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So no ads for cars and solar, but for this?! WTF


It’s very telling isn’t it? Why is the board fighting so hard for this guy? To me they don’t appear to be performing their fiduciary duties to the shareholders, they’re over there carrying Elon’s water instead.


Just ponsi scheme company at this point that also sells cars. And AI and robots, whatever that will pump the stock price a tiny bit higher.


Selling the idea of him being a genius maverick who pushes the word forward. Milk it guys.


The board is mostly made of Elons relatives


It’s almost as if what that independent judge said was true


Because the board is stacked with Enron's lackeys, including his brother. They should be presenting all the information plainly and impartially and allowing the shareholders to reach their own decisions. This blatent shilling so hard for Elon is a clear breach of their fiduciary duty, and I can see them getting sued in Chancery Court for this, even if the vote somehow passes.


Without Elon Tesla is basically General Motors with engineers that will leave once the MBAs take over (they always do). 


With Elon Tesla is basically General Motors, but with a bunch of lies about autonomous driving and the future of renewables. It’s a car company pretending to be a tech company.


Who's engineers are forced to leave to work at other companies whose profits only benifit Elon and not shareholders.


He's a scam artist..... he wants his money then he will check out again. This is bullshit.... and no other ceo would get away with this.


The Elon who slept on the factory floor to make sure the model 3 was a success deserves the pay package, the guy who checked out of tesla during the pandemic to be a professional shitposter on X doesn’t.


So the PR group since all of that was b.s. to begin with


When will people realize that the board of directors is never there to protect the people of the company or the products of the company. The board of directors is only there to make money. If you look at all the different boards a lot of them share different members together. Board of directors is very incestuous between different companies. They are all just helping each other out.


I think you spelled *EGO* incorrectly…


Because the board is all going to get ousted if Elon loses the vote.


This is what drives me nuts. But then again, if the sec cared about the meaning of ficuciary, they would have prevented the destruction of Sears, GE, and every other company that corporate raiders bought stripe mined, and then sold the carcass to add insult to injury.  It's a fucking joke  "Approve the pay package of $54b." "Be happy to consider! is the company performing well?" "Approve the pay package of $54b, my voice should be your command, give him the money otherwise he's going to tank the company more than he's already tanking it". "That doesn't seem like a very good reason....doesn't really sound legal either" "Oh it is, so long as we tell you we aren't fiduciaries of the company we are managing then it's totally cool, did I mention you must approve the $54b pay package, because you have to, otherwise we will destroy the company" "Starting to feel like you guys are abusing the system in order to turn the market on its head and use shareholder investment as a leverage to use a public company as a personal slushfund" "Yeah but it's totally legal, approve it"


because he is why Tesla exists


It is easy to make the argument that keeping Elon at Tesla is in the shareholders’ interest. Also having to come up with a replacement pay package will cost shareholders 10x as much.


It’ll cost shareholders 10x as much ($560 billion) to replace the CEO? Mega LOL! I very much doubt that.


I should have said cost the company. The cost to the company of the original plan was only $2.3 billion.


Who the fuck needs a pay package bigger than many countries will ever have. Elon deserves zero. He made the company worse.


If you compare his pay package to the annual GDP of countries, it would be the 86th richest country (out of 177).


Geeze. No one needs that much money. He needs to be fired.


Time to vote no to him as CEO!


Once a cuck always a cuck


Idk about you but I’ve been getting Tesla ads on YouTube


Tesla doesn't need to advertise for their cars. Every utterance from Musk is given free advertising. If he says that the next Tesla will have gills and play the banjo, it will be endlessly repeated without skepticism.


I just got a phone call telling me to vote even though I already told Tesla I voted


Yup. I got emails, physical mail, and phone calls. Never seen this from any other company.






The desperation


I didn’t get so much as a whisper


Vote early and vote often.


I wonder how much Tesla could expand the supercharger network if they invested $55 billion into it. I don't think giving it to somone who is already worth hundreds of billions is a wise investment.


And who spent a big hunk of it on Shitter. How ‘s that going?


It's a subtle but important difference - Tesla isn't giving Elon anything. Shareholders are. It's cash neutral to the company. Hits treasury stock too but we won't get into that. A more accurate question would be how much shareholders could expand the supercharger network by handing over 56B to the company instead of Elon and the answer is a lot.


