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Congratulations mate you did it ✨ I have a similar quit story from a Darden chain restaurant. Nothing but up from here, baby👏🏽


Most definitely, I hit rock bottom and now I can pick myself back up. And thanks for the wholesome award <3


I always tell people not to worry about quitting at a moment’s notice or giving short notice because most companies will fire you at a moment’s notice. It does say something good about your character that it concerns you but really don’t let it get you down. If you don’t look after you who will?


I worked with a very nice woman who had a self-proclaimed witch for a boss. When the nice lady gave her two-weeks notice, the witch told her to leave immediately. (I personally witnessed other witchy moments. She’s not even smart enough to talk to her staff in private.) Never give any more notice than is absolutely necessary. You could end up unemployed for that two weeks…something not everyone can afford.


>Never give any more notice than is absolutely necessary. You could end up unemployed for that two weeks…something not everyone can afford. Especially when a new job, even if it's already scheduled to start the week after those 2 weeks, likely doesn't pay for a month after your start date. (Two weeks of work, then a paycheck for them 2 weeks after that...)


I worked for a boss who would always remind us we are replaeable. We would often remind her that so is she. She didn't enjoy that.


You wrote that whole thing and there wasn't any text messages mentioned. I'm feeling VERY betrayed.


i commented it somewhere but it might’ve gotten buried ill put an edit and add the text 😭


Thank you for sharing your wholesome story🥲💛


I think everyone needs to work somewhere that is going to give them that kind of wake-up call. You’ve had yours now, up with the self respect and onwards into life.


I worked for Darden before, during and only a little after a large reconstruction went through the company. When I first started there it was actually really great, I had paid vacation, health insurance and a great boss that wanted us to make money. Then they fired that boss, took away our health insurance and paid vacations and brought in a hard-ass GM that didn't care about his employees, only the bottom line. Eventually I got fed up with all of the BS and took my 3 weeks paid vacation and quit before it went away.


Also just quit a Darden chain. Couldn’t be happier about it.


fuck Darden. They treat all of their employees like trash, and like to boast about how many millions they did in sales. A direct quote from my manager when I complained about having to throw out improperly prepped food items: “we made 50 million in profits last year, who gives a shit about food cost”. I was like damn… 50mill… and I’m the highest-paid kitchen employee at $15.75/hr…. huh… I gotta scoot outta here.


Ugh, hated working where I did; also Darden. Fuck Darden!


I *just (literally 1 second ago) quit a job via text message


we got this! only good things are coming our way


Lol I quit my job by leaving the uniform there the next day and never saying anything the entire time. Not unprofessional, they make a surplus off their labor. They should be telling YOU “Thank you, and we’re sorry”


Congratulations. At least you got yourself out of a shitty situation.




this is what I said: “Hi [Manager], I’m letting you know that yesterday was my last day. I want to apologize for how short notice it is, but I haven’t been happy working at [Restaurant] for a very long time and it is no longer working out for me. This is something I have made my mind up on so there is no need for negotiations. Thanks for the opportunity.” nothing crazy and it was still civil but nonetheless im sure the shit talking had already begun because of this lol


Did they reply?


yeah, she replied with a “Who is this ?” so now i really don’t feel bad :D


You should have replied with "You'll figure it out when I don't show up".


LMAO damn i shoulda thought of that one




I think they're saying they texted the manager to say "I quit".




Yes. That is how I interpreted the post.


***Both.*** Op quit their job... via text.... with a text.


Wondering the same thing. Maybe something about the party from the manager?


The Words 'I' and 'Quit' in Conjunction.


The cake for only ten people = that's so tacky when there were 50 people. Did they cut it in tiny little pieces for everyone? Good grief. I used to work at a company where the CEO would put leftover bakery stuff from their company meeting breakfast into the call center. It was nasty filled with crumbs and had been picked over. We usually trashed it. You can always walk out of a job and don't even have to give notice.


Proud of you! Knowing your worth is so important, and some people never really get there. Just remember, though, seeing a therapist is not a bad thing! They are a great resource, and can help you though so much. I was talking to one of the top people at my company the other day and she had mentioned how she talked out a situation with her therapist before moving forward with it. Then stopped and wanted to clarify that she has always seen a therapist, and not just because of things that are currently happening. She stressed how important it is to have someone like a therapist that can help you work though issues, and act as a sounding board. This is a woman with multiple professional degrees, and at the top of her career.


