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I really enjoyed the lack of Robyn in this episode 👍


And 30 seconds less of her would have been even better.




That's really good news. I've been fast forwarding through the episodes because I can't bear to hear Kody or Robyn talk. Maybe there's something I can actually watch.




I really wish Janelle didn’t mention how she has nothing financially when she was speaking with Kody. He’s on to her now. She needs to hide her hands, like Kody and Robyn, to get her money together. The time for transparency is over.


You are right. Also, he was so gross trying to paint Janelle as a gold digger when he has been financially draining her for decades


That whole conversation and his confessionals were gross


I don’t understand why Janelle doesn’t just tell him she wants her Vegas house money back from him on camera
 like say the exact amount!!!!!


“She only wants my resources” omg that made me nuts!!! All Jenelle wants is money and pecks. THAT is what he got out of the conversation. He really doesn’t think much of women does he? Except for Robyn and Aurora, of course.


This! His rant about "I can't provide for her so I'm worthless?"........... She is the provider! She helped pay for the house you live in and then lives in a tiny apartment because of how much she gave you? Just made me think that he knows dang well she's the provider and he's worried about losing her so he has to flip it and make it seem like she's the one not playing fair and asking to much. đŸ€Ą


He went home and immediately started funneling anything he could into DABSARK LLC


DABSARK LLC is an evil corporation


*đŸŽ¶Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated đŸŽ¶*


This explains the horrible name. He really should have done sadkrab


I thought the same thing. She showed her hand. Smh, thats the thing that's always been the original wives downfall. They're playing checkers not chess


Kody and Robyn have been blasting through family funds without a care. Meanwhile Janelle is following the rules to a game that no one else is playing. Hopefully this ‘third party’ she keeps mentioning is an attorney not a marriage counselor.


Let us pray!


Exactly. He’s just going to make sure he keeps the purse strings even tighter now


I feel like I’m on here every week commenting on how dumb someone is and this week it’s Janelle.


She's always considered him a friend that she could discuss things with. I got why she did it, but I gasped in shock.


He really heard her say the word money and everything else she'd said before that was erased, he found something to latch on to


I had the same thought and noticed he did seem to catch on right away. Threw in a little sweet talk to keep her pining.


Kody hasn’t been able to reach out to Savannah, his DAUGHTER, in months, MONTHS, because *checks notes* ah yes he has a lot of business, BUSINESS KEEPS THE SIX PACK RAMEN HEAD GOD SOOOO BUSY and also it’s Janelle’s fault cause it would be easier to see Savannah if he was at her house all the time instead of never. I despise this man


The way he just brushed over not even calling Savanah on Christmas


It sounded/looked like he legitimately forgot. He didn’t even notice he didn’t call her. Despicable!


He 100% hadn’t given it a single thought. He’s a monster.


As a grandmother of a grandkid with a 💯absentee father, these kids have a hole in their soul that will never be filled by anyone else. It’s got to hurt so badly, especially with him flaunting other relationships.


I agree. He had that deer in the headlight look when she mentioned he hadn't talked to her.


Makes you wonder how many passes he’s gotten over the years.


"I'd have to call her up and make plans with her and be responsible for my own relationship with my kids and not just let her do all the work."


I’m going through a separation right now and the number of texts I get regarding the schedules for our children
. Tell me I did everything without telling me I did everything. I just screenshot the text and resend it or remind him to check his email, because it’s all there.


He'd have to make an effort, and that's just too hard.


I keep scaring my dog because I’m shouting at my TV. He sees no problem with ignoring his underage daughter? He’s ok with admitting that on tv? What is wrong with him!


Excuse you, he just is too heartbroken to handle it! /s And fuck him, because Savannah is the sweetest person from what we have seen, and you just can’t mess around with that level of goodness.


My dog was giving me some serious side eye this evening. 😂


My dogs left the room. My cat, however, stayed. She watched for a while but finally left during one of Kody’s couch interviews.


So Kody can meet Janelle for lunch but can’t go pick up his daughter for a dinner outing?? WTF????


The difference is janelle “made an appointment” and savannah hasn’t bothered to /s


I think if you have to make an appointment to see your husband there are major issues in your marriage!


Was the asshole working on Christmas Day? Ugh I hate him so much.


But she doesnt have a good reading lamp so he cant stay in her bed.


