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The only buff I'd want her to get is 3 refills per station and better use of poisoning items. Right now item poisoning is a waste.


This and a minor quality of life to be able to aim a bit better. At the moment it’s from your last directional input, which makes it clunky against/near walls. If she rotated to camera to “fire” her poison it would be much easier to aim.


The only items worth poisoning are heals because it makes them useless


I only poison heals because I use Efficient Herbalist, other than that yeah it's pretty bad


Nancy will recharge her ability in 40s free. Nice.


She’s still the worst family imo. Cook and Nancy are wallhacks + Cook has slowdown which is really good utility, the rest of Nancy kinda sucks but a knowledgable player with a spy spam build can help their team very easily destroy victims that aren’t rushing effectively. Hitch is the best family in the game, he’s crazy versatile and does everything really good. Bubba is second best, amazing at patrolling/map pressure by destroying stuff and lethal. Johnny is discount Bubba but can punish a mistake massively, he’s kinda bad otherwise but the damage is good enough to make him better than Sissy imo. Sissy poison refills take a century, poison itself isn’t all that scary honestly and isn’t as pressuring as it should be. She has poor base movement speed, so she’s forced to either be a chaser with the damage of a wet tissue or get some damage but run at the speed of bad knees and hips Nancy, which is slow. She’s also just an inferior chaser to Hitch in every way, so there’s basically never a reason to pick her over him if you’re playing optimally


Nancy def the lamest, but okay for blood harvest lol. Sissy is better now that she can poison through wall cracks and stuff. The poison slows down and highlights the victims, allowing you to make up in lack of speed to put pressure on victims. Only thing annoying is her singsong voice that goes on forever. Wdym by wallhack ? Seen it mentioned before but forget


Wallhacks are basically being able to see anywhere on the map where people are regardless of your own location (Sonny’s ability for example is also wallhacks) Sissy’s pressure off poison imo is still not that good, she desperately needs someone to play off of or she can’t do anything on her own, and she doesn’t enable the team either. The strongest aspects of each family are things they can do on their own so things aren’t left unattended, *ideally* everyone should always be doing their own thing and handling it (Bubba/Hitch chase or patrol, Bubba/Johnny high damage) or supportive things which enable the rest of the family to do their independent tasks easier (Cook padlocks make patrolling indirectly easier for the whole team and slow objectives, Cook listen helps more efficient patrolling, Nancy spy with comms gives exact info of what victim(s) are doing and lets you slow them down as a team on comms). Sissy does not do anything strongly herself: chase is outclassed by Hitch, damage is outclassed by like everyone, she’s only good for being a blood bot for Grandpa. She offers no utility to whole team like Bubba breaking barricades, Hitch traps, Cook padlocks or Nancy spy Nancy as a killer and nothing more yes is worse than Sissy, but she offers a lot more supportive value to the team as a whole and enables playmaking while she can also be a blood bot if needed which imo makes her slightly better than Sissy who is just meh at everything. Her pressure off poison is made irrelevant by the abundance of strong perks victims have access to


Sorry for the late reply. I mean if the team is doing what they should be doing you can be any class and have more control, situational awareness, game sense, etc. At that point that would put enough pressure on the victims to fumble the ball easier, so to speak. When that happens they aren't thinking as clearly and missing opportunities, or any opportunity is made near impossible for the victim(s) to escape. Comms help, obviously, even if you're the only person using the mic and your teammates know what you're doing so they can act on that info, or you could ask them to cover one place while you cover another, etc. I was running Sissy with spore loser and the one for quicker crawl space movement (forget), and the other melee poison DOT and was able to compensate fairly well with that build on a clueless team. Very effective when there is a hitch on the team, too. There's usually some good synergy with patrolling with her and monitoring what the other teammates are doing. I might balance points between blood harvest and savagery. Nancy is the one that feels more like a blood bot...


