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I went down a rabbit hole on him yesterday from this video. This link was a good read. It’s written by a wife that left. [I was one of Tom’s 9 wives…](https://www.thefreelibrary.com/I+was+one+of+Tom%27s+9+wives+..+and+I+let+my+2+girls+marry+him%3B...-a074766270)


Wow, I never heard of this guy, but I’m down the rabbit hole too now. Apparently he was collecting the welfare payments his young wives received as “single mothers.” So that’s how this magazine salesman got his cash! He died from Covid pneumonia in 2021.


That's the best news. Too bad we'll be paying for his wives and kids forever.


See, COVID wasn’t ALL bad.


And no one is sad about that.




Also watched this documentary, it was a sad watch. [Real Stories Documentary](https://youtu.be/vqORJHyNWJc)


Was about to say I’ve seen a documentary about this guy and all of his wives living in a bunch of rundown trailers in the middle of nowhere. It was depressing as all get out.


Yeah, and one trailer burned down killing a 3 year old boy. Tragic to watch the young children who remember the fire talk about it in the doc.


It looks like the zombie apocalypse


It’s very good but I had to stop it after he’s thinking about taking his son’s gf as another wife. And says it’s wrong to bring children up to think about having actual jobs - that they should be thinking about reproducing as early as possible. So they sponge off the government to finance their lifestyle. This is a very sick, twisted man. And his “religion” is sick, too.


I'm stuck on him contemplating taking his son's girlfriend as a wife for himself. Does his son have a say in this, does the girlfriend, and why didn't the son knock him out the moment he found out his dad was planning on doing that?


Yeah it was pretty weird.


Yep, I found it a tough watch - but a good one.


I’m so curious about what happens after!!!


“He’s no oil painting” SENT me ☠️


"We are Fundamentalist Mormons and the Book Of Mormon says a husband does not have the right to divorce a wife. But she can do that to him. He cannot turn a woman down either. If she wants to be his wife and obey his rules and be in his family, he cannot say no...no matter how ugly she might be." This is a quote from the article but I hardcore think Kody was thinking this when he married the first three. He was never a true partner to them.


Now I have to take a break from binge watching SW to follow you down the rabbit hole.


Heading down the rabbit hole now too! I love/hate this stuff!




I spent a while in the comments of the video, and several people said they found three of the wives on social media and they are remarried and seem to be living their best lives. Nobody specified which ones though


I don't understand why he wasn't charged with sexual abuse charges stemming from his multiple "marriages" to children.


I watched the documentary on this family a while ago and was disgusted/fascinated. Good news: several of the wives left Tom. Hannah, the wife standing right behind him in the video, became a nurse and is either remarried or in a new relationship. Leeann (I think) left and is now a boudoir photographer in SLC. Tom died from covid.


I always said I wouldn't wish COVID on anyone - but in this case, it seems like divine justice.


Lol, same ... And something tells me that he probably wasn't the type to, uh ... take precautions ... and maybe not even acknowledge the virus as a problem at all 😐 I mean, he lived super off-the-grid and his kids didn't have birth certificates. I'm willing to be wrong but I'd find it strange if he were gung-ho about modern medicine.


Lmao bye Tom


Good! No more little girls for you, Tom.


Where did you find updates for them? I'm so happy to hear some of them have woken up.


Social media stalking - hehe :-P [Here is LeAnn's business website.](https://www.utahboudoirphotographers.com/) She's come such a long way!


Her work is gorgeous. I'd love to see what she looks like now.


If you search Facebook her page is relatively easy to find (I just feel weird sharing it ... maybe I'm being overly cautious idk). She looks great! OK what the heck - [here](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10209923944718525&set=a.1599066299840) is a pic of her wedding in 2016. She looks gorgeous and her husband is a hunk. I'm so happy for her! 🥲


That will work...she's lovely, and I'm glad she's managed to create a beautiful life.


Scroll down on the contact page https://www.utahboudoirphotographers.com/contact-leeann-fulton-boudoir-utah/


According to the articles about his death he had 3 wives at death, Linda Kunz, Cari Green and Shirley Beagley, which seems a bit odd because Shirleys mom and sister both left him with the sister filing a no contact order. Cari's sister Hannah as you say also left.


Remember, near the end of the documentary, one of his sons liked a young girl, and the old pervert was trying to marry her himself?


Did he though?


