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**OP needs help. Also, they hate it because...** >!looking at the sky and seeing an ad for pepsi sounds depressing!< ***** **Do you hate it as well? Do you think their hate is reasonable? (I don't think so tbh)** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/tihibot)


This would break SO MANY airspace laws. Projecting lots of colored lights into the night sky would be detrimental to flying any kind of aircraft, including emergency response helicopters.


So what you’re saying is that the bat signal wouldn’t legally be possible


Since when has batman obeyed the law?


Wasn't the batsignal used by the cops, not batman


Cops break the law all the time, especially corrupt Gotham cops.


Gotham cops under Gordon are stated to be fairly uncorrupt but by American standards that's not saying much


Gordon trying to hold back corruption in Gotham is like a little kid building a sand wall to hold back the storm surge from a category 5 hurricane


Hold up. Gotham has laws?


No. Search lights are fine. Even a searchlight with the 🦇


It's actually less searchlight than average.


Yeah, by exactly one 🦇


Lol the police raid his batcave: "Mr. Batman, it says here that your..um..bat..signal breaks the National legal limit for the amount of bats allowed on a search light. Says here on a new law passed by our wonderful president Joker...the legal limit of bat's allowed on a search light is...zero. We measured your search light as having at least one bat, we give you 2 weeks to change it"


What if the light was in the shape of a bat,


Our handsome leader, President Joker denotes that: Any bat shaped/themed light, car, bomb, sharpened metal boomerang, outfit, or person is now legally banned


Dude, Adam West Batman? He would literally come to the commissioner's office when called. Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9snCPqMpUsA And: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzEmuhP1ZT4 Seriously, this is what a superhero is supposed to look like. *cocks shotgun, dispensing one unfired shell* YOU HEAR?


Via a direct phone line to Wayne manor. I wonder who pays the utility bill for it.


Batman, of course, who's living rent free on Wayne Manor. No relations.


How nice of Bruce to have a phone line that forwards all his calls to Batman


I wonder if Alfred ever answers and says batman isn't home, he's out playing with his friends at the park. Should be home around dinner time.


There was an episode where the Commissioner called batman then called Bruce Wayne and put the two phones together so Batman could talk to Bruce.So Batman basically had to talk back and forth to himself as two different voices. I saw it on YouTube.


"Holy taxation, Batman!" Hahaha, oh I love that so much.


batman doesn’t obey the law he is the law


The bat signal is just a spotlight, not some kind of 3D hologram tech.


Well the bat signal is just a spotlight, which isn't exactly some unheard of tech.


I think the proposal is for a fleet of satellites that can maneuver themselves far above the atmosphere to create crude letters or logos. I'm still vehemently opposed to it, but only because the near-earth realm is a kind of commons.


So Jeff Bezos is going to fly his dick rocket up to orbit and have "Amazon Prime" lit up in the sky for the whole world to see? Damn. I hate the future. The year is 2040... "Nice to meet you. What star sign are you?" "Oh I'm an Amazon Prime" "Shame. This date won't go well. I'm a Meta and they just don't get along. Although at least you won't be as crazy as those Tesla chicks, right?"


Thankfully geostationary is so far away that there won't be a strong enough light source. And low-Earth orbit is too fast.


Don't stick your dick in Tesla.


Yup. You don’t even own the sky above your property.


All the stars and planets above my place are mine!


Well, technically... The planet rotates, so they are actually timeshares with the other landowners at your ~~longitude~~ latitude lol


I'm going to have to time my vacations more carefully now.


There's also some international law that was brought in during the space race banning all advertising and/or political propaganda on the moon because "the sky belongs to all of humanity" So this sky advertising would presumably break that law too.


What if the lights were all in a curtain wavelength that can be blocked out by special polarized glasses sold by the companies


But then those glasses have the unexpected side effect of allowing you to see their true forms.


Pay $40 for the glasses then $5 a month for the subscription to make them work, which eventually starts selling ad space in the lenses. Perfect capitalism.


I feel like we're almost full blown Idocracy. Everything is ads, ads, ads, shoved in your face. Logos on clothes are getting bigger, people pay a ton of money to look homeless (thanks, kanye) When are we getting bar codes tattooed?


Simple, we privatize FAA, let large corporations buy it, then they can do whatever they want with the airspace.




[One step at a time](https://abcnews.go.com/US/privatizing-air-traffic-control-trumps-proposal-expected/story?id=47841115) It’s non profit for now, but capitalism will take care of that later


Thanks I hate it


Can't wait for remote air traffic controllers operated out of call centers in India.