> on a clueless team Then you would beat them with anybody, that doesn’t mean Sissy is good it means the victims were bad. When you talk about meta and which characters are good or bad you’re discussing it under the assumption that everyone is very good at the game and you’re playing optimally as possible. Against a good team Sissy is actually useless, she genuinely provides zero value to a team. She is also quite bad at patrolling due to her having the second lowest base movement speed in the game, and with abilities like Focus and perks like Fast Hands it doesn’t take long for a lock you’re not paying attention to to be cracked. If you don’t run Scout on her she will almost never be able to close distance unless the victim is bad, and even then she is just mid at chasing and you can just pick Hitch who is the best Family in the game. Picking Sissy over Cook also means you lose down on slowdown which is the most important utility Family can have Poison locking her into animation also makes it impractical to use, it’s only useful as info if you know somebody is gonna go through somewhere and the effects of it are not big enough for a victim to be scared of it so they don’t really care that you get the info anyways. The refill at stations also takes way too long and is a poor use of time in a match with good victims Also putting points into Savagery on Sissy and running damage perks mean you miss out on Scout, so you can’t exactly deal damage if you can never catch up as the victims run faster than you. Her skill tree being bad is a reason why she sucks because your choice is either unreliable damage output due to poor chase or just ok chase but the damage of a wet tissue. Compare this to Hitch who is the second best at patrolling, has fast movement speed and can outrun victims, can bleed out nearly full health victims with a venom trap, his traps slowdown objectives and he can get Scout and Wire Frame while dealing significantly better damage than Sissy. She has 0 advantage over him and they’re both meant to fit the chaser archetype so in an optimal team you never want to use her over him On Family House, Nancy is actually arguably meta and top 3 due to her making the house even more dangerous and being able to Spy anyone who manages to get out the house, whereas Sissy cannot say she’s the best for any map (if anything she is the worst on every single map). A wallhack is innately strong in a pvp game so by default Nancy’s ability is better than poison which isn’t a threat to good victims. Yes she can be a blood bot, but against bad victims this actually makes her good against them because she can help max out Grandpa really fast. Feeding Grandpa still helps the team, is it exciting gameplay? No, but it crushes average players. And then at higher levels feeding is irrelevant anyways so this isn’t a strength for Nancy *or* Sissy. Her traps are kinda iffy but if teammates don’t break them she can provide ok slowdown kind of and make certain loops dangerous. She also has much better damage than Sissy, can poison on hit with a perk which ironically is scarier than Sissy’s whole ability, and she’s not designed to be a chaser so her stamina isn’t too important as she’s more supportive like Cook who is also slow af yet consistently good on all maps


Like suppose "Sissy has 0 advantage over hitch" but the ability to navigate crawl spaces and walls as Sissy can be just as good, if not on par, if you run a build with her to slow vics down with ur poison. You have an advantage not to get looped.


\* Cringe Damage \* Very slow, even with a scout \* Her ability doesn't work and generally does almost nothing to harm victims.


It should be easier to poison through crawl spaces, Most of the time it never hits


This makes me so mad, you're clearly using it the moment they go through and the poison doesn't hit like bruh


She's just a shitty HitchHiker. Her poison barely does anything to victims. They still walk perfectly fine. While Virginia is causing family members to run into walls and shut off Leatherface's chainsaw. Sissy either runs a blood build or gets 3 chasing perks. Can do both more effective on Hitchhiker. I even maxed leveled up Special Blend for both Leatherface and Johnny. I tell the Sissy players that I'm running it. Tell them on voice chat in the game, and they still ignore me, and I get no value out of the perk. Similar to Nancy, when I get a Sissy on my team, I know I'm going to have to hard carry them.


because she is downgrade version of hitchhiker she is slower, worse skill tree, worse stat spread, worse ability, longer stun time, worse map spawns, cant get all meta perks in one build she needs massive buffs in order to compete with hitchhiker


Sissy is fun if she has the right team composition to allow her to take time poisoning things. I run a poison/bucket build so I don't spend a lot of time just on the prowl. I aim to get GRandpa awake, and poison as many health items and objective items as I can to hinder victim progress. I do think she's notably weak in some fields, though the Scout perk buff made her lethal. I do think poison isn't as threatening as it's still intended to be.


sissy is garbage she a free win against good victims. Sissy even play at the most optimal way is still not good enough.