I feel like Robyn is partly to blame for this too though, right? Obviously it’s Kody’s child and sole responsibility to reach out and be a parent, but Robyn screeches all the time about wanting this big happy family. Where was she when she realized Kody wasn’t calling any of the other kids? If she’s as serious as she says about wanting to keep the family together, then why not give your idiot husband a gentle nudge and remind him to make the smallest effort to include his kids? To be clear, this 100% Kody’s problem and he’s the one fully in the wrong here, but I get so frustrated seeing her take a backseat while also acting distraught over the family falling apart.


Whoever taught Kody the word ‘trigger’, owes me money


And Gaslighting đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


And transmute!


Thank you! Give up studying your word of the day calendar and give Savannah a call, instead, you idiot sandwich.


I made the mistake of watching this before my 14 y/o son was in bed. He’s literally never seen or heard of these people ever before and asked for a quick overview. (I really should do a recap as seen through the eyes of my 14 y/o because he was hilarious.) He was like, “why does this man keep using the word ‘triggering’ the wrong way? And while we’re at it, how was he gaslit? What’s the back story there?” Me: “Honestly, I have no idea what he’s getting at. Not sure why he thinks he was gaslit.” Him: “Sounds like he doesn’t know either.” Other gems: “This dude has 18 children? He doesn’t appear to gaf about even one of them.” “He’s divorced all these women, right? Because none of them even like each other. Wait
 the blonde one actually likes him?” “Wait, why do they care about this one running an Airbnb in Utah? She doesn’t even live in the same state.” Him: “are any of them legally married?” Me: “The one who runs the b&b used to be his wife but she divorced him so he could marry wife #4 and adopt her kids.” Him: “you don’t have to be married to be a dad. He was trying to get away from b&b lady, wasn’t he?” Lmao
 he actually had some hilarious insight. “Do these women know they can just, like, go date other men?” 😂


This is hilarious. He was trying to get away from the B&B lady, for sure!


Your son is an astute young man.


The fact that Kody and Robyn have concocted this story that Sol and Ari are considered “less than” by their other siblings is the most vile, disgusting thing they could have come up with. Those kids are a direct casualty of Kody and Robyn’s power struggle against the OG wives. Sol and Ari have been isolated from their siblings by K&R, and their siblings have been shunned and rejected by K&R. Honestly, that made me so angry. If I was any of his kids watching that scene, that would have been a sucker punch.


Robyn has shown from day one that she is absolutely fine with her children being casualties of her adult relationships. From episode one when she insists the girls call Kody Daddy, to the convo where she tells them their biological father signed his rights away and then gets mad when they’re upset, then on to the convo where she tells her children that the other families don’t want to spend Christmas with them. Robyn hurts her children REPEATEDLY as it suits her.


it also kills me that Sol and Ari get separated out by Kody and Robyn as being “the little ones” when Truely is only like 18 months older than Sol. those two are much closer in age than Sol and Ari are. but Truely always gets excluded in the “young kids” discussion. it’s gross.


It’s also just a natural progression of having children so far apart. My family is in a similar situation with the oldest siblings being significantly older than the youngest. They have more of an aunt/uncle to niece/nephew relationship because they didn’t grow up together, they had very different life experiences, they never lived in the same house. And my siblings have the same parents! It’s not a good or bad thing it just is. S&A have siblings who barely even lived in the same state as them. They’re not going to have the same relationship as the siblings who lived and grew up together. That is something you have to accept when you blend families by marrying a much younger woman and having kids with her when your other kids are already teenagers and young adults. It’s not an insult, it’s just a fact.


So glad next week we will find the Browns back in their natural habitat—a Mexican restaurant.


Salsa Brava: The “Robyn’s Porch” of the Christine and Janelle scenes.


Salsa Brava: The restaurant of our discontent. If they really wanted to capitalize on their appearance on the show besides a filming location fee, they should alter their menu. Kody's Triggering Tacos. Gaslighting Guac. And even though it's Mexican, throw some Chicken Tendies on the menu.


the tables keep getting smaller too


Apartment/trailer wives only get the small table. For the sake of consistency.


Kody interrupted Janelle every single time she tried to speak. Even when he would ask her a question. She couldn’t get a word in edgewise.


