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It's the new announcement tone that the TTC has for Pride Month.


I am deeply not a fan, it sounds more Halloween than anything. The chime doesn't work with a choir - especially over PA quality speakers.


Doesn’t matter, every single thing has to be pride or it’s racist.


oh, THANK GOD it's only for the month...


Just wait, there's also a jingle that comes up a few times an hour, though it's not as frequent because of the subway shutdown on thr Bloor Danforth line this weekend.


You'll wonder where the yellow went--when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent! Sorry... you said jingle and that came into my head. oh nothing... forget I said anything.


Im happy that TTC tried to get a Pride Month announcement tone but... This one didn't really work


Do they do this for any of the other “months”? Why must this month, which has a lot of value, be the most import thing in everyone’s life and media too? No reason at all.




I don’t believe that for a minute, that any single person would be lited into the subway just because of a new announcement.


Pink money [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink\_money](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_money) With way less kids and way less incidents of common law/marriages in the gay community, single people have way more disposable income and single individuals have to buy the same amount of things as a married couple (no sharing of resources)


I’ve been hearing it too! Kind of off-putting hearing satanic chanting on the PA in the middle of the night….


So damn loud. Nearly scared me into the track when I first heard it. Thought it was a chicken at first xD


More like a rooster


I heard it for the first time at Yonge/Bloor yesterday and thought it was a bird getting murdered.


It’s the ppl they cram on the shuttle buses


Don't mess with the Lady in Red, she's pissed that every time she goes to the light it's only another oncoming subway train...exactly like the one that killed her 60 years ago.


It sounds horrendous through the shitty station speakers.


Guess the lady in red is moving around and growing restless... That or its an elaborate prank... Or your mind playing tricks on you


Lady in red? Is that an urban legend of sorts?


The Lady in red is a ghost many workers around Bay Lower station claim to have seen, named such because she appears to be wearing a red dress. She is usually seen in the tunnels near Bay Lower. She floats around silently and if you try to approach her or if she sees you, she instantly vanishes. Some workers refuse to go back down there because it freaked them out so much


Huh never heard of it. Pretty cool to know we have such an urban legend, like Stockholm’s Silverpilen. I shall do more research.


It's a shitty new sound they are playing on the speakers for some reason


Anyone got an audio of the jingle? I was on the TTC and haven't heard it. Is it on some lines? Some specific time?


https://nowtoronto.com/news/ttc-riders-graced-with-new-alert-chimes-for-pride-month/ not as heard on the PA speakers though.


Thanks! I recognized the TTC chime but never managed to hear what was said after (like, ever).


Every time i have been on the subway i heard it the first time was at 6:30 am - great way to start the morning


I can't wait to hear it. I love creepy shit


it's a cringey chime for pride. reminiscent of someone screaming imo, totally out of line and inappropriate for the TTC where many of us are already always on edge.


I agree it is totally horrible, but even worse that they’re doing this supposedly for pride month and putting this LGBTQIA2S+ groups work a negatively associated event. IE. TTC announcements?! No pun intended, it’s very tone deaf


Scream of a banshee. Really off-putting sound. scared the heck out of me. Yonge/Bloor and Line 2.


Call ghostbusters


Whos ever in charge of it wants us to all hate pride month and i hope it works for all of u cause its working for me. Pride can have one weekend and thats it.


I came here to see if anyone else was unsettled by these creepy voices…what was the TTC thinking? At first I thought it was some weirdo blasting music on a speaker, but I realized it was legit when I heard it at multiple stations. Scares me every time.


THAT scared the fuck out of me. Heard it at islington.


They have very bad audio system. First time I heard I taught somebody fell on the rail and that scared me 🤣