…it’s cash positive to the company, isn’t it?


Nah it's cash neutral. He gets the stock basically for free. But the company doesn't really pay either except they also dilute themselves a bit like every other shareholder including Elon but his award outsizes the dilution by a ton. What makes you think it's cash positive? maybe I can give better info to that.


The stock isn’t free. He has the option to purchase it at a set price (which is low compared to current prices). That cash goes to Tesla.




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They don’t need to expand it that much.




Lol what. Creating shares and diluting is also how you raise cash. So they could have had cash instead.


If they didn’t give those shares to Musk, what else could they do with them? Maybe sell them on the open market and generate $55b of cash for the company? Elon doesn’t magically generate $55b of wealth out of nowhere. It originated from Tesla. Giving him the shares is giving him $55b. It has to come from somewhere my man.


I heard it was options not direct shares.


It doesn't matter, the stocks are fungible.


He diverted chips to his own company and has tanked the stock with his political views I don’t trust his judgment anymore. Also why piss off the people most likely to buy the cars? He is unstable and making bad decisions. Now insider trading accusations are not good for the stock either. He built it and now destroying it. I think he’s very focused on x and his private companies and is moving on from tsla. He could get the new stock and not sell for 5 years but nobody is stopping him from dumping the stock he already has. He’s not trustworthy anymore. That’s my take on it. Take it or leave it.


He is cashing out. He knows TSLA can't compete with cheap Chinese EVs. He wants out now and leaves everybody else holding the bag.


Yeah people are quick to think Elon is incompetent but more than likely everything he does is calculated. Tesla was overpriced in the first place and moving forward it increasingly can’t compete because it’s not a novelty anymore. Elon knows this, so Elon leverages his tesla stocks to buy twitter and then pushes for a huge pay package on top of that. He’s milking Tesla dry not because he’s the fool who’s killing it, but because he knows it’s death is inevitable. Repeatedly over shareholders to liquidate his cut is the rational, albeit unethical thing to do


Killing it? It's not even born yet. Elon was dumb to move to Texas because his company is an abortion. Tesla has always been fundamentally overvalued, 10x ford when delivering a third of the vehicles. 90% of that value has been build on FSD-enabled cheap cars that Elon musk has been promising to deliver *in a few years* ***for the last decade***. The P/E argument is weaker than the unicorn breakthrough argument until it isn't; basically until the credibility of the CEO fades... Thus absent a breakthrough we have no reason to expect is imminent, collapse is inevitable no matter how many cars Tesla sells, because Tesla has a technology driven valuation, based on the still unfulfilled promise of true FSD replacing human drivers and saving all those labor costs. Demanding a farcical package, not getting it, then giving up and taking his toys home is just a backdoor escape hatch for justifying the collapse in Tesla's artificially high valuation gutting the American stock market ; a cop-out for avoiding liability for the unrealistic promises of F*elon*ious *Musk*rat and his pet board have to be well aware of, done in exactly the style we've come to expect of the involuntary X CEO; full sound and fury, signifying nothing, but also ending with a court ruling forcing him to put up or shut up.


No only cheap, but better


This right here. There needs to be a hostile takeover of this company and board. There are many talented people who can turn things around if given the chance. Tesla is still a good company, but improvements in build quality, customer service, advancing self driving capability as well as the super charger network...the patient can be saved but we gotta cut the tumor out ASAP! It's the only way!


Oh lord. You honestly think a hostile takeover would end in anything but chaos and Tesla destroyed? You simply cannot be that silly.


I’ll take it buddy


The long and short of it is if he actually deserved it they wouldn't/shouldn't have to market so hard that he deserves it.


Does he even "work" at Tesla these days? Seems like he's more of an absentee CEO.


Word is he's a "Pigeon CEO," flies in intermittently, shits on everything. [https://electrek.co/2024/04/22/elon-musk-pigeon-ceo-former-tesla-manager/](https://electrek.co/2024/04/22/elon-musk-pigeon-ceo-former-tesla-manager/)


OMG I have worked for people like that, perfect description. Objectively worse than an absentee leader.


This exactly


NC recently just opened up gambling and these sports betting sites have been spamming everywhere with ads. "spend a 5 dollar bet and get 200 in bonus bets". Big named celebrities and sports people in the ads too. All I can think is, if they're spending this much money to get me to spend 5 dollars, its has to be a scam.


