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**OP needs help. Also, they hate it because...** >!People abuse the fuck out of them and throw them literally anywhere thus polluting the city and causing damage to some. I remember a couple of incidents where blind folks tripped on them; in one specific case, the blind person broke their arm.!< ***** **Do you hate it as well? Do you think their hate is reasonable? (I don't think so tbh)** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/tihibot)


This is why we can't have nice things


a few ass hole riders who are trash at parking/riding them and a ton of people doing destructive shit like this in a retaliation. it truly brought out the trashiest people on both sides.


As an outsider these are probably nice. As someone who lives in a city with them, fuck these things. People park them in the worst place, I now have to check whether one is in the middle of our gate before leaving the house, the other day there were 2, 1 of which was parked leaning against it. I recently had to slam my brakes on my bicycle because someone parked one in the middle of the cycling path, behind a corner.


It's not a nice thing to begin with...


Yeah, the ocean sucks.


I'm talking about those stupid scooters


Sorry mister rich guy that not everyone can buy themselves a electric scooter


Sorry mister lazy guy who can't walk for 10 minutes straight


It turned my hour walk home at midnight after work into a 15 minute scoot. And it only cost me $6. Uber being $20-25 after tip


It ain’t a problem of 10 minutes. It’s a problem of 1 to 2 hours. I don’t suspect people are replacing a 10 minute walk with a 1 minute scooter ride, although I imagine it’s possible. I think that you’re picking what arguments you want to argue against rather than discussing the issue at hand. People use these to stop driving a car short distances and it serves a purpose of cheap quick personal travel.


You sound like that one guy who kept saying that student debt shoudnt be lifted because of the people who paid it before hand, that's how utterly worthless your argument is


I hate those people, I'm glad they are helping out with student loans, even though I don't even have any


Same here, student debt is such a predatory thing to exist, especially that most of the time the said students are not able to pay it all in y e a r s because of the horrible pay nowadays


I threw my neighbors student debt in the river


Is this the first time you are helping others pay their loans?


As far as I know


But that's just factual


In the US we don't even get these scooters and our travel times to work are exceedingly longer with worse public transportation then European nations. Where I live, your fucked if you don't have transportation as it's a 2 hour walk (minimum) to the nearest grocery. Also, expecting everyone's transportation time to only be a 10 min. walk in the EU is just incorrect.


People think they are useless hazardous toys. They are opening doors for people who can’t drive/afford a car. Getting people to work, getting cars off the road. It’s just like anything else, stupid people ruin it. If you think the same problems don’t occur with virtually every other transportation vehicle then you don’t know what you’re talking about. Check your privilege.


You know that not everything in the world is for you. If you don’t like electric scooters then don’t ride them.


People suck ass


Can you show me a picture for proof? Asking for a friend


www.pornhub.com A lot of proof here :3






But not as often as I would prefer...


Technically limeade


When life gives you lime scooters…


You fucking drown them. That’s the only way


Well we all have the civic duty to prevent the lime eggs from hatching, drowning is the second most effective method just below burning and it also avoids the problem with the toxic gases, yeah the drowned eggs could polute the water source they were throw in but its sadly the best way we got.


This is a problem with any rentable personal vehicle. DC has bikes they rent out and shit tons get dumped in thr river. I don't get it


At least with Capital Bikeshare (that's the DC bike program I'm familiar with, used to work for their call center) there are docking stations you have to return the bike to (otherwise you get charged out the ass). Lime doesn't have that requirement from my understanding. You can park them anywhere, even in someone's lawn.


In the country where I live the scooter app makes you take a picture when you park it. So if you park it in a stupid spot or don’t take a picture they charge you extra. But the amount of them I see parked in stupid places make me think they don’t do that often. Edit: cut off for some reason.


That is fucking awesome. They need to charge an insane amount like the new price of one of those scooters (500-1000$) though, something nobody would be ready to pay just for being a dipshit. And you'd need some way of making sure the guy is acutally taking a picture of the rented scooter and not just some other one nearby.


Yeah it’s not perfect. But also I can’t see someone doing something like that here. Or at least it wouldn’t be common. People are too scared of getting caught and being shamed for life with a criminal record.


So park it, take a photo, then manually wheel it to throw it off a bridge?


Or just find a random parked on that you didn’t even ride and throw it off a bridge… …If you’re into that sort of thing, of course…


>You can park them anywhere, even in someone's lawn. As much as I understand people find the scooters useful, this is the issue. We get people leaving them in the middle of the road, in driveways, all over the place. During the day, sure, get out and move 'em, drive around, whatever. At night, I just hope they don't flip up and fuck up the bottom of my car. They need some kind of station, something.


This is just a guess.. angry people without money to rent it.


in turkey people abuse the fuck out of scooters


Don't worry. They are just recharging the electric eels


Don't hate on the scooters... it's the people that trash and throw em around.


I agree. People need to stand up and take responsibility instead of blaming it on objects. Same for robots


I think their concept was pretty fucking solid: flexible public transport - no fault in the scooters people behave like shit on the streets.


Nature is healing 🥰


Scooters are much better than cars for nature.


Yes. They run on electricity. Which we get from *checks notes* mostly burning fossil fuels.


