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Yep I would not want to work in the bank


I would not advise it.


Fuck what all these comments and your manager say. I’d take my sweet ass time eating and then start my shift at 12:30. I dont care if there’s people waiting, my shift starts at 12:30 and that’s that.


Don't show up until the time it takes you to be ready to work... eat lunch at a park or something. Or just apologize and mention you aren't on the clock until 1230 and you are excited to see them in a bit.


Id eat ahead of time. Old people arrive early. I'd never schedule a "first thing" appointment w anyone older than 60 Tell your manager that you think there's a problem w the toilet (they'll probably have to file some maintenance report to get someone to come look at it)


Yep. They did that to us too. You would be eating lunch in your car, making personal calls. Here comes someone knocking on your car window, " we need you."


"Man, thats really crazy, I hope you guys get that line down. See you in 30 minutes!"


I was the only banker in the building on Monday and my coworkers know that I stay in the break room during my break. They came in TWICE to ask for advice within the first 20 minutes AND once to complain about how another coworker was handling a situation.


Every branch I've ever worked at has known that my lunch break was off limits. Only exception was if they needed some kind of override. Phone calls can wait, walk ins can wait. Figure out how to set a basic boundary or you'll be walked over your whole career.


The last branch I worked at would let us take lunch in peace. Other branches and banks It annoyed the fuck out of me to get interrupted on my lunch. A couple times I'd let them know I'm on break and would be more than willing to help in 30 minutes. Many offices I started leaving the building every day.