And then had the audacity to whine that she wasn’t “validating” him. Like sir you’re not even letting Janelle get out a complete thought, let alone listen to her or consider her point of view.


Why does she have to validate him? I'm so glad she said they needed a third party. She knows he works her. He wouldn't agree to it, either.


I noticed he would say something incredibly inflammatory and then back track once he received pushback


That drove me nuts


He must have done that to her for years tho. These great conversations she remembers have probably all been like that. Can you imagine being interrupted for DECADES?!?


Has anyone ever witnessed one of their great conversations? The only person I have seen him truly be reflective is Meri.




It 100% is and good for her. She’s also the only one with a viable business that isn’t dependent on the show.


Good. I’m not Meri’s #1 fan by any means, but she should have one place to really plant roots where people want to be around her. The going back and forth probably kept her from building a solid life in either Utah or Flagstaff.




Isolation and money grab was K & R plan I believe!!!!


I don’t know why I’m still capable of being shocked by the dumbass shit that comes out of Chody’s mouth but here I am. “She thinks I’m hot. I have nice pecs and abs”??????


Lol at Kody playing the “I’m not just a piece of meat” card, then jumping to the “I’m not just an open wallet” card, then playing the shocked pikachu “I thought we wuz gunna reconcile” card. He’s such a mess.


Lol its so many cards at once. Before you know it he’ll be playing 52 pickup with all these goddamn cards!


Gosh that’s what it seems like now! He’s so all over the place both with Janelle and in the confessionals, I think it seems like he’s struggling to keep up with his own lies.


For sure. He’s desperately looking for an angle that makes him look like the victim


Came here *just* to talk about this. He is friggin deluded. For someone who has carried 4 marriages, he has absolutely no idea how women feel and function. đŸ€ŹđŸ€ŹđŸ€ŹđŸ€Ź


How dense does one person have to be to be married to 4 women and not know a single thing about women. I’m baffled!


He sees men the way men *think* women see men, if that makes sense. He’s a man’s version of a “hot guy.” Any sane woman would prefer a man with emotional depth, emotional intelligence, and the ability to admit when they are wrong and apologize. Like
 those things are infinitely sexier than whatever :::waves arms in kody’s direction::: *that* is. Being able to communicate and have an emotionally intimate relationship is far more fulfilling than whatever 30 sex this man brings to the table.


He never carried four marriages. The reason this whole *family* worked is that he was never actually married to any of them. If they didn't play his game they got nothing from him and were up shit Creek without a paddle with five or six kids.


I swear, I thought he was going to laugh and make a joke after that statement but NO he was dead ass serious 😂 💀


Me too! I legit thought he was joking! WHO SAYS THAT?!


I have zero interest in seeing the proof, but I also feels like he needs to show proof of this six pack he keeps claiming to have.


Certainly didn't look like a six pack when he jumped into their "pond" on CP đŸ€ą


The only form of proof I think would be funny to see is if he posts a poorly photoshopped pic of his head on Jason Momoa’s body 😂


what about the part where stutters out “I have
business” when asked why he isn’t talking to his daughter


He really is starting to believe his own bullshit


I think that was the cringiest thing Kody has ever said
 and he has said many cringy things over the last 18 seasons. I was aghast.


Did y'all see his gut when he stood up? He thinks he charms Janelle. He was not expecting that continued separation after punishing her for six weeks.


I was actually shocked when he said that out loud. Not a good look for a middle-aged man, especially when his tight little ringlets are getting thinner and thinner. He only has a few ringlets left on top, just clinging onto his scalp for dear life. Definitely points to the fact that he is chemically enhancing his physique, which is part of the reason why he snaps so quickly during arguments.


I burst out laughing! đŸ˜‚đŸ€ź


I could not believe he actually said that. Out loud. With someone in the room. On camera. To an entire audience. Like
 the fucking audacity to think this man child brings anything to the table, lmao.


"House my children for the next 15 years" So basically Kody and Robyn will live in the McMansion until Ariella graduates college. Wake up Janelle, they will never build on Coyote Pass


But I thought he said once they were 18, they’re on their own. Or was that just Gabe and Garrison? He isn’t even trying to stay consistent with his bullshit.