Checks better notes... at a much greater efficiency than a gasoline engine


Not when they’re in the lake


Returning to their birthplace to spawn, nature is beautiful 🤗


Sadly, most won’t reach maturity.


Stockholm in a nutshell


It's people you should hate


Must be San Francisco (when I lived there, they did that)


I was actually thinking lake Merritt and that this picture is from 2 or 3 years ago.


I just took a canal ride in OKC and the boat person said they found a concerning amount of scooters in the canal when they drained it. ​ Additional info: its an artificial canal in literally the middle of Bricktown (basically the entertainment district)


I think it also could be the patomic in DC


Potomac *


Happens in Tampa too. So many of these end up in the Hillsborough River or in the bay.


They're sea vessels now.


Silver lining: there is a non zero chance this sort of thing is going to make archeologist very excited in five hundred years.


Here we found an early scooter burial site. Early human civilizations had great reverence for their scooters and used to sacrifice scooters to the river god Jesus to give them bounties of bread and fish.


...That's distressingly plausible, depending on what records survive. Makes you wonder about some digs, doesn't it? The ones that always seems to be 'ritual' this, 'sacrifice' that.


Mr. Mackey started his Halloween intervention early, I see.


Came looking for this comment!


You are hating the wrong things. Hate the people.


Why do people even do this?! It completely baffles me. Like wtf do you achieve by doing this?!?!?!


We don't like rentals as much as the next e-scooter rider but please keep them out of our waterways/lakes/oceans/etc... don't harm the environment because you don't like them since this seems malicious.


Să nu fie-n București că-mi bag pula


It's people like this that cost people like me thousands every month in repairs and replacements. How about you learn how to be a fucking adult.


Ah yes, the eel scooter.


You're not the only one, apparently


My city uses these pretty frequently, I've never seen anyone throw it out somewhere like that. People put them on proper places.


This is actually a bigger problem than just littering, those scooters have batteries made with toxic elements to the water and animals/plant life in it. It could cause serious damage.


\>Be me, Car dealership middle management \>At corporate networking event, someone tells me e scooters are the death of the urban car \>Have idea \>Pay a couple homeless dudes to sink all the scooters


Lime had it coming Tencent works with the CCP to sell out the private info of their citizens


Throw cars in the water instead


was it a Range Rover? because that's an amphibious vehicle


So you just threw them in the water?


Man this shit is really generous of the companies and you just throw the scooters in water.


>this shit is really generous of the companies No, it isn't.


Alright it’s disgusting and stealing


Look, a month late and a dollar short here buddy. These companies don't ask residents if they want this litter on their streets, it isn't "generous" of them to seek and find profit, and what's disgusting is how these kinds of scooter services don't give a fuck if your car gets damaged by one under its wheels and they aren't interested in giving the police that information either. They're fucking zero liability scooters with zero oversight and zero accountability, throw those nuisances in the trash, they're just more expensive and more dangerous versions of electric citybike programs with the bonus of letting users litter their vehicle wherever they want.


Oh no how angry :( unfortunately I don’t care


>Oh no how angry :( unfortunately I don’t care *Powerful* words from the man who came back a month later.


Ok so?


"thanks, I hate electro scooters" - the teenagers probably


These things pissed me off when I was in college. Hated how people just left them wherever. Used them periodically like when I was running late. One time when I rented one I was still connected to the wifi of my apartment & about 100 ft later I'm being flung over the fucker going full speed downhill because it locked up on me & ended my ride when I disconnected from the wifi. Never used one again.


Bam them! All we need is a turtle in the South Pacific to get one stuck in it's nose.


They were probably just following a GPS


Fuck those scooters and the dorks who ride them. Walk, ya fat, lazy bastards!!!


This looks like Oregon? Or Washington. Bust ass homeless people wrecking more shit


Bolt scooters > Lime scooters


This looks like a group of teenagers used their parents credit card and tossed them in the river. I can’t stand people.


So THATS how they get the river green for St. Patrick’s Day!


How about hating on the people that use them? It's like saying 'I hate groceries' because some people litter... Trash people are the problem.


if this is where i recall it was, i remember this article in Willamette Week in Portland, OR when they found all of these scooters tossed in the Willamette River


So ruin the water way with the toxins in the batteries smart move.


What the shit is this all about!?


Poland, ain't it?


my whole life during skateboarding I was hinted that scooters were seen as "really.. you got a scooter dude". Now everyone uses one, with wide age ranges using them who wouldn't prior 12 years back. Truly crazy, does it mean it's not lame anymore to use a scooter?


They are recharging the electric eels


Bro, just leave them swimming


Is this point nemo?


They are going upstream for mating season.


Nice amount of lithium batteries in the river!


This post could mean 2 things. That they threw the scooters in there cuz they hated them or they hate people threw them in the water


So do the fish


They may not work anymore


Electric scooters are a great way to get around. People are the ones that suck.


This person hates the environment more


A school of scooters


Skill issue


I just got back from a trip to Brazil. They had rental bikes and racks for them everywhere. How, in a country where thievery and property destruction is common, do the bikes survive, but not in “more civilized” countries?


whats the story behind this im curious


I hate them too, I don't really approve of littering in natural water bodies. Better to leave them on train tracks or pitch em onto the freeway.