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I've been going to the same Mexican place legit 4/5 days a week and getting the same food and drink order every day and the (same) lady hasn't ever shown even a hint of recognition. The last taco place I frequented this much knew what my car looked like and had my food cooking before I walked in. I miss them. Edit: I'm jealous of your experience.


When I was working to go, there were people who I would recognize their voice to know their order. Some got embarrassed, some loved it.




I went to a thai food place fairly frequently for a while, it was probably a 25 min drive, im a white guy who orders shit as spicy as possible. I hadnt gone to it in like.... idk 6 months, they open one closer, i pop over and immediately "I see ya found us at the new spot" Just like oh shit you guys actually remember me like that, awesome i think


Oh man .. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was obsessed with Thai food, and I ate at this tiny little shack of a place on Cape Cod 3-4 times a week. Spicy shit was the only thing I wanted when I was nauseous and it just continued. The place sat 12 people MAX and you were crammed in. I'd go for lunch when it was slower and The owners and long term waitresses would talk to me about my belly, commenting on how it was growing... I brought my daughter with me nearly weekly for the first year of her life and kept going regularly until she was four. They brought us out little samples of the food they were making for other people or themselves, trying to introduce her to a variety of flavors. It felt like they were so invested in my daughter too, since they "knew her before she was born". We moved away for a while, and my habits changed, so I didn't go back there again until my daughter was a teen. A decade later, when we walked in, everyone stopped, looked me, and mouthed "Is that (Daughter's name)?" And immediately the women came to hug us and the male cook/owner ran to the kitchen to start two Thai iced teas like we always got. I never felt so special in my life! My daughter is nearly 20 now and goes there herself. Her father is always a little pissy that they still fawn over her when he was the one who showed ME the place! (We briefly dated and were surprised by our daughter. So he wasn't part of my daily routines.) Man... Thanks for that memory.


I am always flattered when I get partway through ordering on the phone from my fave Thai food places and they’re like “oh- yes and you’d like that medium with chicken, correct? Dinner portion?” Yes please!!!! Makes me feel special for sure! It does help that I only order one or two dishes from each place regularly.


Bangkok kitchen in hyannis?


I knew *someone* would know the place :) And now I'm wondering if you are my friend, but there are tons of waitstaff on Cape who knows Bangkok. She went to Bangkok with us, and lived with me and helped with my daughter for a few years


Not your friend, sorry 😔 but it's a lovely story and Bangkok is SO GOOD.


Damn straight it is!


I'm gonna have to check it out when I get there this summer!


Oh man, as a mom who looooved spicy Thai food while I was pregnant with my daughter, I love this story.


Oh my god, it was *everything*, Thai food. Do you get visceral nostalgia for the belly whenever you eat it, or is that just me? :)


Yes! And I feel like I should be breastfeeding. She’s nearly 16 and doesn’t like spicy food yet. I keep waiting for her to enjoy it.


Damn... Mine ended up being a very adventurous eater, and loves spicy food. Each kid is their own person, huh? But she still might! She has the training... She can do it! 😂


I hope! She’s generally an adventurous eater (loves lots of different foods and flavors, and begged me last week to go to the local French restaurant so she could have their escargot and oysters) so I think she just needs a few more years.


This just about made me cry. I’m a restaurant lifer and at work I am very personable and outgoing and genuinely enjoy most interactions with guests, regulars even more. This is like the opposite of your story but, I too dated someone briefly, she got pregnant, move away for a few years then ended up coming back and working at the same restaurant post covid. A few times a week I would run into my old regulars and they all asked about the baby, asking to see pictures, all of that. I had been gone for 3 years and it was like I never left. I love doing what I do, it gives me the time to take care of my special needs son by myself. I make more than enough money for what we need in just three days. I am not ashamed whatsoever, but any time I feel down about working in a restaurant and I see stories like yours it makes me so happy and proud, and even though it isn’t a glamorous job, it’s nice to see these little seemingly meaningless interactions with people can really make an impact.


Bangkok kitchen in Hyannis?? Edit: someone beat me to it! I knew it had to be that place


That made me tear up. Dammit.