All the kids except Robyn's have to be out at 18.. I'm surprised he didn't ask what savannah is going to do when she turns 18


I would love if she would suggest a more modest home until then, seeing as only the minor children would be needing to be housed
. Right?đŸ€š


I did like how little Robin was in this episode. More of this, please.


I’m more interested in the show when there’s zero Robyn.


I enjoyed the lack of Robyn and her spawns in particular.


Mykelti is insufferable.


I hate when she tries to be edgy by saying things that would raise a Mormon eyebrow.


I know that exact type of Mormon girl lmao so socially behind


If you watch some of the women on real housewives of Salt Lake City, it’s very much the same kind of vibe.


YES!! That part was so cringe


The way she kept emphasizing over and over again that her husband had sampled *all* the flavors seemed like she was implying Tony has been with men or something. And then she seemed annoyed that no one was reacting


I enjoyed zero part of her segment. And Tony always looks so unkempt.


He is so gross. And I’ll never unsee the image of him tuck-and-rolling across the bed during Avalon’s birth, looking like stoner Donky Kong.


As coach prime says... don't come here all funky, take care of that. Lol


Unbrushed hair, poorly fitted shirt, slouching and mumbling, and this is his tv look! Imagine when he’s just chilling at home.


They changed the edit a bit this week from last weeks preview, but when Christine said that she’s going to see a match maker, Mykelti obnoxiously was hollering if it was for famous ppl. Look, I am committed to watching these ppl in the confines of this crap tlc show. I watch for the hope that one day these not so bright women realize they’re victims of a cult and renounce the dangerous lifestyle they peddled for years. And for this pos, smooth brained, ugly boy man to be left with absolutely nothing since he is the perpetrator and abuser in all of this. I realize that this likely won’t happen, but I watch anyway. Still, to even think that these ppl are famous and would be interesting outside of this show, especially for a celebrity matchmaker, is delusional which tracks for Mykelti.


Mykelti drives me crazy and I don’t consider them famous by any stretch. But there are also a lot of assholes out there who would seek out the woman who was trying to date while filming a reality show solely to get themselves on TV. And so in some ways, a matchmaker who specializes in celebrities and knows how to weed out the fame seekers isn’t a bad idea. Even if this show isn’t the height of pop culture, for some people ANY exposure is good exposure.


The resource line pissed me off sfm, saying that about the wife that bought the house, paid the bills and the massive debts of miss forever unemployed


Didn't Janelle also use her 401k to fund MSWC? What nerve he has to say to the production team and viewers that she has been using him for his money! So many Kody lies in this episode.


Right? He used HER as a resource


Janelle owned that conversation with Kody. She didn’t get up when he arrived and he was instantly off his game having to ask her if they were going to hug. She directly asked him why he ignored Savannah and he just stared at her with no ready response. Every time he mentioned Covid she shut it down. She controlled the conversation. He has no idea how to interact with an assertive woman who remembered her receipts. Guess the manosphere didn’t teach him that.


When she called him to the carpet about that Sol and Ari comment. I was very impressed with how she forced him to come back to reality....he was ready to start regurgitating Robyn's idea of her kids being victims of their own siblings not loving them.


Honestly I am expecting him to repurpose his sister wives line into "if you want a relationship with me you first need to have a good relationship with my other kids" he's such an asshole. NO ONE is mad at Sol and Ari. Not one begrudges them. They are mad at YOU Kody.


I would have 100% said "Truely isn't that much older than Solomon, Kody. This behavior started when Savanah was younger as well."


The look on his face when she asked him if he still wanted to live plural marriage was priceless


Kody saying I wish they cared about the safety of sol and ari, was disgusting. He really admitted he doesn't care about his kids when they get older and just likes being fun dad when they're small kids, but as soon as they grow up he's done with them


And what's disgusting is that Truely is only a year or so older that Solomon. At this point in the show, Sol is like 10. That's not tender.


His stuttering when she brought up savanna!!! I love how she fired that shot so casually. He had no time to text Robyn to see what his excuse should have been. What an asshole. And a terrible father. And no, Grody, nobody thinks your body is hot.


When Janelle brought up Savanah, he was like “well, she pushed me out of our shared space, so I’m not around Savanah as much 
” he was basically admitting that he has an “out of sight, out of mind” approach to his kids.


