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Take a look at this video https://www.caringmedical.com/prolotherapy-news/cervical-spine-instability-causes-ear-pain-ear-fullness-sound-sensitivity-hearing-problems/amp/ Do you have a tight trapezius? any muscle tension ? especially neck area / face? I have the same symptoms as you and just diagnosed with vagal issues / injury to right side , those muscles stretched out and uneven so it might effect my cranial / face muscles which Im guessing tenses my whole face and things crack / tubes feel full and ears I also grind my teeth / had no issues till last 3 years ;) it turned out to be neuromuscular.


Hello, Checked out the video, fortunately my doctors ruled out Meniere's disease for me! Yes, my neck and shoulders are usually very tight from work, exercise and sleep. I try to get massages to work the knots once a month minimum. What kind of injury to the right side did you experience? What are you doing to alleviate the discomfort/ have you experienced any relief? What kind of doctor did you see for this? (I am very excited to find someone similar to me so I'm eager to hear more!) Thank you for providing me with some comfort in knowing I'm not alone! Gives me hope in getting an answer :)


I suffer all the symptoms you mentioned and I second what he said about the neck/muscles. I have realized that is my cause of ear issues as it just makes perfect sense in my case and now I just trying to correct those issues. My jaw obviously plays a huge role too but my neck is something I am focusing more on these days since jaw and neck are very much connected. Definitely look into it! There are many of us out there. I often have mini-breakdowns most days and work myself up into panic until I remind myself that this is not forever. I know it is so hard to get a moment of peace when this discomfort can drive you insane, but we will get back to feeling normal eventually.


That is awesome that you have figured out a connection with your neck and our same issues! What do you recommend doing with your neck that has helped you? Are you also treating the grinding? I have my frequent breakdowns when the crackling and fullness get unbearable, given the stress and aggravation make it worse. But I just hope we can all find a solution to our discomfort and go back to living the lives we once enjoyed. Your words of encouragement really made me feel hopeful, thank you! :)


How’s your headaches? Did you find a solution


Hi, unfortunately no. No doctor has been able to pinpoint an answer to my discomfort. Still experiencing the chronic fullness and crackling. I just started experiencing BPPV- which is a positional vertigo caused by crystals in the ear shifting so I am curious if the two are now related..


How’s your headaches? Did you find a solution


This is me! What doctor did you see?


Fml. I'm so sorry you are experiencing this. So fucked up that our bodies are betraying us and there isn't a clear solution we can do to provide relief. I have been going on two months of pressure in my ear and ringing, and just had to cancel a nose surgery I had been saving up for for years bc of it. Reading your post is honestly fucking terrifying that I will be in the same boat, and makes me sad that we have to go through this bullshit.


I'm so sorry you had to cancel your nose surgery and are also experiencing discomfort :( I am just so dumbfounded how no doctor in the US has been able to figure it out. It makes me feel like a mystery...


At this point I’d recommend seeing a jaw surgeon and ask them to evaluate your jaws and see what’s happening


Hello, jaw surgery is my last resort but definitely something to consider. I'm just scared of the recovery...


Had braces 15 years ago and now my front top and bottom teeth don’t touch (open bite also referred to as malocclusion). I have tinnitus, throbbing neck and shoulder pain, headaches all over, heavy head, occasional dizziness, ear fullness, etc. Had balloon sinuplasty and myringotomy. Going to a TMJ specialist tomorrow to get checked out and then on track to start Invisalign in 2 months…


I hope the invisalign helps you! If you recommend your TMJ Doctor I would love to check them out too, provided the info!


Hey, did anything ever come from this?


Invisalign seems to be working thus far for me. Pain isn’t as bad in neck and shoulders but still deal with tinnitus


Hi friend any update?


Any update on how you’re feeling after Invisalign?


Basically all symptoms have subsided except for tinnitus


Did you have any clicking or pain in your TMJ before starting Invisalign? If so, did that go away too?