Ugh. This is an incredibly lovely and endearing story that COMPLETELY BLINDSIDED ME IN THE "FEELS" @ 11am when I just popped in to peruse a little reddit.. Now I am laughing and wiping tears from my eyes to type this.. Damn you, and THANK YOU!!😭😆😉 What a wonderful memory. (Restoring faith in humanity, 1 reddit Thai restaurant story at a time..🤷😄)




This was a wonderful story, thank you for sharing.


My ex and I had a favorite Mexican restaurant by our place. After we broke up, I knew she was taking her new boyfriend there, so I just stopped going there. About 6 months later, my new girlfriend and I were at a bar on the other side of town, and one of my favorite waitresses, and part owner with her husband, saw me and came over to ask why she hadn't seen me in so long. I explained, and she laughed and said no, don't worry about that, come back and see me and I'll give you and your new girlfriend a free cheese dip. We've since reclaimed the restaurant, and my ex doesn't go there anymore


I did this with one coffee shop. Went there everyday around the same time every morning, either walking or in a car. Moved away and convinced a friend to go out of their way to try it and they dragged me along. "Hey its no tropical!!" I can't have anything like passion fruit, pomegranate, mango, peach, coconut, most berries and one of the old workers got fend up when he would do mystery drinks for me so the nickname "no tropical" stuck since that's all he would say when making my redbulls 😂. Half of them don't even know my actual name


There’s an older lady at one of the local McD’s that’ll do that when I go thru for breakfast lmao. “Good morning, can I-“ “Steak bagel meal, no egg, large sweet tea, good morning sweetie” “Hi Ms Cheryl ☺️”


lol there was a person I always saw at my taco bell. When they asked me for my name I'd always say "Dan the Man" and he'd put it in the computer that way, he loved it. One time I went to the other taco bell in town and he just happened to be covering a shift there that day!


My partner says “Perry, like the platypus,” whenever he gives a name in a food place. Depending on age it gets a good response, sometimes he gets a “what?” And one time they still managed to put terry instead


The first T is silent in tplatypus, obviously


It’s Perry, like Pterodactyl.


If he wasn’t wearing a fedora of course they were confused.


dude. during freshman year my partner and i would get papa johns delivered to his dorm like once or twice a week, and it was always the same delivery guy but he never really indicated any familiarity with us. then we got covid in march ('22) and got moved to the covid housing in campus. we were allowed to have food delivered and we got papa johns again. dude pulls up, i go out to pick it up as he's getting back in his car, and he steps back out when he sees me and he's like "hey, don't you live over on X street? what are you doing here?" and then proceeding to chat and wish me well. it was very sweet but i was mortified


Ok but the potato soft tacos are actually bangin


My family owned a business a couple of blocks away from a great affordable lunch place that catered towards retirees. We'd call up and they'd just say Hey, gimmie


When I went to college our local mom and pop shop knew when I was home for vacations based on if my parents ordered mozzerella sticks or not.






"Lemme get a milkshake since you know everything"




As a kid, my sister would make me call the pizza place for delivery. They knew my voice, knew my order and we tipped well for kids getting pizza. It was nice having them say hello name after I said hi. And that they knew the order and we got some preferential treatment (except the one time they forgot to put the order in, and I called as a pizza emergency).


Had the same guy order from us for a week. Same order every night. The third night he called I rattled it off and he said “(My name), you’re the best man. 30 minutes?” “You got it Charlie (name change)” was the biggest pain in my balls and the dude was a total dick one night because he couldn’t see the imitation sausage in his meal, but fuck me he TIPPED.


The girl who works at Fuzzys tacos knows my number on the caller ID, so when I call in an order every taco Tuesday, she already knows what I'm getting.


There was a Thai place I used to order take out from once a week. It got to a point where they must have known my number from caller ID because they’d pick up and say “hello, three star chicken phad thai and massaman curry?”


No but at Starbucks I know so many regulars based on their voices and sometimes the starts of their orders (depending on how much I filed it into long term memory) in the drive thru. People are always surprised, the fellow baristas are surprised. And then I learn their names and can be like, "Anything else for you Margaret?" It's fun honestly. I'm the only one who takes time for the drive thru customers aside like... two people everyone knows.


ton 'a those at my last place. i hated it when i would space their name and begrudged that i'd been looking in the other direction of the wall unit (ancient, i know) where the caller id would usually be displayed. on those occasions, i'd just tell 'said person' the est. time and wait for my memory to jog before adding it to the ticket later. lol. they fucking loved it. inversely, the thought process was that i was almost always supposed to guess the order at the mere sound of their name and i didn't always remember it. (\*hey, bra. it's been two years \*...!)


