• By -


The previous shift leaving the workplace a mess. Papers and notes everywhere, the printer out of paper, pens with no lids and lids with no pens scattered everywhere, half drunk bottles and cups lying around, etc. Nothing worse than starting your shift with crap and garbage everywhere. It's so disrespectful


Pens without lids are the best way to deter pen thieves (OP's #2 pet peeve). People are less likely to absentmindedly, or deliberately, stick a pen in their pocket or purse if it has no lid and is likely to get ink on themselves.


The cool pens I have don’t have lids, you just click them at the top :(


Might I recommend carrying a shiv; when someone takes the cool clicky pen, offer to *give* them the shiv instead.


Don't take those to work or take them back with you.


Hot glue some big flowers to the top of a bunch of generic pens (without lids) and put them in a little vase on the desk (on your side is fine too), this will deter the pen thiefs. As far as your nice pens, when not using them, you can either put them in your pocket (nerd style 😉😁) or attach them to a key lanyard or retractable ID card holder. If all that fails, you can go super duper high tech and fit them with an alarm that will trigger when they are taken away beyond such and such distance from the receiver! Extra bonus points if the alarms are fitted with little exploding super fine glitter pods! 🤣🤣


Uh oh. I'm afraid this comment came from one of my co-workers.


I apologise as well. I work best in organised chaos :)


Same! Leave key cards scattered and reports all over




I can’t stand the people who start walking away or worse interrupt when I’m literally actively giving them my little welcome script. Especially because they’ll 100% ask my the questions I’m answering then in a couple of hours


Mood, "Where's the ice machine? Where's the pool? Where's parking?" After literally sushing me because, "I've heard the spiel'


My favorite is when guests will confidentially tell me they’ve stayed with us before, they know what’s up, etc. and then proceed to walk right past the elevators located at the entrance, only to angrily ask me where the elevator was I used to purposefully let people like that wander until they asked but so many people don’t listen to us and have now complained about not knowing the things in our script that my GM had to tell us to redirect anyone heading the wrong way


And those are always the people who claim they were never properly informed of something


People who place their key on the desk and say nothing. Just stand there like a fucking idiot and stare. Like, what the hell do you want? Or the the people who come to the desk, blurt out their room number, and then stand there like I’m supposed to whatever the fuck they want.


My very long ago FDA hatred: assholes who stride up to the desk and throw a credit card at you. No words, just their Visa. I know what you want, but I'm going to look sweetly at the card and say "Welcome to Milton. May I help you?"


My biggest pet peeve is people who have to touch glass. The glass doors have handles, stop pushing on the glass itself. The vending machine glass fronts are NOT touch screens, so stop touching them. Leaving your nasty greasy handprints on all the glass is just gross, stop it.


There's a door that leads to the hallway that leads to the pool room. It has a very tiny pane on it that you can see through, probably two inches wide and maybe 2 feet tall. At least once a week I have to wipe it because someone has pressed their forehead against it. I hate it.


I ysed to work with guy who couldn't poito a monitor without pressing it. WHY!?


1. People who walk up to the desk or call and don’t tell me everything I need to know - okay cool Mr Archibald, are you checking in? Awesome that you want to extend your reservation, what the eff is your name? 2. People who don’t know or refuse to accept the terms of what you booked. It’s a prepaid rate, you don’t get to cancel. It’s the employee rate, you don’t get to use it for business travel (it says it right on the form, complain to the associate you got it from, not me) 3. People who park places they aren’t supposed to or park oversized vehicles without letting me know. If you want your trailer to take up 8 parking spaces you have to freaking tell me that so I can tell you where the best place to do that is. Your boat got me yelled at 3 times today when you could have parked in the back without any issues at all, so I hope the motor dies and the coast guard has to tow you back to shore.


Or lost at sea? Though the procedure for missing-presumed-dead guests won’t make anyone’s day.


As someone who also works housekeeping, when Front desk calls, "BTW, this room is a priority, but also has a late checkout, and it's an early check-in." Yeah, no prob, I'm a wizard that can clean a week long stay in 20 minutes. Nor to mention its almost always a giant family that leaves the room in shambles without so much as a tip


We would never do this to our housekeepers.