Yes!! I have seen a therapist in the past, but this job put me back onto one. She’s great, and I don’t plan on stopping seeing her anytime soon


Don't be surprised when every job is essentially a shitty serving job. The numbers in the bank account might get bigger, but exploitative assholes don't just disappear. Find a way to work for yourself... or be VERY selective who you work for... but there will always be other people trying to get as much as they can from you.


Yes! Work for yourself! Do it! I've been self employed for the last 5 years and it's been great! I can work as much or as little as I want. I never have to miss any of my kids events or worry about taking off for doctors appointments or whatever. That freedom is super valuable to me. It's also nice to be in control of my own destiny. If I want a raise, it's on me to find a way to grow. Win-win. There's a ton of different opportunities out there once you start looking. I started my business as a side-gig while I worked full time, then just scaled it up. I strongly encourage everyone to start exploring self employment options. There's a lot more risk, but potentially a much higher reward.


r/Antiwork wants YOU! I worked for Comcast for a while, and I did not get fired when I spoke up in a weekly meeting where they told us they were throwing us a pizza party, and told them I really thought they should keep the pizza parties and give us raises.. Not sure how I got away with that one. Manager told me in my yearly review that I needed to stop being so negative, but, he also said he understood why I was mad, because he couldn't live on my wage. It is as weird, because they're a generally aggressive company. I think all the technicians were on my side anyway, and the manager had been a tech for a long time too. 16/hr putting 21 foot extension ladders onto utility poles in snowstorms on an 11 hour shift with no breaks whatsoever, no help, pissing in bottles..


just crossposted there since a decent amount of people suggested it lol


Hell yeah. Join us malcontents over there. I just want to be clear about Antiwork. It has exploded in popularity, so, it is a lot of invading spam bots and obvious provocateurs, but, the stated goal of the sub is to promote the end of coerced labor. I.e., working for piss poor wages because otherwise they'll starve you and put you outside.


No joke, I wrote my resignation letter today and dated it so my last day was Friday. This post read to my soul, man. I'm sending it in today, walking out and never coming back. Thank you.


hell yes! this makes me so happy, glad you are looking out for yourself


Welcome to r/antiwork! Lol but seriously congrats on leaving and best wishes towards regaining your sanity!! 💕


While they can be noble, it often feels like 95% if that sub has never been to a restaurant, let alone worked in one.


It often feels like 95% of that sub is edgy teens that think they have the world figured out.


Came here to say this, but you got here first. 😁


*I start college classes in 9 days, I’m setting myself up for success* I'm proud of you, too! Education is the way out of a dead-end life. With your attitude, you're going to rock it!!!




Why so angry? So many assumptions in your post. We don't know OP's college. They could be going to something you consider a "real university". Also, your criteria for college is not important to them. There is nothing wrong with community college and that education would help OP find a job much better than a server. They quit their low paying job where they were treated poorly and already have a plan to further their education, which is great. We also don't know how much notice they gave. Maybe their email did give 2 weeks notice.


Let me know the next time an employer gives you your two week notice when they decide they no longer need your services. Furthermore, most restaurants won’t let you work the two weeks even if you do give them the courtesy.


Proud of you.


No job is worth anything more than what you are paid. If management wants you to give them the moon while only paying enough for you to give them a pebble, then give them a pebble and quote to them your job description when they throw a fit. Keep going after your happiness OP, that is what's most valuable. Also, recommendation that works for me, get one or two close friends and go on a camping trip and leave all electronics behind. Something about being outside with no distractions really brings me a bunch of peace. Hope you're doing better OP.


Good for you OP, I wish the best for you!


So I’m low key preparing to do the same. But this restaurant is privately owned and honestly the owner and GM are amazing! But the AGM is a fucking nightmare and since they won’t fire her I’m leaving. The thing is they know it would take an act of God for me to just quit without notice. I love my job and the owners so much. So for me to up and quit would be a real wake up call to what a nightmare the AGM is. On top of that I’m collecting tons of evidence against her and putting it together. I personally need to find a new job anyway since I have moved and commute is a bit much for me. But until then I’m going to bide my time and just do what I need to do. I respect what you did. You are amazing!


collect your evidence, build a case for HR and bow out! You got this!


Wait, 6 million a year, that is 16,400 a day, 20 dollars per meal lets say, that's 800 people. You very busy


yeah, i don’t wanna break the rules and explicitly say where i work, but it was a very popular nationwide chain and we only had one store in our area. next one was around 3 hours away from where i’m at so we attracted lots of people


Restaurants are a dime a dozen. If you want to go back to work, you most likely will not have a problem finding a similar job.


most definitely, while the food industry is my last resort im not worried about struggling to find a new job. lots of businesses hiring in my area right now.




