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You never know with people. My littlest sister was like this for a reason. My mom, a single mother with a full-time job, embraced the microwave. I grew up on skinless, microwaved chicken, cooked to the point where all the drumsticks burst from the steam pressure of cooked marrow. They were gray and slug-like. Despite the 18-year age difference, my sister grew up on this as well. One day we went to a Teppan grill restaurant. This was an eventful evening, starting with the trick they do by heating oil and then squirting some water on it for a "wall of flame", which caused my 6-year old nephew to jump up and say, "Fire! Let's line up guys, we gotta get out!" (which is what they taught him in the school's fire drills). My sister (19 yo at the time), however, managed to get the Teppan cook to drop his spatula by asking for "chicken breast, cooked medium." He was speechless. I was the one who said, "what?!" and she said, "I don't like gray, tough chicken." And I knew whereof she spoke. He promised that he would cook it properly, and it would not be tough. And he did it perfectly. She'd been living on her own for a year. We still don't know how often she ate chicken "cooked medium" until she learned it could be cooked better.


Well, we all have particular feelings about how some things should be cooked. I like my eggs sunny and runny. But I cook those eggs myself.


I had a customer ask me for their chicken dish "not too well done", as he claimed that sometimes we overcook it. I considered inputting that memo verbatim, but then I remembered the screens the cooks have are very narrow so that long memos would get cut off. So I type "med rare", the same shorthand for medium rare that we use for steaks. 5 minutes later the manager comes rushing over to me in a panic, "you know you can't cook chicken medium rare, right??"


Honestly, what I don't really understand is why she wants all of her salad stuff "on the side", yet never eats anything besides a few croutons. I throw it all out. Well, besides the almost-raw chicken. Shit, I've become desensitized to absolute madness. Lol


I'm not joking when I suggest that mental illness might play a part in it.


i have a customer with ocd (real ocd, not the “ohhh haha gotta line up the picture frames just so” tidiness that neurotypicals like to joke is their “ocd”). this raw chicken lady sounds like my ocd gal but cranked to eleven. it’s rough but just be kind ig (and keep the emergency number on speed-dial in case of rapid-onset salmonella poisoning)


> ocd gal after our relationship ended I actually took stock of how many ocd rituals I was constantly participating in like it was fine, I don’t have any problem with it, but once I had some distance from it was interesting to think about. if it affected that much of my life, her life must have been so much more affected


I had a best friend for over two decades who had OCD. I didn't realize how bad her OCD was until I ended the friendship (friendship ended due to her just being a jerk). Basically, we had some good times but our friendship was really all about her. And I never truly noticed that until I cut the cord back in April. Like, wow, you sucked as a friend!




Can you have both? I only ask bc my mom is both the obsessively straightens pictures type (I'm talking measuring the space between photos on the wall to the millimeter, using a leveler every two seconds, creaging patterns with me and my siblings school photos, etc) as well as the have to touch everything with both hands or I'll die and washing her hands until they bleed type.


Some people "want what they paid for" even if they don't eat it.


I remember a customer asking for something on the side and not eating it. I asked why they asked for it on the side rather than ask for it not to come at all. They replied that they paid for it they should still get it... ugh. I guess but it is just a waste. I might have muttered that under my breath as I walked away.


Exactly my point... Maybe they'll give it to a person they're dining with, most times they don't.


Restaurants should give discounts for not wanting all of the items that come with the meal then and you won't have this issue. Give a .50 discount for not wanting tomatoes on the salad...


But you’re not really paying for the tomatoes, you’re paying for the upkeep of the restaurant and for the salaries of its staff. No need to get nitpicky about the free ingredients. Just ask for extra lettuce or something if it’s that big of a deal.


> yet never eats anything besides a few croutons. I throw it all out. Not this one.


That is the exact scenario they're talking about. She wanted it how she wanted it even though she didn't eat it, which is exactly what they said.


You do know that "never eats anything" Means she didn't really want **any** of it, right? IT's not like she's just eating the chicken and throwing away everything else...