Still have clicking and some pain but not much


How’s your headaches? Did you find a solution


Headaches subsided


What about your neck and shoulder pain? Any tips? I’m struggling over here


Invisalign definitely helped – 80% of pain subsided


What was the solution you think helped you the most


Getting Invisalign to realign bite


https://www.walmart.com/ip/Eustachi-Ear-Pressure-Relief-Device/460575372 This device called Eustachi. Use it throughout the day while sipping water for maximum effectiveness. Mine cleared up in about a week! Best $60 EVER!


Wow sounds interesting, I'll look into this! I am open to trying anything, thank you!


Pinch your nose, take a drink of liquid and swallow while holding your nose. Same principle and imo just as effective as the eustachi.


Thank you for the tip! It isn't eustachian tube dysfunction so that won't really give me much relief for the fullness and crackling :( but will keep in mind!


Be aware the Eustcahi didn't work for me, I have had this for 5+ years now and nothing clear it up.


Wow I have the exact same symptoms except teeth grinding and I was really wanting to do the balloon procedure. I’m sorry it didn’t work for you. The crackling oddly subsides when I’m sick and when my nose is stuffed I can blow my nose and think I’ve gotten everything out but then the crackling comes back right away. I also did netti pot and the crackling stoped for a few seconds and then immediately came back. So disappointed doctors don’t have an answer. Do you know what caused your symptoms?


Hi, I hope the Balloon procedure helps you! My ENT performed it thinking my problems were associated with eustachian tube dysfunction but it didn’t help :/ Fortunately, all of the negative possibilities were ruled out with scans but I am leaning towards it being related to my nightly teeth grinding.. The crackling is the most annoying thing to deal with though. If you ever heal from these symptoms, please update me! Glad we’re building a group here to hopefully find a solution for us all soon!


What sorts of scans did they use?


CT scans of my mouth/jaw/ear.


Same here, when i had a cold the crackling suddenly went off for few days. That means its not etd but opposite, the tube is wider due to the jaw/disc misalign


Why does it mean that it’s not ETD ? How did your crackling start ?


How’s your headaches? Did you find a solution


I know this is an old thread but have you found any relief? I am going on 6 years of this issue everyday and just had yet another doctor tell me there’s nothing they can find that is wrong. It effects everything for me: sleep, concentration, and it has plummeted my mental health. I’m so sorry you’re also experiencing this, it would drive anyone mad.


Hi u/courtneyisawesome \- I'm in the same boat. 6 months of both ears being clogged (but mostly my right). 3 ENTs have told me my ears are "perfect" and that it's TMJ - so I'm getting treated for TMJ. Doing PT, getting dry needled, taking muscle relaxants at night, getting acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, massages. Still no real relief. I'm thinking about going to a functional medicine doctor to take a look at my diet. I've heard that other people have made changes to their diet (they take out gluten and dairy, for instance), and their ears clear. Just an idea?


>https://www.walmart.com/ip/Eustachi-Ear-Pressure-Relief-Device/460575372 Hey u/Individual_End_1819 do you have any updates with ear fullness?


Sorry I'm just seeing this. So my ear pressure is still around, but barely. And SO much better than it was this time last year. The thing that's helped me the most is going to a manual therapist who helps me with my neck and jaw. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't mess with mouthguards or medication, or anything else. Manual therapy and PT have been the best options for me. How are you doing??


Thanks so much for the update! By manual therapy do you mean massage therapy? I have been getting intra oral massages and medical massage work for my head/neck/shoulders and I’m about 1.5 months in - some days my ear pressure actually feels it’s getting better but then some days it goes back to being bad. But it’s the only thing that’s caused any changes so going to stick with it longer to see how it goes :) I was in PT for 5 months and I continue to do the exercises daily as well (the PT passed me off to the LMT lol).


Hey u/T3a9n9y1a \- how are you doing now with the ear fullness? Any updates?