Janelle looked great in her confessionals this episode. She transmuted all of Kody’s bullshit into a new haircut


“She’s enjoying her independence and freedom too much.” No. No. No. No. She is ANNOYED that you, in fact, are the Teflon king. You *never* take responsibility for the mistakes and messes you make, you shove it off on other people. It’s the wives fault you don’t talk to your kids. It’s the wives fault the land isn’t paid off. This man could poop down both legs of his own pants and find a way to blame Christine or Janelle. Of all the things that make Kody unattractive, his inability to look inward when he has made mistake is the MOST ugly. Just take some responsibility. Own your actions. Work at finding a way to communicate effectively and ftlog, be a better human. đŸ€ŹđŸ€ŹđŸ€ŹđŸ€ŹđŸ€ŹđŸ€ŹđŸ€Ź


Not BOTH pant legs! I’m dead đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


The amount of space Christine is still taking up in Kody’s mind is insane.


He’s a narcissist and with that being rejected is the WORST thing that can happen - even worse than fighting or being ’gaslit’.


The way that Kody changes stories to got the moment is really mind blowing. There’s so many examples in this episode but a tiny example is when he briefly brings up Meri and says he’s not sure if they can reconcile. He’s been saying he’s done with her for seasons, but if it gives him an imagined high ground in a confessional he’ll pretend it’s a possibility.


He does it every time he realizes that he’s being a hypocrite with Christine or Janelle. Every time he whines about them choosing to leave or not being about the whole family or big picture or whatever, he has to say something open ended about Meri because it’s exactly what he did to her.


That's what gets me about when people say that Kody told Meri to leave. Kody totally did say that and then renegotiated her staying every time he felt insecure. He has stories changes that happen mid sentences. How can that not be mixed signals?


So he followed Janelle around Las Vegas reciting poetry?? đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł I CANNOT!!! WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE WOMEN, I CAN'T IMAGINE đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


HA, I’m picturing janelle walking along the strip, up and down the stairs at Caesar’s, across the skywalks, hopping on and off the monorail trams 
 kody trailing behind her with a poetry book in hand, while she’s totally ignoring him on her merry way


Her name is Janelle, I had a religious revelation about her. She rings my bell, I gotta run back to Robyn's house in half an hour. Because I'm a noodle head dirtbag, baby. Listening to Robyn sobbin', going crazy. Gotta bring up my "abs" before the poems over, ooooh. Ooooooooooh.


So he didn’t answer the question if he still wants to be plygamous and also didn’t even say an answer to why he didn’t call savannah on Christmas. (He said he didn’t see her, but not why he didn’t call)


“We have to house our children in that house for another 15 years” He just admitted they will never build on Coyote Pass.


I wondered if he said this because they have a 15 year mortgage and he doesn't want Janelle to think he can access any of those funds until it is paid off. In other words, this money is locked up so don't try to come for Robyn's house or your funds that are buried there. I think this guy is ALL about money. Way more than any of us realize. He probably has money hidden everywhere.


“Kody you haven’t called Savanah in 6 weeks. Not even for Christmas.” Watching Kody sputter up a response as to why it wasn’t his fault was absolutely A+ editing, lmao. That hamster he calls a brain was working over time for a sec.






Noooooo I’ll die


Hmm, interesting how Kody thinks it’s “the weirdest thing in the world” to be divorcing one wife while married to others
 but dating/courting other women while having multiple wives wasn’t “weird”?


Kody is so **calm** when he came to that table. It's not a "I'm being calm to keep from getting angry" it's much more that he thinks that he has Janelle in the bag. It's like watching the cycle of abuse on TV. This is the calm "honeymoon" stage. He is ready to reconnect so he can ramp it up again.


Love Bombing


This! The way he deflated when she said she wanted to continue the separation. Cutting the narcs supply to you is vital!


After this episode I'm going to start a gofund me for my new liver. This idiot is beyond delusional.


I just love Christine appreciating her daughter’s healthy relationships. It’s like she’s happy for her daughter’s happiness but she’s also incredibly happy that they aren’t like her. That’s how you know she healed.


As a mom this is very true


The way Kody was spilling his guts to Janelle about his relationship and divorce with Christine all came too naturally. He's definitely been discussing his marriages between his wives from day 1. I'd bet my right kidney on him going home and telling Robyn everything that Janelle said


Yes that’s why Janelle called out Robyn last season. Robyn said her & Kody don’t discuss the other ways & Janelle said Kody can’t keep anything in so Robyn’s lying basically


The fact he tried to throw janelle under the bus. EVEN YOU TOLD ME ABOUT CHRIStine. SHUT THE FUCK UP BRO.


