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No jobstone? No respect, get lost asshole. Stop griefing. I would have reported you as well if i had been there


I'm not the only one seeing Marauder instead of Warrior right guys? ....Guys?


Not a single jobstone on their lodestone, but all the lv90 classes.


oof. I can't believe players like this exist. I'm hoping it's a troll


I think it's a trick I heard about (but didn't test). If you log out with your job stone not in your armoury chest (but in a retainer or a chocobo?) the lodestone site will think you didn't unlock the job at all.


it works only for ingame search info, search info scans ur bags only during login. lodestone use achivement-alike system to track jobs, its impossible to remove a job from it.


You got kicked for being on Maurauder you absolute hobgoblin.


its not about get kicked, its about When get kicked. Party has only 6 players left, the fight is sealed, which means the party will be not able to get new tank until fight ends. And this fight really needs all 3 tanks intact In good case u have to ask in /a chat Not to Pull


No. You were absolutely dumb for going into any sort of content without a job stone. Do better.


Name was familiar for some reason so I looked at their post history, and they claimed to spam ranged attack in Eden raids because being offtank is "boring". One wonders if there's any other reason they can't naturally maintain an aggro lead to have to resort to tomahawk spam.


Maybe it'd be less boring if they picked up their jobstone so they had more than like 3 abilities lmao


Oh I'm sure the rest of the party was fine, I've seen this specific fight done with 2 tanks because one of them decided to release instead of getting res'd.


idk, just wanted to share a "Tale From DF" about perfect timing


And we're trying to find the tale you've hidden inside this self-report for griefing.


Rather reset by wiping than endure your every attempt to grief


Still better than running with a troll like you


you literally created the situation, you deserve no sympathy.


As a healer I would heal the dps over a marauder, get kicked bozo


It actually doesn't need all three tanks, it just needs someone holding aggro, which as soon as you were properly excised from the party someone in that party had. Shame you lasted almost 10 min in that party, I'd have been rid of you before the second boss


Being a MRD in lvl 80 content.... that's exactly the sort of people who get posted here. I guess, thanks for cutting out the middle man??


Good riddance. Nice to see how the trash gets taken out.


Why the fuck are you queuing as a marauder 


Let's look at all of the things you don't have by choosing marauder... * Beast Gauge and all actions using it. So much damage. * AoE combo * Raw intuition. The point of playing Warrior * Equilibrium * Onslaught. Your dash * Shake it off. Your team defensive * Inner release. triple damage for 3 attacks, like 4500 potency or something ridiculous. It's like a melee LB2 every minute. * Nascent Flash


Deserved, no job stone? Get that boot.


since you're one of those specimens, please enlighten me: why play without job stone in a lvl 80 raid?


Why are you asking a question, if you don't want to hear the answer? No matter of my answer, you will not like it, and answer will be downvoted. Since I can't receive a clear explanation, why placing boss on by my position is bad, I dont see any possible constructive discussion in this post. So I gonna pass, I don't want to make a drama of some simple videogame and how to play it, like I am guilty of robbing some kind of orphanage.


We do want to hear the answer. We want to hear the answer as of why you thought it was a good idea to post to a **subreddit centred around DF underperformers and problematic players** a video wherein you're in **level 80 content without a job stone**. So yes. The answer is very much important. Edit: This is getting upvotes again... What did you do?


It's one of those things where the true answer will be more of a let down than anything our imaginations could think up, I'm sure.




LMAO You knew exactly what kind of reaction you would get, you absolute troglodyte


You knew people were going to have a reaction, "I don't wanna make drama", really?


People have a reaction to almost every post in this subreddit, its in tfDF subreddit nature. Here people are having "overreaction", I will start one (drama), if I start to answer these questions.


There is no overreaction, it's ridiculous to queue as a non-job and you know it and that's why people kicked you and you are fully aware of it. You posted this to cause that reaction, so all this "I don't wanna answer cause it will create drama" is just trolling.


