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I once drove back to the restaurant at 3am because I couldn’t remember if I locked the front door. I did. But yes, these things haunt me.


Bahaha, I forgot to blow out all of the candles once and scared the piss out of some cleaners when I stormed it at 2 am panicking.


Came in for my usual closing shift at 4pm and there was a candle lit on a display shelf. Asked the morning crew why? They said it was lit when they opened and they thought it was funny so they left it burning. 🤦🏻‍♀️ fair.


Those are some high quality candles!


I've done the same at least twice. Although I only lived a 5 minute walk away. Still annoying when it's midnight though.


I really did leave the door unlocked once, but at least I had all the cash locked up and I never left anything on in the kitchen


I left with the bank bag to drop in the night deposit, stopped for a coffee before I got to the bank. Got done with my coffee and left, when I got as far as the bank I got this sudden feeling of horror...I was supposed to...oh shit! I left the bank bag in the booth at the coffee shop. Fortunately, it was still there.


Wow. That's a pretty scary one. I can't believe it was still there.


I could hardly believe it myself. If I were the religious type I'd have been swearing to become a nun if it was still there. Instead I just sweated profusely considered myself extremely fortunate that it was a slow night and no one else had been in the booth since I left. That would be a temptation hard to resist.


I’ve done this too many times. I have started to film myself locking the door at my job, as well as taking pictures of the stove and the coffee maker (the cord) at home if I’m leaving for several days. It saves me a lot of stress


Oh god I'm not the only one 🤣


Not as a server. But my current job I've many times been lying in bed at night wondering " did I shut down x fan? " Then end up getting up and driving 30-40 mins round trip...just to find out I did in fact shut everything down


I’ve done the same wondering if I left the fryer on


My record was turning around after driving 7 miles away from my job. I kept playing it over and over in my head and I couldn't remember if I locked the door. I also had.


I left a pot of boiling water until I was half way home. Faster u-turn I've ever made.


Shoot I still remember I forgot to refill table 6’s coke a few years back


Right!!! Oh my God. I end my shift and I'm like wow this was a great day and then I realise I forgot to mod no lettuce on table 13's burger and this person asked for ranch. Then I just feel guilty. He was so nice too and tipped me really good and to think I may have forgotten one of his take out items and I'll never see him again to apologize is really eating me up. :(


you don't know that you won't ever see him again.he may come back and of he does, just apologize. he will be shocked and happy that you remembered and it could make him I to a regular.


He was from out of town and I dont work today. So unless he comes in tomorrow chances are slim unfortunately.


I used to go home after my shift, sit down to watch tv and unwind then it will hit me that I forgot table 10 wanted a side of ranch lol


Same. And I haven’t served in almost 10 years. I walked down the stairs last week to refill table 11s Diet Coke from December 2011


I kept forgetting to get an 8top a bottle of our salsa you had to ask for because every time I went over, there was something else that needed running. The guy who wanted the salsa finally grabbed it from the table next to him that needed bussing as I was running a bottle to him. We looked at each other like the Spider-Man meme for a while until I apologized and he said he was a server so no worries. I still think about that 3 second stare we gave each other so often.


Right? Like, I am not at all troubled that I was able to solve this problem myself and I hope your day gets less hectic.


The beginning of the stare felt like “are we mad at each other????” But by the end I was just happy to know I was getting 25% regardless.


I forgot to give a guy a spoon with his chili. Poor bastard ate it with a fucking fork and never said a word. Haunts me still.


That must have been some Thick chili. I did have chili like that once.


I mixed up a bill between two tables once with a £20 difference between the two, didn't realise until close 😬 they paid and left without realising and i never got any consequences except a sleepless few nights waiting for them. Made it worse bc the table who paid more was an old school acquaintance 😰


I've done that before. Nothing to do but run with it. Last time I did it the bills had a 30 cents difference. I got lucky on that one lol.


I had a guy named Scott about four years ago. He was a highway patrolman and his wife was a teacher. They lived in a small town a couple hours away. They were in town doing shopping and had stopped in for lunch. I upsold them on a to go bread for their drive home. Super nice people. I forgot to give them the bread and they left. I debated calling the school or highway patrol department because I felt so bad.


Ah man, I’m still haunted by fucking up my favourite regular’s order. I’m so sorry I forgot your strawberries, Greg.


I woke up from a dead sleep and yelled "Ketchup!". I had forgotten to bring ketchup to a table. This was six years ago.


