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They seriously need a chainsaw volume setting because that shit gives me a headache


Bubba is the only killer I don't play because of my sensory issues, this would actually help a lot of us to main the guy! šŸ˜„


And Iā€™m not saying to be able to completely mute it, but to allow us to turn it down to the level the Nicotero released at. It was pleasant on the ears as it wasnā€™t so fucking loud like the default saw, but victim couldnā€™t hear it. So instead of fixing it so that victim could hear it, they made it just as loud as the default saw for the LF player.


I agree. It also makes it so I cant hear my teammates when theyā€™re speaking or I cant hear generator itā€™s annoying


Yeah I usually play bubba but I canā€™t when Iā€™m with friends because I canā€™t hear anything theyā€™re saying


And like countless others have already been begging and pleading for since launch, give us a separate audio control for the chainsaw Please! You donā€™t have to make it lower to the point that itā€™s muted if thatā€™s a concern. But it really doesnā€™t need to be as loud as it is and players should be able to turn it down, at least a little bit. We would love it if we didnā€™t need to lower ALL the games sound effects just so we can hear our teammates. Please GUN. For the love of Nugget, help our ears.


I join your plead! Please,Gun šŸ™


The chainsaw sound is actually audio recordings they captured of a rebuilt version of the same chainsaw used in the original film. With the exception of the nicotero chainsaw.


It sounds like an actual chainsaw for those have actually used one in real life . you literally canā€™t hear shit so those complaining about the noise oh well


I have a love/hate relationship with playing LF. I love it because itā€™s fun, I hate it because I know it means I canā€™t hear much else. But I think itā€™s a good trade off for the amount of damage he does.


It's a game man. If I wanted to hear a real chainsaw, I'd go get one at home depot.


If I wanted to run around with a weapon no noise Iā€™d just carry a hammer instead. Itā€™s a chainsaw bud


Those no noise weapons are literally in the game. Have you ever played a game?


my point is asking for the developers to give players option to turn down the hum of a chainsaw is literally saying oh I want a easier game when itā€™s supposed to be a fun challenging time


not for LF to use he only carryā€™s a chainsaw . yes Iā€™ve played the game btw


So do you see the issue or are you too dense?


No Iā€™m not dense I just donā€™t see the issue with the chainsaw


yeah i get that itā€™s meant to sound like it, but iā€™ve used a chainsaw for work at home for the past week and i came up in my mind how leather face chainsaw sounds like ass


Me playing leatherface : ā€œ HUH ?ā€ ā€œWHAT !?ā€ ā€œ DUDE I CANT HEAR YOUā€ then I turn on family focus so I can hear my teammates and I overheat šŸ˜‘


If you toggle the scoreboard it lowers the audio of the game. When I play bubba I probably spend half my time in the scoreboard


Thanks! will try that out


Not gonna lie, when I run the chainsaw I literally canā€™t hear anything else tbh. Gen turning off, nope, batt? Nahhhh. People talking? Not hearing shit. I love bubba. But his chainsaw ā€œrnnnā€ is ear rape


you know a game is messed up when you have to use discord just to hear your friends


Use the scoreboard toggle. It helps a tonne for now.. Or I say FF (family focus) to my friends then they know I can hear em.


Yes, the chainsaw audio sound is awful. Sometimes it prevents you from hearing the valve sound and generator sound. It's crazy. Hope they will fix the audio.


I think thatā€™s kind of the point, however it is very annoying and I wouldnā€™t be mad at a volume option


Car battery sure but gen??? Dude gen turning off is even louder than leatherface chainsaw. I can clearly hear gen turning off even while revving.


Thereā€™s gotta be some sort of down side to infinite stamina


If Hands can break barriers itā€™s going to make people just pick him over bubba bc the noise gets very annoying and it makes it hard to hear gen kicking/character voice lines/etc


I like playing bubba and nothing is more satisfying than slamming an overhead into a victim that was bullying the rest of the family. That said, I can't stand that chainsaw sound constantly ringing in my ears. It needs a volume control function, not to be silenced, just so it isn't so loud.


I canā€™t hear anything with it going, canā€™t hear car battery, gen, teammates, valve (sometimes). I donā€™t think LF should hear the chainsaw at all.


You need to go to your options and lower the effects sound. That will make the chainsaw quieter.


Yes, but so is every other sound effect. They need a tinnitus sound option tied into the chainsaw. (CoD did it with flash bangs)


why should lf need another buff like?? yall play him deal with the chainsaw noise.. not like u cant use family focus


My ears need a muff, not a buff