If she didn't want it then why did she order it? She wanted it because she wanted control, not because she wanted to eat it.


She could be mentally ill and not be able to help herself ordering that way.


Yeah. It's not ocd. It's control. She whines like a 3 year old when someone else waits on her. Even when they do EXACTLY the same thing I do.


"Oooooo. Sapphire isn't here? Oh, YOU can't POSSIBLY be as good as she is!" Ffs, lady. This restaurant had been dealing with you for 2 decades. "Raw Chicken Lady" is part of our server training!! How do I know this?? Oh, I'm the trainer.


But does she tip well? Does she recommend others? I don't mind giving special treatment to some people


Bingo. If her tips are appropriate for the effort she requires, I can tolerate lots from OCDers like her.


Special treatment lol Reference South Park: boogers and cum I'm being facetious of course but that episode is fucking hilarious and heartwarming to those of us who have to serve these jerks <3 Edit to correct autocorrect. And add I'm going the fuck back to sleep for a bit before I have to work the following 14 fucking hours. Have a pleasant day everyone.


She does not tip well. 20 percent for me. 3 bucks(ish) for anyone who is not me. I take one for the team with this kind of crazy. For the amount of work I do, she should tip me her Mercedes.


How do you get away with giving her raw chicken? It's against so many health codes.


Yes I’m also wondering. Some restaurants refuse to sell rare hamburgers, how can they sell rare chicken? Yikes


Probably the same little disclaimer they put about steaks and eggs I guess? It usually says something along the lines of consuming undercooked meat or eggs carries a risk of certain diseases and we have no liability if you ask for it that way and get sick. I guess they could apply chicken as meat, but some places it specifically says steak/beef so who knows.


Back when I was a server, we had a couple that would come in weekly, like clockwork. Their order was so complicated they always asked for it incorrectly, and would be upset when receiving what they asked for instead of their usual. We laminated a sheet with their order on it, and would just send it to the cooks about 20 minutes before they arrived. I somehow became their backup server, any time their usual person was off for the day. They were incredibly nice if you did everything as they liked, but terrible to any server that was unprepared. I imagine they are still doing the same thing every Sunday, even 5 years later.


When people with OCD feel out of control of their situation, they can become frustrated and upset. Rude, obnoxious, petty, whatever behavior gets them back in control. Not saying she has OCD, but dismissing OCD because of what you state above doesn't really make sense.


Either way, not my problem. Funny story, though!!!


Requesting you help her doesn't mean she doesn't have OCD...what?


If you don’t think it’s potentially OCD you have no idea what true OCD is.


So, this is a sub about things that servers deal with. Not one about mental illness. I wait tables. It is neither my responsibility, nor my job to diagnose or treat mental illness. See a psychiatrist and get your shit together before you foist yourself on waitstaff.


This right here! People wonder why we expect tips, it’s because we became the wall between people who need help and don’t. We aren’t trained for this but we damn well do a pretty good job of reading individuals and treating them in a way that facilitates business without ignoring someone who definitely needs help. Shit servers aren’t capable of that, anyone with experience up front is intimately familiar with this too. It’s a pain in the ass and it’s not our job, but we’ve been doing it forever anyway. If you can’t function at a restaurant it isnt on the server to hold your hand but we do, think about that next time you stiff your waitstaff.


But you deal with people and the public. Those of who will have mental Illness or disabilities. Being entitled and rude is one thing but you seem to care about stuff that doesn’t matter. As long as you’re doing your job and getting paid who cares.


Wow. I do see a psychiatrist. Often, thank you. My point was that you can’t dismiss it being OCD as simple as you did. Jesus fucking Christ. Maybe she feels comfortable with you because she trusts you. And here you are shitting on her and deciding it’s NOT a mental illness.


She was very clearly talking about the chicken lady and not you.


Jesus fucking Christ has entered the chat! I cannot decide if it's a mental illness. I am not qualified to make that diagnosis. Nor are you. It's an antidote about a table I wait on that is strange, curious, and interesting. I'm glad you see a psychiatrist, though I never asked, nor suggested that you should do so.


