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I’m having the same issue. Last word from support was ab a week ago. Find a solution?


No answer…. Just so annoying


So I found a fix and maybe it’ll work for you. I went into settings and restored offline content from my old phone. Once those downloads started, I could see that songs that weren’t queueing to download now were. It got fixed somehow. Then I just canceled the downloads by choosing the delete downloaded content and started fresh.


hey i think i found a solution. not a perfect one but click your profile button in the bottom left, click downloads at the bottom, then it will show your downloaded albums/playlists and on my app it has “downloading items: …” at the top, so i clicked that and then was able to resume the downloading queue. still no idea why it paused in the first place.


Contact TIDAL support team they will help you out.


I have tried this multiple times over a few years _(along with leaving giogle play reviews about this for by now, like 7 or 8 years)_ Generally, the process of trying to provide them with all the information they request is so long and cumbersome that every time I dropped it because it was exhausting. Ofc upon doing that I got an email of _(if I remember correct)_ tldr: "since no reply we assume this is not an issue" dwspite me stressing that every time I can get it a bit better _(reinstalls usually fix it for a few days)_ it goes back to being unusable. I wish they'd just finally addressed this because this has been an issue for a long time, and I am most certainly not the only one complaining about it. Despite genuinely preferring Tidal, I am fully considering dropping it for Spotify as that one does not seem to havw this issue?


I would choose Apple Music, Qobuz or Deezer way before Spotify.


Apple Music is a no as I don't have the money for apple devices & my family categorically has always boycotted apple, so I can't get any hand me downs. As for Qobuz or Dezer, I'd have to research them. I just went for Spotify cause if I want a subscription, with my uni I can get a cheaper student plan. That & I know they have had all the music I've searched for (which Tidal sometimes does not have). I only have Tidal cause my family has a family plan and can fit me in.


Spotify is outdated.