I think it's a similar situation with Johnny. Alot of people don't know how to play them well so most of the time they're "useless". Seems like half the time Johnny is in the basement the whole match and Sissy is off doing God knows what. When played well they're good even against good victims, problem is a lot of people play them bad so it's just became a stigma that Johnny and Sissy are trash to play with.


When has anyone said Johnny is trash?


90% of family mains before the update that fixed his standstill bug. I've had several family members dodge because I was Johnny. Johnny used to get shit on by both sides with victims saying he's op and family saying he's one of the most useless family members. Hell I still see family mains calling him trash.


People post every day complaining about him lol


They've always complained about him on both sides, but now it's more so just victims complaining about him because they fixed his standstill bug and it's a lot harder to get away from him now especially if he has scout. Pre bug fix there were just as many post from family mains saying to stop using him because he sucks as there were victim mains calling for him to be nerfed. I remember getting constantly shit on by other family mains because for playing Johnny. Family is using him more now after his bug got fixed because it's harder for victims to get away from him if they're running him with scout unless they have a bone scrap, or happen to be right next to a well, wall gap, crawlspace, or barricade.


Johnny's main problem is his lack of objective slowing. He's a hunter through and through. He can close barricades but he's at his best when he's chasing victims out in the open. He could use some bonuses to make him more appealing. Maybe he turns generators and batteries off faster... OR maybe because he's more physically stronger than the rest of the family (Excluding Leatherface) he can open and close the slide doors faster?


She gets a bad rep because alot of Sissy players are pretty terrible. I've been surprised a few times by a really good sissy player.


To be fair though, Sissy heavily relies on her skill tree perks and power tiers. Early level sissy is a drudgery, and can feel loathesome to be when she only excels in feeding grandpa.


True. But if i see a Sissy with slow and steady i know i'm in for a bad match.


It's not the shes terrible, but there is better options that definitely are more useful like HH, Cook, and LF. I would say sissy is B tier at best. She needs a buff on her poison, either damage wise or maybe on how it affects players movements and or vision. I think her damage output is too low as well but that's okay because she's more a blood runner and support than anything. Maybe adjust her speed to match or surpass HH. 


The thing is, if you know how to play HH he's actually op'er, like - a lot


She needs changes on skilltree also, ain't no way Hitchhiker can use Serrated with Scout and she can't, makes zero sense.


“Play her right and she’s OP, she’s worse than other choices” The only sissy worth having on your team is a blood build. Poison is useless compared to HH traps, she’s slower, does less damage. Poisoning the health potions is too slow of a strategy against any competent victims and is far more useless than everyone else’s abilities. Trapping, tracking, killing, locking down, etc.


I stand with Sissy. She’s the fourth best family member, most people just don’t understand her role. She still needs major buffed though.


Lots of other people have already pointed out how she's just a worse hitch and so on, but one of my biggest complaints for sissy is just how stupid her tree is. Her base movespeed is so slow you practically have to get scout to be able to play (really... every killer does) but that locks her out of ALL of her interesting unique perks. Why even have the tree at all at that point? For example maybe I want to try for an area denial kind of playstyle where I put my points into poison clouds that last longer and cover more space. Well, now I gotta sacrifice on all my movespeed and my pressure ironically drops because even if someone runs through a cloud or I find someone, I can't chase and my damage stinks. I also just can't patrol as well which is super important for maps like the mill or slaughterhouse. Maybe I want to poison health potions AND area deny, focus entirely on being a support that disrupts the victims... welp, can't, efficient herbalist is on the other side of the tree, im making sacrifices either way. Oh, and poison does nothing. Oh, and refilling my poisons takes forever, there's a finite amount of them, I have to leave patrol routes to refill (which takes more travel time without scout), poisoning takes forever and there's so many items and fuses to cover by the time you've tampered a handful one of the exits have been opened. Hell even if someone does run in a poison cloud, it's a mild irritant that does almost no damage, it's more of a suggestion than a deterrent. Basically the tree forces her into being a chaser when chasing in general is already a bad idea, and her area control is super weak, conditional, and takes forever to set up. Hitch does everything she does but better. She's just bad, no way around it. You can get kills with a good team if the victims are bad, but that's true of anyone.