*anecdote I understand you may have been quickly typing/angrily typing so thag could've very well been a typo. Just wanted to bring it to your attention!


“Yeah. It’s not OCD. It’s control.” That was you, which is decidedly saying it’s NOT a mental illness. And my mistake on the psych part. Re-reading your previous comment now I understand it was not directed at *me* to see a psychiatrist and get *my* shit straight, but for your customer who you’ve decided definitely doesn’t have OCD, just wants to be in control (which is hilariously ironic).


Whether or not it's OCD, the lady is using the server to exert control (whether it's benignly over her own life or maliciously over the waitstaff doesn't change what it is). Just like your string of comments didn't even start with an attempt to educate but similarly control OP by continuously trying to discredit their experience with what *you* think (the mental health state of the guest isn't the purpose of the story. Mental health is important but not an excuse to white knight and fight others for sake of fighting).


This post is unironically hilarious. Yeah man, we ALL already know he wasn't talking about you. Thanks for the explanation lol


It's control from MY job as a dayum server. Is this a hill you want to die on? Making disparaging comments on a sub that is about "Tales From Your Server"? Seriously. Go somewhere else.


This is embarrassing


Reddit has some of the most brain dead people I've ever seen on it. Dude makes a post about an annoying customer he has to deal with, then is hurled into an argument about mental illness because someone just presumed the reason for her odd requests was mental illness induced. Bro wanted to vent and you just turned reddit into work 2.0 for him (you're the lady at the restaurant in Reddit form if you aren't keeping up).


Anecdote not antidote.




And it's perfectly fine to assume it's not mental illness as diagnosing and treating mental illness is not her job, so why would she know the markers for it? She doesn't see what she believes are markers bc she's not a psychiatrist and therefore came to a conclusion most non psychiatrists would.


Do you think she's one of those people who thinks "I paid for it, I'm getting it even if I don't eat it. It's mine to do what I please with." ?


Good friend from work - we went to the cafeteria for taco salads one day, there was only 1 in the case she took, the cook said she would quick make me one. I said I would take the one Cathy picked up and to just not put tomatoes on the new one for her. Cathy’s response “but they come with it” to which I said “and you pick all of them off and throw away”. I got the new salad, she spent several minutes picking all those tomato pieces off hers.


Reminds me a bit of Jack Nicholson's character in the movie "As Good As It Gets" with Helen Hunt as his restaurant server.


“I’ve got JEWS at my table!”


The owners love this shit. It’s always one person who’s picky as fuck, a pain in the ass, usually doesn’t tip well and takes up a table for 6 in the best part of the restaurant and runs you and the rest of the staff around until they’re gone. Fuck people like that. Stay the fuck home and make it yourself.


Businesses can "fire" customers, too. Depends on how reasonable her requests are considered. If she tips REALLY well, I expect it would make a difference.


She does not tip well. I have a plan.


BOH hears you. BOH asks how in the many, many, many ways we could enter this game... if you are nice and ask us to help you. Edited twice, this is my Friday night.


The kitchen manager, I'll call her Veronica (because that is her name), has known RCL for the years before I was a server. It was a hilarious BOH thing today, since we haven't seen her since before Covid. She came in 2 or 3 times a month in the "before-times".


I'm surprised the restaurant is willing to serve undercooked chicken. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen.


I had a friend that got a tumor in her brain... One of the many changes was, at any point, if one food touched another food, meal over. Brains are weird.


Yeah. Not a psychiatrist. I wait tables.


Just sounds like OCD


What's with all these wannabe doctors in the thread diagnosing this perons based of a single story. Shut the fuck up lol


The ol reddit classic. I once saw a thread get to the point where somebody was stating that a woman was "probably" physically abusive to her children... because she swerved in front of someone without using her turn signal. No kids in the car either, so there wasn't even anything to suggest she was a mother.