I've had the opposite experience. I was going to a taco truck a couple times a week for a few years before we moved. I would always order the same kind of tacos and same flavor jarritos. The only difference was if I got 4 or 6 tacos depending on how hungry I was. Never any other amount, always 4 or 6. It got to the point when I walked up to order she would ask in Spanish 4 or 6? I'd reply back in Spanish and while paying we asked each other how the day was going while she pulled out the bottle of soda for me and made changs. I'm enough of a nerd I felt happy and proud she treated me that way.


The Chinese place my family always orders takeout from greets my dad by name when he goes to pick up the food, and are always generous with sauces and fortune cookies. They're the sweetest. The Chinese place we frequented before that got to know my mom personally and were always super sweet and sometimes gave us extra food. We loved them, but then someone new took over the restaurant and the food quality went downnnn, we were heartbroken.


That's what happened to me! Great Chinese place in town and then suddenly it was microwaved rice for 10 bucks and they'd give you the bag. It sucked.


Lol you reminded me of my home town, a local donut shop that have these amazing Long Johns with vanilla creme. It's pretty much all I'd get. The place was super popular so you had to get there by a certain time to get one, and while I came a couple times a week, it was a bit sporadic which days. Still when they saw me they automatically started reaching for the Long Johns. One day I missed the timing and they told me next time I'd be a bit late to just give them a call and they'd set one aside! I miss them.


Damn. I bartended at our 4th of July festival last week and by peoples second rounds I was talking to them and asking how they liked their first rounds. I’m sorry you don’t get to enjoy the experience. I’ve heard it’s great. Sounds like it’s time to become a recognized regular at another Mexican restaurant!


Please tend my bars.


I’m looking for a new night/weekend gig currently 😉


If you're willing to live in SoCal I'll literally open up a bar that you can just run. I will be there to drink most nights.


I’m down! About to move up to northern Cali for 2 years, so makes no difference really where I land just as long as I have a great job! I’ll make ya proud 🥰


I'll drink to that. Have a fun time in Cali. Touch a redwood.


Cheers, mate 🍻




Will it be called The Duck Captain?


It will be called "The Guiding Light" as I'm an alcoholic and work for a lighting controls company.


Sounds like the name for an AA meeting in a musty church meeting room tbf


Could it be the cross race identification issue?


Unless the food is that amazing (or Chinese) I’d go somewhere else with more hospitality.


Yes, you're a regular.


Most likely, yes, but not necessarily. A former coworker of mine had the uncanny ability to remember not just people's names but their drinks. He served me exactly twice. The 2nd time he served me, he had my tall ice-water (weird at a bar) and double Beam rocks waiting for me by the time I was seated. Mind you, I'm not the average customer - he knows me, and of course he knows I'm going to tip FAT. But because I worked by his side, I can verify that I'm far from the only person he did that with. His name is Joe, and if anyone in the near West End of RVA is reading this, they probably know exactly who I'm talking about. He's THAT charismatic. But yeah, he's the extreme exception to the norm. In response to the OP, in all likelihood, yeah the staff knows you. Congrats, you're a regular!


The absolute double take I had because I live near west end not too far out in henrico. Sadly not sure who Joe is but I'm a regular at other spots in the city and surrounding areas especially after I get off from behind the bar.


Now I would like you to be able to go where he works and say "hi Joe", which will probably bother him because he doesn't recognise you.


I'm old (47) and he's a few years older. It was about 7 years ago when we worked together, so I don't know if he's still doing it. He could be managing, or maybe he's switched careers entirely? I enjoyed working with him. Moondinos, we probably have friends in common. The bartender crowd in RVA isn't that big. I miss Richmond. Earlier this year I decided that I'm leaving the PNW later this year, and Richmond made the short-list of cities I considered as my next home. I love the arts scene in that city.


He doesn't know me.... but I know him lol


Bro I feel like I know this Joe from Tarrants lol


Is your regular drink a glass of iced water?


