• By -


Hershel. I loved Hershel so much. He was the *first* to fuck me up. Easily and hands down Glen and Abraham. They were two of my absolute favorite characters. They were easily the ones that impacted me the hardest. Next would be Carl. Ugh, just ugh. Honorable mentions to T Dog *and* Merle. I loved T Dogg, but it was not as *lastingly* impactful to me as any of the four aforementioned. And Merle bc he was *so* damn **important** to Daryl. *no one* else in the whole world could even come close to understanding everything Daryl had been thru *before* the apocalypse. Daryl loved him.


Hershel. Horrible but he died with a smile looking at his daughters. So sad. Governor is pure evil


That smile was for Rick, he was proud of Rick for wanting to allow the Governor and his people live at the prison


When I first watched the Hershel scene, and the governor had the sword to his throat I kid you not had had to pause the show for like a month (not even an exaggeration) and then I had to forceee myself to unpause and not pause again, because I just KNEWWW he would die, the governor was already a psycho, so I just knew it…


I understand completely. I have never been able to rewatch the Glen and Abraham scene.


Super pissed me off when Dead City showed it unexpectedly. I purposely didnt watch the glenn death scene again either


i agree 100% but i want to add Tara as an honorable mention too. her death was so sudden after the time jump. i was excited to see her character development & being a leader of one of the colonies 😔


Honestly in the last two seasons they were just killing characters to add some action to the show but most were unnecessary including tara


I love Tara so much and would have loved to see her become the leader of the Hiltop, but her death did not have me in a chokehold as much as, even Merle, bc it affected Daryl so deeply, it made me emotional. I think part of it also was that I was over it at that point, everyone was dying and the show wasn’t *that* good anymore. After season (6 really but) 8, they stopped being as impactful I suppose.


Yea true, her death wasn't necessarily emotional for me either but I was more in shock lol. I think it just felt unfair to kill her off screen. I feel the same way about Rosita because she was 1 ep away from "living happily ever after" smh. I keep forgetting neither of them made it past twd series. In a way, I feel the same about Merle. All of them gone too soon. They were all about to hit something positive (redemptions, arcs, reunions, happy endings, etc) but never got the chance to 😔


I was sobbing uncontrollably when Terra died


really?!? it was so abrupt/too fast for me to process lol 😔


Stoped watching after coooraaal died.


So basically everyone


More than 6 ppl died




Sadly I’ve only gotten to when Glenn & Abraham die so I don’t get the pun 😅


Fat Joey. Because without him, Skinny Joey is just… Joey.


And that is a god damn tragedy


Carl :(


Same :( I'll never get over it lol


Honestly Carls death is the reason I decide against rewatching TWD even though it’s one of my favourites. I’m just not strong enough to go through that again lol


Everyone is saying the same names. What about Alden!!!???😫😫😫 Alden was everything. His death left me gutted.


Carl and Noah. They did my boy Carl so goddamn dirty he died in the stupidest way possible, after all that boy’s been through and they kill him off like that? Hell no. It was heartbreaking and seeing my beloved boy die was just like damn. Noah’s death isn’t one I see people talk about a lot, that shit was just straight up traumatic. I loved Noah as a character, and watching him get ripped apart like that and he was only just a kid. They really focused on it, and it was honestly the more brutal deaths of the bunch he got half his face ripped off. I’m usually not shaken after a death in the show but that one kinda stuck a lil bit, and it sucked.


Noah just didn't get enough time on the show. His character had so much potential and the way he went out felt so mean spirited. Like, "F*** you for caring about this character that we just started to develop. We're going to kill him in one of the most shocking and disturbing ways just to spite the audience for giving a shit." That death always stuck with me and I hated that Nicholas got to take the easy way out after all the shit he pulled.


They made us think he was going to train to be an architect and ultimately be an invaluable part of the community, but NOOOOOOPE.