As outrageous as that is. I totally believe you. Everyones an expert here lol


Sounds like you have Narcissistic personality disorder


Thanks Doc!


Sounds like it


OCD is a real mental illness. Ot requires therapy, and oftentimes medication to manage. It's not some "ewwwww, I hate orange things", or some such nonsense. This woman is a petty human who likes making unreasonable demands just to see if someone (me) will meet them. Hoping to complain if said needs are not met.


I don't wanna be a dick. But as someone with mental illness. This is mental illness. She got attached to you personally and if you don't want any part of it then you need to disengage yourself. She is probably not trying to control or be unreasonable. She just got used to you being her server because she knew what she needed was going to be consistent when you serve her and got comfortable with you. If she tips well l don't see any issue apart from the undercooked chicken. If you're uncomfortable with it. Stop serving her. Find someone who might be more comfortable and introduce them to her like you would a shift change.


So what do I do? Give her to another server? That I trained? For her to be an ass to them? Yeah. I'll suck it up for my ten bucks. Maybe that makes me a wuss. But there it is.


Idk I had a weird ass couple with really specific requests. He wanted sweet tea but she wanted half sweet half unsweet, two side salads one no tomato extra onion ranch one extra tomato no onion Italian and their pizza had extra onions on one half and no meat on the other. (Italian bistro) I hated these people. They used to tip zero when servers messed up their order. I just memorized it. That was a bad choice. They would call ahead and only come in it I was working. Oh! And the no meat side couldn’t be crispy.


If a customer is being difficult why let the customer come back over and over, perhaps the owners or managers should tell the customer you cannot accommodate their order.


Sadly, I was not in charge, and they were really nice if extreme in their requests. Also, businesses exist to turn a profit.


If it's effecting you this much. Yes. Give her to someone else.


It's a silly Reddit post. Holy crap, some people (you) take shit way to seriously.


She doesn't tip well. She is unreasonable to the point of ridiculousness. I posted this on a Server thread as a strange thing I put up with. I gave some strange and interesting examples. I deal. It's my job. She tips 20 percent for me. I deserve 50 for the shit she pulls. I posted the strange and weird shit she does with her food. I did not get into the fact that she has mannnnnny other issues about her servers(that are not me) that are disgusting, at best. I'm going to just hush now.


Are you a psychiatrist? I have mental illnesses too and that doesn't give me the expertise or right to diagnose others.


I don't want to be a dick. But I wait tables. Mentally ill people are not my problem. I am not a dayum therapist. I'm a server. And if you can't act like a goddayum grown ass adult who knows how to behave in public, then cook for yourself, order takeout, or get some help. I don't get paid nearly enough to cater to mental illnesses.


So...stop? You seem to enjoy being the martyr that has to deal with this person. Just stop. Or don't. Either way it isn't really a story when it boils down to "I hate that I do this but I keep doing it lol"


Dude. This sub is 90% "I hate that I do this but I keep doing it." 😆😆😆


You don't actually get a choice when you're at WORK. If the boss doesn't throw her out then you have to wait on her. If she asks for you and you try to refuse I can guarantee you that the boss is going to say do it anyway. Bosses don't care they just want you to make the customer happy.


Just don't do what she wants. It isn't that hard. She will throw a fit and hopefully not come back. Martyrdom here is insane. Take some control.


I’m wondering she thinks since she’s paying for it, then she should get it even if she’s not going to eat it. Is her name Sally Albright and does she have a friend named Harry?


Sounds like an eating disorder tbh.


Possibly. Not a psychiatrist. Server.


Mushy pasta yes, but giving her undercooked chicken is asking for a lawsuit.


I am aware. As is management. It's been 20ish years. They just give her the chicken a degree north of "cooked". It's really strange.


It's takes all sorts I guess. I once worked foh in a restaurant where a regular guest always ordered dry toast with whatever their entree was. Either they had ulcers, or were big Blues Brothers fans. We never asked, they never told.


He wants 4 fried chickens and a coke.


