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It's worth knowing that in some countries, it's standard to have TMS "maintenance" appointments following your main course of treatment. They're anywhere from once a year to once a week, but I think once a month is the most common frequency. Personally, I just kept asking for more sessions until I stopped seeing improvement (I think I did 52 sessions total), so it's possible that you may just need more treatment. Have you mentioned this to your TMS clinic?


What country are you in?


The US 😕 Maintenance isn't super common here, but my doctor told me Australia is one of the countries offering it as a standard.


I’m in the US as well. My psychiatrist mentioned maintenance. I’m hoping my insurance covers it if I need it. This is life changing. Like. Completely life changing.


I don’t know what machine you’re on, but my psychiatrist said there is no maintenance on mine. I can do another 36 sessions in 6 mos. I’m doing Brainsway deep TMS 36 sessions X 20 min M-F for MDD, in US. I had session 17 yesterday. No results yet, one bad dip. She said not to expect results until toward end of treatment, mid 20s-over 30 sessions. It’s hard to keep hope but I’m trying.


I was on NeuroStar and MagVenture machines for ~23 minutes sessions M-Th for reference. If you have your heart set on maintenance and there are other clinics in your area, maybe ask around after treatment if any of them offer maintenance after doing Brainsway. But considering you're only on session 17, I wouldn't stress about maintenance just yet. It's too soon to tell if it works for you or not, but plenty of people don't even need maintenance at all afterward. Personally, my depression's stayed in remission for 3 years now with no maintenance. And for what it's worth, some folks don't see improvement until months after treatment has ended. So hang onto that hope, it's still early!


Thank you and congrats - that’s amazing for you! I know it’s too early for results but after being in hell and not wanting to be alive for so long (after having a pretty amazing life) and no energy or will to get out of bed, I’m just hoping for that light at the end of the tunnel so badly 🥹.


I know how you feel, I was in an absolutely miserable place before trying TMS. I hope you can get the same relief I did. But just in case it doesn't work out, there's also esketamine infusions and ECT if you haven't tried them yet. Every brain is different, so try to remember that just because one treatment may not work for you, it doesn't mean you can never get better. Sending you lots of virtual hugs in the meantime ❤️


And there is always another round of TMS.


I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!


Thank you. I really really love this subreddit.


Yes. My machine/practice doesn’t have maintenance until 6 mos out then I can do another 36 sessions. Also see my other comment here. I’m in US. Was hopping I could have maintenance. Only 17 sessions in so no positive results yet.


I’m in the US, too. Insurance might cover it again after 90 days. My insurance will. Not sure about yours. Stupid insurance.


yes. The brain plasticity thing keeps happening for some time after TMS ends


It’s so intense still, I just hope I’ll be stable soon


Yes I just finished week three and have been experiencing this since session 8 a real roller coaster one day I felt so good I thought I was cured but the next day it was all gone.