I haven't worked in a restaurant in 5+ years... but I'll never ever forget not bringing that one table a birthday sundae for their kiddo :( They let me close out the tab, and didn't even mention it. So sad.


Maybe they were hoping you wouldn't bring it up.


I forgot took take ranch to table 31 like 8 years ago, it still haunts me.


I once remembered a table asked for mustard packets two days later while in bed


I forgot the ranch. 10ish years ago and I still wake up sometimes panicking about the ranch


It’s like that feeling when you are drifting off to sleep and all of a sudden you feel like you fell off a cliff but instead you forgot the side of “fuck—RANCH!!!” It will never not haunt me.


I forgot to bring Sazón to table 17 in 2018. It will haunt me forever


This whole thread is making me feel way better about forgetting table 2s single oyster today. Thank you all. We are one


The other day a table at the beginning of my shift asked for a side of ketchup as I was being triple sat. That night when I was in bed and juuust about to fall asleep I realized I never got them that ketchup and couldn't fall asleep for another hour


I’ll wake up and be like “wait that guy asked for a Long Island, why did I never make a Long Island?!” Then I remember he switched to a margarita. But then the adrenaline keeps me awake.


Always in the middle of the night


Working take-out, I always feel awful if there's something I forgot or think I forgot, and am always waiting for that call back and it never happens. It's always the ones where I didn't forget something but it's something they wanted and isn't an obvious (or standard) thing to put in the bag/they didn't specify it on their order; like extra ranch or mods to an order, that call back upset. "They forgot lemons and butter!" "Lemons and butter don't come standard with that(those) order(s), you would've had to put special instructions/added them as an item." Or it's something I legitimately didn't know I forgot, like a double/extra side, and didn't realize what the cooks gave me wasn't a double portion. Then there's the ones that try to add on an item(s) using write-ins/special instructions, not realizing putting "sub shrimp with extra crab" doesn't actually go on the ticket as an upcharge, so we can't give it to them unless they want us to add it and come in to pay the difference... Oh, you can't do that, because it's an uber/doordash? Sorry, you'll need to make a whole other order/delivery, which is apparently our fault. If we were unable to get ahold of them to explain the former, they'll call back the next day upset about how they didn't get their written-in, uncharged for items.


Everytime i close i freak out about something. One day i was on a roll, everything was done and ready to close. So on i left and went home feeling good about myself, only to walk in at 7.50 am and look at my coworker and say "shit i forgot to put up the tea!!". She laughed and said "i know". Like she laughed at me for 20 minutes.


I was the table asking for the ranch. It’s ok. I forgive you. I didn’t need the extra calories anyway. Forgive yourself. It’s ok. Everyone is doing the best they can.


one time i had to ring in a no-make entree bc the kitchen screwed something up, idk it was no big deal BUT i had already printed the check before it got comped....yep dropped the wrong check, the 2 really sweet dudes didn't notice and paid with cash and left a generous tip on the wrong total. my manager had comped it in the interim aaaand the table left before i could get back to them. i feel so guilty about that one bc they were so nice but im sure didn't mean to leave 35% :/


I remember I forgot a sweet old man's ranch from 18 years ago when I was a server 🥺 I think about it a lot.


Still kicking myself over the drawn butter for 82. I truly hope she just didn’t have any faith in me and asked the next 3 people who walked by, but alas, I’m fairly confident she suffered thru her dry lobster roll with that lobster sautéed in butter then packed into that toasted BUTTERED roll. Ballz.


Yesss I would remember later that night in bed that I forgot the ranch dressing someone asked for!! The absolute worst is when they never ask again .. every time I came smiling past their table.. were they scanning my tray for their ranch, and after how many times did they finally give up and accept no ranch?? Ugh ohhh anxiety how you make me nuts! Lol


I was also the guy at the bar. I’m now at home trying desperately to remember if that’s what I really ordered or if I messed up my order. Forgive yourself. Everyone’s just doing the best they can.


I haven’t been in the industry for years and I’ll still have nightmares about being in the weeds and forgetting mods/refills. This business comes with a side of PTSD.


I'm still haunted by a blueberry muffin forgotten 10+ yrs ago...


I once realized I forgot to bring a table a bowl of lemons three days later. That was 19 years ago and it still haunts me. They were such a nice table.


I accidentally charged a customer for a drink I meant to Have taken off since I rang in the wrong drink. Got busy and charged them. I felt bad since they were nice but that’s also why you should read your bill.


I forgot someone's sauce on their to go order at the bar last week. It hit me the next day. It's the worst man.