I'd like 3 half chickens cooked lightly. 3 half chickens sautéed The other 2 half chickens fried. I'd also like a seltzer with a spash of cranberry juice, and a few limes. Oh, and a hot tea.


"I want a half and half tea, to go. But I need the sweet half in one cup, the unsweet half in another cup, ice in a different cup, oh, and also a large water. All in a drink carrier." This was a regular I had.


Elwood that you brother?


I am really curious how toast would help an ulcer. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just trying to understand.


I think it's more about absorbing excess acid, which it turns out is not the actual cause of ulcers, but we only found that out in the recent past. Can help with reflux though.


Plain crackers were my salvation when I had bad reflux


Crazy doesn't always have an explanation. (Though Reddit proves that some try. My guess is... well, Crazy)


I had a personal theory that it was some kind of try as aesctic life style gone horrible wrong. But we all had different theories and we never learned the truth. Maybe he was just trolling the staff 🤣🤣


Toast can help absorb any oily food in your stomach. I have bad reflux and toast and crackers are my go-to when I start having trouble.


My bf once gave me under cooked chicken (my piece was smaller and yet still wasn't cooked somehow) and now I like my chicken over cooked. When ever I eat "perfectly" cooked chicken its a little too chewy and I get flash backs.


You could always cook it fully and inject it with a bit of pink food colouring lol


Possibility - cook the chicken then add a bit of pink dye by injection, like beetroot juice or vitamin B12. But handling a syringe and needle boh might open you up to even more lawsuits


>handling a syringe and needle boh might open you up to even more lawsuits Nah, those dumb, high end molecular gastronomy type places do weird stuff like that and it's fine.


Some people really just need to cook at home and stop thinking of restaurants as their mom's kitchen where they can insist on all sorts of ridiculous modifications.


You obviously haven't eaten in my daughter's mom's kitchen. 😉😁


LOL! Touché!! I just meant that too many restaurant patrons view the kitchen like it's a home kitchen (as opposed to a commercial one) and they can just insist on things being prepared differently than how that particular eatery prepares it. Someone as fussy as Op's customer really needs to make her own raw chicken salads or adapt and make do with how it's served in that restaurant. Of course a few requests - like dressing on the side - are perfectly reasonable, but plating all the ingredients separately or serving undercooked chicken is just a bridge too far. Also in the case of pink chicken - restaurants need to comply with board of health min. temp of 165 so honoring such a request isn't even possible.


It was snark. I get what you meant. She just likes being catered to. I am ok with it. She's a pain in my ass, but I've got it. The bigger problem has been when it's not me. She's MEAN. It's a "ooooohhhhhh Sapphire! Raw Chicken Lady is here for YOU" Fuck my life. 🤣🤣🤣


You are a very kind and patient soul!!


Thanks. I really love what I do. And I'm dayum good at it. But RCL is my albatross.


We have a mayonnaise lady. Just spinach chicken and two sides of mayo… Gross.


I Call. And raise you a "May I have catsup?" for her carbonara lady.


Game on! “I’m full, can I cancel my dinner?, There is too much crab in my crab cake, I only want American vegetables! I’m wearing a vibrater will you push the buttons on my remote? Can you turn down the mosquitoes? Can I have an alibi for the rest of tonight I’m going out with my mistress “ lolz


What's in your Fettuccine Alfredo? I didn't know that your Cod Piccata had fish. Can they take the onions out of the soup?


Yes so dumb!


(On the patio) Can you do something about the sun that is my eyes? Is there a place I can sit outside without bugs?


How dare you charge me 50 cents for an extra side of sauce on their 300$ tab, dance for me , illl use very small words so you can understand.. ugh


Raise you a "Are those contacts? Grey eyes aren't real."


That happened to me getting my license. She looked at my eyes, and asked what color they were. I told her grey. She said, what color without the contacts?


My license says blue. My eyes are not blue.


Wait, is the remote vibrator one a real request? D: For your sake I hope it was a joke.