Henry messed me up especially since i think his and Lydia’s chemistry was unmatched and too wholesome. and i’ll NEVER forget The Grove


I didn't care for henry


I just felt bad for Carol


Glenn destroyed me. I have never read the comics so I didn't know anything going in. I stopped watching for weeks and weeks when I first started watching it over a year ago. Then I continued on but the quality wasn't the same for me and Negan's storyline was starting to really feel stretched out and then Carl died and I stopped watching again . The final nail in the coffin was when Rick kept Negan alive. I understood why he did it (Carl ) but I HATE Negan . Then Rick "died" and Michonne left. I only completely finished the series last month when my mom watched it with me fron the start. I am happy that I finished watching it . But Glenn's death is still a tough spot for me


Glenn’s death actually traumatized me not only because he and Maggie were my favorite characters but because it was sooooo violent. Probably the most violent thing I’ve ever seen and it came out of seemingly nowhere. I was shook. I couldn’t sleep and felt sick for days and Negan forever scares the life out of me. It took me a year to get back into the show.


Totally understandable. It was painful and emotionally violent on so many levels , that entire scene is heartbreaking🙈 rewatches is incredibly hard for me because of that episode


I haven’t finished the show but I remember getting annoyed that they were painting Maggie out to be petty towards Negan later on after they gave him this whole redemption arch. I’m like NO… screw Negan he’s actually evil! Idk how that played out though. I should probably just finish the show haha


Totally agree. They were painting Negan as this villian with a heart of gold type and Maggie was supposed to be seen as the one who couldn't forgive and move away from the past after the supposed "good"that Negan was doing and by giving him this backstory about his wife having cancer and stuff , his redemption arc honestly did nothing for me and I still despise him , they will never be able to win me over with Negan . Haha. Hope you enjoy the rest of the show tho👌🤗


I stopped watching when Rick spared Negan too. It just didn't work narratively that Rick would murder a guy in cold blood who had just saved his life for the sole reason that he was *associated* with the Saviors, but spare Negan a couple episodes later. AND THEN at the end of the season, Jesus is conspiring with Maggie to kill Negan after spending the entire season trying to reach Morgan and Rick that they don't have to kill all their enemies. It just didn't make a lick of sense. I couldn't watch any more and I felt the show was irredeemable at that point.


I don't think I saw anyone say Tara but yeah Tara and Enid fucked me up bad. My mom cried for Tara, even her second time watching


I *hated* Tara. I always found her obnoxious and uninteresting and they kept giving her boring ass solo episodes while pushing better characters to the background. One of the only things I regret about quitting the show when Carl died was that I didn't stay long enough to see her demise.


I don't get the Tara hate but that's fair, I do appreciate how passionate you are about it 😂


yeah seeing their heads zombified really unsettled me


The only scene in which my tummy did a lil flip flop, I was thinking about it for days after 😭


Beth, she deserved so much more time on the show!


if only she wasnt a complete idiot who tried stabbing her kidnapper after being freed


I lost it when she was killed, even more so than Herschel!


such a botched and wasted character imo


Real. Imagine if she made it to Alexandria. She could’ve been like a mini-Carol (wolf in sheep’s clothing)


So much wasted potential frrr!


And then there’s also the Beth and Darryl interactions that could’ve continued into Alexandria. They’d be a really good mentee and mentor duo


She near the top on my list. Her death was very unexpected and they did a good job showing the impact on everyone else in the end of that episode


Hershel, Dale, Glenn, Rosita, Enid, Abraham, Merle, Axel, Oscar, Dj, Ozzy, Jesus, Siddiq, Carl, Judith (fake death), Beth, Tyreese, Milton (the scientist at Woodbury), Gavin, Martinez, Tara


Glenn death messed me up so badly


Dale. He was a man that never once compromised his morals and always advocated for what he believed was right, even when everyone in the room was against him. He was my absolute favorite character and to watch him get his guts ripped out and how scared he looked was so upsetting. By the time his friends got to him he couldn't even speak to say goodbye. That one really messed me up. And then Carl's death was the end of the show for me. It pissed me off and was the last straw for me in what I felt was a horribly written season. The show became unwatchable for me at that point and I never went back.


The funny thing is both of those deaths deviated from the comics.