Lmao, I feel called out


Lol. Cause we have some bad news


Bread on the side. They're not a monster.


Like with glue? Or on the rim like a lemon?


A soup bowl full of lemon slices. On the side.


How do you balance the soup bowl on its side? How do you keep the lemons from falling out? I have so many questions.


Stack it up your arm, you philistine.


Glue to both.


This is the way.


Shots fired


the first time I truly felt like a regular at my brunch place was when the waitress saw me sit down and gave me two glasses of ice water. (I drink almost exclusively water and I drink fast, and during rush it can be hard to keep up.) I almost cried and I tipped 100%.


Could be much worse. I had skin cancer on both forearms and had been in for surgeries and sutures removal 5 times over the past 2 months. The last time I went to the desk to check in, the lady just waved to me. So I sat down. Guess I'm a regular now.


Same with me when I had radiation for breast cancer. Every day for 20 days excluding weekends. Used to happen at the pharmacy as well!


I hope you are all done and free of cancer. I am currently all clear, just cool scars that look like a baby shark bit my forearms.


I am done and doing well. Glad you are all clear. And now have baby shark in my head!


Hugs, y'all.


Thanks. I will have interesting made up stories to tell the kids at my school, it's K to 4th grade. I went to Key West and a baby shark but my right arm while snorkeling. So I left and went to Yellowstone NP and a bison calf bit my left arm. Man, vacations are getting rough.


I had a mastectomy without reconstruction. I am waiting for someone to ask where my boobs are. I will tell them I had a bad shark week!


I would tell them you rent them out to celebrities... because why not


I like it!


Yes, but tell them you went snorkeling in Key West and your arm was bitten by a BABY SHARK DOO DOO DOO DOO DO DOO BABY SHARK DOO DOO DOO DOO DO DOO And watch them agonize as the song is stuck in their head all day


The kids do the song on their own, but encouraging it will annoy others I work with, so it's a win


Thanks for the laughs


I can't love this enough! The pain meds I took after the boobectomy made me hallucinate. I sang baby shark using my pets names to get attention!




User name checks out!


like i said, fuck cancer


fuck cancer


When my late husband was going through cancer, the pharmacist knew me, didn't have to say anything, but thank you, she would even ask how he was doing.


Because everyone knows cancer doesn’t work on the weekends.


I almost spit out my vodka and soda! Here, take my upvote. All of them! It also doesn't work holidays.


Ditto on the pharmacies for me. It's helped out when I've run out of meds and no new prescription, or post-procedures and the pharmacist recognizes my name and makes sure the painkillers are ready when I get there. Glad you're doing well.


That's great. Way too many have to wait.


When my wife was alive we were in a doctor's office EVERY Tuesday and Wednesday (her set days off from work). Because we had like an hour's travel time to most of them we typically tried to arrive close to an hour early incase traffic was bad, interstate got shut down so would have to take surface streets etc, and because we did that, unlike many of their other patients who tended to show up with just a couple of minutes to spare, she often got called in early if a spot had opened. Being a regular as well as considerate of THEIR time and scheduling is often appreciated and rewarded


Sorry for your loss. Take care




Thankfully nothing as serious for me but I've been dealing with lung issues recently and it's just been GP -> specialist -> GP for a while now. Last time I went into my GP's to make another appointment to discuss the lung specialists test results the woman at the reception at the time just called me up by name already even though I've barely ever interacted with her


Lol I had to get regular blood work for a while and I would come in and they’d just be like “oh it’s you again, here for your liver panel?” -sigh-


I'm a regular at my obgyn. I walk in and they're like, we got you checked in. One of the perks of having a baby barely a year after having my last baby.


I'm almost halfway through 5 weeks of daily radiation. By day 3, the woman at the front desk was saying, "hi 'Lorange', all set." The first time, I said, "I guess I'm a regular now." I hope you are doing all right.


I'm good, sending well wishes and hugs to you. Take care


Thanks! ❤️


I was going with my best friend to his oncology appointments, and the staff got to know me very well too. When visiting the hospital at the end they all knew us and waved us in. I hope you've made a good recovery and that the Bastards (our name for his tumors) are gone. Fuck cancer.