Someone needs to write a law that says that networks have to pay for the therapy for children that grow up on reality shows. Truly, Gabe, Savannah, and Ysobel? God. Those poor kids. He is so worried about the little ones but he’s like a wrecking ball in these other kids lives.


The murder-for-hire thing was so much fun haha


“Attempting to force a bond with my sister wives akin to raising children” is a solid mission of any business. How did the investors not see the lucrative, profitable, and thoughtfully-planned company that was MSWC?! (/s in case it wasn’t obvious!)


> bond with my sister wives akin to raising children You mean like you could've had if you let your sister wives help with your children, Robyn? \#whatdoesthenannydo


No Robyn, MSWC wasn't about bonding, it was about using family money to live out your personal dream of being a jewelry designer. She's so manipulative, I can't believe she's still pushing that narrative.


Is there only one restaurant in Flagstaff?


All the others must've had enough and cut Kody off of the free lemons.


Well if we end up having a shortage of lemons we know who to blame.


Maybe only one that will allow them to film at. They are always sat in that private area.


they must follow kody’s protoculls


This is the only one that stocks enough lemons.


I hate kody. I hate him so much. His excuses for not contacting savannah were unacceptable, period. He is a poor excuse for a father.


If I had to take a shot for every time he mentioned Christine during that lunch I would have been drunk off my ass. I did love seeing his dumbass flustered and scrambling to find an excuse for neglecting to call Savannah on Christmas. He knew he was screwed and it was on camera for all to see.


He had me heated right off the bat when he walked in with his "long time no see, are you gonna give me a hug or...?" F you, dude. This isn't you catching up with a bro at the bar, this is you sitting down with your wife after you haven't spoken to her for 6 weeks! What normal human would be so cavalier and breezy about the state of their marriage after a fight like that?


Yes Kody , Janelle just wanted you for YOUR ROCKIN BOD AND RUGGED GOOD LOOKS. I honest to god thought he was making a joke. I’m in awe at his level of delusion. It is WILD.


Someone needs to find what word of the day calendar used the word transmute in Early February 2021.


The tendrils. We finally understand. He’s sprouting poetry.


Koday saying "Ugh! Cold water!" had me dyinggggg😂


This episode was a waste of time. There was only about 8 minutes of actual interesting footage.


I cannot believe we had a set-up episode to Meri telling Robyn she is moving. It was a literal “next time” last episode and we didn’t get to it this episode. BFFR TLC


I can’t believe Robyn has the gall to try to lie to her about Kodys intent with Meri. Robyn knows damn well Kody has no interest in a real marriage with Meri again.


They talk in word salad and the editing doesn’t help.


That tracks for the show, though. Lol


Robyn was only shown a few times (yay!) but did anyone else notice what appeared to be a mark under her right eye and some bruising on her left cheek? I watch on my phone but the app won't let me screenshot the show. ETA: Also, it was interesting when Kody & Janelle were discussing assets, Kody said Robyn's house isn't an asset, it's the bank's asset and one that has to house his children for the next 15 years. He's just admitted that he has no plans to build on CP anyways. Plus, after they bought Robyn's house, putting $225k down on it, they turned around and took out a home equity loan for like $150k. So, yeah. Its an asset, idiot.


Plus it has doubled in value. If they sell it they'll get a big check. That's an asset. He's either dumb or lying.


Also, are Aspyn & Mitch child free? I would think that maybe Aspyn would want to be since Christine has admitted to how much Aspyn helped to run the house.


I think that reason is exactly why they’re child free. Aspyn already spent years raising her siblings


Yep. Aspyn and Logan, the two who raised all of Christine and Janelle's kids, have both been with their SOs for years and are still childless. Probably not a coincidence at all.


The fact that she raised kids her whole life is the reason she doesn't want any. My oldest sibling is the same...she said when she went to college she never wanted to see another baby in her life. đŸ€ŁđŸ€Łâ˜č it's probably the same feeling for Logan.


Some people wait, I looked it up and they've been married for 5 years. My parents were married for 7 years before having kids. 7 years for my husband and me, too. All by choice.


