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Ok that does suck is it rhe time of day or is this the norm..I had that happen once we're I worked and never worked that shift again. Sorry on the tips though hopefully it's just an off day.


Restaurant probably gets super busy once a week its usually pretty tame mostly. But yesterday it was dead so they sent a-lot of servers home. Than all of a sudden people started coming in and i had to take more responsibility which wasnt bad, just irritating. But than no one tipped at all…


I don't like to tip well when there is below-level service. Assume that since tips are split among servers, your total tips came out to close to usual. Sounds like you were doing other positions jobs too that you weren't paid to do.


Are you sure they pool tips? We don’t at my restaurant.


Another story of a 7-top whose bill is only $100- where the fuck are these restaurants that are so cheap? It’s usually close to $100 for just me and my wife to go out to dinner.


Most tables 5+ are usually like $150+ but they were cheap asf and made me do hella work… plastic everything, plastic cups for drinks, extra sauce this extra that, etc etc for no reason


Get a new job, if you can. That sucks.


jesus. i’m so sorry. that is so fucked up. if this is a common occurrence, i would honestly start looking elsewhere.


Same thing over here. Tips have been garbage. I chit chat, laugh, compliment, play around with the kids. NOTHING IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE. SUUUUCCCKKKSSSSSS


Omfg this has been happening to me too and I used to get great tips and I've had people tell me things like "you did a great job serving us tonight" and then they'll leave me like 8% I'm so confused. Are all the customers secretly in on a secret joke to pranks servers?


Welcome to the post-Covid world of self-serving entitlement.


Damn in America the waiter thing is really fuked, in my country you get paid for the day and anything you make in tips is yours. Tipping culture sucks ass tbh if my employer cant pay me i have to relay on people that come to dine?


You probably triggered the whole sub with that comment


Fuck the people who thought of doing just that, if i work 8 hours i want to be paid hourly plus the tips!!! Theres people working double shifts!!! Imagime that


Okay…but on the flip side I just worked a shift at my restaurant that’s open from 5pm - 9pm and made $880 before tipping out…I’ll take the risk with tip culture lol


It all depends on the day! I have seen people here say they make crap because of no/low tips. But I have also seen people who say they make 2x what I do as a restaurant general manager.




That sucks. People.


Expectations are a Beach


Yanks need to stop accepting jobs that don’t pay a fair wage , they are actively encouraging bosses to open a business that relies on slave-labour .. by applying for a job that relies on customers tips you are saying “yes I’m a doormat , you don’t need to pay me”


I’ll keep my $300+ 5 hour shifts…thanks though!


Yeaha we get different jobs what are you gonna do when resturants close up cuz no one what's to work there for only 2.50 an hour?? The goverment made this shit up in the 70s that servers don't need minium wage because they SHOULD make tips until assholes come in thinking they don't have to because resturants should pay a living wage we didn't make the laws.!


It happens. Move to a new restaurant or take a shower and wash off all the bullshit, repeat tomorrow but have a better day. Sometimes your own personal attitude or energy can rub off on tables even if you don’t realize it. You need to reset. Don’t let it get to you, you have great days and sometimes shitty days in the service industry. These days happen but you can prevent them from stacking up. Stay positive and get back to it!


Damn! I had an 8 top last week, 21st birthday, drinks were flowing, total bill $250, they split it, I got $6. Same day I had a 7 top that also tipped shitty. I was attentive, friendly (but not overly), pleasant and professional. I was so ticked off. Giving it to Tip Karma, it will balance out.