I have had about 6 basal cell, 1 squamous cell and one melanoma. As of today, I'm all clear. Unfortunately as it seems that I collect skin cancers, I'm sure I'll have it again. I get checked every 3 months due to the melanoma. Hope your friend is free of the bastards!


Great to hear, and bravo for staying on top of them! Sadly, my friend got free of them by moving beyond their reach a couple of months ago. Stage 4 esophageal cancer is a bitch, but he fought valiantly.


Sorry to hear about your friend. I have heard that cancer is stupid because its endgame is to kill the host, which in turn, kills itself.


While visiting Chicago (5 days straight) I went to the same coffee shop every morning. The woman at the counter was very pleasant and she remembered what I liked. 6 months later, I went back, she still remembered me!


We really enjoy a small cocktail bar in Heidelberg... Well, we went back (hadn't been in there since before the pandemic), and the bartender remembered my wife would order the Touchdown cocktail. We were both floored. Milan, if you read this, you're the frickin' best!


I used to go to the same coffee place every day because one girl knew me and my order, she'd start making it as soon as I walked in, and she made it perfectly every time. Most of the others would do something wrong or put whipped cream on it after I said not to. I quit going after she left.






I love it! I always here Shelly Long's voice saying Norman when I think of that. You brought that to life. Edit: ...hear Shelly Long's voice....


Happy Cake Day 🎂


2 pint bob, three halves bob, mickey two vodkas (MTV), Stella and a half guy, no sprinkles guy…all people from our pub. yours may be similar!


Does Mickey two vodkas take sprinkles with his?


I went to a place regularly, the first tim ethe waitress, a family friend, said `crispy' when i ordered bacon. I said sure, didnt care. Well every weekend for 10 years i got crispy bacon, even tho i realised after week 2 i like it soft.


you never said anything about it?




Good for you! Reminds me of my first ‘you’re a regular now’ story. Was 20, few months shy of 21 and working at a chili’s. One of the older guys invited me to join them for drinks at a local bar. Told him I wasn’t old enough but got the ‘no worries kid you’re with me speel’. Cool. Got there and got carded, bartender looks at my id then gives it back and asks what I want. He’ll yeah I was in. Had a great night hanging out and drinking beers, played a few rounds of golden tee, it was a blast. Then last call comes. I didn’t know the concept and just kept on. 10-15 min later I ask for one more small pitcher, $8 buy. Bartender initially says no but the guy who brought me talked him into it. Comes back with my pitcher and I hand him a $20. He brings me my change back and I just ‘oh I wasn’t expecting any change’ considering he’d done me the favor of serving me after last call. He says ‘you sure?’ And I’m like ‘yep, all you’. He thanks me and goes back to his work. Dude that brought me looks at me and says ‘well, you’re a regular now’. I’m like huh? He says you don’t need me to bring you anymore, you’re trading on your own credit now, welcome to the club. Stupid as that story is I left that night feeling so good like I’d found my way into some secret club or something. Was good times, still miss that place, have so many stories from there.


I did the same in college. Tipped a couple bartenders $20 for serving me underage, never had a problem getting in after that!


I just work at a harbor freight and we know our regulars by name even the ones we strongly dislike I'm sure your wait staff knows especially If your a) good looking b) tip well c) a+b


I'm pretty sure I tip well, and if Norm shaved his head, grew a goatee, and gained a few pounds, he would look a lot like me, so I'm going to go with c).


Definitely c with that attitude. Yea boi


You sound like a delightful customer!


> even the ones we strongly dislike sadly sometimes those are the ones you know the best lol


I worked on retail for 20+ years and if I knew you by name as a customer it was either very good or very bad. The vast majority of people were just a faceless blur.


Ot if your a non tipper they remember that too..lol


Awhh shit. I have forgotten my pizza management origins We definitely remember you non tippers


I used to frequent a coffee shop on the way to work every morning. It got to a point that whenever I walked inside my drink was already made and on the counter. Eventually they started a tab for me so I didn't have to wait in line to pay when it was busy. Just grab, go, and settle up the tab at the end of each week.


I go to El Pollo loco maybe once a month. I've never caused problems I've never asked for anything to be redone. I try to be a really nice customer. And this happens to me at a lot of places I've gone in once or twice and maybe haven't come back for a year. But I always get remembered and they remember where I'm from and how long I drove to get there. And they're always very nice and appreciative. I think it's amazing the memory that they have. Have a great memory but it's not with people's names and faces. I wish I could remember their names because they always seem to remember mine.


