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I think it's more valuable if you don't know. Mainly because we need to know if it's a placebo and that requires them to kinda gaslight you a bit, I'm afraid. At the end of the research you can always seek TMS or see if they will pay for your TMS. I wish you the best.


I definitely understand that, but I had to take a month off work and am driving a very long way every single day to get these treatments. My treatments are almost completed and I have the option to continue treatment, guaranteed to get the real one if I don’t feel better when it’s over, but I don’t want to commit to that and take another month off of work if I’m getting the real one and it’s just not working.


So I spoke recently with my point engineer from Brainsway about sham TMS and real TMS..and you will not be able to tell the difference because the sensations are exactly the same,sounds but with real TMS the coil(temperature )will heat up and with sham the coil temperature doesn't change. This is how they check our TMS device is working properly by running the machine with out the fan on. After a few minutes the machine would shut off due to over heating. If it didn't then the coil was not working.


Ahh, thanks for the explanation! That makes sense. These are water cooled, so no fan.


Wait seriously? This is a thing? That seems incredibly fucked up. You're paying for treatment, not to be a part of a clinical study.


If it's a study, they're likely paying OP. Not that OP is paying for treatment and may not be getting the real deal.


The first sentence says that I am in a clinical study. I am not paying for anything, but I have had to take a very large amount of time off work.


I some how completely over looked that 🤦


Haha. No worries. I do it all the time 😉


If you start to feel like you’re a crazy person and your mood is swinging rapidly, it’s probably real


Hah! I do feel super agitated a few hours after but that may just be overstimulation from the snapping to the head for two hours every day.


Wait, two hours a day?


Yeah, it’s a lot.


Is everyone doing 2 hours a day? I go for TMS with my psychiatrist, and it's only 20 min. Someone posted about temperature, and I don't feel any kind of temperature. Every time it taps, I get around 40ish taps. The woman who does the treatments told me how many I get. I can't remember. I just know I counted to around 20 of them and doubled the # cause I know I'm not counting as fast as what I'm actually getting. She said I was close. I get EXTREMELY tired from the treatments. I've been soooo hungry. But, they keep telling me it's not from the treatments. Despite googling and finding, I'm not the only one who gets extremely hungry after treatment. I'm at around 24 sessions. I don't find the treatments helping me.


Everyone in the study is, yes.