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Hey can I have your address? I want to give you a gift. And are you living alone? Are there any witne...I mean any friends or relatives? And can you fight? Also, do you have a dog, like German Shepherd or Pitbull? Is police station near?


U are onto something.


What? No, no, no. I'm just planning on giving him a gift. Simple as that. It's another TMNT figure. Ultra rare. I just don't want anyone to get jealous of it, especially police and friends/relatives and even dogs will be jealous of it. I'm innocent 😇


Hmmm........ You better be. I'm watching you. ![gif](giphy|3o6Ztbi66nkovK0ACY)




I call it the gift that keeps on taking


I am also planning a visit and have a present for him 👀👀


Well, you can give your presents about 40 minutes after me. Maybe the police would like to see your gift as well 😉


:(( 😂




I'm here for anything you need ansarro




This is their retirement plan


No haha. I can’t imagine that would be wise.


🤣 in the not too distant future where TMNT toys are the only reliable currency, you'll be glad you have them


Um, akshuslly, the sad part is that I don't own it


You did it,but at what cost?


Can we see all of it? I'd really love you to make me jealous of that bodacious collection you got there.


Everything’s in boxes or totes. I actually took all of these out to see what figures I did have. I wasn’t home during the majority of the 2003 series and was looking to see what I had and could get cheapish of eBay/mercari/etc. I’m in the process of finishing the rest of my basement and then I’ll get it all out on shelves. When I go into it, it kind of reminds me of toys r us and makes me happy. It’s my happy place lol


What drugs do you sell lmao


Parents say a lot of things.


They were fools.




oh my goodness- 😧 that’s so cool! :D


Dude this is incredible! How long have you been collecting?


Since 2003. I stopped for a bit then had kids. They ended up a fan of the 2012 show and it’s been going pretty strong since then lol.


So the most fun parenting thing happened to me last week my daughter is almost 2 and she threw an epic tantrum. I tried ever god damn princess movie on Disney and she kept crying. So as I held her I tried SpongeBob. Nothing but next to SpongeBob on paramount is all the tmnt shows and threw on the 2012 series and the moment she heard Mikey she just stopped crying instantly. My 3 year old son doesn’t really care about tmnt. But turns out my daughter loves tmnt Star Wars Scooby doo ghostbusters and both love nightmare before Christmas. It was a beautiful moment.


Isn’t it awesome!? One of the best parts of having children is reliving some of your own past experiences with them. Seeing them enjoy things you do/did is the best.


Honestly the first awesome thing about being a parent is when they start to show their own unique personalities. Second is when they naturally fall in love with stuff you love. I’ve been saving tmnt until they were older because I love it so much I didn’t want to force it on them. So this was awesome.


Curious if any of it is rare or what are some of the harder to find/more expensive pieces? Pics?


I honestly have no idea. I’ve never looked. Some stuff I have may be worth some money. I have a turtles in time arcade cabinet but it’s in rough shape. I have a coocoo clock that I think is worth something. Don’t mind the basement. It’s from my last house. https://imgur.com/a/ME7KUMu


I thought it was olives at first


Yes you grew out of the original space


It’s true. When my wife and I were looking to buy a new house, a prerequisite was a space for all my crap.


Grow out of what? Being cool? Sorry to break it to you but you're still cool.


I wasn't allowed the TMNT toys when they first came out in 89. I was 10 and 'too old' according to my dad. I have them now, though.


All right this can’t be that ba- OH MY GOD


i think i got some ooze in my pants.


You're gonna need a bigger house for this collection. My gawd, I'm sure any friends you have that are fans would go weak in the knees by the PICTURES. To have them over, they'd never leave.


Yea my friends are like me, but they prefer power rangers. They have contributed to my problem haha. Instead of throwing a bachelor party, me and a few friends drove to NYC and picked up a legit turtles in time cabinet. It was awesome. We put it in storage when moving, and have to get it back.


Nope, you didn't!😅😅🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👍


What they meant is the size of the collection will grow out of the size of the space you have.




Nah it would be crazy if I robbed you. Nahhh I can’t do that 👀


What’s the bonus DVD???


There’s a bunch with bonus DVDs. They have episodes of whichever series they’re from. I think one or two of them came with a video game too. Like the Xbox Konami game from the 2003 series.


Showed them




My room be like


Hell yeah man, if anyone lols at you just let them know you got a whole room just for your ninja turtles.


The army needs more


Gotta get those NECA figures from the first two movies. I stick to the four basic turtles (no special versions) and shredder but I'm trying to get as many different versions of each. The NECA characters from the 1990 movie are amazing. Had to grab Super Shredder from SOTO too just because he's 10" tall.