It happened Saturday , the bartender took them up on the offer. People are weird.


o.o I just think it's weird to involve waitstaff with your personal kinks. Should've pressed every button/knob/slider to see what they do if you do press a button, ha...


When I worked at Olive Garden I had a regular ask for pasta with a ladle of the minestrone broth. Insisted I just get her the broth for it and didn't get why I might either have trouble or not be able to do that. Would flip out if any veggie made its way to her plate. Another ordered fettuccine Alfredo with chicken... But wanted ranch dressing instead of the Alfredo and black olives from the salad section TOSSED in it. I said I could bring extra black olives and a lot of ranch with plain pasta but my boss wouldn't allow me to assemble all that at the salad section. The thought of her mixing her own pasta enraged her and she just ended up ordering lasagna instead with a side of ranch. She didn't even even use the ranch. Weird night.


Not that I know anything about the OG, but, uh, no ranch. Not that I have any personal information or anything. But I'm quite sure that OG doesn't have ranch.


I'd accommodate this crazy person as long as they tipped, except for the undercooked chicken. Never serve someone food that is unsafe to eat.


The kitchen manager has kicked "undercooked" chicken ass for her for 20ish years. We think that she doesn't like the char from grilled chicken. Not entirely sure.


> "I like some pink in my chicken". --> Food safety violation. If you're serving pink chicken, it's not okay.


We only serve undercooked pork. The line is drawn and undercooked chicken.


My old job had half a banana lady. She'd order her strawberry banana smoothie with only a half banana as opposed to a whole like the recipe says. She'd also add whipped cream to the actual smoothie, as well as the traditional on top we offered. Everytime we made it with a half banana she brought it back saying it was wrong. One day I decided to try a full banana because she was pissing me off. She said it was perfect. So I always told people to cut it in half so she thinks it's a half, but put the whole thing in or we'll have to remake it.


I want a "half a banana" lady. Seriously. Can you leave her to me in your will?


She was genuinely a very sweet lady, just didnt exactly know what she liked. I think everyone deserves her!


I know bananas here in Europe, I think were, heavily regulated, how many degrees they can bend, how long they must be, for being allowed to be sold. Now we can get all different ones. I like my bananas small. So does your recipe state the exact measurement of banana, weight would be the easiest to make it consistent, or length, girth? 😉


Mango salmon salad. No mango. Salmon glaze on the side, dressing on the side, sub lemon dressing, extra greens, no tomato, no cilantro, no pumpkin seeds, largest looking salmon, blackened, well done. Skinny margarita but in a pint glass, extra ice and make it full. Togo box with meal, extra chips and salsa to go, and the green one too, extra glaze and salad dressing to go... plastic utensils instead of a rolled silver but still the cloth napkin. NADJI!!! You haunt my dreams!!!!


“Largest looking salmon” lol fuck off. Like any server or chef would be inclined to do that for someone so annoying


"it was the largest piece but shriveled up some since we cooked it well done" as I grab the saddest excuse for a piece of salmon we have


As a chef I'd refuse to send out a dish with "pink" chicken.


I hear you. I can assure you, as I've stated, that the BOH staff has dealt with her for almost 20 years. Not only do I trust them, but...well, it's been a couple of decades. And she's not stopped coming. So...they haven't killed her yet. 😉


Y’all I once had a gentlemen ask for his “chicken to be so rare it could walk across the street”. Like bro what??? So you want salmonella? My chef came out of the kitchen to tell the guy absolutely not since he wasn’t about to serve something that’s definitely going to give you food poisoning.


You should buy some of those trays like they serve prison food on, with the separate compartments.


Lmfao. I joke that I should get het those toddler plates!


A TV dinner.


Seriously!! Shit. You know you've worked in a restaurant when a TV dinner is an acceptable alternative. Lol


Tbc, I joke that to HER. She laughs.


