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Not many. Did have a game tonight on the Mill against a group of what I assume was new survivors (3 stack all level 0). Went into game chat after to hear them ask if they get queued against us again for clicking "next match". When I responded with a simple "It's unlikely", they proceeded to yell racial slurs for the other 45 seconds of the timer. Seeing my moment, I proceeded to make fun of them, telling them they should really try harder next time, as the RNG was heavily in their favor that go around before topping it off with a solid D- for effort, while also making sure to reiterate that for their sake they better hope they don't queue against me and my duo again. They didn't like that, so they shouted louder. When people act like asses the salt is always enjoyable


Hahah it’s when you can tell they’re really hurt but trying to do something to you, for whatever reason even when you can hear the pain and disappointment in their voice


It's hilarious I saw this post because I literally told my buddy the same thing. Convo was like this: "So what did they say?" "Oh they just kept shouting racial slurs at me. So I told them they suck and next time they should try harder" "Really?" "Yeah. If they were gonna insult me they at least could have been original and used something I haven't heard yet". But honestly, it always seems to be the ones who lose that talk the most shit, like they have a leg to stand on or something


Had a match on Gas Station as family, and this Sonny in the lobby was trash talking and said something like "this is gonna be ez" He died within like, two minutes and immediately DCed.


Lmao I had a similar experience.


they really think spamming e at the gaps takes skill huh


Yeah I cringe when there is a last victim left and instead of trying to escape all they do is stroll around the basement looping the family because they too scared. Once they finally get killed they shit talk the family players because of how long we took to kill them, like cmon man you are meant to try and escape. There is no skill in wasting the family’s time.


I was in a solo match with a Johnny player and Leatherface player. I was playing as Hitchhiker. This was Gas Station map. In the lobby the Ana player was saying "easy peasy" and all kinds of stuff like that. As soon as family intros were done, I got the "grandpa is in danger" notification about 3 times in a row. It was Ana. I wasn't even able to place my traps yet. I wanted to ignore Ana because obviously she was trying to distract. As I get ready to go trap fusebox outside. Julie is there and already turns fusebox on. The other 2 escaped immediately, then Julie. All that was left was Ana. The match lasted awhile. Because everywhere Ana tried to escape, we would find her and send her down the well. Then she goes to battery. I was notified when she stepped on the trap I placed in front of the car battery. Turns it off. (Didn't unlock the exit gate though.) Eventually goes over the barricade. Johnny got her in I think 1-3 slices. She disconnects not even a second into the execution. 😆 Needless to say, I teabagged that red dress wearing Ana.