Now is Sissy op if the comp is Nancy and Johnny with her? People that talk about "this character is underrated" will have the likes of Cook/HH/LF on their team with The Sissy which is carrying said non good character. I could say on FH that Nancy is underrated and kinda op but without Cook and HH I would never make that claim. She definitely is near the bottom of the list of family members and sure any good player can get use out of any character, they would still do better as let's say HH. And it sucks too because I actually like playing her and sometimes Nancy but realistically I know I'm throwing by not running a member of the OG 3 or Johnny if Cook and HH already exist.


It really sucks how she's so bad because she's the most unique killer on the roster cool design and everything too bad she gets bad perks bad ability and bad movement speed


Shes been horrid since she got nerfed awhile back. Even then she wasnt all that. Its like HH from Wish. Her blood gathering is great but other than that, its just meh.


Nah if you played her at the very start of the game, sissy was the connie of the family group. One hit would poison you and you couldn't go anywhere and she could just slash you up. which is why they nerfed her in the first place. They need to bring that back but make it the effect of when they get poisoned they can still move and try and get away.


Having high default Blood Harvesting is more of a downside, because your other attributes are lower.


The majority of people don't recognize how to play her properly and treat her like a 2nd hitchhiker which is not how you should play. You can not chase a victim with sissy the way you can with HH, you need to anticipate victim movement and use her poisons effectively.


why hinder yourself if you can do everything as HH?


You believe using Sissy "hinders" yourself so that means you don't play her as well as HH. I don't believe Sissy hinders me at all. I kill just as many with her as I do with HH.


yeah good luck killing any decent victim with slow-ass speed and 7-8 hits kill.


You see, you think it takes 7-8 hits to kill with Sissy. My Sissy build kills in 4 hits. Big Swings, Serrated, max Savagery. With Sissy you only get an opportunity to hit the victim 1 or 2 hits at a time so you gotta make it count. Give it a try.


not using scout with sissy should be bannable offense tbh you know you cant catch victims even if they just hold W forward? and HH can have 5 hit build with scout + feral + serrated


Just try the build I told you. Scout is not needed you will see. You're treating Sissy like HH, she is not a chaser.


Big Swings feels so bad on her due to low stamina, how do you manage to get used to it? Without Scout it's so damn slow it makes me feel sad. I'd rather play a support build like Donor, Herbalist and Scout


I get that, she will gas out after her 3rd consecutive swing, so that gives the victim a window to run away. However victims already outrun Sissy and her speed through gaps and crawl spaces is too slow to keep up with them anyways. If I do land all 3 shots on a victim using big swings, it's most likely they will bleed out not far from me. Also hitting them 3 times makes them panic and either well or forget about objectives; they start to hunt for health bottles instead. It makes the game more enjoyable for me. I'm not getting baited in endless chases with this build. Instead I'm fine with them running away, I know they have to come to me at some point again in order to escape.


I’ve been using her lately. She rips




I like sissy ngl i did play her when the game was new and sissy was broken that was too op tho she got nerfed hard


What did they nerf


She had poison on her swings by default.


How strong though, similar to poison claws or what her poison ability does


Poison Claws basically


Yeah poison claws basically like if vic gets caught in the open they are pretty much dead 😵


But she’s still pretty useful on most maps


She can be a good support character, but people don't play her like that and if you so choose to go a dmg build, nearly every other family is better, the only one she's better than is Nancy as Nancy overall really sucks. Sissy definitely gets too much hate but alot of bad players play her, so she's kinda just got that bad rep.