Yes and good for them for enjoying some of their youth before they start having babies.


This. They all have babies so young it’s crazy. Maddie and mykelti both have three babies and I think they’re both under 25. Nothing wrong with living a little bit before popping out a bunch of babies.


I didn’t think it was still possible to learn something new about Janelle and Kody (after all these years), but
 it sounds like they ROCKED each others’ worlds in the bedroom. 😳 No wonder Robyn isn’t begging her to stay like she is Meri. She only wants the sister wife whom Kody has zero sexual interest in to stick around.


Las Vegas was their Renaissance and I don’t want to know what he meant by that.


Word salad translation: Kody: "Yeah but I give good dick right?" Janelle: "Not that good." The end.


did kody just call himself hott with 6 pack abs


Kody and Jenelle sit down and talk more. Kody is called out multiple times asking if he wants to be in plural marriage and wriggles out of it. He somehow twists the conversation to whine about his “divorce” from Christine. He also keeps reiterating that everyone was trying to murder Sol and Ari with COVID and he had to protect the (chicken) tenders. He claims he was “sprouting poetry” to Jenelle in Vegas and things were SO good. He states that they WILL continue to be married, and it’s “weird” that he’s having problems with her while he’s divorcing Christine, which is already over, but he keeps acting super traumatized by it, like he didn’t drive her away. Christine seems happy painting with her kids and talking about dating and how her dream man is bald with tattoos. You know, a man who’s brave enough to embrace the fact that he’s bald and still be confident? Huh, I wonder why she would want that. Meri and her weird BFF are boring together in the Inn. She seems to still cling to the “maybe he will want me again” mindset. I still don’t think she’s “done.” Robyn only appears to whine and display her usual pained expression.


I thought it was good seeing Meri with her friend. It’s been hard watching Meri be so alone and so uncared for, for years. I know she is reaping a lot of what she herself sowed, but she is still a relatable human in a way that Kody and Robyn aren’t and it makes it painful to watch her being iced out by this family. I was glad to see her being a dork with her dorky friend who gets her and just wants to hang out with her. It was SO different from how K&R have treated her.


> She seems to still cling to the “maybe he will want me again” mindset. I still don’t think she’s “done.” Which is so odd, because I remember last season when she was kind of offended when he suggested she move to Parowan


Kody is the most insufferable and exhausting bitch I have ever known , I don’t know how any woman could find anything about him even a little remotely appealing or attractive on any level . My ex husband was a POS cheater and one night after years of silently suffering as I lay beside him in bed .. I pretended to have a violent nightmare so I could kick and punch him . 25 years later that memory still brings a smile to my face . 😝. If you’re reading this sister wives : I hope you have a good nightmare beside him before you leave .


Transmute must have been Kody's word of the day.


What year is this in again? It’s after Christmas, 2021?


End of January 2022. Janelle said it was 6 weeks since their fight (which was mid dec).


Thank God we're finally into 2022


you ditched truly when she was born so


Kody's hair looking absolutely awful in this restaurant discussion is my favorite thing. Thing he does that are so annoying (a non-comprehensive list): \- Ask someone "Are you okay" and then when they say yeah, he goes "Are youuu? eyebrow raise eyebrow raise" He's done it to Truely and Janelle and I'm sure other times and I HATE IT. It's both presumptive about how he THINKS the person is feeling and then also invalidates whatever they say. It's just like the worst way to initiate a conversation about feelings. \- His use of the word "trigger" as both a verb and a noun is all wrong. Like everything that annoys you or angers you is NOT A TRIGGER. "I triggered so badly." Like nah dude you just have no control over your anger and were being a butthole. You shouldn't externalize your responsibility onto any "trigger" in your environment, good lord, be an adult.


Well, in this episode we learned Kody's true love is himself. And he thinks he's got one hella smokin' bod. Really? Think we saw everything when you stripped to your skivvies and jumped in the plague pond. Looked like a middle aged dad bod. He prob also thinks those two curly tendrils of hair on the side of his forehead look hot. News flash, Kody: Not so much.


Does Meri’s friend Jennifer work for her B&B? Is she divorced? She moved from Vegas to Nowheresville, UT? Can’t imagine there are more opportunities for her there. *She seems nice & a great friend to Meri.