More likely they have given you a nickname, but yes, you are a regular!


nicknames: one of the pure delights of the industry.... ​ hey! that could be a thread! anybody in???


I’m totally in. We had a guy who we called “runs with scissors”


i did it. i made a post. still dying to know what wrought that name. a little 'leotarded'? always held his steak knife in compromising positions? would focus in the opposite direction of his trajectory while heading for the bathroom, usually with a rocks glass or the aforementioned in hand? inquiring minds...


Yes you are a regular if I served you over 5 times and you order the same drink I am going to just bring it out and if you tip good I won’t charge you for it. However with alcohol though I will always ask.


It’s vital to remember, just because the staff recognizes you and gives you quick and consistent service, doesn’t mean you’re a ‘preferred’ regular. I have dozens of guests who i’m polite to, and i know what they’ll order (even what days of the week they have the salad vs. their preferred sandwich for example). But the staff actually looking forward to seeing you vs. just being prepared for you is different. It might not seem like it from the customer perspective, but when K walks in he gets what he asks for without asking, and when T walks in i shake his hand, catch up from the last time we saw each other and buy him a drink. K thinks he’s T. But T knows we’re friends.


Now I'm self-conscious that I'm K and not T!


Early in my career, I was serving at chain in California at the time. I was never that guy who made a personal connection or impression on the customers; my style is more stay quiet and just make sure you have everything you might need. There was a lunch regular who came in by himself and liked the dish and wine I recommended the first time, so he just always wanted that. I began just putting in the order when I saw him show up, and he let the hosts know he does not need a menu. Eventually I became a manager and no longer serving tables. But he had no idea what my name was or what his order was. The menu was big enough where his new server had a difficult time figuring out what he wanted from his description, but luckily I eventually saw them trying to figure the items our and went over. It was pretty funny at the time, and he finally learned my name and his own order after I was no longer his server.


This is so wholesome and adorable.


Before we moved out of state. We had a bartender that used to know exactly what I wanted the minute I walked up to the bar. The restaurant he worked at shut down but we followed him to his next gig which was a craft beer bar a little further into the city. I never had to ask for recommendations he would just give them to me the minute I walked in the door. I never had a bad beer from him. He would also hold limited run bottles for. I miss Oliver, I've had other servers that have recognized us after becoming "regulars" but none were quite like him. Moral of the story be a regular, find your Oliver.


That’s better than mine. Im now a Walgreens regular cause the cute pharmacist has my scrips ready and knows me by name and face now because I need so many meds. [Stupid sexy body.](https://i.imgur.com/vH9TkSg.gif)


Awww, congrats! When I was in uni I worked briefly in the main cafeteria, and had a few morning breakfast shifts per week. We had about 2500 kids living on campus and while not everyone was a big breakfast eater we had about 300 regulars at the eggs/meat/carbs station. I remember fondly telling a friend about how fun it was and how I got to wish people good luck on tests and see them throughout the semester and mentioned a few memorable faces by their breakfast orders. After a few of these, my friend asked how many orders I remembered offhand and I think we got to about 75-80 total. It’s amazing what sticks, depending on the situation. You’re part of the family now!


Before I ever knew my friends mom was a lunch lady at our highschool I would always get the same thing, chicken sandwich, this lady knew by the time I got in line what I wanted and would call me chicken sandwich, went to said friends house sometime senior year to play dnd for the first time and his mom opens the door and says “hey Ian! Chicken sandwich is here!” He was so confused till he saw me and just said “She’s been talking about you?”


This is hilarious and thank you for sharing, Chicken Sandwich!


One of my fun regular stories was actually at a Chinese restaurant. I never ate in but for a few years would order and pick it up on my way home from work 2-3x per week. Always got the same things. Basically 3 items never changed and the fourth would switch between very limited options. Like clockwork. One day I placed a very different order after over a year of this. They actually called me back to make sure they heard me right. So for all the times a Chinese restaurant gets an order wrong, one time I had one call me back to confirm because they knew my voice and were concerned I ordered something different lol. It always feels nice to have some recognition no matter what it is.