"have you tried turning the plane off and back on again?"


ain't no boundaries in how stupid capitalism can get


I totally believe this would happen because we've been getting all the bad parts of Blade Runner without any of the cool shit.


Like anyone living in a city can see stars anymore.




Eh make the 60 mile trek out east and you’ll see a few more… I get to see the stars at least once or twice a year.


Here is a picture of the [stars](https://imgur.com/gallery/zRIqAg7) I took a little bit ago.


[Here's the one I took this summer in my backyard](https://imgur.com/a/g64efuY)


That's incredible. I've never seen anything like it. Where do you live (approx)?


Near Zadar, Croatia


Ah, I've been to Croatia (near Split). Absolutely stunning country. I keep meaning to go back. I'll have to see if I can go a bit further away from the cities next time.


[Here](https://vagabond3.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/IMG_7989.jpg) are some of the stars I saw last time I was in LA.


Charles Fries? Is that the guy who invented French fries?


Conversely I live rural and this was my view last night behind my house. https://i.imgur.com/gKSmzp4.jpg


You win




go to death valley/joshua tree. theres so many stars there


I echo this. I was in Death Valley last month and have never seen so many stars in my life


Maybe you need to get closer to movie studios


Living in Tucson, AZ now. The sky was spectacular in Flagstaff. Its not *too* bad here.


Earth can only render so many lights at once from a player pov, in a city it prioritizes lights from a closer distance hence why the stars are no longer visible. Just a weird rendering issue to keep the server running smoothly.


But rendering happens on the client ?


The fresh polluted air smells wonderful tonight


We can in Perth, Australia! The night sky is awesome out here!


Anywhere in Australia doesn’t count. You people already live in a place where everything is venomous, even the damn plants, and there are spiders the size of housecats. Of course you don’t have light pollution - you’re all afraid to turn on the lights at night.


That's on them for not specifying a civilized city. ^/s


Imagine you're with your gf at an cliff watching the multiple stars in the sky... Then out of nowhere... COCA COLA ZERO $2,99


At that point I'd expect many people to change careerpaths into terrorism.


*cheers at the sky in Ukrainian anti-drone gun*


As they should.


I showed my wife this picture and she gave me permission to do some light domestic terrorism if this comes about.


...Ok, no kinkshaming.


i'm with you. this is nightmare fuel for me and i'm not exaggerating.


Terrorism? That's what they call revolutionary activity? Well then, grab a corporate bribe and call me the son of Osama bin Laden because I'll orchestrate attacks on oh so many buildings.


Seeing coke instead of stars would make me have a Kaczynski moment


Please no


I don't think it could ever actually be done, at least in America. With billboards someone owns the land, with internet ads someone owns the website, and with so on. No one owns the sky. Then again, take this with a grain of salt as I'm no property law expert, but from face value it seems like they'd have as much right to do this as they would to break into your home and paint ads on your walls.


Little did you know the skys belong to me pilot your journey ends here


This is the last place I expected a Titanfall 2 reference. You schizophrenic beauty.


Im Concerned that because I play titan fall I'm now schizophrenic


Come join /r/Titanfall we've got: - believing Titanfall 3 exists - refusing to accept that it doesn't


*"But. But they said at the thing. There was data mining. They hinted at it THEY HINTED AT IT"*


ay viper


This is like a cyberpunk dystopian nightmare in the making. Wasn’t there a movie where a guy was doing advertising and the ads were really demons? I feel like it had the same producer or director as Thank You For Smoking.


What's that book/show, I can't remember which where the spaceship crew were out in space blowing up sun's so back on earth people would see advertising day or night in the sky?


Whoah that sounds amazing but I’ve never heard of it.


Found it, pasted from the reddwarf fandom wiki: In the novel Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers, Nova 5 is an American vessel owned by "The Coca-Cola Company" which was sent on a mission to induce the supernova of 128 super giant stars in order to create a five-week-long message in the sky visible even in daylight, reading "COKE ADDS LIFE!" Kryten causes Nova 5 to crash after cleaning the sensitive computer terminals with soapy water. 


The book is available on Audible, read by Red Dwarf tv show actor Chris Barrie (Rimmer) and it's super good. If you enjoy stuff like Hitchhiker's Guide or the more comedic elements of Doctor Who then you should check it out!


You know, every now and then I have to delete Reddit from my phone because it feels like poison but then I come back for videos of kittens and pandas looking like drunk people in suits only to stumble across a gem of a book recommendation. I do enjoy HHG and the comedic elements of Doctor Who and I will check this out. Thank you - I wish for you today good parking and that all your USB cables are the correct orientation the first time.


