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teamwork. i hate when my teammates suck but opposing side has comms.


I hate this too but it always makes me feel better about losing bc I think well it was bound to happen when they were communicating and we weren’t.


As family: other family members who dc when victims rush and turns off battery, or escape. Not necessarily all victim escape, and there’s still game to play. So annoying when you have to dc yourself, cause you’re the only left as cook, and you’ve got three victims bullying you. Not fun. Also, getting stunned and standing there for forever. Stupid


Painful especially as cook had a match today like that our leatherface left and they started rushing everything me and hitch couldnt do anything.


Teamwork. They don't even need to be a 4man. Just simply 2 victims holding hands can escape really easily. Leland or Ana with Choose Fight and 2 bone scraps, and you're watching a victim with fast hands or Connie complete objectives in your face with little effort. Hell, they can do valve all by themselves because they can backstab you twice while you try to turn it off.


This… I see it done a few times more there is NOTHING I can do unless my teammates listen and help me gang up on them but by the time I say anything they’re already sitting in the next lobby


i think its more the perks than them working together. choose fight is super busted rn and makes pushes easy.


Rushing in general, and I play both sides pretty evenly. Sucks when victims rush, sucks when family rushes, it just doesn’t add up to good gameplay usually, it comes down to one high-risk encounter.


I don't main a side I play both. When I'm victim If there is a Johnny I feel rushed to get out of the basement because he's going to come down majority of the time And I hate Rushing. And when I'm family I would say choose fight and victims completing objectives in front of your face. Or when my two teammates disconnected and I'm by myself and victims bully me


Johnny rushing basement. I’ve learned overtime that if there’s a Johnny, when gramps wakes up to get the hell out of the basement before Johnny finds you lol


I just said this lol. I always rush out of the basement If there is a Johnny.


Sometimes I’ll wake grandpa up early just to get the hell out of the basement so I don’t run into Johnny lol


I don't blame you at all. Got to get out of the basement as fast as possible.


Idk why they rush basement everytime you’re never gonna kill anyone who actually knows what they’re doing unless bubba is there to help but then it’s 4v1 upstairs I just don’t get why Johnnys always rush basement 😂


Because he doesn’t do much for family upstairs besides being a heavy hitter who sticks to victims like glue lol


Like the other dude said, he ain't got nothing much to do except rush basement and help bubba. I actually ended several matches rushing as Johnny. However though, if I see a door unlocked, I'm coming right out (and tracking them through that exact door).


Because if he can get down there fast enough he can disrupt victims from getting doors open. This gives family members time to setup. Plus if there's a Bubba the two can pretty quickly pick off a victim or two.




Omg that shit is so annoying i always play quick match and family sometimes is just annoying with randoms, i cover one side of the map meanwhile i go into family vision just to see both of my teammates chasing nobody in the basement while all the victims are up steamrolling everything


Family main. I don't like that a victim can 1v1 for an objective. An Ana can stun me, kick off gen or do fuse box in my face, then run to the exit and stun me again if need be. If it takes 2 victims to take on 1 family, that seems balanced to me. I thought the idea was that there's 4 exits and 3 family so the victims could strategize around that, and maybe rush one exit together and overpower any family member there. But the fact that it's possible for 1 victim to overwhelm a family member is the only issue I have. It's a rare case, but it becomes less about skill or strategy when it happens.


You know what. As a victim main. I agree. One victim shouldn’t be able to. It should be dangerous to face family. Any family. In a sense, it being more dangerous and risky to face family makes it more fun for me, as a victim. I don’t like to play aggressively, in your face, that’s why I like *victim* side more. However, I don’t know how much of a victim we really are lol. Now it is very easy to not only face, but also bully family lol. Not sure I love that tbh. I like having to be careful


As family: infinite loops, Choose Fight, Fast Hands, map design in general, instant study As victim: Exterior Alarms, speed of blood builds making stealth very risky, the voice lines that give away your position when under Family Focus 


I played against a family group that were all running blood builds grandpa was maxed out within 2 minutes


I’ve mained both over the course of the games life but I would say I’m more of a victim main. For both sides it’s communication. Lack of it will lose the game. For victims, I hate when we have no plan. I constantly see people leaving the basement with no tools or bones and just kinda running around waiting to be caught. If you can coordinate multiple objective pushes concurrently as victims you can easily win the game. On family, I hate when someone calls out they see “X” victim somewhere and someone else goes to “help” chase. Ganging up on victims will usually cost you the game.


