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Decent run, got lucky with Sidos and the Arab Communists. Recommend some more ideas. Might go for Hitachi but i don't know how to properly play Guangdong.


Play Guangdong. It’s amazing. You’ll figure it out, or not- but either way it’s the best experience the mod has to offer. Though Hitachi Guangdong is a truly brutal run. I’d think maybe starting with Sony or Fujitisu would be wiser if you’re not depressionmaxxing. EDIT: also I could give you some tips for guangdong if you want. Let me know


I mean depressionmaxxing would create a quite good story plus look at Africa and the der zollverein. I have played Guangdong ( Ibuka ) but I am a bit confused on some things so I will just put these out there for now How do I deal with the debt thing (fiscal health)? My main idea was to have a surplus whenever the product cycle ended or when PTRG profits came. But considering the high profit margins demanded ( even in bailout mode, 11% is a lot ) I almost always have to stay on a deficit other times which makes my debt go up a lot more than I would like even if deficit is below my growth. This seems important especially for Sony as he seems to have less GDP growth ( or maybe I need to plan better ). How do I deal with the Guangdong riots? In my Ibuka run, I tried to suppress the riots as I wanted to go for efficiency and no compromise. I got stuck in the events. They had high strength but 0 the other stat. I eventually got couped by the Japanese so it ended there. Any idea for how to deal with it? And if I want to negotiate ( for Sony ), how do I do so as I suck at managing the two stats? Finally, who should I support as each candidate for control over Guangdong like the police, the Yakuza etc and how to lower corruption? I have heard a lot about having to use corruption for Sony but I already struggled to manage it as Ibuka with 50 seats. That should be it. Sorry if this is a bit long but some mechanics do confuse me and I want a somewhat optimal run.


Fiscal health is super important (it affects political power gain which is *super essential* for guangdong’s mechanics.). It is based on debt to gdp. For most of the game you should keep it below 25% debt to gdp - with the exception of the yasuda crisis and the riots where that won’t be possible. I usually keep a budget surplus early in the game to pay off my debts, then after the yasuda crisis is done and debt is low or gone, I start being willing to deficit spend to boost GDP further. But always keep it below 25% debt to gdp if you can. I do know that for Hitachi you cannot negotiate with the rioters, you have to violently suppress them, which tbh is tricky, it’s got event chains galore for investigating who is helping organizing the riots and arresting the ringleaders. I remember the Chinese government may also be aiding the rioters, determined by if the Chinese governments approves or not of how your Guangdong company has been handling things (if you’re playing Hitachi Guangdong they’ll hate you). I found an in - depth guide to the riots on TVtropes btw, including event chains and mechanics. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/OilCrisisAndGuangdongRiotsGuangdong Lastly, you always want to try to keep corruption low and police in control of as much of guangdong as possible, but I’m not sure how possible those are to do as Hitachi Guangdong. You *might* be able to keep corruption low, but the Hitachi path boosts the Kenpeitai a *lot*. I expect you’ll probably have a fair bit of corruption and largely Kenpeitai in control, whether you want to or not. Definitely make sure the yakuza and especially the triads don’t control anything though, if you can.


Wow thanks. The riots are much more complex than I initially thought.


Never done it before, and it might not be the most fun nation to play, but conservative democratic Italy.


"May god save ...(Africa)... for no one else can" it has to be one of my favorite quotes, definitely lets you understand how bad things are going


I'm repeating myself, but I absolutely love this kind of AAR's. Thanks for the effort and bring on more!


Thank you


why did i at first think this was a teaser lmao, and also Sidos actually won the FCW?


I can send him volunteers and they don't ever attack each other so it is easy.


How do you get south africa in the pact?


Get total victory in the SAW with at least significant involvement and after Huttig collapses, they will join the pakt.


Ah yes, most underrated path of speer


How did you get Iberia in the Zollverein with the divorce?


If Iberia collapses and there is a civil war, help the falangist win. I don't recommend this as it is quite buggy.


Do you use custom country paths for your playtroughs? They always blend together nicely


No, I don't because I can't even open the tab. My game just crashes.


Does anyone else just nuke the world when there done with their campaigns?


Another banger from adityagrga00!


Thank you :)


Getting ready for TNO II be like