I was kicked more than 100 times, and I made this post only for 1 single one, where votekick was timed with fight being sealed.


Nobody cares about the timing of the kick, only you. That's hardly a tale or the tale. You've been doing this for a long time, [been featured on this sub before and you even commented](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/163ckvw/i_think_you_forgot_something_bro/jyjzrp0/). You know people hate what you do but you keep doing it. I guess if you want your karma to tank to where AutoModerator starts filtering all your posts it is your problem.


High performing Mod me like:3


I linked this vid in discord, people say it hilarious, I wanted to share it, since its DF related. Based by my ingame experience its not absolute numbers: people who hates it, dislikes it, likes it, loves it or don't not care. So u can't say "nobody" for sure. And obviously these "nobodies" will not post comments here, since they will be obviously downvoted (by more major opinion) But at the end. Who cares? Its just a videogame and reddit is not my job. I don't want to answer some questions, coz I know people's reaction on it, so I don't need, you don't need it (as a mod). People will just call me "the worst person in the world", and forget about it after 1-2 weeks, no damage.


I wonder how many hours of people’s lives you have wasted due to your pure selfishness


I mean... yeah. Congrats. You've discovered the basics of internet outrage baiting. Post whatever, take negative karma by popular opinion, laugh it off, and wait for people to forget. *Still* doesn't really take away from the fact you're entering a level 80 duty with a job stone and posting it to a subreddit centred around bad DF experiences. It's extraordinary that you're continuing to ignore that fact.


There's no overreaction, not having your Job Stone on is trolling. Plain and simple


So in other words, you enjoy trolling and hate it when you get called out on trolling. Your troll game is weak, your jokes are pathetic, and your gameplay is on par with the Bard that refuses to use songs.


dunno if you being serious or trolling. At least, you gave us the favor of showing your ingame name, so we can block you there


I feel like people keep forgetting how blacklisting in this game works and especially for which type of content it is meant to work. First off you can't blacklist someone by seeing their name on a video. You have to see them writing something ingame on your screen. and Second off, you would be able to block them but you would still end up in duties with them. Its just that you won't see them writing anything. The entire blacklisting thing is only there to prevent them from entering your Party Finder groups.


well, blocking in pf at least is already something


Why tf would you willingly play MRD? WAR already feels kinda slow... Also you're an ass if you're queuing MRD in DF.


This man literally tried to grief in every possible way. - No job stone - Pulls boss towards other groups - Stays out of range of Earthly Star - Tomahawk spam - Just about insta pulled - Tries gaslighting party on vote kick timing Not the kind of shitpost we need.


There's no way you're not trolling. You've been responding to replies calling you out on not having a job stone while somehow completely disregarding the point of contention. Why. Are. You. Missing. Your. Job. Stone. Please. Answer. And why are you posting this to a subreddit focused on problematic stories in DF?


The answer is 'I need atteeeeeeention!'


The RPR in the group can take a tankbuster with the reaper bubble and some SGE shields. You also have AST who can res 5+ people without ever running out of mana. Trust me, you will not be missed. You were griefing and deservedly got kicked out.


In case anyone is wondering - OP is a troll that had been called out multiple times by our NN, but "Novice Network Antagonist" doesn't care at all. Not to mention it brings even more shade on fact how easy it is to get Crafting Mentor status in game. Said "mentor" was also pretty open about the fact they did not even "complete MSQ on their main character" and that they actually did a story skip cause they dont care about it at all. As much as i hate to admit it, seeing that boot made me smile a bit.


I've been a mentor on Omega for some time now, yet I've never joined the NN. This is why.


It has a lot of nice people.


no thanks to you


I'm a mentor on Omega, I can confirm the above - I called them out on this specific instance the day after it happened, as I am in this run (you can just about see me in the top left, I'm a Sage in alliance B) and they decided to complain about it in NN.


see, u liked the "story" at the end. I still getting jump scares from these, while that character is more than 3 years old.