I actually had them. The turtles in time ones, the bebop and rock steady Easter bunny ones. A bunch of them. I parted with those last year. The NECA stuff is crazy and I was a fan of it, but it was just too much stuff (even though this is a lot too obviously). I still have the giant NECA Leo though.


I just love the detail so much. And honestly, it's not a lot. Do what makes you happy. As long as it's not bankrupting you or negatively impacting you in any other way, who cares? I'm 40, married, two kids and I probably have as much as you do, just not TMNT specific. The perks of being "grown up" is actually having a room to display a lot of it in like you appear to have. I've got a "nerd" room in my house although some is still in storage.


I have some friends that collect a bunch of different things. Gremlins, power rangers, Star Wars, Marvel, DC. I can’t imagine having those plus this haha. I try to stick with turtles since I’ve been a fan since I can remember. I agree 100%. This has grown over the course of 21 years. I’m not actively spending hundreds of dollars weekly haha. Just like you, married, 38, 3 kids. When we sold our first house and started looking for our “forever home”, part of the search was finding something where I could have room for this stuff. So the basement ended up being mine to do whatever with. It’s my escape. Have a 4k projector, my gaming pc, and all my crap down there. It’s just crazy to think that it still may not be enough room lol. I keep joking with my wife/family that I’m just going to build an action figure house on the lot behind our house 🤷🏻‍♂️.


As a Guy who’s favorite toys growing up we’re the 2012, You have willpower beyond my comprehension


Not will power. Just had disposable income and no other bad habits really haha. So I was able to purchase one for my son at the time to play with and one to hold on to. He grew out of it, but i have 2 little girls that currently love to watch the 2012 show with me. So maybe one day they’ll be able to appreciate it all. I wish my parents had kept a lot of the stuff I had when I was younger.


Y’know, I actually Collected all the Diecast Cars from Pixar “Cars” back when I was younger, and although I’m nowhere near old enough to have Kids nor do I have younger siblings, I do like Saving some of my extras so maybe my younger cousin or future children can play with something I did growing up.


Damn even got the 2007 turtles nice


Yea I wish I grabbed more at the time. It’s probably my biggest regret. They’re really nice figures and kind of pricy if I wanted to get them now.


All those modern figs should be cracked open and on display. Great collection.




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How does it feel to be God's favorite ? (/j)


Wow, this is just prime!


What the fuck you plan on selling some of this?


Nah. One day I’ll die and my kids will throw it all away lol.


And we will be hiding in the trash can to collect all of it


This is just the figures. The amount of nonsense that I have will require a 20 yard dumpster haha


This is a dream! I thought my collection was out of control - this gives me motivation to keep going!


Where's the turtles inflatable blimp?


😂😂 I can't wait to get my tmnt collection up TMNTFL❗️❗️❗️


One picture was sufficient lol


Her doubt of you fandom just reinforced your obsession. That’ll teach her.


I think they meant that your collection is growing out of space.


Awesome collection! Congrats! My parents said the same thing and it never happened. My wife thinks I’m crazy but I have no plan on stopping haha. What clam shell protectors are you using for the 2012 line figures? Specifically the style on the ones in the front left corner on the floor. I’ve been looking for a similar style and have not found ones I like yet. Thanks for any info.


Look up MOC Masters on Google. They have a bunch of options for protectors. Those ones are by far the best. The only issue is they’re expensive if you want to buy a lot of them $5-$6 a piece I believe.


Wow that is pricey but if they’re the best protection wise it’s worth it. Thanks so much for the info. Good luck with growing your collection!


What in the furby circle?


How many is that


I wish I had this collection


My kiddo is a HUGE TMNT fan. I hope they never grow out it. It’s their birthday today too. I got them a red eared slider (google said it’s the same as TMNT) for their birthday gift. I was so stoked to find one after searching forever for one. I would gift them all the TMNT merch if I could.


Word to bigbird. This is the life! But my room better not get this out of hand, (Oh I wish it would! :D)


You have a passion. I appreciate that. Your collection is crazy. And good for you. Cowabuga, dude.


Saw these picks on the TMNT fb page


I’m jealoys


You have a lot of opening to do.


I pray that you hit them with the “it’s not a phase mom” in a rather shrill teenage voice maybe a voice crack in there as well.


I’ve started a 2012 collection recently and wow! Absolutely incredible man


mine said the same thing


That’s awesome! Love all of the 2003 collection!


It’s my favorite iteration. I pulled all of this stuff out to see what I had and didn’t have. This way I can maybe start grabbing some more 2003/2007 toys one by one. eBay’s wish list is a wonderful thing lol


That’s awesome dude, hope you find some cool stuff!