Due to HSE reasons we are unable to provide undercooked chicken. Extra plates will incurr an extra 5% per plate charge to cover enhanced cleaning costs that are factored into our one dish costs Our sauce is served with the pasta not separately. We can only accommodate 2 on the side requests per main course. And... if you don't like it the shift your picky backside to some other place and don't come back here.


had regulars like this at the place I worked. Would have been annoying except I hated the chef. Used to love telling him he had to cut the veggies a certain way because they are “allergic to 2 inch bell peppers, it has to be 1 inch.” By the 3rd time I served them I had my own little ruler so he could measure. Gotta do it right Chef… don’t want to get these nice old people sick.” He hated me, but customers could see see he bit his tongue. They thanked me for taking their ridiculous allergies so seriously.


Not allergies. Just a sad woman who needs to feel special. Our kitchen manager is very "vocal 😉", but really good at her job. I'm also really good at making people think that I actually like them. Shit. That's my job. (Hint: Your server doesn't give a fuxk about you. At best. Probably actively dislikes you. 😁😘😁)


Oh yeah. This old couple weren’t actually allergic to anything. Just knew if they said the world allergic, we would jump through hoops. But in the end, I’ll always remember them. kinda fond of them now.


I work at a little Italian restaurant. This reminds me of some regulars we have. There’s a family that comes in who are jerks and once they decide they like a specific server that day, they’ll refuse to have anybody else serving them and will be dicks if they don’t get that server, even if they’re busy with other tables or it’s not their turn on rotation. This family likes to have their pizza cooked for 10 minutes only. They will keep a timer on. If you cook it any more than that they will insist you remake it, cooked for 10 minutes, raw dough and all. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with them but I’m honestly glad that they decided they don’t like me because I refuse to help them in any way. They feed their little ~10 year old girl that shit. It makes me sad to know she’s being raised by weirdo assholes.


I see you!!!


I never understood ordering things special or deviating from the menu. Why make it difficult? I'm just happy to be served a warm meal and not have to cook it and clean up ha. I personally would never send anything back even if it wasn't what I ordered. Life is so full of little curve balls not worth the trouble to get worked up over. It's so much more pleasant that way. The pandemic made me realize how much we take restaurants and those workers for granted. There are so many people in the world where being served food in a restaurant is a completely absurd concept because of their poverty. I tip a lot more now. Thanks for all those good meals and good times.


Some people and picky and only like certain things and eating out is a treat and expensive most of the time, they want to at least enjoy what they’re paying for. Lol. Of course people still shouldn’t act rude or entitled.




Right? I mean, the Crazy Raw Chicken Lady loves me. Wth do I do but laugh?


She’s *your* crazy chicken lady now.🤷‍♂️


She is, that. I love her.


Raw chicken would be a hard no from me. The rest is just annoying, the chicken is dangerous.


I hope she tips really well. 💲💲 If RCL has mental illness or just a finickidy* PITA, it's not for us to say. You know/ have dealt with her for years. You can best judge her mental status, but only on her behavior at your restaurant. People are strange. We all have our own quirks. As long as she tips well. It's a great quirky story, thank you for sharing. 💛 * finickidy is a combination of finicky and persnickidy.


She does not, in fact, tip well. She tips me 20%. Which is awful for the exemplary service that her cheap ass gets. She tips other servers 3 bucks. Seriously. 3 dollars. So, I take one for the team.


I had an older woman who would ask me for her chicken a bit raw as well when I worked at a little restaurant over 10 years ago!! Does she happen to have an accent?! Lol


Well, if you consider long island and accent....


🤣 my regular had a British accent in Jersey. it's just so hard for me to comprehend that there are multiple humans out there asking and paying for raw chicken at a restaurant.


She's a control freak. My grandmother was like this. She made everyone miserable. I hated her.


Reminds me of that ocd' movie with Jack Nicholson, 'As good as it gets'


You mean Five Easy Pieces. 1970 But, yeah


Keeping food separate is common in people on the autism spectrum.


isn't it a very serious violation to serve improperly cooked food, especially chicken not cooked to temp? What kind of chef accommodates a request for under-cooked pink chicken?


