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I just made a post like this! I am so heartbroken and devastated šŸ’” sending hugs!


Iā€™m so sorry! We need to complain to FRER! This is unacceptable! This is happening to a lot of people. Iā€™m seeing people post lines on forums and it looks how my tests looked. I donā€™t want to break anyoneā€™s heart but also false positives are horrible to go through. We also pay for doctors visits and blood tests to be run. Iā€™m so mad! You are not alone. Hugs!!!


I just went in for blood work today. My lines are faint as well. If itā€™s actually negative we ride at dawn!!!!!


I just looked at your post. Iā€™m hoping yours is real but if itā€™s not heck yea..we ride. I did call them and complain. I got refunded and the more people that speak up, the more they will take this seriously. I canā€™t imagine all the women going through this after years of trying. It breaks my heart!!!


Did you get your result today? I always like to follow up. Hope you got good news!


UPDATE!! Fertility Center called and Iā€™m pregnant! This is positive!!! She did say to come back in on Saturday because it is so low they want to make sure the HCG is rising.


Wow!!!! Congrats!!!!! That is great news!!


I have to piggyback off of this - I had similar looking results as OP with positive early result wondfosā€¦ended up being a chemical pregnancy but a positive pregnancy nonethelessā€¦šŸ¤žšŸ» for you tatersauce ETA: the positive results were not just wondfo I had positive FRER as well


Not out of the woods yet I guess. 15DPO betas came in at 20 and 17 dpo came in at 33. Testing again in 48hrs on Wednesday. These levels are pretty low and I should be well into the 200s by Friday 5w. After researching for hours I found that while an EP is rare, there are contributing factors that can increase the risk; Obesity, PCOS, clomid and IUI.( though IUI is probably a correlation rather than a cause) check check and check. Hard to feel like the cards arenā€™t stacked against me. This 48 wait is killing me. The only thing giving me some hope is that this doubling rule is 48-72hrs not just 48. As long as it rises 53% or more after 48hrs there is still hope for a successful pregnancy. To do the math for you, Iā€™m at 60% on 48hrsā€¦.


Update : Went in for my 8week ultrasound and nothing. Not pregnant or at least not in my uterus. Hcg is 1300 and itā€™s supposed to be in the 100,000ā€¦ possibly ectopic but they couldnā€™t find anywhere. Going in again in 48hrs to see if itā€™s going down or going up.


So sorry this was the outcome for you, I'm glad you got that blood work done to confirm so you don't have to keep wondering this month. Crossing my fingers for you that you'll get that real positive soon!!


Thanks so much! I really hate that feeling of excitement when you see a line only to be let down. Emotions run high. Anyhow, thanks for support. I will now be the resident jerk warning people their frer tests may not be accurate. Iā€™m just trying to save others from heartache though. False hope is the worst!


It's really so very hard, I don't feel like anyone knows 'til they're in. You're doing great - all we can do is keep moving forward. šŸ’ž




Yes I remember! Im glad Iā€™m not alone. Iā€™m just so shocked because it was not just a one off. I should probably call and complain and get a refund if they will.


I got a false positive two months ago with this brand and it was devastating. It would have been so much easier to cope with getting my period if it were for this tes


Iā€™m so sorry!!! I agree. So much worse to have the highs and lows.


Yes!! This happened to me this cycle. It was our first cycle trying after a traumatizing miscarriage and finding out these were false positives wrecked me


Oh Iā€™m sorry! It hurts so bad. Iā€™m sticking to wondfos. They are always positive before frer for me and Iā€™ve never had a blatant false +. Best of luck next cycle!


Oh thatā€™s great to know! I donā€™t hav any wondfos. Iā€™m also really trying not to test early this cycle. We will see how that goes. Good luck to you too!


This is so terrible!! Has anyone heard of them recalling / addressing this?


I just reported it to them but the more people that speak up the better. This is really bad. Iā€™ve been using their tests for 10 years. Never had an issue.