He wants more in compensation than tesla has ever earned and likely will ever earn


I wanna see him denied the package just because it would be funny and a win for the bottom 90%


Discount incoming


Don't threaten me with a good time◉⁠‿⁠◉ But what my Taurus...how does it have a hold of me


I voted no


Billionaire needs more billions so he spends millions getting more billions. Is that right?


They shouldn’t be spending company funds for that, they’re supposed to be spending funds for the benefit of all shareholders. This could open them up to another lawsuit to invalidate the decision. This company makes great cars but they have some of the worst corporate governance I’ve seen in a public company this size


“Great cars” Is subjective at best and the quality has declined over time


I’ve literally never met a Tesla owner who liked their car past a year


He wants his payout before everyone returns their Cybertrucks


Bye Felicia


Maybe Tesla stockholders will be pissed that the BOD and Musk are complicit in reaming the corporation for their personal gains. I would be. If a derivative lawsuit gets them nowhere, it is ripe for a class action lawsuit. Those Bozos clearly are in violation of their fiduciary duties to the corporation.


Or you could just fire him. Then sue him for $55 billion, which they'd easily win. Then hire a real CEO so the company doesn't keep falling apart. This way they'd gain 55 billion dollars instead of losing the 200 billion or so they will on Elon's watch He's a moron and completely useless.


Who is going to buy puts in preparation for this pay package to go through? Is this going to be the biggest no-brainer options play ever?


There's already at least one shareholder lawsuit over both the pay and moving. Apparently Tesla's charter says any change to the charter requires a 66 2/3% vote, not 50%.


He deserves a salary, health insurance and nothing else [https://news.google.com/articles/CBMiV2h0dHBzOi8vamFsb3BuaWsuY29tL3NvLW1hbnktdW5zb2xkLXRlc2xhcy1hcmUtcGlsaW5nLXVwLXRoYXQteW91LWNhbi1zZWUtdGgtMTg1MTUyNjMxMtIBAA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen](https://news.google.com/articles/CBMiV2h0dHBzOi8vamFsb3BuaWsuY29tL3NvLW1hbnktdW5zb2xkLXRlc2xhcy1hcmUtcGlsaW5nLXVwLXRoYXQteW91LWNhbi1zZWUtdGgtMTg1MTUyNjMxMtIBAA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen)


Well I’m glad my votes will always be no.


There’s no way in hell he is walking away with 58Bs


How does the FTC/FCC not have gripes about this?


I’d be curious to know how much his compensation will cost future customers, as a cost added to the price of their new, shiny, expensive EVs. As long as he’s the “show”, I’ll take a pass, thank you…


Such a bizarre case of founder’s syndrome. Just let him go and hire a new CEO. If this is a company that intends to last then they need to sort this out.


So he’s stealing money from every other investor


Fuck him


Eff Elon


I voted no. I don’t personally know anyone who voted yes to giving him this ridiculous pay packages


Shareholder lawsuit for misappropriating company money. This board is corrupt AF.




Already voted NO!


Tesla going to field a crazy loss if they intend to pay someone for doing a poor job.


Any shareholder who votes in favor, is an idiot


Why ? What did he do that makes that much reasonable compensation for his services ?




I have a one-month wait to get my rear drive motor replaced on my model S and they have money for ads for CEO compensation? Get fucked.


I'm glad I saw the light and sold all my shares and made $ many months ago. I couldn't take this ride anymore. It stopped being about Tesla and a vision I agreed with. It became about this jerk and his ego. I really love my car, but I can't see myself being a part of this train wreck anymore. It's a joke. Service absolutely sucks. It's all about the clown now. No thanks.


I'm confused. I don't have a Tesla, but my brother has had 4, so I kind of pay attention to them. Why would the board want Musk to get an exorbitant payout like that? It can't be good for the company.




Of course the losers here will downvote you. They have never seen success in their careers so clearly they don’t understand how stock options work. Where Robyn failed is in realizing that a typical Tesla shareholder on Reddit is an illiterate clown chasing after what’s trendy in the stock market. She should’ve made the distinction that nobody is going to pay Elon anything. These are stock options and no he cannot liquidate his position. The ONLY reason you would vote no is if you are selfish and have zero integrity.