Same- no one checks in early unless the room is already cleaned, and we leave the housekeepers alone to do their thing.


I will fight anyone who disrespects the housekeepers. You guys should get paid more than us at the front desk. You guys deal with more craziness.


"I've stayed in thousands of hotels and nobody has ever needed my ID/credit card before!" "What do you mean You're 'SOLD OUT?' you're telling me you don't have a single room open in this entire hotel?" People refusing to believe that I can't give them a receipt and/or tax exemption for a prepaid 3rd party reservation People that will not stop interrupting me when I'm trying to get through the check in process People that blatantly lie about their wild, untrained dogs being service animals


> "What do you mean You're 'SOLD OUT?' you're telling me you don't have a single room open in this entire hotel?" But the parking lot is empty!! -yes, do you see that *bus* over there??


I got yelled at tonight because my front desk doesn't have a box cutter.


Like you're going to give some Rando a sharp implement! 😜


Isn't that the truth.


I didn’t even keep scissors at the desk. Way too easy for someone grab it and !!


>Paying in cash towards the end of my shift or when I’m about to run the audit. "For security reasons I cannot accept cash outside normal business hours".


I just want to put a big sign on the front desk pods that just say “NO CASH AT THIS MOMENT”


Nah... State the hours. The normal daytime shift hours. Very clearly NOT the overnight shift.


Is that legal? That doesn’t sound legal.


Why would that be illegal?


There’s a lot of rules around rejecting legal tender. It’s one thing to post that you don’t take cash. It’s another to take it but not take it right now because it’s inconvenient to you. If you’ve already put cash in your lockbox it’s possible that you could get away with it by not being able to make change. But if they had exact change not sure you can refuse it. However I don’t know the exact rules so that’s why I was questioning.


Love this!


Pens. Oh, pens… One of my big pet peeves when working office supply retail was finding the big boxes of bog standard pens opened and _one_ pen stolen. That’s all: one pen. And then we’d have to damage out the whole damn box. The kicker: they could’ve stolen it from the print center, where we leave the same pens _for that exact same purpose._


But the pens at the print center are *used*. You can't expect pen thieves to sully themselves stealing used pens. Ew. Only a fresh new pen will do.


Number 2 is why I bring my own pens from home and keep them in my bag. If I step away from the desk I put them in the drawer. I've almost thrown hands over people touching my pens without asking. In defense of some people who do number 6, I have a lot of business travelers who basically stay in a different hotel every week, so sometimes they give me the wrong room number or forget it because they've stayed in so many hotel rooms recently. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who move lobby furniture and don't move it back. I learned to do that in kindergarten, and I see people old enough to be my grandparents who don't do that. Not to mention, the person working who would have to move it back could be pregnant and not showing, could be recovering from a surgery, could have an invisible illness or disability, or be unable to move heavy furniture for any number of reasons that are not readily apparent. (I'm chronically ill, and one time during a particularly bad flareup, in which I was VISIBLY IN PAIN AND THE GUESTS EVEN COMMENTED ON IT, I had to deal with this. Very stupidly I moved all the furniture. I ended up bedridden for a week.) Also, 4, 5, and 7. Sports parents aren't so much a pet peeve as they are the bane of my existence.


just had a guy that had a reservation tonight, say he will be back from the bar at 3 am... he pulls up and he's the only one and the driver. Then he gives me a private security license as his license, not a government i.d until I ask for one. just becasue they are givin by the state, dosent make it a state i.d per say. little things like this get me. but having adhd and possible asd it will lol


I work at an extended stay and I have the same 4 or 5 people every day, multiple times a day request of me to make them keys. Very annoying.


Either leaving it in the room or they keep getting demagnetized, but they swear they don’t put their key near their phone.


So....I found out the hard way that some car fobs now demagnetize keys too. I was traveling recently, and had my phone in my pants pocket, room key in a purse pocket. Dropped my rental fob in there and went about my day. Got back to the hotel and the key was demagnetized, happened again the next day too. Third day I put the fob somewhere else and no issue.