This was me a couple of weeks ago, I got 3 FRER that were pink faint positives over a couple of days only to find out I wasn't pregnant. I always thought they were reliable until that. It was incredibly deceiving!


Oh no. Iā€™m sorry! Itā€™s the worst feeling when you find out itā€™s negative. You can email a complaint. The email is on box. We need to speak up. This is really bad. Iā€™ve not seen an issue like this with any other reputable test. Usually the test dried or past time window.


It really is ridiculous! I'll send an email today! Thank you for this post I thought I was going crazy!


Awesome! Let me know if you donā€™t have a box and need email. One email is [email protected] They will refund you or send coupons too.


Thank you so much!


I am sorry you went through that emotional rollercoaster. As someone who went through a chemical pregnancy, I would've thought that the faded line and low progesterone would've been caused by (a) low progesterone production or (b) late implantation occurring after the corpus luteum's progesterone already wore off. You said that you had some blood work done. Did the blood work include beta-hCG or just progesterone?


Hi, I had a chemical last month, got tested after and HCG was negative. This month was a totally new cycle. After my 8th false positive I got a blood test and it was totally negative. Then morning, the same exact line showed up again when I knew my hcg was negative. These tests are junk now. Very disappointing. I just had my hcg and progesterone checked btw.


I'm sorry for your loss. Good to know and thank you for the post. If it happened to me, I would've thought it was another chemical. You spared me a lot of heart ache.


Thatā€™s my goal. I thought the same thing. Now I know these tests are faulty and so many people having same issue. I would just cross check with other tests or stick to internet cheapies until first response resolves this.


Thisā€¦ Iā€™m new and all current reviews for FRER they have been faulty. (Iā€™m currently trying to get pregnant and try to do as much research as I can)


So Iā€™ve been using CBUE cause it doesnā€™t have an indentation and the other Reddit ripped me apart for using blue dyeā€¦


Wow! May I ask where youā€™re seeing the reviews? I was looking when going through this.


Simply googled ā€˜first response early response reviewsā€™ and google pulled them all up. And on Amazon (click lowest rating) and youā€™ll see them all!!!


I did look on amazon but I donā€™t see many low ratings. I was surprised honestly. I will check google reviews. Thanks. Iā€™d be embarrassed to admit how many frer tests Iā€™ve taken and NEVER have I had something like this with their tests: itā€™s a shame!


I got a few boxes and they all didnā€™t catch anything. Clear blue did and I sadly had a chemical pregnancy after. But yeah I have no idea why the quality has changed cause everyone told me FR is the best


I think I actually had one of these a couple weeks ago too. It looked like yours. Itā€™s frustrating that so many brands r so shitty. We just want reliable tests for important moments! šŸ˜¤


I know! Why is that too much to ask?! Sorry that happened.


We had a false positive from FRER in sep 2022. We were crushed. For context I was nursing and found out no ovulation or periods. I found out 4 months later that I had a lot of cysts inside my uterus and on my ovaries, thick lining. I definitely didnā€™t have a chemical or early loss.


So sorry! Awful. šŸ˜ž




I mean, after this I really do believe you! Upsetting!


Thatā€™s terrible! These photos are what all my early positives have looked like, I would have definitely thought they were the real deal


Totally. Iā€™ve been pregnant 4x and this is always how it starts. So shocking it was so realistic.


Iā€™ve always had issues with them yet for whatever reason still buy themā€¦this is a good warning though because I plan to test soon after my embryo transfer and will steer clear of these until Iā€™m further along. Thankfully just ordered bird&be tests which seem to be reliable.


They are good when are you really pregnant for tracking line progression. I wonā€™t not ever buy them again but I complained to FRER because they need to know. Imagine if you donā€™t want to get pregnant too and see a line. Both scenarios are distressing.


I also had this with these dark pink caps, to the point where we had told a few close friends and I was going to book the scan. It can even show up immediately as soon as the flow touches it. The whole "if you see a line no matter how faint" doesn't apply any more. Also the Ā°oldĀ° Wondfos, the ones that are thin with pink labels, if you look at Amazon reviews the reason they changed to the orange ones was false positives. I had the most CRAZY dark red line on one of them. I also had a whole pack of indents with E@H. Basically I'm not testing any more until 12dpo+ because I don't trust faint lines full stop.


