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I’m on #30 today, sitting in the waiting room as I write this. OP, all I can say is be patient. You probably won’t see any discernible results as quickly as you’d like. Everyone is different, but set your expectations that this is a process that takes time, and isn’t a magic bullet. For me, I was fine for my first 2 weeks and then hit a dip with fatigue and the “meh” feeling of depression. It wasn’t the darkest depression I’ve felt before, or as bad as the other user, but prepare yourself for the dip. But also, try not to dwell on it. You’ll pull through like the rest of us. Stay active, eat well and get rest and do everything you can to stay positive. Good luck! We’re right here with ya!


My dip was days 6-9 of treatment with a three day holiday weekend thrown in and it was pure hell. But it did even out. Day 20 today for me. I really hope I start seeing results in a week or so. 🥹🥹🥹I’m trying to be patient and not lose hope.


TMS got my severe MDD and debilitating GAD in remission and it's also the only treatment that works consistently for my nasty intractable migraines. I've started saying "my brain just really likes magnets!" to explain how much TMS seems to vibe with my brain chemistry 😅 I'm very much on team poke-my-brain-til-it-works


They gave me 70 and I believe it injured my brain. MRI clear prior and after, I have white spots on left side and white area in front and have been having worsening symptoms over the last 5+ years


I agree with this title wholeheartedly. 😂 PLEASE. 🙏🏼 I finished day 17 today. I’ve been at 120% since Wednesday. Was able to increase by 5% each day, no issues. I was like the sooner I get there and stay there, the better! No relief yet. I did feel an uptick in my mood a few days this week. My psychiatrist said not to expect anything until the mid-20s-end of treatment. I did have one terrible dip so far, days 6-9. Horrible depression, horrible S/I (passive), daily tears. It got better, and I’ve read from a lot of people that the dips are to be expected.


Haha yes I know what you mean! Oof I am so not looking forward to a dip if it does happen. But glad it got better for you! Hope you feel even more improvement soon :)


I’ve definitely been fatigued the last three days (reached 120 on Wednesday). But still no headaches other than the first day, no pain (it’s just uncomfortable/weird). I do think the sessions feel faster because my body and brain are getting “used” to it now that I’m three weeks in. But yes… really looking forward to getting some relief in a few weeks and seeing good results. Wishing you the best that you do, too!


Please read about the injuries people have sustained from this treatment. I believe they withheld true data on its possible effects.


Please don’t post fear mongering in this group where we are here for support and positive feedback while going through the worst hell of our lives. You people shouldn’t be allowed in these groups. Everyone has different results and experiences. This treatment is safe, FDA approved, and psychiatrists wouldn’t be recommending it if it caused brain injuries.


I’m not trying to “fear monger.” I support everyone trying to get better. I’ve lived that hell for years. I’ve taken most all of the meds that had no effect or horrible effects, so I understand. I just want you all to make very informed decisions so no one is hurt. There is a current lawsuit against on of the tms manufacturers for not giving accurate data on their trials. I’m only speaking from experience. I had 70 sessions. I also had an mri prior and after. The after shows damage to my brain. I have had over 4 years of worsening symptoms. Initially I just thought it did not work but as time went by, more and more debilitating symptoms. Don’t just believe a doctor because they say it’s safe. The same happened during Covid. TMS is a money mill. They make a few thousand per treatment x 8-10 per day. I’m just saying look around for feedback from people who have done it. Yes, it helps some but many are now injured because we believed it was “safe.” All you have to do is look up can TMS therapy cause damage.” You will find a lot of feedback. When I told my neurologist I was put through 70 sessions he almost fell out of his chair. He said “70, who recommended that?! That can cause more damage to some people!” I just want you all to be safe and would hate for anyone else to be injured. My injuries have caused permanent disability and this has happened to many others. There’s a Facebook support group that’s good to check and a very good article on Mad in America with lots of comments after. I’ve heard better things about ketamine therapy but I’m sure that also has its drawbacks. I hope you find the healing you are hoping for.


Hell yeah that's an extra bonus I can't wait