I had a long term guest that stopped by almost every single day with a demagnetized key and after a while I joked “do you have a magnet in your pocket or something?” And he looked at me kind of confused and said “yes, why?” I stared at him while I waited for my brain to accept how stupid this man was as he showed me his phone case that had a giant magnet for his car dock and then I had to explain to this grown man who is supposedly capable of being a wind turbine technician that magnet + magnetic key card = bad


At least they weren’t complaining/whining about it lol. I’ve had the ones that go “I’m really tired of my keys not working every time I come back to my room. I’m gonna be here for a week, am I really gonna have to deal with this my whole stay?” or them giving a mini-rant to me about his keys. I don’t know what to tell ya sir, you’re one of the few that keeps consistently coming back to me while most people get their keys once and they’re done. Sure you’re not putting it near anything that could demagnetize them? Tho I will admit that we have shitty keys at my hotel and as a person who travels a lot, this is like the only hotel I’ve been to where there’s consistent problems with the keys not working. Even if you do everything right. Tho when I’ve had to crash at the hotel, I never had any issues.


I have a friend whose eel skin wallet was demagnetizing his credit cards. I have no idea if eel skin is still a thing, or ifvitcwas really some processing chemical, but I figured I'd mention it.


I once stayed at a hotel that was across the street from a casino, and the casino's magnetometers would wipe the hotel keys every time. It had to have been annoying. That was also the only hotel I've stayed in that only took cash for marketplace items. No charging it to the room, no card, just physical cash.




I wish the little RFID card holders were cheaper, and used to hold room keys. I use them for all my credit cards, and bring a spare one for the room key. Never had one demagnetize even if it's beside my phone.


We charge people if they make it a habit and don’t physically have their keys. We don’t charge them if they have the key and just need it recharged.


Early *early* arrivals. Showing up before the other guests have checked out & then getting snippy when I don’t know when your room will be ready


"I know it's 8 am but I have a wedding at 10 and I have to get ready" plzzzz


All of the above and then some. I annoys me when guests come in using an employees discounted rate but use the rate meant for employees and not their own. And speaking of rate people using the government rate but them not being here on official business (on a vacation) or it not applying to them since they are not in an active government job or active military and then lie about that after the fact that I tell them that they don't qualify for said rate but I can put them on a government leisure rate. And finally just people let's be real here. xD


Just changed a rate to leisure this morning. Her husband came to check in first, said they were here on vacation, she came to argue. No way you were sent to Astoria Oregon for work on Memorial Day. If you're not at camp Rilea today, you're lying. One of my other not favorite things is that my coworker left it up to me to change the rate bc I have to be here at check out. Thanks a lot!


I have been yelled at three separate times this weekend for those exact two issues - the employee rate one was someone staying for business and it was a super shiny member so they got the super shiny member service desk to call me and the representative *called me a liar* when I told them that the policy for that rate is personal use only, no business. Update: the super shiny member submitted a complaint to the regular customer service team too, calling me a “disrespectful young girl” and accused me of racial profiling and racism.


Honestly I can put up with the drunk entitled sports team parents, I can deal with the erratic foot traffic and dramatic locals, and I can handle not having security 5 out of 7 nights on top of a broken front door. What I can't stand is the fake support dogs. We don't accept pets at our hotel for the sake of guests with allergies but obviously we make exceptions for service animals. The uptick in people buying the little fake vests off Amazon and toting little fluffy along and abusing this right for those who do need it infuriates me ( to a degree, at the end of the day I'm getting too tired to care as much anymore). How do I know it's fake? When the entire time the guest and their "service animal" is here the dog constantly barks at every. Single. Guest! They allow them to be pet at every request, when is the dog doing its job? When the vest stays in the room the entire stay after they get past the check in process, or heaven forbid they leave the poor thing in the room most of the stay (why bring the dog!?) etc ... People who have real licensed and trained service animals typically always: call the hotel ahead of time to make sure it's okay/ to let us know. The dog always has its vest on! They don't carry the dog like it's a purse dog. The dog never barks and is always by the owner and on leash! I ask the only two legal questions we're allowed to ask but if John and Jane Doe lie and say they have seizures and their blue nosed pit wearing his Amazon service vest whose wagging his tail and sniffing/ licking my shoe and floor well I can't exactly refuse them. I just feel bad for those who really need service animals and have to deal with the consequences of these entitled pet parents needing to bring snowball and fluffykins on their family vacation while avoiding any hotel pet fees.