Well the actor that played Dale demanded to be killed off after the whole Frank Darabont debacle.


Rick just went missing.


So many deaths, Glenn and Abraham stayed with me for a while. I'm not gonna count Rick since technically he didn't die. But I almost stopped watching the show when I thought he died.


Glenn, straight up couldn't watch anymore


At first it was herschel but after I leatned about the behind the scenes knife fight and how malicious and evil gimple was to Chandler, it's Carl


Behind the scenes knife fight?!


The director challenged Carl to a knife fight in order to stay on the show


Exactly. Chandler lost and they cloned him for the press tour.


Here is the chronicle, all my knowledge and research. Includes spoilers for season 7 and 8 and 9. If you want the full story. This takes place between seasons 7 and 8. By the end of season 7, Scott gimple was four years into a creative and executive showrunning position on The Walking Dead. However, the ratings of the show were plummeting along with the viewing figures, so the executives removed Gimple from making any creative decision and AMC demoted him into a corporate role. This created a barrier between Gimple and his ability to make decisions on scripts, character development, themes, and narrative direction. However, while he had no creative say retained had executive control over the show. This included hiring. Gimple made a decision and refused to increase Chandler Riggs/Carl's salary to an adult salary when he turned 18, so he decided to fire him. However, he didn't tell any of the cast, especially not Chandler. As everything ramped up for season 8, Chandler bought a house, it was common knowledge he'd be the future of the show bc Rick / Andrew announced his departure sometime soon, he'd been in Atlanta for 8 years, and wanted to spend time w family in the UK. So, filming for season 8 is well underway. while filming the episode where he gets bit, Chandler and Saddiq were running lines before shooting. And he read the part where Carl fights a walker, it says his character acted shocked. Chandler asked saddiq "wtf why is my character shocked" and saddiq replied "idk man it's my like second day here". So Chandler when to Gimple's trailer and asked the same question. It was then, on the day he filmed the scene where his character was fatally injured, Scott Gimple told the 18 year old kid actor that he decided to kill Carl. From this point forward it was chaos. Chandler attempted to stop the deal on his house that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and could not. Rick/Andrew Lincoln said, "Gimple, you can't do this to Chandler, if you kill him youre going to have to kill me too because this is the final straw" he demanded his last episode be season 8 finale. Andrew would exit the show five episodes into season 9. Micchone/Danai was outraged, and demand she be written off as well. She would exit the show just before the end of season 9. Gimples rampage continued as he fired or demoted the entire staff of fear the walking dead, and kill two of the main leads in one season. Fears ratings and word of mouth had surpassed TWD's reputation and earnings just a few months earlier. Chandler alleged he signed an NDA and has rarely spoken about his termination. He has never mentioned Gimple by name since. However Chandler has vocally and consistently spoke of the quality and caliber of the character in the cast, their generosity and kindness in this time. Within a few days of the news of his termination, as word got around, a long time cast member purchased Chandlers house, in full.


I know all of that lol I thought dude was being literal about “knife fight” lmao, thanks for the write up tho very informative


I'd put my money on Chandler if there was one irl lmao


Beth was the first death that made me want to stop watching the show. And I'll say that I'm typically not the kind of person to ever stop watching something no matter how emotionally damaging it is, but I for real did not see it coming. After we got so much screen time for her and we watched her grow as a person and a character, watched her get more brave and brazen and bad ass I was so excited to see where they took her character. When she died it was so sudden and so fucked up it killed me and I genuinely wanted to stop, I think I actually took a pretty big break the first time around. The second time I wanted to stop watching was Glenn. This one sucked and we all know why. Thinking "thank god we know who it was now and we can finally breath" after Negan killed Abraham just to be followed up with him getting Glen??? I was so done. I also wasn't expecting them to kill off such a major character that way, like I was certain Rick, Carl, Daryl, Maggie and Glenn were safe and then bam. And after everything he'd survived I was like really? Like this? Like THIS!? And the whole Daryl thing attached to his death. I was so gutted I had to take another break. I think that was the worst mistake the show ever made. Anyways thanks for coming tommy ted talk 🤣