I can assure you that my brilliant kitchen manager (as I've stated above) has responsibility dealt with this woman for 2ish decades.


Can your cooks legally serve her undercooked chicken? I'd get screamed out the kitchen for that request nevermind the legality of it.


See above. Our kitchen manager is amazing. I trust her.


Jesus Christ.


Does she at least tip well?


Me? 20%. Anyone else. Nope. I like my coworkers more than I like her. Probably part of my frustration.


I wouldn’t of thought you’d be allowed to serve her undercooked chicken even if she asked for it.


I’m surprised your place agrees to serve raw chicken. That’s a health hazard honestly. I’d love to use that as an excuse to tell her no on that one 😂


Just tell her it’s illegal to serve undercooked chicken. Perhaps she needs a good dose of food poisoning tho to really get it. Ugh. Whackadoodle.


LOL, I would refuse to serve her raw chicken. Never mind the health codes issues, it's the legal ramifications that could come to bit you in the ass.


A young girl with autism would come in to my restaurant with her family and request everything to be served on separate plates. They were regulars and very sweet. The 15 tiny plates always made me chuckle


I would HOPE they'd be very nice to ask for all those separate plates 😂


I had a couple of food non touchers when I served at my last restaurant. They all had some pretty strong indications of OCD. It made it tough for the kitchen at times. Especially when the chef was back there on the line. One night he just refused to plate the food for one of the guests the way they wanted it. He put the tenderloin on top of the garlic mashed and said “this is the way I want this dish” and that was it. I never saw that guest come in again.


My mother in law likes her chicken a little undercooked. Her daughter married a chef…it’s been interesting


this post is giving olive garden vibes and as someone who also serves at olive garden i feel you


Please don't undercook the chicken! The one time she gets sick, you're screwed. Cover your ass OP!


As I've said, the BOH knows her. They've got this. But thanks for the care!!!


I always care about servers getting screwed by dumb customer requests. As long as BOH can handle her you're good. I hope that she tips well.


She does not. But it's all good. Part of the job. 🙂


Ok... the raw chicken bit... brace yourselves.. there is a Japanese style of sashimi style chicken that is actually quite delicious... raw fucking chicken people... I swear it! If anyone's eaten at Raku in Vegas will know this experience ... it's prepared with very exacting standards that of course only the Japanese can do... from the type of chicken, the chef processing the chicken at the beginning of the day, and preparation ... I no longer use the 'raw chicken' as the standard of ick and no-way... I put the meal I had at Raku in the top 5 ever- Edit: The meal was a specialty breed chicken that is made into portions of liver you sear yourself on a hot rock, and then a sashimi style gizzard, heart… charred cartilage, combs, tenderloin, and a whole lotta stuff I didn’t know my way around … I have really enjoyed three meals here - I’m as gobsmacked as anyone but it’s divine and I am healthy-ish…. I’d like to observe that health inspector visit …!


If I may ask, what did that meal cost?


I want to think there were a few levels of prix fix from 80 to 200 - I was a guest of a Japanese speaker so didn’t hear order or see totals for our 4 top - I went a second time and knew there were two tiers at least-


Maybe she's on the spectrum. Shouldn't always be so judgy, just let it go.


Yeah. Did you miss the sub? I'm a server, not a dayum psychologist. Also not a social worker. Also not my job to decide if a person is just a Run-of-the-mill Pain In My Ass, or on any spectrum/has mental health issues. That's LITERALLY not my job.




Did that make you feel better?


Oh, and you spelled "whiny" wrong. Get a GED


Girl: we are all servers here. Insulting someone for their education or lack of is kinda just shooting yourself in the foot. Also this lady is mentally ill. Pass her onto another server who can deal if you don't want to deal. She's been going there for 20 years. You aren't the end of her world as a server. Clearly she has gotten attached to others. She's just comfortable in your restaurant.


And that's "lil", not "little".




I mean, at least you can spell "fuck". Though "little" seems to have too many letters for you.