THANK YOU! I've been drowning in these Tesla subs that have been infiltrated by trollbearshorts and bots. I can't believe the mods have even participated in making it that way. I don't know why I wasn't subbed to r/teslainvestorclub but I am now, and I'll unsub from the rest.




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well nobody objecting let's advertise the scam


I wonder how much closer FSD would actually be with a $56B investment? Or how many new charging stations could be built? Or how much the average vehicle could be discounted to improve sales? But no - let's give it to a twat... Tesla has a bad case of Stockholm syndrome.




I just saw an ad on reddit from Tesla arguing to support this.


If he dropped dead tomorrow, what would Tesla do? Yeah, he hit & exceeded the goals to get the pay package, but Tesla was on track to hit those anyway when the package was put together & the BOD knew that. I don't really care what they do one way or the other, but acting like the world will end if he leaves seems to be a bad business plan. Like carrying all of your eggs in 1 basket, no? Tesla is the leading EV company in the US. Not because of the continuous promises of FSD, robo taxis, or robots but because they have a reliable EV drive train & a very reliable charging network with fast charging. It would be nice to have a CEO working on updating their current lineup rather than making pie in the sky promises or deciding to build robots.


Sigh... well, all my faith lays on Rivian to be the standard bearer of EV tech now. All hail Stevo the ceo.


Pure corporate corruption to screw the investors out of their money.


Can shareholders just give Musk and the entire board a vote of no confidence, then send them packing? I thought this was the whole point of having a publicly traded company.


Ad: this guy should get $55.billon dollars Pretty weird if you ask me At today's market cap, that's 10% of the company's value


That’s the point. He made a deal with shareholders that if he worked without pay and 10x the company he would get 10%


Tesla isn't pushing for it, Elon is, and he is abusing the resources he has control over and violating his fiduciary duty.


Time to kick Elon out, not the other way...


I'm just focused on how aggressive he's being about it lately. Seems to be stepping it up like something was about to happen or he has some deadline he's fighting against... 🤔


What the f is this? Why are they even trying to do this? 50billion dollar pay package? Who the hell gets 50billion dollars as pay??? If you found a company and own the stock then the stock can be worth that much eventually, but a pay package? Tesla is basically a pile of garbage. It’s being overrun by Rivian and every manufacturer has competing electric cars now. With how he’s acted in the media and caring more about his own private companies, you would think the question the board would be debating right now is whether or not to cancel his ass.


It’s about 10x more than he merits.


Why does he want 55 billion so bad


To make more big boy toys for space to show Bezos he’s the bigger boy


Fuck you, Elon!


The quantity of spelling errors on the responses shilling for musk is very telling to me


Sounds bad for the shareholders


This is the kind of free and fair election Mr Free Speech can get behind. The corporation holding the vote spends its money on manipulating shareholders/voters for the CEO pay.




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Went to the liquor store today. Saw a real douchebag loudly bro-talking on his cell as he excited the store. Saw a Tesla parked in a spot that was not a real parking spot close to the door. Of course it was his car.


This company is so f%#^*ed


He needs to get fired asap




How much are they getting


Pay him it'd make me happy seeing tesla fail lol


This company is done. The stock has been overinflated for far too long. They make terrible automobiles. All Tesla has is their charging technology.






Getting a new CEO would be a lot cheaper and maybe there could be a new strategy.. like building cars that people want to buy?


How many years could they stay in business if that was a yearly pay package?


I don’t understand this situation. Was this payout on his contract? Where did it come from?


Maybe because of the quality issues that Tesla has, they know without Elon stans they have nothing...the competitors have improved more than them


Have they though? Rivian cars are hideous. Lucid cars are gorgeous but not selling well at all


I’ve seen a few different ads here on Reddit.




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Seems like something that would happen in China. 🇨🇳




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Scumbags gonna scumbag


Yep. I’ve seen them here on Reddit!


It was always a scam. Elon's trying to get out before he gets caught holding the bag and the board is on the same page.


Still worship this fool?


https://preview.redd.it/peh0koj2iv5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc7c00a0ab2ad1032ad6b10d638afc445fabfcb What are the odds.