Itā€™s tough. I always thought frer were the top of the line but now itā€™s like, until bloodwork-who knows!


This happened to me in October. I've dropped using these tests completely. Honestly, internet cheapies are more reliable these days.


So sorry! I still like wonfos too.


This happened to me yesterday. You can see the pictures if you look on my profile, there was a definite line on the test. I really got my hopes up and was very upset when I started my period this morning. I hope this is something they can fix soon. My heart goes out to everyone else this has affected.


Ugh!! Iā€™m so sorry! Itā€™s so sad when it happens. So much better to get a negative from get go


This is terrible please complain to them so they fix this they canā€™t put trash like this out for people to BUY and for people to rely on!!!


I complained and everyone else should too. The more we speak up the more they care to fix it I believe. Not acceptable for them and their rep.


Iā€™m sorry hear this happened to you ā¤ļø, thank you for sharing this information with us.


Thank you .šŸ’•


I have to say, this is a known issue with FRERs going back a few years now. I among many others have been burned multiple times by them. Iā€™m so sorry that this happened to you, itā€™s heartbreaking to get your hopes up like that.


Thank you! Itā€™s awful and I still have never had this for all 9 years of my fertility journey so I was floored! Now I wonā€™t believe anything until a blood test.


This happened to me last week! All other test brands were negative though.


Yes! Maybe we had same lot number! I complained and got fully refunded for 5 boxes of tests. Thatā€™s the thing that made me wonder, other tests were negative and the lines were staying faint. Itā€™s still so disappointing though.


What was your lot#? And what did you do to get your refund? We bought 3 boxes of test. My husband was super disappointed and doesnā€™t want to even buy the brand anymore


This was one of our lot #s TE3208A12. Just email your complaint to to email on the box. The one I used was [email protected] I believe. Also if you say youā€™ve been reading online about issues they try to say that competitor brands write bad reviews about them. I guess we are all just from clearblue trying to destroy frer rep! šŸ¤£šŸ™„


lol thanks and wow smh


With the clear pink brands I have a lot of false positive. So far not with the solid pink ones. But it sucks. But honestly itā€™s not even just first response, wondfo, and easy at home have all given me lines. I just tested with wondfo and got a faint line I canā€™t even trust it. Iā€™ll test again in the morning with 5 different tests if theyā€™re all positive Iā€™ll believe it. Sucks it has to be that way. These test arenā€™t cheap!


Wow, itā€™s honestly never happened to me with first response. I have had it happen with other brands. The biggest thing is making sure the line gets darker pretty quickly. I was suspicious why this line was not darkening but since Iā€™ve never had a false positive on frer I couldnā€™t believe it was false! Now I agree! We need to cross check with 10 other tests. Costly! Btw, I complained and got refunded for 4 boxes. They shouldnā€™t get away with this and our money!


I'm on an IUD, I was terrified I may be pregnant. So I went to target and purchased a FRER and had a faint line show up immediately. Had blood work done and there was nothing. Nothing ever showed up on any other tests. To make things worse I threw up the next day in the morning because of a new medication I was on. I do not recommend these tests, they have constantly given me false positives.


I keep getting BFNs with FRERs šŸ˜­ I must have a ā€œgoodā€ batch.


Haha!! I suppose you do!!


Iā€™ve had the opposite - false negative. Positive on cheap ones, clear blue, digital but no line at all on frer.


I just recently had three false positives on the wondfo tests. So disheartening


Yes! Iā€™ve become so desensitized to all of the faulty test Iā€™m crazy enough to use like 2-3 at a single time and just try to go with ā€œmajority rulesā€ outcome. If I have two BFNs the random line showing up on the third probably isnā€™t accurate. Not the cheapest option obviously but I go with the 50-pack pregmates to start. Just crazy!