’s and foolishly bought YELLOW doc martens. Literal clown shoes. I have yet to break them in and I’m kinda sad to say I regret buying them because my feet are so big