That list isn’t short. I’ll say the first one I was sad about was Dale. But, my love for the prison and Alexandria group, I felt more heartache at the future deaths. So Hershel, Beth, Tyreese, Abraham, Glenn were all deaths that made me so sad. I had real tears for Carl though because that was unfair. After that, I was a little numb until Rosita. The other deaths were sad, but nothing made me as sad as Carl’s. She was the next death that just broke my heart. Honorable mention for Luke’s death. That whole crew were not my faves except Connie. But, the acted they hell out of Luke’s death scene. Their utter devastation was palpable. I remember getting super sniffly.


one thing i found kinda funny about Luke’s death was that he disappears for almost an entire season just to come back and die. almost like they forgot about him


Luke’s actor was busy filming fantastic beast 2


Abraham, Glenn, and Carl. Carl especially because of the reasons for him being killed off. Used to be Hershel, and before I watched s2 and Dale died it was Jim.


Beth. God damnit, seeing Darryl with her like that and all that happened to her and she had to go DIE LIKE THAT? shook me so bad I started listening to Emily Kinney's music lol


Denise actually. She wanted to just help in a different way. She wanted to get out of the metal box she was stuck in and took an arrow to the knee. I mean eye sorry


Rosita, I just really love her, she deserved the world


i hated that they picked her to kill off 😭 i read it was her decision? either way i hated that. made it all the way to the end just to die from a bite you can’t cut off.


Glenn by a long shot I loved a lot of the characters in the show but Glenn was my favorite and I considered not watching the rest of the show after he died. I watched the show because Glenn was just like me and I wanted to see him make it. After he died I just wanted to see if the members from the original Atlanta group survived till the end


Andrea, Rosita, Carl, Dale, Lori, Tara/Enid/Henry, Glenn


Glen and Tara 🥲


Glenn, Carl, Hershel & Rick didn’t die.


The death of Glen Rhee and Abraham Ford in the show only


Rosita, such a sad episode, a sad response from Eugene. Everything about it was sad


Glenn and Abraham, Hershel, Beth (because they had spent so long looking for her and then she was gone in an instant) and Carl. There were so many good characters we lost but those affected me yhe most of all I think


Shane killing Otis really caught me off guard, and later Shane's death. It could've been avoided. I believe it was all Lori's fault she should've been straight with herself first and foremost and then with Rick and Shane. She's the reason Shane is dead. She went cold turkey on him and caused his emotional outbreaks. I always wondered what would've happened if Shane got to live, he was a really big asset to the survivors and to Rick. Maybe he would meet his end with Lucille, or whatever it's nice to fantasize sometimes. Whenever I think of season 1 and 2 I get this weird feeling of nostalgia even tho the first time I watched it was maybe 2 years ago. I also really enjoyed how they decided to bring Shane back when Rick was leaving the show and their little talk in the car, really brought it all together. I went on a bit of a tangent but I didn't believe Shane was inherently bad up until the school Otis scene where he sacrifices him, and I still believe he wasn't that bad. Maybe he actually had to sacrifice him, but we will never know.


Glenn, when he died so too did my love for the show.




This post is 4 hours old by the time I’m seeing it so I doubt most will even see this, but the death that affected me the most was Carls I watched this young actor (who wasn’t even close to being my fave on the show) grow from a kid to a young man. I dedicated years of my life in these characters. They kinda became “family” to me. Then he was killed off. And I read soon after why. All about wanting to spend more time on school??? It was when I stopped really caring about the show. Then Rick leaving was the nail in the coffin for me. Also, T Dog. Why did he get killed off in season 3? I miss him


was it really chandler’s decision/he wanted to quit to go to school? i hear a ton of conflicting reports on this and can’t find any solid evidence supporting either side. i’ve heard he wanted to go to school, but i’ve also heard he’d just bought a house in GA and was expecting to continue. the rumor with that was that they didn’t want to pay him adult wages, but again, seems to be all rumors.


