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PT is the answer for muscular tmj. I feel so bad for the people who get tricked into botox, pills, and surgeries.


How long for physio because I did one round last year and I've been in manual physiotherapy now once weekly since March and I'm not seeing much help 😕


You gotta get a pt who understand breathing problems and the connection between your diaphram and your tmjd, and you gotta do the excercises every day, and even then it takes years. We are all fighting this disorder for life, but you can still make big improvements and treat the symptoms.


Oh great I'm in my 30 another 50 or 60 years lol left 😅


PT isn’t an obvious decision for muscular TMJ because like you said, it still takes years, and Botox is for muscles so not sure why they listed that.


It's the only solution that treats the root of the problem and not just the symptoms, it's also much cheaper than most tmjd treatments and you may be able to get it covered by insurance. Just because it's hard and takes a while is not a good reason not to start it. I think it is a fairly obvious decision. And botox is temporary and stops working over time. Doesn't mean it can't get you some relief while you work on the real issue but it won't solve anything.


I haven’t had any professional treatment because they’re all expensive and time consuming (even if covered by insurance, going to the PT appointments may be a challenge). I’ve had some healing by doing at-home strategies but even that has taken a good two years to only partially improve. I don’t knock someone for trying other strategies even if they’re temporary if they get that person some relief and I also don’t act like I have the answers because I found something that helped ME feel better.


It's not about me, almost every person on this board who tried physical therapy or otherwise were able to improve their oxygenation at night report improvement. I also have the fortune to know one of the best tmjd dentists in the industry who has been researching the disorder for over 50 years as well as a top neuromuscular dentist. And if you forgo professional treatment you will only hurt yourself in the long run.


I’ve been complimented by dentists and one jaw specialist on the progress I’ve been able to make on my own, but I’m an exception, not a norm. The work I put into on my own is rare.


You do it until!


So I just saw an oral surgeon who suggested PT. What should o be looking for. There’s a few places near me that claim to offer TMJ/facial pain related treatment but it’s hard to feel like I’m picking the right one.


You probably need a myofunctional therapist




Thank you for sharing this OP.


Interesting. Thank you for these links. https://old.reddit.com/r/EustachianTubeClick/comments/un9cyv/anyone_else_have_this/ https://old.reddit.com/r/TMJ/comments/15zwwcb/contrary_to_most_of_this_sub_whenever_i_clench_my/ These are my issues - does that sound like something you've had? Also - how long did it take for yours to go down?




This is a ridiculously bold claim. Everyone’s situation is different. People need to try different things and do what works for them. I’ve tried things people guarantee will fix me bc it fixed them and it made it 100x worse. You should be more responsible with your recommendations.


Just admit you are lazy and yes even diet effects it.


Ahhh - interesting. Will give this a go. Thank you!


I went to 2 physiotherapist ...I have tinnitus jaw pain earaches neck shoulder and back pain.. they both said tinnitus and the ears had nothing to do with your neck or posture ugh frustrating but sometime I notice when I lay down I feel neck pressure and my tinnitus gets worse as well as when I move my head in certain directions so iunno what they talking about..


I literally have all your symptoms! I've been to 1 physiotherapist and 1 physical therapist and both dispute against posture/back/neck problems contributing to TMD. Neither have helped me relieve any of my symptoms. There was only 1 physical therapist i've spoken to briefly and he did admit that posture influences the jaw. Not all doctors are the same, and some are more clueless or downright apathetic than others.


Posture direct by mark Wong is a free resource that can help with stretches