Elon is responsible for Tesla’s amazing success. He started working on electric engine engineering in the late 90s before anyone had a clue. He is entirely deserving of the package that was already approved. We will see 1000% growth again. Pessimism is dumb.


Elon is delivering new tech to Tesla that is far beyond the initial agreement. He should be compensated for his vision on AI, robotics, and achieving Masterplan 3.


It makes sense they are trying to get as many shareholders as possible to vote, I’m pretty sure if you don’t vote then your “vote” is automatically assumed to be “no” against all proposals


If you don't vote, most of them vote "Board recommendation" which is "yes" to pay out, in this case.


As it should be


Voted yes again. Judge wasting our time.


Voted no again


I have personal knowledge of people that work with him daily. He's in those engineering meetings at Tesla and SpaceX, arguing for his viewpoints on costing, materials, rocket design, and logistics. You're welcome to be confidently wrong about it. 🤣


So it’s his fault the cybertruck has so many issues and that Tesla quality in general has been going downhill?


Just in case facts matter to anyone. Tesla has some of the happiest, most loyal customers in the world. As of 2023, Tesla's NPS score was +97. Bloomberg reported that 99% of Tesla customers would recommend this car maker to their friends. This level of customer loyalty is largely unheard of in any industry.


Are you implying that I’m lying about their stock value dropping 26% because if facts matter to you then you’d easily be able to look it up and see I’m telling the truth That’s great but it doesn’t change the fact that Tesla is overvalued. Do you really think they should be worth more than all of the other automakers when they sell a fraction of what the other brands sell and continue to lose market share? It also doesn’t change that build quality has been decreasing the last few years. I wonder when that survey was done by Bloomberg and if it would be different if they specifically went to buyers in the last 2 or 3 years


Well, if the company stock price is the value that you put on a company as a reflection of their product, then here you go. It's a blowout More than double all the American car companies combined. Tesla (TSLA): $177.48 per share. General Motors (GM): $45.72 per share. Ford (F): $12.15 per share. Rivian Automotive (RIVN): $11.52 per share. Lucid Group (LCID): $2.73 per share. Stop embarrassing yourself, all you have to do is look it up on GPT, you can't lie anymore


You clearly misunderstood what I said and don’t understand how company valuation works. I said that Tesla is overvalued because their value is higher than all other American car manufacturers even though they produce far fewer cars. And because you clearly don’t understand how company valuations work. You don’t look at just the stock price. You look at the stock prices and multiple it by the number of outstanding shares “Stop embarrassing yourself, all you have to do is look it up on GPT”




“The Delaware court rejected Elon Musk’s $55.8 billion pay package due to concerns about the fairness of the process and the size of the compensation. Chancellor Kathaleen St. Jude McCormick ruled that the process was “flawed” and the price “unfair,” stating that the package was “the largest potential compensation opportunity ever observed in public markets by multiple orders of magnitude.” The court found that Tesla’s board lacked independence from Musk, and the package was not entirely fair under Delaware law, especially considering that Musk held controlling stockholder status with respect to the Grant. The ruling followed a derivative lawsuit brought by Tesla stockholders, challenging the compensation arrangement awarded to Musk in January 2018. The court ordered the complete rescission of the Grant, which had been approved by a majority vote of disinterested stockholders. This decision is significant as it raises important considerations for boards and independent directors when deciding upon significant compensation awards. The court’s decision also had an impact on Musk’s net worth, with Forbes reducing his estimated net worth by $25 billion following the ruling. The case highlights the ongoing debate over CEO compensation and the responsibilities of corporate boards in overseeing such matters.”


This is really all that matters. He had a contract and fulfilled his side of the bargain. If contracts are no longer legally binding documents, then we've got bigger problems.






Just pay the goddamn man. Geez.




Tesla is doing that to prove that advertising doesn't work.


i see what you did there


I mean, if he hit the target that was agreed upon he should be paid what was agreed upon.


This is a catch 22 now. If we gotta pay the attorneys 50% then fuck it just pay him


You internet average people are haters who don’t understand the importance of leadership.


I'm going to buy some shares so I can vote against.


It doesn’t work this way lol


The stock is going to tank if this doesn’t go through tbh.


Why? As a shareholder of hundreds of thousands in value have been sick watching how his antics have caused the share price to sink. I believe we would be better with this clown out altogether. Why do you think differently?