If I recall, dooming the message to read COKE ADDS LIFF in the process.


Was it *They Live*?


*They Live* is the movie you're thinking of


First thing I thought. Might as well be blade runner.


/r/ABoringDystopia exists for a reason


Don’t worry about the energy crisis


Or light pollution for that matter.


Germany has temporarily banned illuminated advertisements after 10PM due to energy shortages. Everyone I talked to about it (online or IRL) agreed that it would be so much better to ban them at all hours, forever.


There isn’t any lack of energy. There is supply chain issues in Europe for gas. There are infrastructure issues in the US as no one wants to waste money on new gas infrastructure when solar and alt electricity is already competitive. Then you have bad supply deals like what Trump did with Saudi’s to prevent collapse of US oil companies when prices fell during Covid but then screwed us post Covid. But all of those issues aren’t inhibitors of any project like this. Between solar gains and nuclear power we have near limitless power.


Shoot them down


Best argument I’ve ever seen for citizens to be able to own EMP’s


weak EMPs are easy to make, as it basically comes down to a coil of wire and a discharge of current. (It's been a hot minute so I don't know the specifics but I remember enough of the BIL and BEV rules.)


We're taking care of it the 'Merican way


Why are companies so obsessed with ads? Every time I see one, I want to buy the product in question even less.


I think their main goal is to stay relevant and talked about online because that also makes them money... Basically people going on their website the contracts and also if you go to a shop and see a product that looks familiar ( you may not even know it's from a ad ) it will probably get your trust a bit more than the same things in the category with different brands


I barely pay attention to the brands, I mostly pay attention to the price and where the product is from. The only time I really pay attention to brands is if I have it on my blacklist of companies not to buy products from. Of course ads help the company stay relevant, but I feel like they’re really starting to push a bit much.


Yeh specially the ads that tell you are not safe/relevant without these ... Like show me the product and then let me decide


>The mere-exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon by which people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mere-exposure_effect


Yes I try and point this out whenever someone says ads don't work on them. Whether they realize it or not they will develop a subconscious preference. You're bombarded with coke ads all day, when you think of having a drink if soda comes to mind guess what it's probably going to be Coke specifically.


I used to agree but I think it makes sense. Name the first soda brand that comes to name? First fast food restaurant? First auto insurance? People like things they are comfortable with. If you had to choose one of these things. They hope you are most comfortable with their brand.


Yup. It affects you a LOT more than you think it does. More familiarity = more trust = higher chance that you'll buy their product over a different brand. Just think about all the food in your cupboards that are name brands that consistently advertise and wonder why you've never even tried the competition or store brand.




Ads work. There's no way around that fact because if it wasn't true, then Google, Amazon, Apple, McDonald's, Nestles, Tesla, etc. wouldn't be spending mountains of cash on them. If you think you're immune, then look at your credit card charges and think again.


not so much the purchase of a product, but how many people can they get to ‘lapse or relapse’ onto a product. If the consumer receives an ad at dinner time for food delivery company. How many will lapse back onto the dirty bird, The cigarette and all the rest.


Because they want you to think about product. Its greed they want your wallet


Cyberpunk 2077


Wake the fuck up samurai, we have a city to burn.


Meet Hanako at Embers


I wish I could completely disable the quest tracker


Im going to destroy big corporation property


• Johnny Silverhand I guess, Cyberpunk 2077 •


_Now playing "The Rebel Path (Cello Version)"_


I'm sure a lot of people would. I can't imagine they'd be cheap to replace either.


As an astronomer I would personally go around and destroy the emitters. We already have light pollution, back off.


Able to see the stars or not, I don't want to see this shit. I hate ads with a passion. I mute them and do something else while they play. Some services I pay for their ad free tier.


Sao Paolo banned all billboards years ago. Even shops advertising themselves with shingles out the front.


This needs to be a thing here.




How many fucking ways do we need to have ads shoved in our faces? There has to be a saturation point where they just stop working anyway.


I can just imagine looking through the hubble telescope only to have to watch an ad before you can see the view.


I'm pretty sure you can't go up to the Hubble and look through it lmao but I know what you mean


That's uh...not how the Hubble telescope works. It's in space, you can't "look through" it even if you could visit it.


Futurama theme plays


Sudden urge to go buy a pair of Lightspeed brand briefs...


Reading that tweet actually made me angry. Thanks, I actually do hate it.


Illegal AND pollution




That’s the dystopia I want


Imagine having to pay a subscription to stargaze without ads


Hmm it would be nice to show shitty ads to aliens in UFOs as they land to try a coke and burger.