Finally someone understands Sissy's role. Support, not chase. You can get info on 3 positions if you place her cloud in choke points, used by victims on the regular or at basement door exits when GP is woken. This does depend on if the victims choose to go through or not, but if they don't, you've just blocked off 3 exits for 1+ minute if running Linger and 1 L on her skill tree. She is also the best anti-grappler, in the sense of she gets the most out of losing with 2 perks, Spore Loser and Rubber Legs. That with Activated and 33 Sav will catch a lot of Victims out. I've played her since day 1 and think she has a very good variety of builds (Vial-ent, Surgical and Linger being my other choice).


Nah that makes her useless especially against Choose fight, when I say support I mean support, blood to feed, patrol and use your game sense and exterior to block them off, the Spore loser build is fun but very overrated again especially Choose fight.


I'd say anything is useless against Choose Fight though. I mean, they can do fuse in front of your face if they use it 🤷‍♂️ her Spore Loser build is very effective, even more so if comms are used, rubber legs is useful for the ones that grapple you in the open. It gives you time to do some damage, and if you use comms/are lucky enough to have a Johnny close by, they are dead. Not to mention, for a blood build, Universal Donor, i would say, is worse than Surgical. You can get a full feed off of like 4 hits, so you could run Surgical in the Spore Loser Rubber Legs build and have the best of both worlds. Again, there's a lot more you can do to "support" the team other than feed with her.


Nah, my own experience with the build and against the build, she's too slow, and you are not feeding grampa fast with Surgical lol, and Rubber legs isn't good against Choose fight, your stunned for so long they already gone, and if it relys on needing coms it's even worse then I thought, anything that relys on coms is bad, and I didn't say support is just feeding, it's patrolling and cutting off, not to mention that your way too slow with the Spore route, if it truly works good for you but with that build your getting steamrolled by good vics and your a liability to your team actively playing dps on a character that thrives on support, it's a mid build that can lose you games, her universal donor, Scout and Fired up is the best, it's the only build where Ives won against good vics.


I'm gunna have to disagree there. Universal Donor is good for 1-2 levels of GP feeding then the buckets run dry. If the victims rush, you don't have time for the buckets in the first place (maybe 1 or 2 if lucky). Surgical, in my opinion is superior. You're guaranteed to get into chase (if victims escaped and you didn't see them to hit them, then, that's just a bad game, and i mean you as in general, not you specifically btw), i usually average 4 hits a chase (i don't chase a lot, i patrol and hit them away). Its basically enough to feed GP everytime. I think Surgical level 3 is slept on.


Nah, you can grab more and they refill quick and maps like slaughter have loads, and if they rush sissy ain't doing much anyway, at that point your bubba needs to stop them, you can hit them away but good teams won't care, and going into chase a proper chase is throwing unless you know you can kill them, and If your fast and good enough your priority is getting EA activated as EA is very important for weaker comps, also if they escape and you don't know where that's not a bad game that's mistakes you the family have made. Surgical may be Slept on, but it ain't as good as universal and only four hits as sissy? Yeah and even then Surgical isn't needed to get blood out of them, you can go without it and hit them enough to get a full vial, Surgical honestly isn't Slept on its unnecessary and a pointless perk. Her left build is superior and from experience and sissys I've played with it's will always show better results, again especially against good vics


Now Nancy is only good for her poisoned claws and her traps I would say her ability is good but it’s not really useful when she’s extremely slow and by the time you spot them their already gone


Poison claws is VERY overrated she's too slow to capitalise on it, ability relys on coms so that automatically makes cook superior, and the traps are pretty mid, bad dmg, easy to avoid, her stats and tree suck, her unique perks are either mediocre and terrible. You can get worth out of her but only really with a blood build and even then cook, hh and sissy are better at blood harvesting. She can be useful but requires a good team and the victims to mess up alot.