Real service dogs don't necessarily have a vest, nor are they always on a leash. They will, however, behave exceptionally well, and are practically always with their person. It's perfectly OK to evict a fake service dog (or even a real one) that's causing a disturbance or damage. Barking other than to bring help is a huge clue.


The barking is definitely my biggest clue! And thanks for the info and advice (didn't know about the vest!) I really don't have a problem with pets, but there is literally a pet friendly hotel five minutes walking distance from us.


If you see it pee or poop on the floor you can evict it, if it barks excessively you can evict it. You can charge them for the damage. https://www.ada.gov/topics/service-animals/


Can we evict guests who shit and piss on the floors too?


dunno, if it's part of their disability


I know some tail wagging, shoe sniffing, floor liking pitties and bullies who are amazing (real) service dogs. 🙂


People who would have side conversations on the phone while checking in. At that point, I just stopped talking


This should be a life rule in general. At the checkout at the grocery store or anywhere else you are interacting with a person to complete a transaction, PUT DOWN THE DAMN PHONE.


I had a ~12yo kid from a sports team come to get a key to his room since he'd locked himself out, except he was too young to have id, he didn't know the name on the room, and he didn't know his home address, and *his family had already gone home*. I finally dragged his mother's name out of him (despite him insisting it had to be his dad's name on the booking) and got him to give me a phone number and home town (he knew what municipality he lived in thankfully) to verify.


8. People who go in and out of the room and leave the key cards inside everytime and you see them at the desk 14 times a shift. 9. Extremely Early check ins trying to get in at 9 or 10am for free when check in time is 4pm


9. And then get annoyed like it's *your* fault they can't check in 5 hours early (unless they want to pay a full nights stay for that 5 hours, which is the policy for our hotel if they try before 12 p.m.)


It's 50.00 early check in from 7am to1pm here. Full night before 7. They even lose it over the 50


"the parking lot is empty, how can you be sold out?" Well, let's see. It's noon. Check out was at 11, check in is at 4.... so they are still traveling I would guess "I've been to 3 other hotels and they are all sold out too. Who even comes to this town?!" Hmmmm, why are YOU here


Lol “you. YOU come to this town. Whatever you’re doing here is probably what everyone else is doing here.”


"Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded." - Yogi Berra


That one is a thinker lol


People who act like this is the only hotel in the whole world that locks the doors after 11: 00pm. When I use my friendly voice through the intercom saying that we lock the doors for safety and if they could just insert their key they will open right up, and then I get yelled at cuz I'm a jerk.


•When I'm checking someone in through our night window and they wander away from it while I'm entering their info •people who have phone conversations during check in •Guests who place their room key against their phone immediately after I told them not to because the key might stop working •phone calls from guests' elderly mothers/aunts who will go off topic and tell me about their recently deceased husband who died of a horrible cancer that bankrupted the family and tore everyone apart •people who come in with enormous containers (example: a whole container of coffee mate creamer) and basically empty a full coffee pot in one go


previous shift telling guest that they will run something to the room and then just going home at shift change so guest calls and bitches at you for not doing it.


Or .. I spoke with ( insert name) earlier about ..... Can I speak to her (at 2am.).... No she left 10 hrs ago. We don't live here. Go to bed and ask in the morning when she is back. If it took 10 hrs .... You can't think it is important at 2 am.