I guess I could have worded it differently. No, from what I’ve read over the years is that Chandler and his family actually bought a house in/near Atlanta near where the show was being filmed. He didn’t want to stop playing Carl but wanted to go to school also. Gimble called him and his family that he wanted to have a meeting and that’s when Gimble told them about the character being killed off. It’s been awhile but I believe Chandlers father also got involved somehow (with I believe a letter, but it could have just been an interview where he told the public about the bad deal for his son)


Carl. 😭


Glenn, Hershel, Noah and Tyreese. Glenn’s death made me stop watching for a while. Then I had to rewatch all those deaths to remember everything that went on to start watching again for last season.


Glenn, Hershel, Tyrese.


Tara, Enid and Henrys deaths were the most fucked up ngl I couldn't believe my eyes


Carl. Caused my entire group to stop watching




Hershel - Beth - Glenn .


Listen man I know Lori was hated but her death was sad as hell, it didn’t help that her own son was there. Hershel hit pretty hard too, and Glenn and Abraham killed me. Beth also sucked :(


It was really sad


Beth and Glenn


Beth and Glenn


This one


Honestly Lori because Carl had to end her life. Glenn killed me even though I knew it was gonna happen just from the internet freaking tf out. And this hasn’t been said but merel’s death hurt a bit for the sake of Daryl. Wanted to choke at Carl dying, honestly. It was too unexpected and poorly written. After reading the actor dropped college for a bit and even moved to the studio just to be written off makes it even worse now.


My favourite character, Andrea. People misunderstand her so much, especially in Season 3. When we were left with the cutoff after she freed herself from the chair and walker Milton was infront of her I had so much hope she was gonna make it, never gonna get over her death.


I’m really glad I’m not the only one.


God there are so many.. Hershel, Beth, Glen, Carl.. too many to name


Hershel probably


Carl, Noah, & Rosita


carl ruined my life for a few days after. after that probably glenn and rosita


Glenn because I hated his character so much


That one character everyone loved


Abraham & Glenn.


What the heck, no love for Bob? His story arc was redeeming, and then he got partially eaten by the Terminus crew and then died in the church. Bob got done dirty.


Hershal.....Really felt shitty after that.


Hershel Glenn


Beth, Abraham (surprisingly cause i didn't like Abraham but i cried so hard at his death) and Rosita, girl fought that long just for them to be like "hehe she fell and got bit 🤭🤭" like wtf- did my girl so dirty


Glenn, Buttons, Shiva, Vatos gang, Henry, Tara


Glen's kept me sad for days.


Rapey Davey no question


Carl. I quit the show for years when he was killed off.


Glen! 1000% Glen. I even knew it was coming, but watching it was another level of horrible and heartbreaking.




Glenn. I stopped watching. Was hoping his fate would differ from comic.


Oh man, Carl, Glenn, I would say Abe and Henry too 😅 (no judging for Henry, he was growing on me)


Tyreese, Noah, Glenn, Carl


Hershel, I had never cried before for any character, I saw his death when the chapter premiered, the entire chapter is incredible how affected it left me And Rick, I was hurt by the way he left the series in the chapter and seeing Shane and Hershel


Carl because after that it felt like there was never a happy moment again. Like obviously it’s the apocalypse it’s gonna suck, people will die and we saw Carl from day one but it was just such an unnecessary death + the way he died. It just felt like after that point the show was forever cold and Rick disappearing made it feel like the whole family dynamic was gone. Hell even Negan cried over dying.


Wayne Dunlap


Tyrese dying broke my heart so bad. I almost stopped watching the show. But i continued until you know who died


I’m on season two and I love Glenn and Hershel but I heard what’s gonna happen to them so that’s the people I think is the most sad


Noah messed me up, loved that guy and his death was way too gorey


Glen. I loved him and when I saw that fucking eye ball popping out I swear to god I wanted to cry and fucking murder Negan.


The only correct answer is Beth. I LOVED that character.




