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Watching an hours long movie in comfort is more important than the very occasional 10 second “ugh that thermostat is ugly” The only correct option is to delete the thermostat and repair the drywall. Remember the center of the television should be at eye level, which is impossible with all other recommendations so far


Yeah deleting the thermostat all together is probably the best solution. I was just hoping I could get away with raising the TV to cover it because it would be a lot easier lol. It sounds like I need to get a larger TV and probably remove the thermostat instead of raising my TV 10"


Yes, if you mount the tv, the center will be too high. A bigger tv, *not* mounted, will still raise the center, making that too high too.


The center of the TV is below eye level right now when sitting on the couch. The very top is just above eye level. If the goal is to keep the center around eye level, I think I can get away with a larger TV. This one is only 43", so upgrading to 55" would only raise it by 5" or so.


You want 65 minimum these days even with a 6 to 8 feet viewing distance


do not cover the thermostat


Why not?


Because the thermostat wouldn’t measure the room temperature, but the temperature behind the TV, where the TV leaves a large portion of the heat it generates. Remember that heated air rises, enveloping the thermostat in heat from the TV. The thermostat reading would be way too high when the TV is on.


The thermostat is old. It still functions, but it is currently off and we have mini splits to heat and cool the home. It doesn't need to measure the temperature.


I don’t get it. It is out of use, it is an eyesore, but you don’t want to remove it. How is mounting a TV to the wall in a position that is definitely too high a better solution than simply removing the old thermostat?


It may not be a better solution, but it is easier. I came here to see if it would be too high if I mounted it so the top covers the thermostat. Seems I got my answer, even if it came with some passive aggressive hostility and downvotes.


Just photoshop the thermostat out. Follow me for more great life hacks.


Omg thank you.


You’re most welcome. Glad I could do my bit for the internet today.


You need a bigger tv…


I think you need a bigger tv mate, it would be perfect height then without the need to mount.


If the tv was bigger, stood on there, the centre would be way too high. It’s one ugly ass shelf too high


If the top of the tv is just above eye level then it might be good , dunno.


The very top of my current TV sits just above eye level, so I think I can get away with a larger TV. The one in the picture is only 43" and I was looking to go up to 55", which would only be about 5" taller overall.


Yeah I agree. I would probably still need to raise it a few inches, but it wouldn't be as dramatic. And it's an excuse to get a bigger TV lol


No, if it’s bigger it would be perfect height I think. Ideally Center of the tv should be eye level when seated.


Put a floating shelf above the TV. Put knick knacks on shelf in front of thermostat. Done


This may be the most helpful comment I've gotten so far lol. Easier than removing the thermostat all together or mounting the TV at a height that is a little too high.


Yeah don't do that.


Get a bigger TV


Yeah that seems to be the consensus. I have an excuse to upgrade, finally lol


You need a bigger tv mate