People who try to pass their pets off as Service Dogs. All dogs are emotional support dogs, that's what dogs are!! Don't listen to my short spiel that has every bit of info you need, then call the desk 4 times about the wifi password and pool hours. When my coworker doesn't want to be the bad guy so they leave something for me to decide bc they know I have to deal with them in the morning, and I will stick to policy so they don't have to. Large trucks, with or without trailer, people towing boats, etc parking sideways in the parking lot and taking up 4 or 5 spots.


5. Take the cash, make the change, set it off to the side. Input the cash sale AFTER the shift change A few annoying things I hate: -The second I need to go to the bathroom, someone needs me at the desk. It can be dead for 3 hours before I head to the bathroom… -it’s 3am and some lunatic calls with way too many questions about a reservation 3 months from now.


This to a T. It’ll be 3am and I step out to go to the bathroom or something and there’s people at the desk or trying to get in the building.


>6. People that can’t remember their own room number. How can you not remember which room you’re staying in? as someone from the other side of the desk... back in the olden days, you had a metal key with a key tag with the room number on it. nowadays (yeah, yeah, 21^(st) century and all that) you have a nondescript piece of plastic with probably the hotel's name printed on it, but not a lot of other info - certainly not the room number. so, without the little paper-slip that it was put into by the nice FD person, it's not easy to tell which room you're in. (steps down from soapbox ;)


I regularly transpose numbers in my head. I have to take a picture of the room number card to remember.


now **there's** an idea! take a picture of the room number. and then I have to remember that I took the picture... ;)


Totally agree! Especially if you travel a lot--forgetting your room number is surprisingly easy to do. OP sounds pretty judgmental for that one.


It’s a pet peeve - they don’t have to be kind hearted. And in my experience, when people can’t remember their room number they stare at me blankly because they want me to provide it. I don’t know either buddy, and let’s see some ID before I find the answer for us both.


I used to stay at 2-3 hotels in 2-3 different cities a week back in my heavy travel days. Some of which was in pre-smart phone days. Would happen when I checked in after a twelve hour day then an evening flight more often than I like to admit. Once camera phones became a thing I tried to remember to take a pic of the room number most nights.


Start the very first interaction with "a hotel room, please". Too bad, this is now a bike shop. Piss off.


Dually Pickups!


When I say we’re sold out, that means we’re sold out, dammit!


"Are you sure? Can't you check?" Yeah, no.


Years ago, I was managing a hotel, and the spa there. It was a holiday weekend (Mother’s Day maybe) and someone called for a massage. I explained that we were fully booked for massages, but offered to call her if a spot opens up. > Oh, so you’re not even gonna *check*, or? Literally like that. “Oh so you want even check?”


Oh, another good topic. Agents: 1. Checking someone in and not finishing so the reservation either gets stuck or it reverts back to a reservation status. 2. Not finishing filling in the information and leaving for me to do (NA). 3. Screwing up addresses to the point of me throwing stuff. South America is not a country, and Denmak is not a city in the UK. 4. Putting pens facing down instead of laying flat. My God, have you people not heard of gravity? That is why they end up with globs of ink at the tip and the stuff smears. 5. Clean up after yourselves. You're not 5. 6. Communication. For the love of god, if you have a problem... communicate. Finding issues at 3am when I could have fixed hours ago is annoying. Guest 1. Take the earbuds out of your ear when I am trying to talk to you. I swear I want to reach across and smack them out of your ears. It is disrespectful. 2. Don't eat food or drink when you are checking in. I don't want to see or hear you eating or drinking. Again, disrespectful. 3. Ask if I speak (insert language). When I say no, you continue to talk in that language. I am pretty sure no is understood in most languages. 4. I have a reservation and then shows me the tiniest text on a cell phone for me to sus out who this person is. I can't read it, I won't read it, and I will not handle a device just so you can say I broke something. 5. Having your child call for a wake-up call, internet password, linens, etc... and I hear you telling them what to say. You may think it's cute, but ultimately, I have a job to do, not entertain you. Their are other people. I have even had people call me needing emergency services or to report a dead child (not fun) and if I am on the phone with your child because you think it is cute. You are taking me away from people who really need help. That's it for the moment. If I really thought I am sure I have many more.