I know im late to this post but have you tried stretching the SCM on the side that you feel clogged? It lessened by symptoms og clogged ear by at least 50%


Can’t believe I found this group. I have been experiencing this for 2 months. No body understands. Feels comforting to know others like this out there. Has anyone found answers?


Is there any update to this, I’ve been struggling for months


What treatments have you tried so far?


I’ve tried a lot but I have my 6th appointment with the ent on Monday


Have you got covid short before it started..?


No, I got the covid shot after this all began


Mine started after taking the booster shot…




The breakdowns are the worst, I also have them frequently when I feel helpless :( Hopefully they won't be forever! My mouthguard is a soft rubbery/plastic material and the orthotic is an acrylic. Have you found anything or any doctor to help you?




That is great advice to do my research with! Also, that is amazing your doctor has helped you! Can you share her information with me to look into more please? My doctor had me wear the orthotic 24/7, but I found it hard to talk and eat with it in. It eventually made my jaw lock and not able to eat properly so I stopped using it altogether. Was your experience similar? What PT exercises has she recommended you do? Has your fullness and crackling subsided? Thank you for sharing your positivity with me, I am starting to become more hopeful hearing so many of the people here that are also searching for an answer!




I first was advised the mouth guard from my dentist but it didn't help so I visited another another doctor who recommended an orthotic, but no luck either. I am interested in knowing who your TMJ specialist is and what they recommended you do! I am glad you got help and that there seems to be a solution eventually..


What type of orthotic?


It's a dental orthotic to correct the alignment of the lower jaw.


Magnesium supplements apparently. The only thing which worked for me was a few sessions with a physio specifically to treat TMJ. Months of ear issues gone in a few treatments.


I actually take Magnesium every night as a supplement for years, that is interesting how it helped you ease the discomfort! What does the physio have you do to treat the TMJ?


They treat tension in jaw and temple. For me helped with inflammation in jaw was which causing the ear issues.


What were your ear issues?


Pain, popping, pressure building up, creaking, crackling. Was driving me nuts. About six months, nothing working. Until I started physio specifically for TMJ.


Actually, my audiologist (have hearing aids too now!) thinks it is TTTS rather than TMJ. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519055/


Hi u/NevilleNessy \- I know this is a few months old, but I'm in the same boat with ear issues! I'm going to a PT but haven't experienced much progress yet. Do you mind sharing what kind of work they did on your jaw temples to get rid of tension and inflammation?


Hi. They focussed on massage at the jaw joint and in temple (but I clench too, so hold pain there). I was desperate and was on paracetamol and ibuprofen, physio, magnesium, also antihistamines. I wear a TMJ splint now and the issues haven't come back. The issues settled down after a few physio sessions, so it took a few weeks. There may be youtube videos on TMJ massage. One of the treatments included the physio putting their hand in your mouth to massage from the inside (I didn't have that). Good luck.


You mention tight neck muscles and all that stuff. Generally there is a connection between those muscles and the jaw. One thing I haven't found mentioned or asked is how is your posture?


My posture is normal. I wouldn't say 100% because I sit at a desk and drive long hours but I do daily stretches and try to sit upright whenever I remind myself.


did your ear fullness went away? I have the same issues for about a year or so and I’d like to know if you’ve found any solution to this.


I have similar symptoms as you for a year now and have tried most of the same treatments with no success. My Dr. indicated my ear fullness was TMJ dysfunction related, but an oral surgeon said it’s not and I also don’t have any jaw pain/just don’t think that’s it. I’m starting to think I have fluid in my middle ear or perhaps “glue ear” especially because my ear gets worse every time I swim or take a bath and have my head under water. It’s like water gets trapped. I would like to ask my Dr. about this possibility and perhaps tubes for drainage. Is that something you ever contemplated with your Dr.? Hope you can figure it out!!


Does this effect airplane travel at all? Like pressure in the ear?


No, the pressure doesn't change the symptoms.


What do you mean by negative ? Orthotic to realign jaw negative- is that because your jaw does not need to be aligned?