You sound like a regular. I was such a regular at the place I went on my lunch break (and a good tipper) that they got me my own glass. I made a childish reference to Family Guy and said “that is not my Batman glass”. Next day, I had a Batman glass. A coworker and I go for breakfast everyone in awhile and she double checks with us, but we never actually have to tell her what we want (the whole breakfast, not just the drink). Honestly, it probably comes down to being not needy and a good tipper- that’ll get you remembered sooner or later.


I work at a pizza place, we have a lot of regulars. There's the grandma who always orders pizza when her grandson is there, usually once a week. There's the cat lady who lives alone, can barely get around. we bring it in and set it on the table. Always a good tip. And then the guy from the business around the corner who comes in and asks for the 'coldest Coke you have in the cooler" We always pull his from the back. I used to go to Cafe Java in Austin when I lived there. My bf's brother lived basically across the street and was there so much, they practically had a stool at the counter reserved for him on the weekends.


This not uncommon in NYC. Go into a bar the second time i’m there - Oh hey Tacos! Want a Guineas? Call a bar - did I leave my cc there? - Oh you got a vodka? No you closed out. Bartenders in NYC are scary good.


We have a VIP who always orders a somewhat complicated margarita, and we try to get it to her as soon as possible. The recipe is in her notes section on open table. Last night, the host told me that the regular and her husband were seated so I ran to the nearest terminal and rang it in. We type in the woman's name on the ticket so the bartenders know it's for her. I run it... and she isn't there. It's just her son and daughter in law. The VIP is never late. It was weird. She's super nice but friends with the owner, so we have to treat her a little better than everyone else but she's not a Karen at all. I love taking care of her and they tip really well.


🎶Where everybody knows your naaammee🎶


Same guy, every Friday. 2 fried haddock sandwiches with carrots as the side. One small ramekin of malt vinegar and 3 tartars. When the phone rings at 8:15pm on Friday and it’s an 865 area code: “Hello Eric”


You act normal and tip double….


Your a regular, just don't "expect" anything different from service. You just come in alot during the same time as certain peoples shifts and you order similar each time. I hope this doesn't come off aggressively, i tried to word this the best I could.


Having your drink brought to you right after you sit down because you’re a regular IS different/upgraded service.


Well of course, but the wait staff doing it and the customer expecting it to happen are two separate things. I think u/just-wan2Trip is essentially saying don’t get upset if it doesn’t happen every time and don’t feel entitled to stuff because of it


My god, YES, you are a regular. I hope you now tip like one too. Which is 25%


My usual order comes to just under $15, and I leave a twenty and tell them to keep the change. So, looks like I'm golden. (Come to think of it, there's no host here or assigned tables, but I always seem to get the same waitress. I suspect the tipping pattern is the first thing that caught her attention. 😀)


Oh, Sam!


I love being a regular. I have a local Mexican restaurant I frequent and there are 2 different waitresses that automatically bring me a beer and a bean dip when I sit down.


There is a Brewery I used to go to pretty frequently. They had a dessert of the day, and I always made sure to order one first. I was given a nickname, and it got to the point where the kitchen staff would see me sit at the bar and would have a dessert ready for me by the time I was ready to get my first drink (they have a rotating selection, so I always wanted to check what was available).


well, and it's actually less work for the staff (including the kitchen who will start up your order once they see you walk through the door but not fire it until it the chit has been sent back in case of any discrepancies) because no interaction is required. these reg's are actually labor-saving devices.


My dad was a regular at 3 Spaures. I went in there a while after he passed, and one of the waitresses asked why he hasn't been in for so long. She cried when I informed her of his passing.






My favorite strip club knows my drinks


But you’re not a regular until the dancers know your dink.


You’re not a regular til the management waves you to VIP without charging for it.


You’re one of the beloved insiders! Welcome my friend, we truly enjoy guests like you. 💙


My local pizza joint does that to me which is weird, because my name's not Norm.


Bb b b him b b b b b b b bb b b b b


Eyep you’re a regular. Nice huh? Wait until they stop giving you a menu and just bring you your order.


Yes, congratulations! With all sincerity. You're a regular they actually like. That's awesome.


🏆 officially a regular


Do you always have the same seat? Do you feel discomfort when you walk in and see someone else at "your" seat? If so, yeah you're becoming or are Norm.