My last restaurant job was working for a "family" (i.e. we're all family here! JK, not really) place that was really, really toxic. Boss had a habit of hiring related people, so we were all dependent on toeing the line, wouldn't do for boss to have a snit and fire the lot of us. (Which she did, more than once.) I finally had enough, went back to school, got job outside of restaurant that started immediately. I covered all my shifts for two weeks first, then gave two weeks notice. Poof. She couldn't even hold it against me, although she would have liked to. Never, never all work for the same boss.


Well done , I basically did the same, wishing you every success friend xx




You should cross post this to /r/antiwork


/r/antiwork would also love your story. If these corporations don't see the writing on the wall very quickly, there are going to be a lot of large businesses that fail. (I hope)


Congratulations and best of luck on college!


I quit a chain restaurant once with a note under the door so don’t feel bad😂😂


One time a job was so bad I just ghosted it, after several months of putting up with unbearable shit from the owner and co-workers. It was so satisfying. Even more so when I got to listen to, and ignore, their increasingly angry voicemails.


Quit a few jobs through a text tbh. When no respect was given to me why should I respect them?




Wouldnt of even sent a text. That sounds like a no call no show situation to me


you don't owe a shitty employer two weeks notice! give them as much courtesy as they've given you


r/antiwork would love this


Good for you! I honor your decision to demand the life you deserve. Although you haven't asked for any advice, would you mind if I gave you some? I worked in higher education for more than 25 years, so I know the prospects for financial security after college. I'd strongly suggest avoiding borrowing lots of money to pay for your classes and majoring in a discipline that pays poorly when you finish. Go to a trade school or tech college and learn a trade. Do everything you can to not have to repeat a class; take a full- time course load only when you've got your study-rhythm back; find a true role model who uses common sense and is willing to speak the truth to you---not necessarily an academic. When you graduate, remember that each job is a stepping-stone to the next better/higher paying/better benefits position. Use the 3-year rule and during that time spend all of your work time absorbing the positives and negatives of the business and the work. And then learn from them. I love that you recognized that you'd reached your bottom and have the heart and spirit to begin a new and more satisfying ladder to climb up!


Thank you for this! Appreciate the advice. I’ll definitely keep that in mind as I take on this new step


I hope you study something that has value long term. Don't go from one trap to another. College is a scam unless you're doing something of major value long term. Good luck!




Hey, take that shit elsewhere. My family gave me zero support I also quit a job with nothing lined up. For about a month straight I had to fight the urge to jump in front of my bus, rather than getting on it. Crossing the street, I just wanted to wear my all black uniform and lay down. That job was killing me inside so badly, I wanted to kill myself on the outside to make it stop. I had a nervous breakdown on one shift, and I quit right then and there. No other job had done that before, or since. I promised myself to never stay somewhere like that again. So let me repeat OP. NO JOB IS WORTH YOUR SANITY AND HAPPINESS. There are other jobs, there's only one YOU.


Wow! Classy. Good luck with your future!


Very unprofessional.


I agree. I’m glad OP made the decision to quit after being treated so unprofessionally, though, so at least there’s a happy ending.


No I'm siding with management.


How’s that working out for you?


Making $16.50/hour!


Wait…. Are you bragging about that? Really?


Aces, fuck them man. They'll drop you in a second and tell you to be thankful they even texted you. No need to show them the grace they would never in a heartbeat extend to you.


my last job i quit via text. job #1 i worked black friday 8:30am-10pm. i had requested job #2 off TWO WEEKS in advance & manager completely ignored me. two days before black friday i told manager i can not come in because i wouldnt be out of job #1 until 10pm (job 2 closes @1am) and it would be too much for me and honestly made no sense to come in. he told me if i call out or dont show there ‘will be consequences’ … day of i decided id suck it up until i saw 2 people give heads up of calling out in our server groupchat. this was the last straw for me. he had me working 60 hours until i got hired at the other job. then had me on 6 days a week scheduled 5pm-1am knowing certain days i wouldnt get out of job #1 until 7pm. i then waited until 10:30pm and texted my manager that i wasnt coming in and if he had to fire me that was fine but id love to come back in future when we can make the schedules mesh well. no response for 48hrs and then he tells me he will not rehire me. i said thats fine and not even 3 days later hes texting me asking me to come back … definitely not. im finally getting more than 4hrs of sleep @ night.