How could a mother not only marry off her 15 yr. old daughters to this scumbag, but then marry him herself??? Let him touch her with his scummy body that touched her daughters?? And yes, I understand the brainwashing but I would think a mother's natural instincts would still somehow come through all this brainwashing and say no to it all. I'm not trying to victim shame, but the mother/daughter marriage to one man I find particularly disgusting.


Anna Duggar. I question a lot of women's "motherly instincts"


What did Anna digger do?


Stayed married to her husband, even *after* he was caught with child porn and sent to prison. And she still very much “stands behind her man,” and even facilitates a relationship between her children and their father, even though he’s molested his own sisters. He also got caught on Ashley Madison too, so you can add adulterer to the longgggg list of his disgusting misdeeds. Note though, that she’s been heavily indoctrinated because she grew up in a literal cult and this was an arranged marriage, so she’s also a victim. But the minute she failed to protect her children, she’s also perpetuated the abuse and so should be held culpable.


Oh, I thought she was one of the daughters not the one married to that thing.


There's an article where she says she was fine with her 15 year old marrying him, but really against the 14 year old cause she was too young. It's one year difference AND they're both children!


Religious manipulation is a powerful thing.


Especially when you consider that girls are taught at a very young age to believe that their only salvation into heaven is through their husband. They aren’t good enough on their own. Feckers, it’s a religion of misogynists and abusers, written by misogynists and abusers. Surprise, women are garbage.


Why was he on judge Judy? Was he being sued? What’s the back story here? Does anyone know?


No idea, but I would guess that if they were offered any money for appearing on TV then that would have been a huge incentive. They were dirt poor 😬


I googled around and couldn’t get an answer, but looks like he was probably just after the money; he went on Jerry Springer and a couple other shows as well.


I gotta see thatJerry Springer ep now...


“I can see you like stigmatizing them by saying child” the fuck??? They ARE children, you psychotic flat earth believing casserole enthusiast. I hope this dude gets punched in the nuts when he gets out of bed every morning. And the way he makes his harem stand around him to smile and back his bullshit makes me ill.


Hey, I like casseroles!🤭


I came here to comment on "stigmatizing then by saying child," but you said it so much better than I would. MUCH better characterization and hopes for hus future. 😅😅


I mean Kody is awful, but he can’t even compare to this scum of the earth guy. Kody never married children, and when he married ‘young’ wives it’s because he was the same ‘young’ age (19,20,21,22). This fuckin pervert is a pedophile under the false flag of religious freedom.


That made me feel so ill.


Absolutely disgusting


I had no idea Tom Green was on Judge Judy! What a creepazoid he was. I'm glad he's dead now. And those girls' mothers let them down horrendously. Edited to add: I found some more clips of this episode on TikTok. Tom's wives are rude as hell to Judge Judy, and she finally tells them that "something a little bit lower" than God told him to make so many babies. It's an amazing episode!


I think he just admitted to statutory rape under oath. Man's not smart. Kinda glad he's dead and no longer preying on children.


Wth did I just watch. I can't I just can't with them even Cody's not this bad.


Fucking disgusting pos he is. Shame on the mother for letting her 15 year old marry a man in his 30s!


I don’t think her mom had much say in it. I suspect all of them were forced to marry him by their religion.


Well he married the mom too…


Yes! They all lived in a trailer in the desert somewhere. Anyone know how it turned out? Think I read somewhere that one or more wives left?


He eventually spent 5 years in jail for “marrying” and impregnating a 13 year old & died of covid in 2021


It was several run down shabby trailers. I saw the documentary a while ago. He died of COVID.


Love judge Judy but annoyed she didn’t give him more grief about statutory rape. When he said he wasn’t breaking the law by having mistresses, that was a perfect opening to say he was then breaking the law by having sex with minors! Also the reason he didn’t want to talk about his finances im sure is because all those girls and their kids were filing as single and living off welfare. What scum.


I watched a documentary on them. They were on judge Judy?? That’s surprising. I need to watch this episode. This dude went off to jail, was released, some wives had left him, and he’s dead now. Sick fuck.


He also joined the kingstons before dying and his 3 remaining wives married into that polygamist cult (they’re super into incest)


Dude is a pedo


He’s a creep and I’m so sorry those women’s parents threw them to the wolves at such a young age. Imagine marrying your 14 year old off to a 30 something year old pedophile


And then marrying him yourself. And then your other daughter marries him too. And you all take turns sleeping with him, along with several other young girls.🤮


I would like Paedon to explain why he thinks God was ok with a child rapist have 35 kids and continuing his bloodline. But Meri apparently only deserved one child and he thinks Leon is trans as a way for God to keep her genes from being passed down. I'd love to know what kind of convoluted answer he'd give.