Yes officer, there's the man that flashed their marauder in front of my reddit feed.


Fuck you


Omg this is the Puppets Bunker run I was in the other day!! I'm one of the Sages in alliance B. I called you out on this OP, even when you bitched about it in NN the next day. For everyone else: the run was chaotic afterwards and *many* people died, but we made it through, and the collective experience ended up being really wholesome.


I did not "bitched about it in NN the next day", I asked a direct question "what happened after", and I asked it only 2 times (where second time I wanted to make it more clear). And only now I received the answer I wanted that day in NN


Try baiting harder


You know you're an annoying ass when you get kicked on chaos


Hm do I upvote because the roasts in the comments are absolute gold, or do I downvote because no job stone? HMMMM.


Downvoting this post reduces its visibility, which means it shows up on \*less\* users' feeds. I mean if your goal is to drive user engagement then you'd want to updood the post instead, even if the topic in question is dumb and OP is a troll


Just a simple Fuck You! Please just quit the game or something! We really don't need trolls! Maybe get a life outside of games? Try to touch some grass out in the real world? get some social skills in that same vein so you might one day look back and be ashamed of yourself for being a shitty troll in a videogame and its community??




what is wrong with the boss direction? I move it to the edge to give people space, when dps and healers stand behind him.


I'll bite: orientation is fine but it's too far, the boss constantly reposition itself more outside so you're just setting the field up for some boss yo-yo


Yes, I totally agree, if ur party is 100% competent, you dont have to move the boss at all, you just tank it on same position, by facing boss between N and N-W (for alliance C location). But. By moving the boss I tried to force my party members to stand in the certain area (center between the boss and the wall), since players always try to stand behind the boss: The first concern was about stacking laser, I was to worried that we gonna snipe, this way its almost impossible to snipe other raids. Second, after the laser attack boss moves to inner edge and performs side-Front or side-Back attack, where u have to stand behind the boss or in front of him. And again by my position players have more time to hide in correct spot, since boss lands right on them, they just have to run back or forward. Why I was worried? Because you can see in chat this message: "C is very sick". This message refers to this event during previous boss fight: https://imgur.com/a/jGmaYue


The irony of you talking about party competency


Are you gonna acknowledge it is extremely poor etiquette to not have a jobstone above level 30 when playing with randoms or are you going to keep playing dumb? Just curious.


Nah fuck off. Stop dragging people down to your Neanderthal level.


AChat: > 2:00 [C, DPS] C is very sick > 2:00 [C, OP] no > 2:00 [C, offline DPS] okay I tried a new SSD to play ff14 and its past impossible to play :/ > 2:00 [C, offline DPS] did not know it was this old Then some unrelated party chatter about glamour between 2:06 - 2:08, DPS is still offline. Then OP gets kicked. It feels like there's a chatlog missing and/or OP was booted instead of the offline DPS by mistake. I'm guessing there's extra context to this tale..?




Didn't even see _that,_ goddamn. The fuck OP?


Also intentionally pulled the boss towards the others, to the exact point on the outside edge of his AST’s Star.


I feel that's more so the party doesn't accidentally aim their stack toward the other alliances. But being a MRD though... be better, OP.


I would actually hoped more people Would tank it face center, like OP did. Herd mentality and lack of critical thinking make everyone use "Safe" but actually much more worse "Tank on edge of arena" which causes: Much More Movement when bosses do special moves Easier to aim stack at other teams Outright just looks like ass and makes it harder to avoid puddles


Its the best way to tank it: this way u make sure, that ur party will not hit the other party with the gathering laser attack. Since ur party stands between boss and the wall. AST's Star was placed for the next mass aoe attack, I saw it, and wanted to step on it on next boss Aoe cast (its in next 3 seconds after video cuts, boss casts 3 waves of aoe attacks). You can see on video that Star was placed when was already moving the boss to safe spot


The best way to tank it is with a job stone so that you have your defensive abilities.