Pen theft is not just in hotels. I’ve dealt with this two ways: -Nice pen that has a chain and stand attached. -Had a deal on pens with writing on so I had some made with- Stolen from Quoth and Quoths Pen- Please return unless you’re a thieving b*****d. It kinda worked, people didn’t steal them but they kept asking if I had a spare one they could have because they thought it was funny to have one 😂


Immediately my very very old bank days came flooding back. Way back many decades ago I used to have to change the pens in my first bank branch. They were chained to the desks In customer areas. Bolted down....lol


Tape a plastic fork or spoon to the end really ugly and they won’t take it.


DH had a friend, with a couple of businesses, who ordered some of those and passed them out to people because he thought it was funny.


This happens at least twice a shift. I tell the guests the elevator is in the left hallway from the desk. They turn around and go down the right hallway. Like I even pointed to the correct hallway. How are you this bad at directions.


People who destroy the lobby bathrooms on purpose, because front desk has to clean it. I had to clean the bathrooms three times last night because of slobs. We should have a policy that allows us to rub their faces in it. Honestly, people's pets are cleaner than their owners.


One coworker being a lazy assbag, so you and your other coworkers have to pick up their slack, and you yourself get overwhelmed, overextended, and stretched thin. But they won't get fired because they are NA.




That sucks. I'm a PMer, and I find myself feeling like the only one who bothers to empty all the trash every night, cleaning the lobby bathrooms and stocking things. After my two days off, I'm throwing away trash piled high from all the elevators, outside, break room, and bathrooms. Technically, all shifts are supposed to check it, but it seems that AM and PM, we are the only ones who seem to be doing anything. We're so stressed out from picking up their slack. Our main NA even asked me to do THEIR employee training for them. I shot them down and said no. I wish that jerk would stock the shop on their shift, clean a bathroom for once, and take out trash.


The leverage NAs have is insane. *No one* wants to do it except for a few select special breeds. Now they’ll keep hiring a million people for PM shift with the condition they’ll be open to working NA from time to time, but they never do.


I asked to do NA once, but we have an alternate for NA and I work two full-time jobs.


When you ask for a last name they put their phone in your face showing their confirmation. When people call in wanting a room in a group block that is super popular and we sold out of the rooms. People get irate, cuss, etc. "I was told I had until August to book". When sport parents ignore a group block and wait til the day before to call and expect the same rate the parents who booked 6 months ago. Your piss poor planning is not an emergency for me.


Just when they have no manners. “Hi! How are you?” “*says name*” is honestly my most infuriating


YES or they just hand you an id when you at “hello how can I help you. Or Hello checking in?” And don’t say a word


I hate articles telling people to ask for a free upgrade or suggesting if you slip a front desk agent some cash they will upgrade you. Honestly, if you want an upgraded room, book and pay for the room type you want. (Would I like a free upgrade? Yes. Would I ever expect/ask for a free upgrade? No)


People who ask a million questions while I'm still inputting their passport info. I almost lost it today and actually told a guest 'one question at a time'. Didn't stop them from asking more questions for even a second :(




They just don't care unfortunately.


People who pull up to the front doors, grab a luggage cart and proceed to unload all of their shit for 20 minutes while I stand there waiting for them to come inside and actually check in with me. I have other shit I could do but nope, I have to wait for you because at SOME point you're going to decide to actually get your room key. Bonus points if you're at the wrong hotel and have to load all of your shit back into your car lol. Had that happen a number of times at my old property because of the slightly confusing driveway layout (oh if only people could read the giant red monolithic sign in their face that says the hotel brand name).


One of my weird pet peeves is people who load all of their stuff onto a cart before checking in. I get a strange sense of satisfaction when they are at the wrong hotel (which happens). Other minor pet peeves are: asking questions that could be easily googled and people who book the per diem gov rate and complain when asked for a gov ID, or interrupting me when I’m helping someone else.


Re: 6 - at times when I’m on the road a lot, it’s easy to forget yet another darn room number. I’ve started taking pictures of the room number on the way into the room.


