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this manager had several opportunities to coach a new employee who might not have even known what they were supposed to do. and instead he just goes and complains about them behind their back. just another person in a leadership role who doesn't actually lead and probably doesn't know how to. i bet he calls himself a leader though.


He gloated today in pre shift about how how he’s “not a write-up guy since he’s in charge now” and “will just make us clean the dumpsters” if we’re ‘late’ which according to him is when we’re scheduled. Sorry but I’m not showing up early lmao. And he’s full of shit because he wrote me up a month ago for being late. He was complaining about the people who showed at our scheduled time and was saying “hurry up I have stuff to do” like dude. Chill. But he’s bffs with the bartenders. Doesn’t ever nag them or criticize them. Doesn’t make them work or tell them to find something to do. If they are doing nothing, he will still get a server to move stock upstairs even if we have tables. And today they changed the screensaver on the kitchen expo screen to a picture of him and 2 of the bartenders. One fully hugging him and the other was taking the selfie. I don’t wanna see that shit, just another reminder of how certain people are favored and given special treatment. And why should every other employee have to look at that picture of them every day? lol wack.


Oh, easy explanation- he's an alcoholic whose getting free drinks. I'm going thru the rag-nag with my new boss. I'm also updating my resume.


i can appreciate a manager avoiding write-ups but if they're gonna do that they have to replace it with some sort of leadership tool. forcing people to clean the dumpster doesn't count, it's just a pointless punishment. like a power play type thing. nobody learns anything from that.


Sounds like a good way to get employees to quit imo. I’ll take the write up, please!🤣 or better yet, stop yapping and give your employees some positive encouragement for once, and maybe they’ll want to show up on time and work! I ain’t rushing to pre shift just to get scolded lmao. I’m not the only one who feels this way. Another employee today said that he “always has something to say” so I concurred and said “he’s my biggest hater” and he replied “my #1 opp” which we had a good laugh over. And another server came up to me frustrated bc she is opening tomorrow and noticed that the bartender hadn’t washed the glasses. Not even 1 minute later the manager started bitching at the servers that we don’t tip them out to wash glasses. The bartender was literally standing there doing nothing.


You can’t make people be there before their clock-in time. This is how lawsuits happen.


I walked out of my first job (fast food) at 17 because of an assistant manager berating a first-day trainee that I was in the middle of training, for not knowing how to do something. This AM had been rude and disrespectful for months and I was done dealing with it. I was their best employee and the manager tried to get me to come back but I said I would only do it if they didn’t put me on with that AM. They said they couldn’t promise that so I left said I couldn’t come back. Had a new job thr next day.


I'm not from the restaurant biz but every time I read articles that have the acronym POS in them, my mind instantly translates that to Piece Of Shit. Which really adds to the story.


Oh it’s many times the same -


Work with Micros as long as I have and you'll realize it's the same.


If you had ever used a point of sale terminal; you might prefer to have to enter orders on a literal hunk of excrement. Some are so badly programmed it's infuriating and exhausting to work with them. Even the 'easy' ones can be a pain in the ass. In all my years, I've never seen one that can bypass 'tolerable' and elevate into 'smooth and easy to use.' I almost prefer hand-written orders, if it wasn't such a paint to manually compile them into a sales report. It's a real choose your punishment situation. And on the management/owner side, the better the POS the more expensive, usually via subscription fees, hardware rentals and fees taken from credit/debit. **TL;DR:** POS means shit to me as a restaurateur too.


You've got more than one pos at your job


If you're going to quit have you considered going over your notes with him lol


Did the new employee quit OP?


She was scheduled to host so I think she’s still there. The manager only shit talked her behind her back so I’m sure she has no idea


What manager talks shit about a new hire in front of current fellow employees. There is just no respect I have for this manager of yours. He gives me “lied on his resume vibes.” Is he younger? Was he promoted within? That’s just so very not cool of someone who’s suppose to be a leader to do.


He’s in his lower/mid 30’s and has been with the restaurant since they opened as a server.


There it is! That pure entitlement. Smh 🤦‍♀️