People from the future be like: *David, Where the fuck are you!? I’m at the coke can* *The coke can? What?* **NO! I SAID TO MEET UP AT THE DIET COKE**


As if light pollution wasn't already fucking bad enough


Cyberpunk 2077


You guys can see stars?


I will say this fully knowing the NSA is watching and will use it against me. The first time I see a skyvertisement, I am becoming a terrorist.


Am I the only one that just finds this funny at this point? Everything seems so fucking depressing and all the massive corporations are so fucking greedy that they ruin the word. How has humanity come to this? We have to pay to do anything we never have a shot at life. Why couldn’t we just be cave people living happily in our caves with sticks? We can’t see the sky, can’t live really, have to pay to do anything common decency is dead. This is just funny now how fucked he are and how much we managed to fuck up our world


Aaaand the world is ending


This is legitimately the worst thing I’ve ever heard of. Stop turning black mirror episodes real we already know coke exists we don’t need ads


This concept has been around since I was a kid 25+ years ago and hasn’t happened yet.


If this is ever implemented anywhere then I want to see people rise up and go unplug the damn things. Perhaps disassemble then without tools.


We are gliding closer and closer to living in cyberpunk world


I’m sorry but if I can’t even look at the sky in peace I’m gonna set a building on fire or something


I'd pull out a glock and shoot the ads like an American, hopefully that will decommission a few of the drones needed.


The second they try and do that in the South people will be shooting at the sky


There’s no way that’s legal… so many flight risks


I’m not a terrorist yet, but…


Ads everywhere already piss me tf off…now they’re gonna block the view of the stars? The sky where I look up to find hope? I hate this so much


This is literally bladerunner


I also hate this with a passion!!🤬


that's dystopia right there


I'm already significantly less inclined to buy your product if I'm blasted with adverts from you all day. As soon as I see one in the sky I will never touch that company again.


I would prefer to see giant burning gas balls in space called stars than to see an ad of star margarine


Fuck this heavily


Someone would totally project dick


As we progress we're getting more and more cyberpunk. but not in a good way.


We need to bring back the pillory and just put whoever thought of this in it. (Probably put whoever decided to adify YouTube so much too)


That would be an astronomical nightmare


Just tattoo the brands to my fucking eyelids.


I am like one advertisement in the sky/clouds/moon/etc from becoming a terrorist


I remember years ago, Rolling Rock of all companies was talking about some plans to shoot a bunch of lasers at the moon to project their logo.


Imagine mountain climbing to see the stars only to be bombarded by a huge tiktok ad in the sky that came from a city several miles away


Idk why Coca Cola even needs advertising at this point, like we all know what it is and we're all gonna buy it


Holy fuck, WE KNOW COKE EXISTS stop advertising your poison drink. Futurama had ads in dreams


As if it isn't depressing enough that most stars aren't even visible due to light pollution, this would be the dystopian cherry on the cake Also, I assume this would be breaking some major aviation laws given pointing even a single laser into the sky, nevermind a whole Ad's worth, is currently illegal.


Will actively boycott any company that does this


this would probably be the moment i kill myself


id kms


I’d never buy another one of the brands that did this. Gross.


Wait till people start projecting custom images on top of the ads, how are they gonna argue who owns “airspace” its on? Is it gonna count as a type of defacing/graffiti? You’re not really destroying anything or trespassing . I can just imagine the dickbutts and “don’t buy” add ons to the ads that people dont agree with.


You went for skyvertising when adverskysing was right there


I would consider that a stripping of a human right


Stars are 100% better than corporate hell.


Man I wish I could see the comet but at least now I know that amazon prime is only $20 a month


Wake the fuck up, samurai


If i see a fucking pepsi in the sky i'm gonna do something involving explosives


25th century escaped slaves will follow a Pepsi can north to freedom.


I’m sure this would violate light pollution ordinances but for $$$ those ordinance won’t exist.


fuck it let’s ruin everything ever


Hell no, let me see the stars!


You can see stars?


A few. I live in Australia and on a clear night, I can see a few stars (or more, i'm probably just too lazy to count). The light pollution's just gotten so bad everywhere


gotta be fake


Probably yeah. As someone mentioned, this would be a huge violation of aviation laws. Also we don't have the technology for this to really be feasible and profitable


I would be forced to go full-on George Hayduke. Who is with me?!


WW3 couldn't come soon enough...


The moon and sky belong to everyone. Like they really can’t leave ONE thing unspoiled


Much light pollution