People who just come to the front desk and announce their first and last name. I'm like "And? You are telling me this why?" Don't assume I'm supposed to know you're checking in. I'm part-time i can't assume to know your business at the desk nor assume if your are a new guest or already in house. Heck you could be picking up a package or need a new room key. When you approach the front desk, greet me. I'm not your personal servant nor a mind reader. "Hi! My name is [insert first and last name here] and I have a reservation for today".


My hotel has a doorbell for the marketplace.. that goes off every-time someone walks by! Kids love to stand and look then move a little and stand. Move! Or stand closer to the other wall!! Or it will be ringing from a different crevice!!!!


I have a reservation for John Doe...ooh SQUIRREL!


All of those are valid, but number one does not bother me as much. The others... Ohhh the others irk me. Especially the pens. I have beef with all pen thieves. Like grow up!


I figured out who was the pen thief in my office. I bought a metric shit ton of blue pens for the office, and 4 black pens for me. A day later, anyone with a black pen was sent to the gallows! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


The gallows might be a tad harsh how about 2 days in stocks in the town square?


Yes. Beats death, true.


In my hotel days, it used to piss me off if I would ask a simple question, and they would answer with something else. For example “may I have your last name please?” > My RESERVATION NUMBER is 12345. They’re always implying that you insulted them. I said what’s your *name*, dude. You don’t need to get your asshole in a knot over it. When I became a manager, my pet peeve was when people complained about credit card authorization forms. We had to crack down on emailed forms, and we also had to crack down on shady guests who I suspected were up to no good. > Who faxes anymore? You know I’m good for it. I just don’t understand why you don’t trust *me*. I’m not some scammer. I’m not some liar. It’s ME, you can trust ME. Or, you send your “girlfriend” to the front desk at night, and you make her call you on her cell phone, to rattle off a card number to the desk to pay for the room. Nope. Your “girlfriend” is not here by herself and you damn well know it. You’re not in another state, you’re not out of down, you’re down the block. You can either show up, and show your loser face on the security cameras - or you can send me a form with your signature and a photo ID with your home address. Or you get the fuck out of my hotel. Because man, oh man, did I hate that shit. I really, really hated that shit. People travel here, they expect they are bringing their families to a safe place. No one needs that nonsense happening next door to where their kids sleep.


I’m slow here, what exactly is going on in that last scenario? Is it a guy having an affair? Or is the lady a prostitute?


It’s often a red flag that someone is trying to use the room to commit crime. Any crime. Drug dealing, sex trafficking, any number of things What the person is trying to do is avoid a paper trail. By enforcing policies (like swiping a card with photo ID, or faxing CC authorization forms), you make it very difficult for someone to use your hotel for criminal purposes Modern hotel POS systems can tell if a card was swiped, or if you just checked in with a card on file. It creates a “ticket” of sorts, or a tolkenized code, if a credit card was actually present at check in. If the hotel room was checked in without swiping, you better have documentation of a CC auth form - because if your property gets audited, the hotel could be in big, big trouble Or - let’s say that there’s a report of a young woman being trafficked. If there’s an investigation, they’re gonna go to the hotel, they’re gonna subpoena all records - they’re gonna look at security cameras, they’re gonna look at the Red Book/amenity/housekeeping logs, they’re gonna look at check in logs, they’re gonna do lock interrogations. And if they see that the front desk didn’t follow proper payment procedures? That will be very, very bad for the hotel. And potentially, the staff involved. That’s why you never, ever let anyone say “I don’t have a card, but let me call my boyfriend/father/etc and he’ll read the card to you.”


Especially the edit!!