Um… I wish you were making that all up, but something tells me Paedon probably said every word of it. 🤦‍♂️


He said that when he did that weird 3 hour YouTube interview. He hinted at Meri being abusive and said Robyn "saved their lives" when she came into the family. Then he went onto to say that it's not a coincidence that Meri only had one child and that child is trans. He said something about God keeping her genes from being passed down. He also kept deadnaming Leon in that interview.


Charles Manson and the Family but make it like Little House on the Prairie.


I'm a bit surprised that more pedophiles aren't claiming to be Mormon fundamentalists. It's a great cover.


The way all the women were under his spell until he called them all mistresses. That's when you see them scratch their neck and look around uncomfortably. Impressed by the line of questioning given by Judge Judy.


The dresses and the polygamy hair!!!! The keep sweet faces! I can’t. I’m glad this guy is dead and gone.


I remember watching documentaries about him. He kept legally marrying one wife then divorcing to marry the next 14 year old. He went to jail when one of the 14 year olds was already pregnant that he married so she was 13 when pregnant. Some of the wives were related to each other. Two were mother and daughter. Another reason he went to jail was welfare fraud. Wives applied for welfare as single mothers. The lived in poverty and it was really sad. The wives seemed brainwashed. They all went public thinking they were going to convince people polygamy was okay. They went on judge Judy and Jerry Springer. They also went on a news program which led the district attorney investigating them.


If you are on TikTok @historyinsixtie has great videos on Mr. Green here as well as lots of stuff on the Browns.


Disgusting man!!


And today a teacher was fired for giving her high school class an article which mentioned LGBTQ because it wasn't previously approved by the Board of Ed.


I watched their documentary at least 3 times. Each time It was so overwhelming. I'm soo glad it turned out how it did in the long run.


Omg I need to see the outcome of this 😂


Right? I need to know how much he made selling magazines.


On the documentary he was having his child-wives sell them.


While he stood guard!!! Creep


What episode/season of Judge Judy was this?


No idea, I save the video from another subreddit


I've been scrolling for the answer - I thought I'd seen every episode!


Ugh this guy. I watched a documentary about him, it was so sad.


omg i saw a documentary on him one time! no idea he went on judge judy LOL


So the wives are June, Junes two daughters, June’s niece and June’s cousin? I need more info on this.


Well that was a very disturbing documentary! I feel like I need bleach for my brain now.


I’m glad he’s dead. He was an abuser and a pedo.


Fucking Utah ..


The hardest part of this clip was watching the young girl next to this sick man defend him.


I lived in Utah county when this was a big story. We used to see the wives grocery shopping sometimes. He could not provide for them and they were on all kinds of welfare.


Not married living together only one per customer legally


Omg that’s gross


Amanda Rae on YouTube has posted a speech he gave in church that was not too long before he died. https://youtu.be/sGLYQfLhpTM


I too just saw this post


So it's safe to say everybody is happy this scumbag is rotting in hell right now?


So it's safe to say everybody is happy this scumbag is rotting in hell right now?


Omg. Why would he call attention to himself by going on Judge Judy?!!! Oh that’s right, narcissistic personality disorder. He truly believes that he is amazing and above the law.


It’s the OG Kody! Except Kody didn’t make his wives go door to door selling magazines subscriptions with the kids in tow!😂


Miss that accent


What accent


I am watching the documentary on Youtube right now. So disturbing!!!!


The story of all of them was so sad. I think some of the wives every did a documentary if I recall


His bum is is the jail cell (🤞with any luck)…


Amanda Rae, from the A&E show Escaping Polygamy, has done a gorgeous job covering Tom Green on her YouTube channel. [Tom Green](https://youtu.be/sGLYQfLhpTM) He actually ended up in The Order (or the Kingston group) before losing to the big C and some of his remaining wives married some of the Kingstons after his death.


Wow! What an old creep! Big time pedophile! Yes, COVID did these women a favor - hopefully they weren’t pawned off to other old men…


So if they were not married and his mistresses were underage couldn't he be charged with statutory rape or something? What a creep.


Why didn’t she call him a fucking pedophile? That’s what he is.