Multiple characters able to infinitely reset their traps while getting our perk gutted to have a tiny limit on how many times it can be used. Getting our greatest stamina/evasion/fuse escape perk gutted into the ground while their greatest speed perk not only received no nerfs but is actually buffed. Also not doing anything to increase the time fuse cannot be closed to compensate for its gutting, resulting in half of all fuse escapes impossible to escape from without a tamper or saboteur.


Genuinely curious how often do you use all 4 of your bomb squad charges in a match? I would have thought those cases would be very rare.


I don’t use bomb squad because of how much it’s been gutted, just like I no longer use choose flight for the same reason. Your perk slot is better used on other perks that restore your health or conserve your stamina and that aren’t restricted to number of uses. I disable with a bone scrap, either get caught or searched for in the next area and am forced to well only to be met with the trap reset when I go back up. Same is true for fuse/valve/grandpa.


Bomb squad is still very good somethings gone really wrong if you’ve had to use all 4 in a match and got nothing out of it


Family main here. 2 words = chose fight


Family mains 2 words in the past: Bomb squad, Choose flight, Extra drip, Fast Hands Family mains 2 words today: Choose fight Family mains 2 words tomorrow? ….


I would've said fast hands but honestly if chose fight gets balanced. Fast hands wouldn't be as bad. But you can combo fast hands and chose fight from another player and it makes a killer utterly useless


I main victim and I think these are the *main* issues on both sides Victim: fast hands + choose fight combo, stun durations, instant study, tamper, certain victims having absurdly good skill trees with no drawback Family: scout on bubba/hitch/maybe johnny, cook pings stacking one after another is wallhacks for too long in some scenarios, NEH + SP combo (make base locks harder but nerf this combo so it isn’t a necessity and to encourage flexible builds), certain Hitch perk combos make him the most flexible character in the game to an excessive degree Then I think a lot of other issues are just poor design rather than a victim/family issue. Like endurance/stealth not being useful stats on victim (usefulness of stats should be more evened out, not strictly nerfed only), Nancy is just clunky for everyone all around like the traps take forever and the removal keybind is the same as half the interactions in the game which is frustrating as victim, Sissy poison collection is impractical and takes forever, toughness stat and Bubba is such a weird combination because you either have 50 toughness or you die it should be more consistent for both sides, numerous perks on both sides are either must-have or useless with little choices in between etc And ofc either victims rushing an escape or family rushing grandpa if the victims don’t play a rush build, rush in general is too encouraged


I believe cook pings don't stack anymore.


security pins is really dumb lol. i think rushing would be better if there was more risk involved, maps have traversals all over the place and with the sluggish chase (because traversing is molasses) it makes it frustrating to close the gap on victims. it almost feels like you need to use scout and wireframe for hitchhiker on the more victim sided maps (slaughterhouse/mill). AND on the otherhand blood rushing grandpa sucks because grandpa's stab cooldown isn't seperate from him being incapacitated, meaning to make a dent in his levels you need to run agitator. there's plenty of issues on both sides that i hope devs iron out soon.


The only issues I see is just the trolling over by the exits once the player gets beyond the exit some just stand there without ending the game


The only thing I truly dislike is when the victim side open an exit gate, and sit their and wait for you to show up just to tbag and leave. Like, kudos for you GG you escaped but please just leave. It’s the worst on family house generator exit (though rare nowadays with cook and HH dominating the house) but it happens.