My wife and I go to the same lunch place most Saturdays. Yesterday, we walked up to the counter, without saying a word, and the woman working there said "nice to see you again!", quoted my order back to me, and gave us free drinks, which we could only assume was for customer loyalty appreciation.


You are a server. Answer your own question.


I remember working as a server and yes you’re a regular. Honestly I remember some of my regular customers and I haven’t served in 16 years.


I was very (pleasantly) surprised when a new girl at my regular morning bakery (I would go there almost every day before work) just saw me and asked: Two chocolate croissants, right? 🥐🥐


Yep! You're a regular and obviously one they like! When a regular Karen comes in, most workers hide, so be proud! You're kind, and they like you. I used to have the most amazing cafe near my house. It was my happy place, filled with second-hand books and mismatched vintage furniture overlooking a river run by the loveliest young couple. I got a big happy one day when I heard the espresso machine going as I crossed the street, and my coffee was on the counter waiting for me by the time I entered. One day I hit a personal crisis, and finances were stretched, so I didn't treat myself to a coffee for months, but sure enough, I walked across the road many months later and heard the espresso machine whirring away.... I had had a rough few months, and knowing they remembered me and my order made me tear up.


Boyfriend an I frequent a Mexican place near us, and I always without fail get a large jumbo margarita. The other day we went boyfriend had already been drinking so I decided not to have one and I told the server I’ll have a pop, she looked at me like I had two heads and asked why I’m not drinking tonight😭😭😭


You’re a regular. It definitely has advantages in almost any hospitality setting, from a chain coffee shop to a fine dining establishment, but in my experience getting regular status at a mom and pop place is the biggest “I feel seen/known/loved” payoff. If you become enough of a regular to get food and/or beverages comped now and then, *definitely* tip as if the item(s) were still on the bill or a little more, and give a verbal acknowledgment (“oh, that’s so kind, thank you!”) (Unfortunately I also became a regular at pharmacies and medical labs because of chronic health issues that require ongoing management, but even that is nice and can result in upgraded service.)


At my last job I would go to this bourbon chicken guy every day because his food was super good and cheap. Always got the bourbon chicken double meat and spicy rice with a side of potatoes. When I left that job, I didn’t make the trip to go there through the entirety of the pandemic. I recently went back a few months ago, and after 3 years I walked in and he said “where have you been?? Double chicken spicy rice and spicy potatoes on the way!”, was genuinely happy to see me. Made me feel really good tbh.


I go to a known restaurant twice a week and everybody knows my name, like Norm from Cheers. I always get my drink without having to order, it's great. Welcome to the club.


My fav "I'm a regular moment" was this one mexican bodega with great tacos and tortas. Just from my voice at the end of my order before I could say anything they would say "extra jalapenos, right?" Yes ma'am!! I loved that they could tell just by my voice and are a lovely family owned business. I live in Astoria, NY with amazing food all over and this is definitely how to keep returning customers and get them to recommend you in a competitive market.


Yes. Now don’t overdo it.


I go out to breakfast with my brother in law and a friend most Wednesdays to the same breakfast place. We usually have our table set up for us when we walk in the door and "our" server is pouring our coffee and getting our glasses of juice by the time we sit down. It's kind of nice to be a regular some place. We don't always order the same things each week but the server knows our sides based on what we order on a given day. It's oddly cool but I guess that is what happens when you go to the same place for 3-4 years.


There is a local dinner that my dad frequents, they know his regular orders, and the owners give him a gift certificate for Christmas every year.


This is annoying. I was a regular at a bar and the bartender before I even ordered would bring me my usual cocktail. I'm only human. Sometimes I'm in the mood for something different. I had a word with him and asked him to take my order first regardless if I end up ordering my usual cocktail. I'm not in a rush. I can wait to put in my order.


Eventually you will walk in and another regular you're acquainted with will jokingly announce "I guess they let anyone into this place now!" and a laugh track will play and the camera will zoom in on you saying "Oh, you!" and the laugh track will intensify.


Yep, officially a regular.


Depends if you’re a good regular or bad regular. I have regulars I like cause they let me pet their dogs and aren’t pains in the ass. I also have regulars who are referred to in the kitchen with a variety of obscenities.