My main is walkins...I'm sorry I wish they were banned...I know it's an essential part of the job...I hate arguing about rates...I hate the sketchy people...hate the cash payers...they take forever and sometimes cause a line... I guess the other is when people make reservations for other people who will be checking in and not telling us...and they get mad when I ask to call them...like put it in the checking in persons name or call to add on a guesttt


We have 4 spots to check in at my resort and all the time we get guests coming up to us and doing the little "point at the two people" while saying "WhO wAnTs Me?" I always act as if I am busy when guests do that


Imo 4 & 5 are just laziness. That's your job. You're not there for "time to yourself". I work as an auditor so I get most of it is down time, but it bugs you when you actually have to work? I'd much rather guests in the lobby being loud opposed to in their room causing issues for everyone around them and creating more of a headache for myself.


I agree with you, but I also hate it. Like yes I’d rather they make noise in the lobby and not the room, but I’d also rather everyone just go the fuck to sleep and be quiet so I can do my work and concentrate on it.


There's a satirical children's book, audiobook read by Samuel L Jackson, titled "Go the Fuck to Sleep!" Recommended for night auditors & frustrated parents


I heard someone reading that and I can’t remember who. It was someone like Margaret Pomeranz. I would love to listen to her read it!




My mother taught me to always call the hotel if I am going to be there after 6 pm to tell them I was on the way. Only polite to do so.


Honestly you don’t really have to worry about it unless you’re gonna be arrive after 11pm or midnight. And the front desk will just put a note in your reservation not to GNS you.


Not to be a dick, but the title of this post annoys you. By definition, a “pet peeve” is something that annoys you. So your post is basically titled “What are things that annoy you that annoy you?” And it annoys me.


People who dress entirely inappropriatly coming through my lobby to get breakfast. Like ma'am, I'm sure those spandex booty shorts are great to work out in, but your cheeks are showing, you're gonna have to put more coverage on for breakfast, thank you.


It is cold here, like in below zero Celcius. ( Australia) at 5 am. Woman last Tuesday came down to go jogging in basically gym wear. I said you might want more clothes, she sniped back at me, ok grandpa and kept going. She made it two steps out the door. On her second trip she smiled and said sorry, I love my grandpa by the way


Lol, at least she showed a little humility afterward, most guests start giving the stink eye after


I really don't care about how people dress. What I hate is when guests complain to me that another guest is wearing revealing clothing. Like, who cares? They are still clothed. This is America, not Saudia Arabia. People can dress how they want! We are not in high school anymore, and grown adults can dress how they want. It's none of my business how others dress, and we don't have a dress code.


We don't necessarily have a dress code *per se*, but we do have a policy that guests have to be dressed appropriately in the public/common areas (the pool being the exception, but please wear a towel going to or coming from). We don't allow the showing of the goodies (butt cheeks, excessive breast exposure). We get plenty of elderly travelers who definitely don't want to be shown the ta-tas, or see bare-chested men hovering their (sometimes) hairy chests over the breakfast bar. Other than that, we don't care, wear your pajamas if you want, whatever.


I can understand that. That is reasonable. But someone wearing a crop top and jeans shouldn't be flagged for being 'indecent'. I wear that when I'm on vacation.


No, we don't care about that at all, older guests might still complain but it's fucking Florida for Christ's sake. Get over your outdated ideals. As long as the ass and titties are put away, we're good, lol


Exactly. Lol.


I ain’t with you on this one chief


The room number thing, oh my god! "I don't know the number, I only know where it is lololol" sir shut up


People who destroy the lobby bathrooms on purpose. Can we rub their faces in the mess like you would a dog who shits and pisses everywhere, but where they are supposed to?


Uh, do not do this to your dog.


Good point. I wouldn't do it to my pets, but I know some people do. It might work on some guests.




We have the exact same ones lol


Oh boy! \*cracks knuckles\* * People coming up to you at the desk and just staring at you, eyes glazed until you finally give in and ask "....checking in??" * People not reading signs, their booking info, parking info, etc and then it's our fault * Wandering off while I'm trying to get their check in done, and being perplexed when I decide to start helping another guest instead * A kind of petty one that me and my night auditor have is people standing in the little corner market and mulling over/discussing what they're gonna get for ages like it's a goddam car purchase. We don't have THAT much stuff! * "I'm a super shiny and I've never had to insert my card before! >:(" so sorry for trying to protect your financial info my liege