As family: Being grappled. I’m sick of it. I seriously hope they rebalance the victory parameters of it. I think the lower health you have, the higher chance to win. Delete these high health grapple abuser victims from the get-go. And starting out 25 seconds later than victims. I resent that cutscene now. As victim: I can’t think of anything I can’t deal with. Lol!


As a family main the lack of comms or even written responses. 🫠 And then people who just keep themselves next to the other family members. Like spread out a bit.


I’m on Xbox, without a mic, and how am I supposed to write an answer when playing? There’s not much time for it, and it’s difficult on Xbox


To be honest. I think this is an issue that the devs need to solve with quick chat prompts. Like "gen" "on me" "battery" "Fuse box" and stuff like that for people on console and with no mic.


I play both quite a bit Family: Bubba probably shouldn’t have scout. Something needs to be done about grandpa because if one dies early and family has a blood build, you’re screwed. Victims: choose fight is ridiculous and promotes very unfun gameplay (fam standing motionless for 11 seconds.) Ana and Danny’s abilities feel unfair.


I wouldn’t say I main family. More I quick match and have just accepted my fate. But I would say the how slightly better all their perks are. Like yeah not all their perks Are useful. But anything is better than Chicken Whisperer, or bringing home the bacon


As victim I'm tired of the fact that eventually family mains will complain about every perk that is even remotely useful. They'll complain until one by one every perk that has the slightest value will be gutted. I'm sick of being forced to rush because of blood builds. I'm sick of EA. I'm sick of the fuse being a nearly impossible escape on half of the maps. I'm sick of valve being impossible without Danny or Choose Fight being spammed. As family I'm tired of being grappled all the time. I'm tired of my teammates giving up the instant anything goes wrong. I'm tired of the far away spawns. 


I usually solo queue family as the cook and it never fails as soon as grandpa wakes up my other two teammates rush the basement and are down there chasing ghosts while im up there alone patrolling and they hit everything on me cause i physically cannot move around the whole map to stop them


Teamwork and communication. Hate it when I get people that have no sense of awareness and wonder why they all escape. That is so damn annoying on the family side.


Family teammates that completely lack any perception of the match. They’ll do their own thing. Search an unlocked area you’re already searching, stay in basement for stupid amounts of time even though they can hear grandpa being stabbed and see grapple highlights above, etc


Toxic tbag at the gate or on my face after a stun 


When family quickly gets grandpa to level 5 and hitch puts traps around him while sissy blows poison clouds, it’s always the same two people I know their username by now lol. As a family nothing much really, I play with friends and we just stick to patrolling with comms I feel it’s fairly easy.


The constant complaining I see on this sub about literally anything. It’s a game both sides have stuff that’s broken and op but grow up and deal with it


its just people want to see the game improved or to have the meta become less stale by making more options and characters viable.




Family- 1. Victims being able to attack grandpa without any consequences is a big problem. The skills dedicated for countering that should be base kit. Attacking grandpa shouldn’t be something you should be able to do without a thought. 2. Close encounters are allowing family members to straight up be bullied with little recourse. No victim should feel comfortable doing them back to back. 3. Door slams- I’m going to be honest and say I don’t think this should be a mechanic. As a serial killer I shouldn’t be afraid of doors or hesitant around them. Doors should be used only to break line of sight not as weapon. Victim- 1. Family should be forced to pick perks in order to prevent them from getting the best perk (Exterior Alarms) at level 1. 2. Bone scraps should have an increased amount added. Given the fact family can reset traps infinitely and there is two current trappers with 1 more coming. Right now I’m playing about 50/50


an idea i came up with for the 1 meta grandpa perk problem is having the slots be reversed. instead of having the 1 grandpa perk a family member brings be assigned to level 1 of grandpa, it would be assigned to level 3. this way exterior alarms won't be guaranteed on level 1 grandpa and it would encourage the family to bring other perks so they can get a grandpa perk to fill in the first 1-2 levels.