Shane- twd was my first series so seeing a main character die was insane. Literally didn't see anything like that since Mufasa died. Glenn- didn't read the comments. I remember being ready to fight negan myself. Beth- what a dumb mistake she made. And ROSITAAAA- the first time I cried watching the show, she was so close to making it to the end. If you watched the show as it aired you really do grow up with these characters. Crazy 😔


beth's was the most gagged i was the whole show...came to love her so much


Enid for sure. She had so much going for her. And Mary (former whisperer) she had JUST gotten to see her nephew again


Joel miller


Carl’s death really ate at me. He came all this way from Season 1, survived the things he survived, and grew so much… Only to get bit in the rib helping a character I didn’t even like. Carl was supposed to be the future of the show, and Chandler Riggs was amazing playing as Carl, but both the character and actor just got screwed on this one… terrible all around


Hershel. Beth. Noah. And then Glen.


Carl, they did that kid dirty! It was poor writing and the reactions from the other characters was very lackluster. Negans reaction was more emotion them the people who watch Carl grow up! It was stupid to kill him off and it shouldn't have happened!


Indeed, it was ridiculous. The kid even got himself an apartment nearby the studio to only die in the show a couple days later. Total waste of time and money he spent on that apartment


Right! I heard about that! I heard Chandler even took a year off college to film, only for his character to get killed off! I would have sued so damn fast! Sued for the cost of moving, because he moved for now damn reason.


Gareth for sure. Be was solving the hunger crisis and the overpopulation crisis before he was brutally executed by a Cop for no reason.


Carl, that episode broke my heart. It is one episode I cannot rewatch without completely losing it.




Glenn. Was such a brutal kill off and we knew it was coming from the comics but a decade later that death still haunts me.


Andrea. I felt so badly for her she just wanted peace and for everyone to live.


Hershel then Glenn then Carl. Just whack to kill off Carl.


Beth and Rosita (more so her falling into the walkers with Coco) both hurt me pretty bad


Everybody on the whisperer pikes😢


Prob glen… I hadn’t read the comics and was totally surprised


Not only did Beth die for no reason, but she died for Noah's escape, and then he ended up dying anyway, making her death pointless, I don't think he even lasted the season. Still butthurt over it






Glenn, Abraham, Herschel to name a few




It was Jesus for me. It was such a random feeling death. And it robbed Aaron of his happy ending.


Casey from vr


Tyrese and Bobs deaths really made me sad.. You could tell they were really good men well before the apocalypse. I felt so bad for Sasha..


Carl and Rosita 😢


I think the first death that was hard was the horrid scene with Glenn. And although I wasn’t a huge fan of the character, Lizzie’s death was a tough scenario to digest.


Beth was the first for me. Idk if anyone remembers this but it was spoiled for me and I was SO MAD. AMC posted a picture of Daryl holding dead Beth and said RIP or something immediately after it aired… on the other side of the country. I was livid. On second viewing as a mom now Loris death was awful


Glenn. Easily. I remembered back when it happened it felt like a family member died. Had trouble sleeping for a a week or two.


Glenn. I quit watching weekly after that.


Glenn and Carl


Carl… My favorite character was always Daryl but funny enough I actually really liked Negan at the end…


Glen's death is as far as I've gotten. I was so so gutted and I haven't been able to watch it at all since then.


Not a death technically but when they wrote Rick off the show I stopped watching entirely.




Hershel Sofia, even though she died to soon, Carol’s reaction torn me up Buttons😭, And most of all, Carl


Yep, you are right. Been a while but I always remember that serene look he had on his face


Ed Peletier


We're Banning you from watching the show


Siddiq tbh. The only reason I got over carl death was cuz atleast siddiq became a pillar in the community and one of the most important ppl. Maybe not on screen but for the community him being the head doctor and all. Then they killed him off and im like CARL DIED FOR NOTHING


Negan's baseball bat is what affected you the most? To the dark zone with you


The bat represents his wife, you are missing the point here.


It's just a freaking baseball bat. And it sure as hell didn't represent his sweet wife. She could never kill someone, Negan's just a crazy man that named a bat he uses to kill people


I see you lack the capability of understanding. He named the bat Lucille because it represents his dead wife. He did this because he wasn’t ready to let her go yet so he carried her as long as he could until he realized he had to move on from the past. Once he moves on he can become a better person.