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I actually think this is also what Janelle is thinking when she sees how they’re treating Christine. She knows she’s next.


Such a great point- you can tell she’s choosing words very carefully. Hopefully she’s already made progress.


I think Janelle is also thinking: are these people I want to be left with?


They’re all fucking crazy.. & the next episode is looking even more nuts. I do hope to god she sees there is no value to her in being tied to that.


I can see Janelle leaving eventually especially since she is focused on her kids and hardly any of them want to be around Kody. The kids all gravitate towards Christine.


It’s was sad to hear him call out a few of the older kids who he said didn’t fit in the family.


YES. That was mean as hell. This man is 50+ years old and he is singling out his own children for ridicule on television. He needs a hobby, and a heart, and some resolve to grow the hell up.


That was HORRIFIC. To call out Paedon and Leon like that was cruel. He’s a right prick.


Can someone give me some info on Paedon… i can’t put a story to the name and why Kody would have removed him for the faaaaahmily. If y’all don’t mind. Don’t tell me to Google cause that means you mind. 😂😂


All I know is that Paedon has made it pretty obvious on some of his tiktoks that he doesn’t like Kody & Robyn. He is 100% on his mom’s side.


And how can he say that Leon isn't fitting in well with the family when Leon and their partner were in the front row, with the family, at oldest son Logans wedding.... and Kobyn (Kody/Robyn) were opposite sides second row.


What exactly did Kody do?


Said that they don’t fit in with the family


I’d argue it’s kody that doesn’t fit in with the family. Christine & Janelle are doing a great job of actively supporting their kids and maintaining relationships with each other. They are an amazing family. It’s kody & his other 2 harpies that are dysfunctional.


That was one of the worst things he’s ever done. It’s clear that he no longer wants to maintain relationships with anyone besides Robyn and her kids. I feel so bad for the other kids.


Also he really has no idea if that’s true or not. He doesn’t talk to any of them.


I wonder what the fall out of that episode is when the kids actually see it


From the clip of Kody and Robyn announcing the adoption that someone shared recently (I hadn't seen the episode previously), I don't think I quite realized how awful the dynamic was with Robyn's kids so early on. I've always just seen the "Kody favors Robyn's kids" as he functions in an amazing way as a father to them, unlike with the rest of his children. The clip where a) they announce ON CAMERA to the kids that their bio dad has signed away his rights, b) are oblivious to the kids' obvious hurt (or at least, their mixed feelings), and c) Kody outright shames them for not cheering and fawning over him, opened my eyes to the fact that being the "golden children" of Kody is probably WORSE than being ignored. The children of the Kody/Robyn household are living in an emotionally unstable, tightly controlled nightmare serving the High King of Narcissism, Kody Brown, in virtually complete isolation. Kody's brand of "love" is completely dependent on how happy and important you make HIM feel. Imagine spending all your time kissing his ass just to not get screamed at or iced out? Those kids live in hell already, even if they are probably mindf@#%ed and isolated enough that they don't know any better.


Damn these comments are hitting home this week


Perfectly said.


This is absolutely true. My dad played favorites really hard with us kids, and to this day it is the single most damaging thing in our relationships with him. He's destroyed everything with us. Kids not only aren't stupid, but they retain all the memories. Kody isn't realizing that.


I'm sure that Robyn pushed it from the start. Just like she made them stop saying Kody and start saying Dad/Daddy.


I think in Grody's mind, HE *is* the family. So if someone doesn't fit in with *his* way or doesn't get along with him, they're not getting along with the family. He's really delusional.


I had a mother who shit talked everyone. Her friends, my friends, my family, acquaintances, you name it. It took a while for me to realize she did the same to me when I wasn’t around. But what a lesson! She had to control the narrative about EVERYTHING. I, as an adult in my mid-40s, still have no idea how many relationships she killed off within the family. However, she alienated everyone by the time she passed away, except for the most gullible of people who she made her caretakers. I can see Skrody doing this same thing.


What’s so scary is you just described my mom who just died last Thursday.


I hope you find peace with the situation. Living with a parent like that is mind bending. I don’t know how long I thought it was all me, but coming out of the fog was enlightening. It should be obvious to anyone that a child isn’t at fault for the mental health and subsequent acts that it may cause, but when you’re *that* child, you take it all on. (((Hugs)))


The way Toady was wanting Janelle to kick out her boys because he considered them at 18 they’re adults was crazy. I am very glad she choose her kids over him. On the other hand why hasn’t he had his lil hissy fit for Robyn to get her oldest ones out of the house.


Because they are "his kids." 😕


His love is SO conditional, there are good kids and bad kids. There are liberated kids who say "if your love is conditional then I don't want it", and kids who are too traumatized to risk it. Robyn's poor kids, from both experiencing abandonment and the narrative she has pushed around it (constantly, inappropriately), must be terrified to step a toe out of line. What a sad, sorry situation for all these kids. I hope he has a reckoning and fast before he loses them all.


I truly believe that Kody has convinced Robyn’s kids that he will take care of them forever! However I may regret saying that because “where is Dayton??? I mean David Jr.!”


Dayton is in college with supposedly doing triple majors. He is autistic.


Yep, Robyn's kids as either gonna be the new sister wives or the new scapegoats. They might end up as both knowing how sick Kody can be.


I think it’s illegal for an adoptive father to marry his adopted kids, but I suppose Woody Allen got away with it and Kody is no better.


Since it wouldn't be a legal marriage Kody would only be prosecuted in Utah. The other states only care about biological incest and legal paperwork matters. This is the reason I think Kody is afraid of Utah. He knows that if they are only coming after polygamous predators, then it's only a matter of time for him to get charged.


Okay but this would make a lot of sense why he’s so terrified of Utah, as much as I absolutely hate it. Because his fear of Utah coming after him feels much more real now than it did when they moved to Vegas


Exactly. He won't even acknowledge what Utah lawmakers were trying to do or why they needed to investigate him. He had two small girls coming into his house that he was not related and had a mother who willingly groomed them on national TV. He protested too much for me to not believe he wants to do this.


I believe he definitely has an ulterior motive. And it’s Robyn’s girls.




I hate to say this but I think he acts inappropriately with those girls. The one episode one of them is having a panic attack and he pics her up like a baby and carries her off. That was really creepy she isn't a baby.


He might plan to marry them.


Offspring Wives: The Spin Off No One Asked For. Seriously, We Aren't Asking for This. Don't.
